Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • Mamatoabunch
    so, since it looks like I won't be seeing a Dr until well into the 2nd Tri, a few questions I was going to ask maybe you all could answer instead - mainly re exercise.

    I have for going on 3 yrs worked out pretty hard cardio and moderate weights about 3-5 times a week. I was doing P90x when I got pregnant but had to stop around 8 weeks because I just could not keep up that hard.

    I've been doing fine at the gym, but just taking it a little easier since usually I work out between 155 and 175 HR but lately 130-155 feels the same as 165 used to. So, I have no worry about being able to do my cardio and stay within what I feel Ok doing. I don't think the blanket "always stay under 130 HR" applies since I am used to working out and in pretty decent shape - at least not this early on.

    My ?s are mostly about how "they" say you can't do any on your back exercises after 12 weeks because you should not lie on your back. So, flys, abs, bicycles, chest press, etc etc - can I really not do them? Or can I do them and just in moderation and get up slowly when done?

    Also, I'm eating 2000 cals, which is my maintenance level plus eating my exercise cals. At what point should I actually start eating 300 or 500 over maintenance? (I'm about 11 weeks) I only need to gain about 5lbs tops actual fat over the course. I'm not depriving when hungry and usually get at least close to all my cals in. I don't want to overeat just because I think I should be eating more if I don't need to force in those extra cals just because I'm pregnant.

    I am do back exercises until I don't feel comfortable doing them any longer, listening to my own body. At 13+ weeks you need an additional 300 calories per day on top of what you need to maintain your weight. Most important listen to your body, that is more important that what any OB or midwife can tell you. You are the best judge of what you need.

    I do not vaccinate at all and do not get flu shots for myself or children, especially in pregnancy. We have had the flu once in the last 6 years or so, I was expecting my youngest at the time. I was 12 weeks. I felt crummy for two days and bounced right back.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    OK another question - I know what the Dr would say - but opinions on flu shots?

    I'm not huge on vaccinating against everything and it's brother, but I do typically get my toddler old a flu shot and I'm told I should get one this year too.

    It's already going around the school so I think he will bring it home at some point. I have not had the flu in probably 10 yrs, but it's also his first year in school to bring it home. I can't use up all my sick days in one flu bought and don't have anyone to watch him if I do get sick.

    I know the virus mutates and it's somewhat a shot in the dark if I'm even vaccinated against the right strain... it's just sort of hard to get an actual straight answer about them since both sides just want to push their pro-shot or anti-shot agenda and I think a lot of the real facts get lost.

    PS - someone told me the CDC recommends it, and the FDA recommends against it....

    I've never had one, it is doctor recommended, shot only, not nasal (b/c live virus). I am getting one tomorrow though. Only because they expect an increase in H1N1 during flu season and that is more dangerous for pregnant women. If I didn't have a child in school I wouldn't get one, because I don't work and don't have that much public contact. I get my son the vaccine every year and he has never had the flu. My nieces have never had the vaccine and both along with my SIL get the flu every year. I guess it just depends. I've never gotten it and have never had the flu either.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Wow, I feel like I have missed a lot, I guess I have some catching up to do.

    I did get a flu shot, just to be on the safe side. I have never gotten it before, but the thought of dealing with having the flu and being prego at the same time just sounded horrible to me:noway:

    Is anyone having trouble eatting. I am really strugeling to eat more than once or twice a day. Yesterday I had a biscut for breakfast, two small slices of cheese pizza for lunch, and a glass of milk for dinner. I just couldn't eat any more. I know I am not getting enough calories, but I just feel so full all the time. I am at my pre-pregnancy weight again. The doctor told me to try to eat dried fruit or to have a milkshake with fruit each day. Its not that I am throwing up, I just feel SOOOO full all the time. I am never actually hungry.

    I would love any input, suggestions, or advice that you may have.
  • AmandaR910
    Wow, I feel like I have missed a lot, I guess I have some catching up to do.

    I did get a flu shot, just to be on the safe side. I have never gotten it before, but the thought of dealing with having the flu and being prego at the same time just sounded horrible to me:noway:

    Is anyone having trouble eatting. I am really strugeling to eat more than once or twice a day. Yesterday I had a biscut for breakfast, two small slices of cheese pizza for lunch, and a glass of milk for dinner. I just couldn't eat any more. I know I am not getting enough calories, but I just feel so full all the time. I am at my pre-pregnancy weight again. The doctor told me to try to eat dried fruit or to have a milkshake with fruit each day. Its not that I am throwing up, I just feel SOOOO full all the time. I am never actually hungry.

    I would love any input, suggestions, or advice that you may have.

    Try nuts, peanut butter, Boost drinks, or Clif Bars to add calories without a lot of bulk. I lived off Boost chocolate drinks with DD (lost 12lbs in the first 6 weeks).

    Doing good here still, up 23.2lbs for the pregnancy with 3.5 weeks left (down 13.4lbs from my peak pregnancy weight) and hoping to stay under 25lbs gained so looking good for that. 36 week DR appointment on Monday. :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I got the flu shot too. I've never had one before though, but my doctor strongly recommended it. I did research, but basically found what some others have said it was totally sided - either all for it, or all against it, not really discussing the pros and cons.

    I hadn't thought of having my husband get it though since he will be around the baby.......:huh: ...something to think about!

    I think I felt some "bubbles" yesterday, but still haven't felt any noticeable movemetns...I'm waiting very IMpatiently, lol
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I've decided to wait a couple weeks till out of 1st Tri (though they recently changed flu shots to be OK for all trimesters, what's waiting 2 weeks to be sure right? Plus I'll probably have an insurance card by then which will make it easier) and then to ask for the individual dose shots that are Thimerosal "free". (that's the Mercury). You have to call around though to find people who have it. Most get the big vials they double dip into, hence the need for the preservative. Pediatric offices get the single dose units, but they don't treat adults (I think you should be able to get shots at the same time as your kid even if you are an adult rather than have to make 2 separate apts at 2 dif places... but whatever).
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I have been lurking but I want to be able to find the thread easier so I am going to introduce myself. I am still very tentative since I am scared of miscarriage and this is my first pregnancy ever. We are keeping it a secret from a lot of people until Christmas/New Years. (my weight loss goals at the bottom of my signature dont really apply anymore but they are there for apperances).

    I found out 2 weeks ago that I am expecting a surprise baby. I am 7 weeks today. We had our first ultrasound last Tuesday and we got to see the heartbeat. So far everything is going smoothly. I am going to be working very hard to not gain excessive weight during this pregnancy. So far in the 7 weeks I have gone from 201 to 193 and been maintaining there all week.

    2 weeks of morning sickness (nice misnomer if you ask me). Mine kicks in especially at night (lots of bloated/queasy feelings). My eating habits have not been the best the last 2 weeks mainly due to eating what feels appealing (within reason) and what I think will stay down.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    We are keeping it a secret from a lot of people until Christmas/New Years.

    We found out first round around 5 or 6 weeks (via a trip to the ER for a fainting spell - surprise baby!) and this time around 6 weeks (via more traditional and $1300 cheaper method!). Anyway, my husband wanted to tell his grandma right away (i couldn't argue with this) but once you tell Grandma... well, cat's out of the bag! So we told all our immediate family the same day we found out but waited to tell everyone until about 11 or 12 weeks. Except my boss... haven't told her yet... not really looking forward to that one :) It's hard enough putting in a full day's work with a 3 yr old here (I've been doing it since he was 2 weeks old) but with two... i might have to cut my hours. Anyway, off subject!

    PS, this round, I am so sick in the evening too. I don't know if it's just a culmination of a stressful day, but nauseated, headache, exhausted by about 5 daily for the rest of the night. No real sickness this time though, which is nice! I vividly remember last time puking on the side of the interstate during morning rush hour! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm similar to you, mjtwomail. All of my immediate family knows but none of my friends/coworkers do (with the exception of my best friend who's like a sister & was the 2nd person I told after dh).

    I had to tell my supervisor at my part-time job because I wanted to cut down from 2 days a week to 1 day a week there since I haven't been feeling great in the evenings this week (my m/s gets stronger around 3-4pm & stays that way until about 9pm). I don't puke with m/s (not yet, at least) but I feel like crap and the thought of working 2 13 hour days in a row while feeling like that didn't seem fun. She seemed really happy for me. I only work there like 8 hours a week so it's not like me cutting down to 4 hours a week really affects her.

    I'm a lot more nervous to tell my full-time supervisor. I know she's going to be incredibly excited for me but the thing is I plan to go on maternity leave next year and never come back to work (assuming dh can support us with me staying home. Otherwise I'll go back to work & dh will work part-time from home). I'm scared to tell my friends, too. None of them have children and one of the biggest things I have in common with a lot of them is that we're beer snobs. They've already given me funny looks for refusing coffee and beer and I'm totally running out of real-sounding excuses. :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Talking about telling bosses - last time I got a 2nd job around 5 months because my husband was away at school then an over the road internship for the last 4 months (he actually got back like 4 days before i delivered! If they weren't done he wasn't going to be back so we didn't know if he'd make it or not!) so we had no money and i had nothing to do anyway on the weekends. So I worked at Cracker Barrel (since i had worked there 3 times before!) and told them I was looking for temporary but not why. (I did not look preg at all at 5 months) Finally I had to tell them because it was obvious :) but they did not care because I worked 6-8 hr shifts every Sat and Sun for 4 months up until the week before I was due. Looking back, I really don't know how I managed 4 months straight of 7 days a week work from 5-9 months preg! It kept me from being bored out of my mind though with just me and the dogs and one coworker at my other job to keep me company! :)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I got the flu shot too. I've never had one before though, but my doctor strongly recommended it. I did research, but basically found what some others have said it was totally sided - either all for it, or all against it, not really discussing the pros and cons.

    I hadn't thought of having my husband get it though since he will be around the baby.......:huh: ...something to think about!

    I think I felt some "bubbles" yesterday, but still haven't felt any noticeable movemetns...I'm waiting very IMpatiently, lol

    I've been feeling baby since 16 weeks, then he was off and on, now I feel him every day multiple times. But He measured 2 weeks bigger than he is supposed to be, maybe that is why. It feels so funny when they move. Last night I was able to feel him from the outside and could see my stomach move when he jumped. Very exciting.

    I got my flu shot today, first one I've ever had, hoping it has no complications.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    I've been feeling baby since 16 weeks, then he was off and on, now I feel him every day multiple times. But He measured 2 weeks bigger than he is supposed to be, maybe that is why. It feels so funny when they move. Last night I was able to feel him from the outside and could see my stomach move when he jumped. Very exciting.

    I got my flu shot today, first one I've ever had, hoping it has no complications.

    I've been feeling mine for several weeks as well however this morning I got a huge jult. It was a surprise for sure. I think she is still not making enough strong movements for that to be reoccuring yet but soon enough hubby and the boys will get to feel her too. She is quite a wiggle worm and I feel her many times a day.
  • Mamatoabunch

    PS, this round, I am so sick in the evening too. I don't know if it's just a culmination of a stressful day, but nauseated, headache, exhausted by about 5 daily for the rest of the night. No real sickness this time though, which is nice! I vividly remember last time puking on the side of the interstate during morning rush hour! :)

    I am sick in the evening too. Yesterday and today I had a bigger lunch and feel better, not sure if that has anything to do w/ it.
  • AmandaR910
    Just back from the gym, 65 minutes for 542 calories on the treadmill, intervals on both incline and speed.

    Under on the salt and calories as well. :smile:
  • AmandaR910
    My wedding ring fits for the first time in about 7 weeks!!

    I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have never had my wedding ring fit past about 28 weeks!!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My wedding ring fits for the first time in about 7 weeks!!

    I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have never had my wedding ring fit past about 28 weeks!!

    Are you losing weight? I noticed your last one said something about it. Are you trying or is it just coming off? How did you adjust your calories. My doctor is concerned about how fast I have been putting on weight.
  • justinswife
    justinswife Posts: 49 Member
    I would love to join this group. Just found out this week that we are expecting our first. All the tests(and I mean like all 10 of them) have been faint but positive. My period is 2 days late so I am praying this is true! I still want to workout and lose a healthy amount of weight while pregnant. Looking forward to meeting people and learning lots in this group!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I would love to join this group. Just found out this week that we are expecting our first. All the tests(and I mean like all 10 of them) have been faint but positive. My period is 2 days late so I am praying this is true! I still want to workout and lose a healthy amount of weight while pregnant. Looking forward to meeting people and learning lots in this group!

    Congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaR910
    Hit a new record today, 806 calories burned at the gym.

    Unfortunately that did not persuade baby to move out of my pelvis and back up, so I'm quite uncomfortable.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Checking in. My weight is still exactly the same- 167. While I haven't gained, I am slacking on so many other things. I only worked out 4 times this week, which is fine, but usually I do some sort of exercise 6 days a week. I would be happy continuing with 4 days a week, but I fear that I am starting to backslide and, pretty soon, won't be working out at all. Must refocus on my fitness goals this week. I made some really unhealthy choices this weekend, which is a normal thing for me. I'm good during the week and slack on the weekend. Now, however, the lack of fruits and veggies and addition of fat and cholesterol could be (is) affecting the little one. Part of the problem is that I'm finding it hard to keep produce stocked in the house. I just need to make sure I grab a fruit or vegetable with every meal and snack. It's so hard. I'm wondering if I should go buy some of that V8 fruit fusion juice that gives you a serving of each with every glass.

    I know this sounds like a bunch of whining over stuff that I can easily fix. It pretty much is. I just wanted to get this out in the public so that I can be more accountable and get started toward making the change.