Silly things that annoy you!



  • marniehodges
    I so agree with the pouting thing in pics! Totally ugly! Also, people who drive 20 mph in a 35mph zone-get movin! People who don't wipe down the gym equipment when they are done--sooooo gross!
  • marniehodges
    I live in Boise, Idaho. For those of you who follow college football, you know our Boise State Broncos are awesome this year. It makes me crazy when their games are aired on an ESPN or CBS and the announcers pronounce Boise "Boyzee"-people, there is no Z in Boise!
  • shannonichole
    I hate it when people smack their lips or say ahhhhh after they take a drink of something. Makes me want to smack the cup out of their hands!

    I also hate it when people think they are a food critic at every meal! "Soup is too salty, too much sugar, needs more vegetables, add some pepper..." I work as a chef and can't make every meal to everyones specific taste or else I would never get the food out on time!!
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    People who throw cigarette butts from their car's called an ashtray! Ever heard of it?

    People who blow their nose at the table? Are ya freakin' kidding me? YUCK!

    People who refuse to use turn signals AND people who leave their turn signals on for MILES!

    People who like to finish your sentence...are you psychic now?

    People with bad breath. If I can smell it, then surely you can taste it!!!

    There are plenty more, but I'm gonna stop here...E X H A L E !
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Girls who make the duck face on networking sites.. it looks retarded.

    People who don't brush their teeth... super gross! They are supposed to be smooth not bumpy with plaque!

    Stupid drivers. Why is it that when you drive a brand new car everyone trys to hit it?

    Airman that keep complaining about living in North Dakota. If you havn't noticed.. you are stationed here until you get orders which will be in like 3 years. So STFU and deal with the -60 degree weather already, it's not going away anytime soon!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    and people who chew gum like cows.. i just want to make them spit it out!'

    Yes! And people who chew their food like that! I have one in the office doing that right now!

    And people who write on here as they would on SMS. That really annoys me.

    I could not agree more. This irritates me so bad. It also gets to me when people make noises with their eating utensils such as scraping the bottom of a bowl with a spoon. Just accept that there is no more food in the bowl and let it go!

    OMG!!! People EATING! lol kidding. Sort of- I hate it when I can hear someone chew, when they smack, chew with their mouths open or my BIGGEST peeve... the heavy breathing chewer. o.O Oh- and last but not least when people suck their teeth. EWW, If something's stuck in your teeth get a TOOTH PICK you greedy *kitten*. gah ><
  • Jess1313
    I think I should clarify and say I was speaking of people who do it in an obnoxious way. I know people (my Dad) who have a loud sneeze and can't feel it coming sometimes....but then there are people who let it go and go and go and then even laugh about it....Achoooooooo..ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! The "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" part at the end is not usually a part of the actual sneeze.
    But I wasn't judging, I thought we were all sharing.
  • Jess1313
    Oh dear. Sorry about my loud sneezing. Seriously, I've tried to sneeze quietly but I just can't. I'm one of those people who have very loud sneezes. Just can't help it. :ohwell:
    I'm with you on that one. I can't control how loadly I sneeze either. I had a boss that would sneeze so loudly that you could hear her down the hall. I thought it was hilarious.

    My boss is that way too. He sneezes even louder than I do. :laugh:

    There is a guy at work that when he sneezes he sounds like Daffy Duck since he is holding it in.

    I think I should clarify and say I was speaking of people who do it in an obnoxious way. I know people (my Dad) who have a loud sneeze and can't feel it coming sometimes....but then there are people who let it go and go and go and then even laugh about it....Achoooooooo..ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! The "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" part at the end is not usually a part of the actual sneeze.
    But I wasn't judging, I thought we were all sharing
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    People on the highway, when driving into a construction zone merge, who ride out the lane that's ending until the very last second. "Yes, that 8 foot blinking, f*cking arrow is for you, too!":explode: :explode: :explode: :mad:

    Loose and lose.
    To, two and too.
    Bear and bare.
    Pear and pair and pare.
    Any of the sound alikes that aren't spelled alike.


    People who post about TOM. Seriously? Do we need to know this? Are we tracking each other's cycles now?:noway:

    People who use speaker phone at work for private calls and business calls for that matter. If it's not a "group" phone call, stay off the speaker.

    hmmm..people like me who bottle htings up then just pour everything out in one long ranting note! LOL!!!:laugh:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    There are many people that don't know proper grammer- or are just to lazy to use it- and the constant sms/ texting etc- doesn't help .

    But- there are many people today who speak english as their second language, third .. etc. Not everyone has been born in USA< and not everyone is living in USA. The rest of the world does study english as a language- but the rest of the world also has different languages. So many foreign people in the world speak english - very well- not perfect - ( even born american's don't speak it perfect - as we can see ) but how many other languges ( other than english ) do the rest of you speak, write and read - 100 % correctly ?

    I'm one of these examples. I'm not born in USA , I didn't go to school in USA.. I have other two languages ( a third one i didnt' use and forgot it / french ).. and than in my early 20's.. i moved to USA and started learning it. Now i'm in my late 20's.. this is as good as i have been able to learn it. I tried my best.

    I'm one of the people that does get those words and grammer confused sometimes- ( all of the ones mentioned so far ) .. but again.. Not everyone is born here, has studied here.. i have 2-3 other languages in my head that i'm using and my children have a 4th one on top of that..

    How many languages do you speak /read/write - other than english ? Where did the understanding for other people go ?
    I can understand that it annoys you - but i'm just giving you the view of the story from a different perspective.

    I appologize for any " grammer and misspelings " that i might have had above ..
  • efalcon1
    people who T Y P E R E A L L Y H E A V Y as if there fingers are made of steel!

    This drives me insane!! Almost where I want to scream or hit the person over the head with the keyboard!! Plus all the grammar issues, it's really not that difficult to know the difference between to and too!!???!!

    All the posts are so funny and so true!
  • FozzyUK
    FozzyUK Posts: 21 Member
    People that say:

    arksed instead of asked,
    nucular instead of nuclear,

    again lookie how they are spelled 
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Most of mine are grammar related, so I'll try to make it quick.

    1. Apostrophe abuse. Just because a word is plural doesn't mean you need to put an apostrophe in it. In fact, I can't think of a single instance, unless you're replacing a letter.

    2. Whose and who's. Even proofreaders seem to have issues with these two.

    Before I do this and deal with the backlash, let me just say that I love the English. They have been more welcoming to me than I deserve and I'm grateful for that. That being said, 3. Use of I in the objective. Look it up. I get so much crap for the fact that I supposedly don't speak proper English because I'm American, but most English people I know do this! It drives me nuts. These are the same people who say "Like, innit bruv?" Am I still the one who doesn't speak English? At least I know the difference between accept and except, you're and your, there, their, and they're, etc..

    4. Sodium being measured in grams in the UK, or in milligrams elsewhere. I wish we could get that together because I am constantly having to correct foods in the database. I'm sure my sodium is still off.

    5. People who tell me all I need to do is stop eating bread and potatoes and I'll lose weight. My mother-in-law really thinks I can eat ice cream every day and lose as long as I don't eat bread.

    6. People who think I'm rude for turning down that fifth piece of cake just because they made it. Sorry, but I've seen how many calories and grams of fat that piece of delicious naughtiness contains. I am finally starting to feel hip bones and your dessert isn't coming anywhere near them.

    P.S. If I have any typos or grammatical errors in here, well, that's just karma, innit bruv? :wink:
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    5. People who tell me all I need to do is stop eating bread and potatoes and I'll lose weight. My mother-in-law really thinks I can eat ice cream every day and lose as long as I don't eat bread.

    LOL! It's funny because it is true :) I've been told the same thing :)
  • mrsknowitall
    . . . people who "crack" their gum.

    . . . men who don't remove their hats during the playing of the national anthem.

    . . . people who must think nobody can see them as they pick their nose while driving -- YUCK!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    ...people who type in all caps. QUIT YELLING AT ME!!! friend who thinks she knows everything especially about being a mom, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Chelle_D
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?

    My friend does that with her husband, this is also the same friend that thinks she knows everything (see above). They literally text each other 24/7; but when I call her and need something, she never answers! She also did it the whole time at my shower when I was opening gifts!
  • JulieTX86
    people who say "irregardless" that's NOT a word people!!!! It's just "regardless"

    people who say "supposably" um what?? the word is supposed, there for I think you mean Supposedly???
    ( I realize that this is possibly an allowed word in the US??? not sure... but in proper English - British, and therefore here in Canada, there is no such thing lol)


    LOL i am such a word freak but these two just grate my *kitten*!

    oh and people who drive slow in the fast lane...

    Lordy I could go on and on..

    oh one more... people who feel the need to shove by you at the (bar, grocerystore, etc)... umm simply saying excuse me usually works you don't have to elbow me.... and on the flip side... people who don't move when you say excuse me... umm Excuse me... um EXCUSE ME!!!

    oh I feel a bit better now lol

    No, 'supposably' is definitly not an allowed word in the US. I am from the US and it bothers me just as much.

    Things that annoy me:

    1. My boyfriend's mother says she is going to the "VietMANese" store. Really? I am pretty sure the country is Vietnam = Vietnamese. It drives me more insane then it probably should. I try to correct her by saying things like "What are you going to buy at the VietNAMese store?" However, she still says it wrong. :ohwell:

    2. People that spell my name "July"... my name is "Julie"... July is a month, thank you. :devil: