Clean Eating



  • caimay175
    caimay175 Posts: 42
    Lol @ bugs in preschool.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I have always been a clean eater. I think its gross to eat dinner without properly washing your hands beforehand


    In all seriousness, if you eat less than your TDEE you will lose weight. If you consume more than your TDEE, you will gain weight regardless of how "clean" you are eating.

    Exercise and proper macro-nutrient rations will make achieving your health/fitness goals (other than just weight) easier.

    Once you track your macros for a while, I think you will find that there are ways to fit in almost any food you like (assuming reasonable portions).

    There are many people on MFP who regularly fit ice cream, candy, pizza, etc into their macro targets while losing weight.

    Good luck!
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    mjo1102 - I agree with you completely... People here can be of no help.

    I, personally, cannot lose weight by simply eating at a deficit. I find that my moods are better, I feel better, my autoimmune condition responds better, and I lose weight when I eat more whole foods (which, to me, is "clean" eating). To me, that means eating a lot of organic produce, a colorful array of veggies and fruits, organic/grass fed/free range meats, no dairy, very little soy (this is hard to eliminate entirely, I find), and no gluten. I do not eat gluten because it causes me to have debilitating nerve pain - pain that I dealt with for many years with massage, physical therapy, and ART, and it never got better...only worse. I gave up dairy to see if it would further healing my nerve pain or my autoimmune condition would respond.

    I also find that I can eat more calories and lose weight when my diet is high (good) fats, moderate/high protein, and lower carb. I could eat 10 twinkies/day for 1500 cals and not lose weight (actually, I'd gain weight), or I could eat 1700 cals of organic chicken, pork, beef, avocado, squash and cucumbers from my garden, dark chocolate, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and fruit, and lose weight. I do not eat a lot of grains - will sometimes have kernel corn or rice. It is amazing the difference I feel in the amount of bloating that I have as well. I notice I build muscle much quicker and recover from workouts quicker. My moods have improved and I no longer have PMS or bouts of depression. My autoimmune condition is much less severe.

    This doesn't mean that I never eat anything from a package. I just try to choose items with few ingredients when I do. I want to live better through my eating, as I view it as medicine.

    Point is, do what feels right to do. It cannot hurt to make better choices and to eat foods that are more vitamin and mineral dense for their caloric load.

    Why does it have to be so extreme? Do you see people coming on here touting the health benefits of eating only 10 Twinkies a day? Is it so hard for you people to wrap your head around eating whole foods for dinner and having 1..count it, 1 Twinkie for dessert? Jesus.

    I can't speak for other clean eaters, but for me/us yes it does have to be what you consider extreme. I wouldn't waste a red penny on a Twinkie! Thanks for the suggestion though. Besides a piece of fruit if dessert is desired is cheaper than a Twinkie any day :laugh:
    Then don't eat the Twinkie cause no one is suggesting you eat it. Reading comprehension and context are your friends.
  • likehemingway
    likehemingway Posts: 37 Member
    You don't need a gym membership to lose weight. I've lost 20lbs and have done all my work at home, through running, and through free videos and apps, with equipment I've bought from sporting goods stores, it's amazing how much can be done with a yoga mat, a couple variations of dumb bells, and a kettle bell or two.