Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • DoctorLaura
    DoctorLaura Posts: 32 Member
    Checking in. My weight is still exactly the same- 167. While I haven't gained, I am slacking on so many other things. I only worked out 4 times this week, which is fine, but usually I do some sort of exercise 6 days a week. I would be happy continuing with 4 days a week, but I fear that I am starting to backslide and, pretty soon, won't be working out at all. Must refocus on my fitness goals this week. I made some really unhealthy choices this weekend, which is a normal thing for me. I'm good during the week and slack on the weekend. Now, however, the lack of fruits and veggies and addition of fat and cholesterol could be (is) affecting the little one. Part of the problem is that I'm finding it hard to keep produce stocked in the house. I just need to make sure I grab a fruit or vegetable with every meal and snack. It's so hard. I'm wondering if I should go buy some of that V8 fruit fusion juice that gives you a serving of each with every glass.

    I know this sounds like a bunch of whining over stuff that I can easily fix. It pretty much is. I just wanted to get this out in the public so that I can be more accountable and get started toward making the change.

    There's a few fixes I use if I find my produce is going bad before I use it. I like to stock up on things like unsweetened apple sauce or dried natural fruit (cranberries, raisins, apricots, mangos, banana chips, etc). Frozen fruit is also a good idea and you can throw a bunch into a blender with some juice or milk for a quick smoothie or toss a few frozen berries on top of yogurt for a snack in the afternoon. I also find it helps to just buy only a couple different fresh fruits/veggies at a time (unless you have an immediate use for them) You may have to shop a little more often but the dried/fozen/packaged kinds can tide you over until you get to the store.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Checking in....the bleeding stopped on
    Friday. I was really starting to get scared
    I got my blood tested again and I should
    have the results today. I still feel very PG
    especially over the weekend does M/S
    include major bloating I've felt a little
    queasy throughout the day but not enough
    to stop me from regular daily activities
    but the bloating is insane. I'm a big spicy food
    eater normally but it seems like lately I can't handle
    anything spicy and my breast are very tender.

    I've noticed also that i wake up so many times
    during the night now. I usually sleep throughout
    the night. That has to be a part of PG.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh boy (or girl! :wink:), my m/s is suddenly worse today than it has been for the last week.
    I'm usually hardly nauseous at all until about 3pm but I went to bed feeling sick last night and today I woke up feeling sick. I've even been on the verge of gagging a couple times and it's only 1pm. I have absolutely no appetite which is SOOOOO unlike me. :tongue: I had a tbs of peanut butter on a slice of bread for breakfast and a protein bar for lunch and right now I'm starting to feel like even that is more than I can stomach. :laugh:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Little Spy--with my m/s I found that carbs were all I could stomach...Protein and Fiber even vegies were nauseating. Even now if I have too much protein or Fiber or both I find that I feel sick--just like nothing is moving through me. PG does slow down your digestive system so I am sure that has a lot to do with it...Just eat what sounds good--don't force yourself to eat anything or you will regret it. Your body will take care of the baby first...

    pmaria--I start having very vivd dreams when I am pregnant mostly because I am waking up every two hours. From everything you describe I wouldn't worry. If something was going wrong I would suspect your symptoms would be lessen rather than increase. To be really honest all those symptoms comfort me, in fact when I started feeling better at 14 weeks, I was more worried than when I wasn't feeling good...:wink:

    Take care all!
  • DoctorLaura
    DoctorLaura Posts: 32 Member
    Checking in....the bleeding stopped on
    Friday. I was really starting to get scared
    I got my blood tested again and I should
    have the results today. I still feel very PG
    especially over the weekend does M/S
    include major bloating I've felt a little
    queasy throughout the day but not enough
    to stop me from regular daily activities
    but the bloating is insane. I'm a big spicy food
    eater normally but it seems like lately I can't handle
    anything spicy and my breast are very tender.

    I've noticed also that i wake up so many times
    during the night now. I usually sleep throughout
    the night. That has to be a part of PG.

    I had some spotting early on too, so I know how scary that can be. The best thing to do it rest and stay de-stressed (as much as you can). Everything you're experiencing sounds a lot like where I was at 6-7 weeks--I had VERY sore breasts and I couldn't sleep worth a darn, and I'm normally a very sound sleeper.

    I had a really hard time believing I was pregnant until I saw the baby on my 10 wk ultrasound. I was especially nervous because they did an US at 6 weeks when I had been spotting and said they didn't see anything. They tried to say "maybe you have your dates wrong, because at 6 weeks we should see something."--definately NOT what a first time mom wants to hear! Turns out my dates were right all along and eveything has been going well since.

    I hope everything turns out good for you, the first few weeks can be so tough, mostly because of the not-knowing. But try to be patient and keep taking good care of yourself. All the best! :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Looks like I have quite a bit of catching up to do! Last Monday I exercised and that evening the dreaded stomach flu hit my oldest daughter and me. So it hit all of us in this household. YUCK! We are so fortunate that it was last week and not this week.

    I got my 6 miles in this morning and it felt great to be back at it. I burned 712 calories today. I will most likely only get two more days in because of company over the holiday.

    I did get the flu shot even though I usually don't. I was surprised to hear them say that my children would need to come back in a month for a second dose since they didn't have the H1N1 flu shot last year and they are all under 9. Has anyone else been told this? I am not going to be taking them back for another round. That is just too much in my opinion.

    My little one is in constant motion it seems like. I can even feel the baby "kicking" when I place my hand on my belly.

    Is anyone letting the sex of their baby be a surprise? My husband and I are not finding out the gender and was curious if anyone else is doing the same. We didn't find out with our first two and with our third we did. I liked the surprise.

    Okay now I have to go back and read more of the posts.

    Have a great evening!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello, just checking in. Weighed myself this morning and I'm still maintaining 180. All day sickness has been taking away a lot of my appetite, but it usually subsides if I can keep down a couple crackers. I've only thrown up once, and I'm very thankful for that!

    The other night I had homemade chicken alfredo for dinner and about an hour later I FELT HUGE, like I had swallowed a basketball that was on fire :laugh: It wasn't really heartburn, it felt like it was down lower in my stomach. Stomach burn? My stomach hurt all night....

    I've been riding my indoor bike, and went for a long walk the other day.

    I will say that my emotions are a little wacked out lately. I cried watching the pedigree commercial with all of the sad animals :cry: it always makes me sad, but this is the first time I've cried. Almost cried when I saw a squirrel ran over on the road :sad: I suppose sad is a nice change for my husband from b*tchy and violent :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Is anyone letting the sex of their baby be a surprise? My husband and I are not finding out the gender and was curious if anyone else is doing the same. We didn't find out with our first two and with our third we did. I liked the surprise.

    Yes, I am going to have it be a surprise. It will be a big surprise when I find out 21 weeks in what it is! :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I do not let people who have no received the flu vaccine to be around my newborn as I feel like getting the shot yourself is a small price to pay to keep a very small baby as healthy as possible.
    I hadn't thought of having my husband get it though since he will be around the baby....... ...something to think about!

    If you breast feed, your baby will receive the equivalent of a vaccination via your immunity passing on to it, so for the flu, do not be too worried about non-vaccinated people being around it, as long as they are not actually in the middle of a flu bought of course :). You might say, well maybe they have a different strain they will pass on, but even if they were vaccinated, anyone (even you) could pass on different strains as you would all be vaccinated against the same strain.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Looks like I have quite a bit of catching up to do! Last Monday I exercised and that evening the dreaded stomach flu hit my oldest daughter and me. So it hit all of us in this household. YUCK! We are so fortunate that it was last week and not this week.

    I got my 6 miles in this morning and it felt great to be back at it. I burned 712 calories today. I will most likely only get two more days in because of company over the holiday.

    I did get the flu shot even though I usually don't. I was surprised to hear them say that my children would need to come back in a month for a second dose since they didn't have the H1N1 flu shot last year and they are all under 9. Has anyone else been told this? I am not going to be taking them back for another round. That is just too much in my opinion.

    My little one is in constant motion it seems like. I can even feel the baby "kicking" when I place my hand on my belly.

    Is anyone letting the sex of their baby be a surprise? My husband and I are not finding out the gender and was curious if anyone else is doing the same. We didn't find out with our first two and with our third we did. I liked the surprise.

    Okay now I have to go back and read more of the posts.

    Have a great evening!

    I was told they get the same dose as adults only 1 time. That is unless this was their first year receiving a flu shot. His pediatrician said it didn't say anything spec. about H1N1. But mine either gets the shot or nasal every year.

    I am also feeling baby big times, started lots at 20 weeks. My little boy and husband could even feel from outside. Yesterday he was killing me kicking during a movie and church. It made it hard to focus.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I was told they get the same dose as adults only 1 time. That is unless this was their first year receiving a flu shot. His pediatrician said it didn't say anything spec. about H1N1. But mine either gets the shot or nasal every year.

    I am also feeling baby big times, started lots at 20 weeks. My little boy and husband could even feel from outside. Yesterday he was killing me kicking during a movie and church. It made it hard to focus.

    Thanks! That is what I have been seeing too. My kids have had the flu vaccine before but did NOT receive the H1N1 shot last year and the lady said "if they have never had the H1N1 vaccine before they need to come back in a month for another round." I was shocked. I took my middle child at a different time and the nurse giving her the flumist said she didn't have to come back. So I have heard two different things from one office. Kind of scary actually.

    Well, I just had to edit this post to add what I just found:

    Special Instructions for Children Being Vaccinated Against Seasonal Flu for the First Time:
    All children 6 months through 8 years of age are recommended to receive 2 doses of 2010-11 flu vaccine 4 or more weeks apart unless they have received: least 1 dose of 2009 H1N1 vaccine last flu season, and least 1 dose of seasonal vaccine prior to the 2009-2010 flu season or 2 doses of 2009-10 seasonal flu vaccine last flu season
    If a child has fulfilled both requirements, they only need 1 dose of the 2010-11 flu vaccine.

    So confusing! Isn't the title for "Children Being Vaccinated Against Seasonal Flu for the First Time." Key words, FIRST TIME. This is not my kids first time for the seasonal flu vaccine, however, they don't meet rules one and two because they didn't get the H1N1 last year. So do they still go get a second dose? Seriously.

    Alrighty enough of that. Anyway . . .

    I know what you mean about it being hard to focus when the baby is kicking. Sometimes I think the little one is telling me to sit up straight and quit slouching because he/she is getting cramped.

    Have a great night!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I have been lurking but I want to be able to find the thread easier so I am going to introduce myself. I am still very tentative since I am scared of miscarriage

    I'm in the same boat! I keep coming on here and thinking, "I will introduce myself today," and then I decide maybe next time. So since I'm very bored at work, I decided it is time!
    I just found out i was pregnant a couple days ago. My husband and I had been ttc for 2 years and had absolutely no luck. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and always wanted a big family and my baby will be 5 years old next month :cry: , which was starting to make me sad. We even started looking into adoption. Well, last week, I had my positive pregnancy test (actually, 3 of them! and a blood test confirmed by our doctor, and another one 3 days later to make sure the numbers were looking good) It's still kind of surreal right now, but I'm super stoked!
    Anyway, I definitely want the support of everyone on here and would love to chat about everything that's going on! I am also very concerned about weight gain. With my son, I went from 150lbs-195 lbs during pregnancy, and then my daughter I went from 140lbs-210lbs! This one I am starting out at a whopping 170! So I really can't afford to be gaining weight like I did with my other kids. I'm hoping that if I deliver below 190 lbs, I'll be happy!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I was told they get the same dose as adults only 1 time. That is unless this was their first year receiving a flu shot. His pediatrician said it didn't say anything spec. about H1N1. But mine either gets the shot or nasal every year.

    I am also feeling baby big times, started lots at 20 weeks. My little boy and husband could even feel from outside. Yesterday he was killing me kicking during a movie and church. It made it hard to focus.

    Thanks! That is what I have been seeing too. My kids have had the flu vaccine before but did NOT receive the H1N1 shot last year and the lady said "if they have never had the H1N1 vaccine before they need to come back in a month for another round." I was shocked. I took my middle child at a different time and the nurse giving her the flumist said she didn't have to come back. So I have heard two different things from one office. Kind of scary actually.

    Well, I just had to edit this post to add what I just found:

    Special Instructions for Children Being Vaccinated Against Seasonal Flu for the First Time:
    All children 6 months through 8 years of age are recommended to receive 2 doses of 2010-11 flu vaccine 4 or more weeks apart unless they have received: least 1 dose of 2009 H1N1 vaccine last flu season, and least 1 dose of seasonal vaccine prior to the 2009-2010 flu season or 2 doses of 2009-10 seasonal flu vaccine last flu season
    If a child has fulfilled both requirements, they only need 1 dose of the 2010-11 flu vaccine.

    So confusing! Isn't the title for "Children Being Vaccinated Against Seasonal Flu for the First Time." Key words, FIRST TIME. This is not my kids first time for the seasonal flu vaccine, however, they don't meet rules one and two because they didn't get the H1N1 last year. So do they still go get a second dose? Seriously.

    Alrighty enough of that. Anyway . . .

    I know what you mean about it being hard to focus when the baby is kicking. Sometimes I think the little one is telling me to sit up straight and quit slouching because he/she is getting cramped.

    Have a great night!
    They met the second rule "at least 1 dose of seasonal vaccine prior to the 2009-2010 flu season" plus it says 1st time so I don't think that means our kids.

    What's even scarier is that the doctor's office doesn't realize the h1n1 is in this years vaccine and they aren't seperate shots, I had to tell a doctor's nurse that. I said, yeah, you can google it, it is 1 of the 3 strains in the flu shot. Scary, very scary.

    So did they give your kids. a .25 dose? That would be a half dose .5 mls is the whole thing. I would find out, if they gave them .5 ml's then don't take them back, if they gave them .25 mls then you will have to take them back to get the full dose.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have been lurking but I want to be able to find the thread easier so I am going to introduce myself. I am still very tentative since I am scared of miscarriage

    I'm in the same boat! I keep coming on here and thinking, "I will introduce myself today," and then I decide maybe next time. So since I'm very bored at work, I decided it is time!
    I just found out i was pregnant a couple days ago. My husband and I had been ttc for 2 years and had absolutely no luck. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and always wanted a big family and my baby will be 5 years old next month :cry: , which was starting to make me sad. We even started looking into adoption. Well, last week, I had my positive pregnancy test (actually, 3 of them! and a blood test confirmed by our doctor, and another one 3 days later to make sure the numbers were looking good) It's still kind of surreal right now, but I'm super stoked!
    Anyway, I definitely want the support of everyone on here and would love to chat about everything that's going on! I am also very concerned about weight gain. With my son, I went from 150lbs-195 lbs during pregnancy, and then my daughter I went from 140lbs-210lbs! This one I am starting out at a whopping 170! So I really can't afford to be gaining weight like I did with my other kids. I'm hoping that if I deliver below 190 lbs, I'll be happy!

    Congratulations. Glad you said hi. Just jump on in on conversations. Sometimes there are 2 to 3 going on at a time. The early stages are so much fun. And even though ya'll have been trying it probably still seems weird. You will do great with your weight, because you are aware of it.
  • AmandaR910
    You will do great with the weight gain!!

    With #1, I started at 181lbs (that's what I get for conceiving RIGHT after the holidays) and ended at 221lbs, gaining 40lbs.
    With #2, I started at 168lbs (my normal weight) and ended at 221lbs, gaining 52lbs.
    With #3, I started at 191lbs (eek!!) and am now at 214lbs, a gain of 23lbs. I have 3 weeks left and am steadily losing about 1lb/week (I hit 227.6lbs this pregnancy lol, so that kicked my butt in gear lol).

    With exactly 3 weeks left, I have gained just under 23lbs this time and I'm super proud.

    I have my calories set to maintenance but I'm still working out (all DR approved and monitored each week).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Is anyone letting the sex of their baby be a surprise? My husband and I are not finding out the gender and was curious if anyone else is doing the same. We didn't find out with our first two and with our third we did. I liked the surprise.

    Yes, I am going to have it be a surprise. It will be a big surprise when I find out 21 weeks in what it is! :laugh:

    :laugh: This is our plan, too.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    They met the second rule "at least 1 dose of seasonal vaccine prior to the 2009-2010 flu season" plus it says 1st time so I don't think that means our kids.

    What's even scarier is that the doctor's office doesn't realize the h1n1 is in this years vaccine and they aren't seperate shots, I had to tell a doctor's nurse that. I said, yeah, you can google it, it is 1 of the 3 strains in the flu shot. Scary, very scary.

    So did they give your kids. a .25 dose? That would be a half dose .5 mls is the whole thing. I would find out, if they gave them .5 ml's then don't take them back, if they gave them .25 mls then you will have to take them back to get the full dose.

    I believe it was the full dose. Although when I took my middle child back it seemed like she had more of the flumist to sniff than my oldest. That is awful that I don't know. I will need to call the office today and check on that. Most likely I will not be taking them back.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I have been lurking but I want to be able to find the thread easier so I am going to introduce myself. I am still very tentative since I am scared of miscarriage

    I'm in the same boat! I keep coming on here and thinking, "I will introduce myself today," and then I decide maybe next time. So since I'm very bored at work, I decided it is time!
    I just found out i was pregnant a couple days ago. My husband and I had been ttc for 2 years and had absolutely no luck. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and always wanted a big family and my baby will be 5 years old next month :cry: , which was starting to make me sad. We even started looking into adoption. Well, last week, I had my positive pregnancy test (actually, 3 of them! and a blood test confirmed by our doctor, and another one 3 days later to make sure the numbers were looking good) It's still kind of surreal right now, but I'm super stoked!
    Anyway, I definitely want the support of everyone on here and would love to chat about everything that's going on! I am also very concerned about weight gain. With my son, I went from 150lbs-195 lbs during pregnancy, and then my daughter I went from 140lbs-210lbs! This one I am starting out at a whopping 170! So I really can't afford to be gaining weight like I did with my other kids. I'm hoping that if I deliver below 190 lbs, I'll be happy!

    Congratulations. Glad you said hi. Just jump on in on conversations. Sometimes there are 2 to 3 going on at a time. The early stages are so much fun. And even though ya'll have been trying it probably still seems weird. You will do great with your weight, because you are aware of it.

    Thank you!!! It seems VERY wierd and I still can't believe it! I find myself much more concerned with this pregnancy than my other two pregnancies just because it was such an emotional couple years trying to get here! But I am going to just do the best I can at being healthy and stress free:smile:
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    You will do great with the weight gain!!

    With #1, I started at 181lbs (that's what I get for conceiving RIGHT after the holidays) and ended at 221lbs, gaining 40lbs.
    With #2, I started at 168lbs (my normal weight) and ended at 221lbs, gaining 52lbs.
    With #3, I started at 191lbs (eek!!) and am now at 214lbs, a gain of 23lbs. I have 3 weeks left and am steadily losing about 1lb/week (I hit 227.6lbs this pregnancy lol, so that kicked my butt in gear lol).

    With exactly 3 weeks left, I have gained just under 23lbs this time and I'm super proud.

    I have my calories set to maintenance but I'm still working out (all DR approved and monitored each week).

    That's awesome! You should definitely be very proud of yourself for how well you did and it's encouraging to me that I can keep my weight gain under control!
    Right now, I just listen to my body and never push too hard, but I figured, If I can keep from gaining a pound untill my 2nd trimester that that's a good start for this pregnancy.... and then I'll go from there
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Right now, I just listen to my body and never push too hard, but I figured, If I can keep from gaining a pound untill my 2nd trimester that that's a good start for this pregnancy.... and then I'll go from there

    I set to maintenance around 8 weeks in but used it more of a guide - ie, if I am hungry and out of calories I still eat. Usually I am stuffed though, probably just because 2000 cals is a big jump up from 1500. I eat my exercise cals too for the most part. Just jumping up my food level made me lose a couple lbs off the top, which was unexpected, since I am in the last 10 and they seem pretty stuck on there. I am almost 12 weeks and though I gained back the 2 lbs I lost, I'm at a break even, if not 1 lower than where I started. I'm fine w/ gaining no weight thus far since I dont think I need to this early and I feel fine. Now, hopefully to keep it up and only put on 5lbs tops of fat stores over the next 6 months! (not 5lbs total weight gain, I know that will be more)