Veganish lol



  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I totally understand that veganism is a SERIOUS "lifestyle." thats why I speicifically said veganISH and vegeterianism is so confusing these days. I said vegan as opposed to have to typing out "NON-LACTO VEGETERIAN" but I apparently was forced out of my laziness anyways.

    No.....I don't think you DO understand.
    And I think someone is awfully touchy :tongue:

    LOL! Out of this entire thread you think this particular comment is the touchy one?
    That's adorable.

    I'm amused at those who just assumed I'm a touchy over sensitive vegan by that one sentence, when in fact I was only pointing out that I felt the OP had a serious lack of understanding of what constituted actually being Vegan.

    On a side note, just had meatballs for lunch and they were DELISH!
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    You're either vegan or you're not. There's no 'vegan-ish'.

    I would like to eat less meat because I don't think we need to consume such massive amounts and I would rather promote a more free range rearing than factory farming. However, I understand that meat is essential, and the food chain is life and everything, so I think you can be vegetarianish or veganish, there just isn't a word for it that I know. People's preferences are not black and white, you can choose to cut back.
    Yes there is a word for it. Omnivore.

    Ha, yes, this. :laugh: As a Biologist I can contend...eating both plants and animals makes you an doesn't matter what the ratio of these two things is.
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    This is giving me "flexitarian" flashbacks. Being a vegan is like being dead; you are or you are not. There is no "vegan-ish," just like there is no "dead-ish."

    But what about if you're only mostly dead?

    THANK YOU for the Princess Bride reference!! I wish I had a GIF... :laugh:
  • veganstephanie
    veganstephanie Posts: 43 Member
    there are overweight and obese vegans. you could eat chips and drink soda all day and those are vegan items.
  • LifeLibertyLove
    I'm a Vegan. While you have to be dedicated to a life a Vegan lifestyle, it's not that hard to find Vegan Recipes.
    You said that you're in your 20's and "don't have time" to research. The time that you've spend on this post is more than enough time to find a few new Vegan Recipes. That's how I started.
    The wonders of Google....
  • jls341
    jls341 Posts: 30 Member
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Yeah, there is no such thing as Veganish, either you are a Vegan or you are not. It takes really hard work and determination to become a Vegan and even a Vegetarian if you love meat. You should do it if you are really committed and to me it doesn't sound that you are. But good luck.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    This is giving me "flexitarian" flashbacks. Being a vegan is like being dead; you are or you are not. There is no "vegan-ish," just like there is no "dead-ish."

    But what about if you're only mostly dead?

    THANK YOU for the Princess Bride reference!! I wish I had a GIF... :laugh:

  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    This is giving me "flexitarian" flashbacks. Being a vegan is like being dead; you are or you are not. There is no "vegan-ish," just like there is no "dead-ish."

    But what about if you're only mostly dead?

    THANK YOU for the Princess Bride reference!! I wish I had a GIF... :laugh:


    NICE!!! Thank you!! My day has been made! :happy: :drinker:
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    You can't attack what doesn't have a name... that is why we gave Meat Eaters the name "Carnist".... I guess to be more accurate to my current place would be a person on a Plant-Based Diet making the transition to a Vegan Lifestyle as I can. Some things like finding shampoos, toothpaste, and these sorts of things are low impact decisions because they don't cost very much. However, things like tossing my wallet, my furniture, my car? because they have a little bit of leather on them is just damn ridiculous for an unemployed college student living abroad. So if you want to be the Vegan Police.. fine, i won't classify myself as a vegan on here... But as far as food consumption goes.. I do not consume any animal products...
  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    If you don't eat meat, eggs, dairy or consume any animal by product.. You're vegan. Whether or not they wear leather is a moot point. They are not eating the leather.

    Even if they do decide to wear leather, it could be vintage or second hand. If someone purchases a leather wallet from a thrift shop they are not putting any money into the leather industry and I see nothing wrong with that. Or faux leather. But what type of fabric someone chooses to wear or use has no bearing on their diet...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you don't eat meat, eggs, dairy or consume any animal by product.. You're vegan. Whether or not they wear leather is a moot point. They are not eating the leather.

    Even if they do decide to wear leather, it could be vintage or second hand. If someone purchases a leather wallet from a thrift shop they are not putting any money into the leather industry and I see nothing wrong with that. Or faux leather. But what type of fabric someone chooses to wear or use has no bearing on their diet...

    Ooh, you're not going to like the responses you're going to get to this post.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    You can't attack what doesn't have a name... that is why we gave Meat Eaters the name "Carnist".... I guess to be more accurate to my current place would be a person on a Plant-Based Diet making the transition to a Vegan Lifestyle as I can. Some things like finding shampoos, toothpaste, and these sorts of things are low impact decisions because they don't cost very much. However, things like tossing my wallet, my furniture, my car? because they have a little bit of leather on them is just damn ridiculous for an unemployed college student living abroad. So if you want to be the Vegan Police.. fine, i won't classify myself as a vegan on here... But as far as food consumption goes.. I do not consume any animal products...

    I agree with this. I don't see how tossing what you already own would help anyway. It's wasteful. I might even finish off these bug infested multivitamins, it seems more ethical (if more gross) than tossing them in the garbage.

    And I'm sure not tossing my shoes or car just to meet a standard. In fact, animal products are used in so many different things (including car and bike tires) we use every day that I doubt anyone who doesn't walk everywhere and live in a cave is vegan by a definition that strict.
  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    If you don't eat meat, eggs, dairy or consume any animal by product.. You're vegan. Whether or not they wear leather is a moot point. They are not eating the leather.

    Even if they do decide to wear leather, it could be vintage or second hand. If someone purchases a leather wallet from a thrift shop they are not putting any money into the leather industry and I see nothing wrong with that. Or faux leather. But what type of fabric someone chooses to wear or use has no bearing on their diet...

    Ooh, you're not going to like the responses you're going to get to this post.

    Probably not, but it won't ruin my day lol.

    I'm not advocating for people wearing leather. I'm just saying that someones clothing style is not a reflection of their diet. A vegan rocking fur and leather might get some strange looks, but it doesn't change the fact they're vegan. The fur could be fake, as could the leather. Or it could be second hand which again... Money is not going into the fur industry or leather industries pocket.

    People are too concerned about what other people wear and eat. It doesn't affect your life so move on and worry about your own, lol.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    If you don't eat meat, eggs, dairy or consume any animal by product.. You're vegan. Whether or not they wear leather is a moot point. They are not eating the leather.

    Even if they do decide to wear leather, it could be vintage or second hand. If someone purchases a leather wallet from a thrift shop they are not putting any money into the leather industry and I see nothing wrong with that. Or faux leather. But what type of fabric someone chooses to wear or use has no bearing on their diet...

    Vegan is not a dietary is a lifestyle.

    A vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) is someone who, for various reasons, chooses to avoid using or consuming animal products. While vegetarians choose not to use flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.
    why VEGAN? Veganism, the natural extension of vegetarianism, is an integral component of a cruelty-free lifestyle. Living vegan provides numerous benefits to animals’ lives, to the environment, and to our own health–through a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    This is from:

    If you are on a plant based diet, you are a vegetarian; no clue what kind but that is what you are.

    Most vegan's do care, it is an insult to the work and resolve they put into living how they live. It is also a ethical question for them. It would be like calling yourself Christian but saying you don't believe in Jesus. Sorry for the religious reference, but you are by definition (these matter, that is why there are dictionaries) not a Christian. So if you say you are vegan and do not avoid products from animals or tested on animals, you are not a vegan.

    Matt, in your case you are transferring over. Throwing out needed items would be silly, just until the transfer is at least mostly done (wallet, thats easy) then it would probably be best to avoid the label. Saying you are a vegetarian with vegan diet working towards living a vegan life would be correct.

    Heck, I have no idea how they do it, some refined sugar is not appropriate because of how it is processed, gelatin is a huge no-no. The commitment these people show towards their lifestyle is over and beyond anything I could grasp. I do not think labels are important in the way that someone needs to label themselves, but when they do place a label on themselves it should be accurate.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ok not to get anyone TOO heated

    but if I made cauliflower mashed potatoes
    would they be potato-ish?

    Of the girl that put frosting on hamburg buns to feed the kids at her daughters birthday so she could have a "lower calorie"
    cake....would that be cake-ish??????

    I geuss if i wore leather and ate broccoli then I would be vegan-ish?

    And all this is ok because names and labels mean nothing right?

    The definition of a vegan diet means "doesn't consume animal products." Cake, by definition, could include some breads. It's more like "organic vegetables" By definition, it means that you aren't using pesticides. If you have to use pesticides for whatever reason, they are no longer organic. They may still be every bit as healthy but - by definition - they aren't organic.