Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • AmandaR910
    Evening, ladies!! We had a WONDERFUL day today! First had our doctors appointment then did our first baby was so fun to be able to buy PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: We both thought it was a little princess, and we were right :laugh: It was such an amazing experience! I'm so happy to know what we're makes it so much more real now! She will be the first girl on my husbands side in 42 years...and also the first on my side since me, and I'm the only girl between all of the cousins. So I'm sure she will be a spoiled little princess...:wink:

    Doctor said everything is looking good. She is weighing 7 oz right now and is growing well. She said my weight gain (or lack there of) is perfectly fine, but said from here on out I will probably see more of a gain (said she wouldn't be surprised that when we come back in four weeks I will have gained about 9 pounds!). That will be a shock for me...but I'm almost half way over, so it's time for some growth :smile:

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful and blessed weekend! :heart:

    Yay, congrats! How hilarious it is that we are both due on the same day and both having girls. Hmm, wonder if we will deliver the same day too! That would be too funny, I keep thinking that I'll give birth on April Fools day and nobody will believe me when I say I had the baby. Have fun shopping but don't go too crazy, as hard as that may be. You will still have your shower and since she is the only princess she is sure to get super spoiled. I have not bought anything yet, I think I'll wait until I go to my ultrasound on the 16th and the doctors tells me again for the 3rd time that it is a girl. Just so hard to believe after having 2 boys :wink:

    Okay you want to know something of my friends and I were TTC at the same time, ended up due the exact same date, both had boys within 24 hours of each other.
    This pregnancy, my two closest friends are due 6 days and 9 days after me. All three of us are having boys.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Congratulations on your little girl. OH the bows and sparkly stuff, love it.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Evening, ladies!! We had a WONDERFUL day today! First had our doctors appointment then did our first baby was so fun to be able to buy PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: We both thought it was a little princess, and we were right :laugh: It was such an amazing experience! I'm so happy to know what we're makes it so much more real now! She will be the first girl on my husbands side in 42 years...and also the first on my side since me, and I'm the only girl between all of the cousins. So I'm sure she will be a spoiled little princess...:wink:

    Doctor said everything is looking good. She is weighing 7 oz right now and is growing well. She said my weight gain (or lack there of) is perfectly fine, but said from here on out I will probably see more of a gain (said she wouldn't be surprised that when we come back in four weeks I will have gained about 9 pounds!). That will be a shock for me...but I'm almost half way over, so it's time for some growth :smile:

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful and blessed weekend! :heart:

    Yay, congrats! How hilarious it is that we are both due on the same day and both having girls. Hmm, wonder if we will deliver the same day too! That would be too funny, I keep thinking that I'll give birth on April Fools day and nobody will believe me when I say I had the baby. Have fun shopping but don't go too crazy, as hard as that may be. You will still have your shower and since she is the only princess she is sure to get super spoiled. I have not bought anything yet, I think I'll wait until I go to my ultrasound on the 16th and the doctors tells me again for the 3rd time that it is a girl. Just so hard to believe after having 2 boys :wink:

    Okay you want to know something of my friends and I were TTC at the same time, ended up due the exact same date, both had boys within 24 hours of each other.
    This pregnancy, my two closest friends are due 6 days and 9 days after me. All three of us are having boys.

    I love it, with my first my coworker and I had our babies 6 weeks apart but I had a boy and she had a girl. With my second 2 of my coworkers were 3 months apart from me they both had girls and I had a boy. This time I am all alone, I've never been pregnant without a buddy to be pregnant with. I think that is why I LOVE this group so much. There are lots of people going through the same stuff!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Are there any mamas in their 30's, especially middle/later 30's? I will be 37 in two weeks and seem to be gaining much easier the last couple of pregnancies and this one. I feel so guilty that I have gained 6lbs. I am 8 weeks. Right after I found out I was expecting dh and I went on a trip and I overate. I came back w/ a few extra pounds and have since gained about two pounds more. I have more energy otherwise and this pregnancy does not feel any different than my pregnancies in my 20's, other than the weight gain early on. In my previous 7 or so pregnancies I did not gain until the second trimester and sometimes not until 20 weeks. I now weigh close to what I weighed when I conceived my first born twins, when I was 19, but feeling frustrated. It is so hard to see the numbers go up after working so hard for so long.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Are there any mamas in their 30's, especially middle/later 30's? I will be 37 in two weeks and seem to be gaining much easier the last couple of pregnancies and this one. I feel so guilty that I have gained 6lbs. I am 8 weeks. Right after I found out I was expecting dh and I went on a trip and I overate. I came back w/ a few extra pounds and have since gained about two pounds more. I have more energy otherwise and this pregnancy does not feel any different than my pregnancies in my 20's, other than the weight gain early on. In my previous 7 or so pregnancies I did not gain until the second trimester and sometimes not until 20 weeks. I now weigh close to what I weighed when I conceived my first born twins, when I was 19, but feeling frustrated. It is so hard to see the numbers go up after working so hard for so long.

    I'm 34, this is my second. My first will be 8 years old. I gained a good bit with my last one. I find with this one, my stomach is poking out fast. I guess my stomach muscles are bad. I was mid 20's with my first and I've found this one is pretty much the same so far.
  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Are there any mamas in their 30's, especially middle/later 30's? I will be 37 in two weeks and seem to be gaining much easier the last couple of pregnancies and this one. I feel so guilty that I have gained 6lbs. I am 8 weeks. Right after I found out I was expecting dh and I went on a trip and I overate. I came back w/ a few extra pounds and have since gained about two pounds more. I have more energy otherwise and this pregnancy does not feel any different than my pregnancies in my 20's, other than the weight gain early on. In my previous 7 or so pregnancies I did not gain until the second trimester and sometimes not until 20 weeks. I now weigh close to what I weighed when I conceived my first born twins, when I was 19, but feeling frustrated. It is so hard to see the numbers go up after working so hard for so long.

    10 BABIES!?! do you do it?!.I needs to come where you must be in the water :wink: .whats the secret?...I just want one to start with...:ohwell: Congrats tho....
  • Mamatoabunch

    I'm 34, this is my second. My first will be 8 years old. I gained a good bit with my last one. I find with this one, my stomach is poking out fast. I guess my stomach muscles are bad. I was mid 20's with my first and I've found this one is pretty much the same so far.

    Yes, I show sooner, that is given. My muscles are in good condition since working on that a lot this summer, but I am talking about actual weight gain in the first trimester.
  • Mamatoabunch

    10 BABIES!?! do you do it?!.I needs to come where you must be in the water :wink: .whats the secret?...I just want one to start with...:ohwell: Congrats tho....

    Thanks! I do it like any other mama, get up every day and care for my children, my house, our life. There is no secret, although when I was heavier I needed herbs to help my short luteal phase, which is common in very overweight women.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Are there any mamas in their 30's, especially middle/later 30's? I will be 37 in two weeks and seem to be gaining much easier the last couple of pregnancies and this one. I feel so guilty that I have gained 6lbs. I am 8 weeks. Right after I found out I was expecting dh and I went on a trip and I overate. I came back w/ a few extra pounds and have since gained about two pounds more. I have more energy otherwise and this pregnancy does not feel any different than my pregnancies in my 20's, other than the weight gain early on. In my previous 7 or so pregnancies I did not gain until the second trimester and sometimes not until 20 weeks. I now weigh close to what I weighed when I conceived my first born twins, when I was 19, but feeling frustrated. It is so hard to see the numbers go up after working so hard for so long.

    I turned 36 in August, however, this pregnancy is so much different than my last three. I haven't gained any weight as of yet and I don't even feel pregnant yet (except for feeling the baby move). With my first I gained 60 lbs but started off at 120lbs. My second pregnancy I started off about 123lbs and gained about 35lbs. And with my third I started off at 146lbs and then also gained about 35 lbs. I was in maternity clothes fairly fast too but not yet with this one. With all of them I got up to right around 180 lbs. Regardless of the weight I started at.

    I am waiting for the weight gain to hit me in the face (or gut) pretty hard and heavy soon. :happy:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member

    I'm 34, this is my second. My first will be 8 years old. I gained a good bit with my last one. I find with this one, my stomach is poking out fast. I guess my stomach muscles are bad. I was mid 20's with my first and I've found this one is pretty much the same so far.

    Yes, I show sooner, that is given. My muscles are in good condition since working on that a lot this summer, but I am talking about actual weight gain in the first trimester.

    I had gained 14 lbs by the end of my first trimester. I don't remember if that happened in the first. My SIL is 41 and she is due 3 weeks ahead of me. very tiny girl and with this pregnancy she put on 11 lbs in her first trimester which said wasn't usual for her.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I took a few days off because I needed them. Got a blister and had a head cold I am still fighting off.

    I knew I had to do something today so I just finished walking 6 miles. I was able to get in 24 miles this week. Not the 30 I was hoping for but still okay.

    Now it is time to go watch some Bears football. Have a great rest of your weekends!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    So I found out friday...It's a boy which shocked the crap out of both me and my husband..
  • AmandaR910
    So I found out friday...It's a boy which shocked the crap out of both me and my husband..

    Congrats! Little boys are great. :)
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning!

    I am moving up from the "Fitness for Future Families"
    Board. I got a BFP yesterday and am scheduling my
    first doc appt. I'm hoping to have my first appt this week.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all :)
  • AmandaR910
    Good Morning!

    I am moving up from the "Fitness for Future Families"
    Board. I got a BFP yesterday and am scheduling my
    first doc appt. I'm hoping to have my first appt this week.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all :)

    Congrats!! Don't be surprised if they don't see you until you're about 8 weeks along. You can't see much on ultrasound before then anyways (the heartbeat can be seen at about 6 weeks, though a few days can make a huge difference, which is why DRs wait). Welcome to the group!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Good Morning!

    I am moving up from the "Fitness for Future Families"
    Board. I got a BFP yesterday and am scheduling my
    first doc appt. I'm hoping to have my first appt this week.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all :)

    YAY!!! Congrats!!!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Good Morning!

    I am moving up from the "Fitness for Future Families"
    Board. I got a BFP yesterday and am scheduling my
    first doc appt. I'm hoping to have my first appt this week.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all :)

    Yeah!!!! I am so happy for you! Welcome to the group. You will learn a ton from this group of ladies.

    Mwilson - Congrats on the little girl! Isn't it funny how you just had a feeling, and you were right. I am anxious to see if my feelings are right.

    I didn't gain anything this week, so I am happy with that. My goal this week is to try to log every day. I haven't logged since I got my BFP, and I think I really need to keep track to help me keep my weight in check until the end. 1 more month until my ultrasound. I am so jellous of everyone who has found out the sex already!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congrats pmaria10!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm getting some crazy cravings. :embarassed: The 2 foods I probably detest most are fried fish and hotdogs. What have I been craving? You got it -- fried fish and hotdogs! I haven't gone so far as to eat either but... yikes!

    Has anyone here waited until 12 weeks for their first OB appointment?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Has anyone here waited until 12 weeks for their first OB appointment?

    I'm 9 weeks and have yet to get paperwork back from the insurance company OKing me to see a Dr so hopefully I will get that this week and then there's a good chance that my Dr, considering he is taking new patients since I have not been there in over 3 years, will be booked for 2 or more weeks putting me over 12 before I can get in.

    With my first it was just before Christmas I got the OK from my ins company, so I did not get in until about 12 weeks either.
  • AmandaR910
    A lot of my military wife friends have had to wait to be seen until 12 weeks, but I never have. I don't go on base to go the DR so I have never had to wait that long.