Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Well...we are on CD 10 and about ready to start "trying" this month...Hopefully this wil be our month!

    Hope this is your month!
  • AmandaR910
    Good luck this month!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    For about the first time, I'm under on calories, carbs, and sodium on the same day! My carbs are always over it seems. :)

    Very well done!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I'm still considered "obese" at my current weight and I'd love to not ever be more obese than I am now. Of course I have to say I do recognize this is all completely wishful thinking. :laugh:

    really?! I would NOT have guessed that from your photos! You might be able to get away with a net loss or neutral then as total gain is recommended only about 15 lbs - which is basically just the baby and placenta! I've been stuck on the "last 10 lbs" for the past year - so I'm expecting I'll have to gain at least a little but I'm hoping for no more than 20 including baby. I'm also hoping for no Csection this time as I was not even feeling up to exercising last time until months later - which really put a stop on losing the baby weight!

    Yeah, I'm 5'4.25" (lol) and just about 194 pounds right now (I had gotten down to 192 but I'm having a hard time losing more & I'm fluctuating around 192-195). OMG how I would LOVE to be around 175 a few days after the baby is born but I think that's probably unrealistic for me. Especially since I'm already having some tummy discomfort and the only thing that seems to help it is snacking. :embarassed: My cals were around 1900 yesterday which is okay for me but I'd rather eat a couple hundred cals less on days I don't exercise. Please somebody let me know if that sounds unreasonable because this is my first pregnancy and I'm totally lost. I'm the baby of my family (yep, at 26, lol) and I don't have any friends with children so I don't even have experience KNOWING someone during their pregnancy. :indifferent:

    I feel like I have a healthy plan but then again I feel like I'm in no way qualified to decide exactly what's healthy in this situation.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Hi ladies.....I used to be a regular here 2 years ago but have weened myself off MFP to try and just live a normal lifestyle. I had actually been able to keep all the weight off I lost until I went on vacation to L.A and I swear it was the most food I've eaten in my life!!hahaha...I gained back 5 lbs JUST from the trip!!! I did find out right before I left I was pregnant so it did suck to START my pregnancy at 155 vs my 150 I sit happily at. I am worried about gaining too much weight because I have had such issues with food since I've been pregnant, I've had to eat a lot to keep me from feeling sick ALL the time..but i eat little bits, but they are still very dense...I have low iron so i'm trying to bump it up naturally because I'm borderline deficient so trying to up my meat, spinach and cashews...anything I eat to increase that I can stomach!! I found this great calculator because we all know..height/ weight play a big role in what we SHOULD/SHOULDN'T gain so I thought this might be a great tool!! This has really helped mentally for me becase it tells me I am right on track and gaining at a healthy when I worry I try to keep it all in perspective. My sickness JUST dissapeared at 17 weeks so other than prenatal yoga I've done very little exercising which isn't like that, with the eating has been tough...but hopefully now that my ms is finally gone I can get back in to some routine!hahaha..
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies.....I used to be a regular here 2 years ago but have weened myself off MFP to try and just live a normal lifestyle. I had actually been able to keep all the weight off I lost until I went on vacation to L.A and I swear it was the most food I've eaten in my life!!hahaha...I gained back 5 lbs JUST from the trip!!! I did find out right before I left I was pregnant so it did suck to START my pregnancy at 155 vs my 150 I sit happily at. I am worried about gaining too much weight because I have had such issues with food since I've been pregnant, I've had to eat a lot to keep me from feeling sick ALL the time..but i eat little bits, but they are still very dense...I have low iron so i'm trying to bump it up naturally because I'm borderline deficient so trying to up my meat, spinach and cashews...anything I eat to increase that I can stomach!! I found this great calculator because we all know..height/ weight play a big role in what we SHOULD/SHOULDN'T gain so I thought this might be a great tool!! This has really helped mentally for me becase it tells me I am right on track and gaining at a healthy when I worry I try to keep it all in perspective. My sickness JUST dissapeared at 17 weeks so other than prenatal yoga I've done very little exercising which isn't like that, with the eating has been tough...but hopefully now that my ms is finally gone I can get back in to some routine!hahaha..

    Thanks for that site!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    As far as weight gain during pregnancy, I am a firm believer in focusing on nutrients. If you eat your fruits and vegies and whole grains along with good proteins you will be fine. Of course I have a hard time sticking with this but I believe that as long as your baby is getting the proper nutrients then it doesn't matter how much weight you gain or lose. My goal is to focus on eating the right foods instead of the stupid halloween candy.

    I actually exercised a bit this morning. I rode my bike taking my daughter to school. My poor gut got mad at me. I am sure getting a lot of stomach pain easily lately. I guess that is the time of pregnancy that I am in.

    Have a great day everyone! And welcome to the newbies!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    but I believe that as long as your baby is getting the proper nutrients then it doesn't matter how much weight you gain or lose. My goal is to focus on eating the right foods instead of the stupid halloween candy.

    I have been (perhaps) blessed (??) with the disdain for junk food when pregnant. I have not touched my son's Halloween candy all week. Even on Halloween I think I didn't eat a piece the whole time we were out (though I did have 2 hot dogs! :blushing: ) I had a BOGO Blizzard I got at DQ a few weeks ago and I gave most of one to my son and the other sat in the freezer for over a week and then I ate 1/2 on 2 different days. This is pretty much the opposite of my usual eating weaknesses! (Generally speaking, around Halloween, I have to hide the candy wrappers under other garbage so my husband would not see how many I ate that day!) It was the same last time too (though all I could stomach for 2 months was fried rice! I had it probably 3-4 times a week.). I always crave fruit. And really good non-fast food cheeseburgers, though I don't actually have any of those, I just want them. Instead I take a vitamin and figure I just need the iron.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Deb are you showing yet? Just curious. I felt like I was really big for 18 weeks, but the girl at Babies r us is due the same day as me and her belly was rounder than mine, look like she had a basketball.

    I don't really poke out as much as I grow wide:laugh:

    I need to start taking pictures. The baby is moving lots in the last couple of days. Feels funny.

    Have had serious issues with irregular heart beating, not really my pulse but that kind of off beat of the heart. I read it is common in pregnancy.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    On the weight issue, my neigbors good friend lost 60 lbs while pregnant. She was very tall and very obese.

    Within 6 months of having the baby she gained all the weight back. You have to look at pregnancy weight loss and gain differently than our usual losses and gains.

    Deb is right, eat healthy, make the right choices and you will be where your baby and body needs you to be.
    I started out thinking I wouldn't gain over 15 lbs with this pregnancy. that I could do it, because I was already overweight.
    So much for that theory. I have gained 20 lbs and am 18 weeks.

    I'm watching what I eat, but some days, I am just plain starving to death. I exercise 5 days a week as well.

    Stay healthy, but don't obsess. Then you miss out on the joys of your pregnancy.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I am thinking I may do my exercise this afternoon instead of taking the day off.

    I am just curious to see what everyone is doing for exercise. This is the first of my four pregnancies that I am exercising instead of taking it as "time off." I am still in my regular clothes and really don't feel this is even real yet and I will be 17 weeks on Saturday. I have yet to gain anything (although tomorrow is offical weigh in day so that might change fast). I feel the little one moving a lot but other than that it is so different from my other three.

    So just wanted to see what you all were doing for exercise this time around and if you exercised with past pregnancies.

    Have a great day!
  • AmandaR910
    I'm doing modified push ups, crunches, and weights with my arms.
    For cardio I'm doing the stationary bike (I like the intervals program), treadmill, elliptical, and stair climber.

    I also do the Leslie Sansone walking videos at home and some pilates.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    Have had serious issues with irregular heart beating, not really my pulse but that kind of off beat of the heart. I read it is common in pregnancy.

    I feel like this too...I can always feel my heartbeat, and it's not regular. I never really worried about it, just thought it was something due to the pregnancy. When I feel my pulse though it's fine so I didn't stress. Glad to hear it's not a problem, lol.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I am thinking I may do my exercise this afternoon instead of taking the day off.

    I am just curious to see what everyone is doing for exercise. This is the first of my four pregnancies that I am exercising instead of taking it as "time off." I am still in my regular clothes and really don't feel this is even real yet and I will be 17 weeks on Saturday. I have yet to gain anything (although tomorrow is offical weigh in day so that might change fast). I feel the little one moving a lot but other than that it is so different from my other three.

    So just wanted to see what you all were doing for exercise this time around and if you exercised with past pregnancies.

    Have a great day!
    This is my first.....i started out at the gym regularly, then ms sickness hit except mine was ALL day sickness and throwing up at least twice a for 2 months I did nothing except hang over a toilet....the only exercise I got was running back and forth to the washroom. Once it slowed to once a day, i started walking...I commute so I did a lot of walking...about 40 minutes a day most days... I still don't think that's "exercise" but it was healthy and keeping me moving for sure. Now after 17 weeks I FINALLY feel like myself again. I joined a prenatal yoga class, still walk about 20 minutes a day for commuting and have a rotation of prenatal workout dvd's I am ready to start!!!! Excited to be at this stage where I feel GOOD again!!!!!
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Still trying to conceive, Doctor took me off the Clomiphene last month so this month I'm on my own. My bloodwork has been GREAT so she said just waiting and see what happens so that's what we're doing. So tired of waiting it's been sooooo long that we have been trying.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I am thinking I may do my exercise this afternoon instead of taking the day off.

    I am just curious to see what everyone is doing for exercise. This is the first of my four pregnancies that I am exercising instead of taking it as "time off." I am still in my regular clothes and really don't feel this is even real yet and I will be 17 weeks on Saturday. I have yet to gain anything (although tomorrow is offical weigh in day so that might change fast). I feel the little one moving a lot but other than that it is so different from my other three.

    So just wanted to see what you all were doing for exercise this time around and if you exercised with past pregnancies.

    Have a great day!

    Absolutely nothing and I hate it, I have had all high risk pregnancies and have already been contracting with this one. I had a miscarriage, preterm labor at 28 weeks, preterm labor at 32 weeks, miscarriage and now this already with issues. I tried walking many times even around the block but start contracting within the first block or two. I am just trying to eat well and not gain too much weight.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Deb are you showing yet? Just curious. I felt like I was really big for 18 weeks, but the girl at Babies r us is due the same day as me and her belly was rounder than mine, look like she had a basketball.

    I don't really poke out as much as I grow wide:laugh:

    I need to start taking pictures. The baby is moving lots in the last couple of days. Feels funny.

    Have had serious issues with irregular heart beating, not really my pulse but that kind of off beat of the heart. I read it is common in pregnancy.

    I certainly think I am showing. I can't stand up easily anymore and I find myself getting lazy--not bending over to pick stuff up, etc. I get out of breath extremely easy. It drives me crazy!
  • AmandaR910
    I know what you mean about the early contractions. With DD they started at 16 weeks, and earlier each time since. For me they hurt and are regular and more than 6 an hour on a regular basis. Thankfully my body is broken and they've never caused dilation.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I know what you mean about the early contractions. With DD they started at 16 weeks, and earlier each time since. For me they hurt and are regular and more than 6 an hour on a regular basis. Thankfully my body is broken and they've never caused dilation.

    Strangely I've never dialated from preterm contractions either. I went to see my ob today and I am not dialating so we're good. He just wants me to slow down and take it easy. I just miss walking after dinner and enjoying that family time in the fresh air. Oh well our little princess will be here before we know it and we can take her on walks, exercise will have to wait.
  • Jennyd7380
    Hello all! I am new to this site and loving it! I am amazed at all the food listed. I've been using WW E-Tools for the past few years. I am canceling my WW membership at the end of the month because my husband and I are TTC for our first child. I'd like to lose about 5 pounds before I get pregnant. I am very nervous about gaining weight during pregnancy as I lost about 35 pounds in 2005 and have kept it off! I've been "dieting" for so long I don't know how not to "diet".