cardio acceleration



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It says I am seeing more and more definition from minimal muscle loss and lots of fat loss. Also says a lot of people are really bad at guess my weight.

    just stop already, you aren't fitter than anyone or superior to anyone. get a life, get F***ed

    You would be quite surprise if you saw my workout at the gym.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP not a douche but he takes pride in his workouts and if you are going to talk about how there crap in anyway you have started a debate.

    Now he talks in third person.

    Loving it.


    I'm not saying whether the OP is or not, but 3rd person talk tends to lean towards being a sign that one is.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I read a fascinating article about HIIT when it was first being introduced, long before it was brought in as a mainstream form of exercise. Do you know what it was origionally created for? It was for intermediate/competitive athletes to make large improvements over their already extremely high levels of performance. The article stressed multiple times that IT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS or anyone who are not at a competitive level of fitness. The athletes who introduced it into their regimine made massive gains in performance. however, it is extremely taxing on the body and a high risk form of exercise.

    Now, it's "Go HIIT or Go Home!" Then people are getting injured. Shocker.


    Slow steady cardio also has there cons too.

    The debate should be cardio acceleration vs HIIT.

    Here is something to consider that will really blow your mind. HIIT by definition is High Intensity Interval Training typically something like, 2 minutes on 30 seconds off or something like that to get your heart rate up into zone 4 or close to vo2 max then drop down into zone 2-3 rinse and repeat for 20 minutes or less. Cardio acceleration is high intensity training keeping your heart rate in the same zone (albeit likely higher than an off interval) for 15-20 minutes.

    With that being said, wouldn't cardio acceleration be closer by definition to steady state cardio than HIIT? So you are kind of debating yourself as to what is better, because no one here has said one is better than the other.


    Well, yeah, there is that. To be honest I don't think anyone is paying close attention to the details.

    More in for this kind of talk.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    yopeeps025... please post a thread daily
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    That would be against TOS since it would start to be trolling. My questions rarely get answered anyways.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    It says I am seeing more and more definition from minimal muscle loss and lots of fat loss. Also says a lot of people are really bad at guess my weight.

    just stop already, you aren't fitter than anyone or superior to anyone. get a life, get F***ed

    You would be quite surprise if you saw my workout at the gym.

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i know but they are just so full of entertainment. Don't get frustrated, although it didn't shine through in this thread, i think you heart is in the right place.

    i also think that if your asking honest questions/topics in your threads, then posting one each day wouldn't constitute trolling
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    Ok, now I want out
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    Ok, now I want out

    NOPE once you're in... you're in.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    Ok, now I want out

    NOPE once you're in... you're in.

  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    Ok, now I want out

    May I suggest divorce ?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    It's muscle memory.
    A lot of people don't think I can skip 20 revolutions in 20 seconds.

    I am unsure how this extends your point any further. Just because others don't agree with your level of fitness does not mean you do the same, to addition unrelated people. Or does it?

    I actually just proved the wrong point that you cannot judge a person looks to say there anything about fitness level since the diet can cancel out whatever fitness level the person has.

    I was wrong and I apologize for that.

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    Ok, now I want out

    May I suggest divorce ?

    Just don't say crapping watermellon.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    I can't even with this thread anymore
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I can't even with this thread anymore

    So then why are you still commenting?
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still crap unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Any of it.

    But this is fun. Please, proceed.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    I can't even with this thread anymore

    So then why are you still commenting?

    after reading all of your responses I am leaving
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still EAT unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Any of it.

    But this is fun. Please, proceed.

    Does that clarify for ya?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    So all kidding aside. What exactly is your goal here? Are you on a cut? You on a bulk? Are you trying to cut fat AND build muscle at the same time? (Your mfp body building buddies will tell you the last is almost impossible, btw) Are you trying to get more fit cardio vascular wise?

    I hear you saying you still eat unhealthy foods. I take that back, you still crap unhealthy foods. What is "unhealthy"?

    My expert opinion of cardio acceleration (which is based upon just googling it 10 minutes ago for the first time and skimming a couple random articles) seems like some kind of fad. But even if it wasn't, I can tell you if its gonna work for you or not because I am not sure what your goals are. And regardless if this is fad or not, without the proper nutrition, it's all gonna be a lot of crock no matter what.

    If you are cutting, (trying to burn fat) no matter how many rope jumps you do in revolutions per minute ain't gonna mean a whole squat if your calories in is greater than calories out. Are you trying to maintain muscle mass while on a cut? Dude, where's the protein? Are you getting in a g of lean protein per 1 lb of your lean body mass? All basics which if you were serious about this that all needs to be answered.

    I hope you are not trolling here by the way.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member

    So what you are saying is that your fitness level is top notch but your diet is poor?

    Well then your doing it wrong!

    I'm talking about before on why I weight so much. My diet is semi decent. I still EAT unhealthy foods. I eat a lot more nutrient dense foods than energy dense foods.

    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Any of it.

    But this is fun. Please, proceed.

    Does that clarify for ya?
