Silly things that annoy you!



  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?

    I'm sure that ^ is a gross exaggeration. However, you just aren't that important. The person on the other end held more value thus your time was disregarded.

    If you are in the middle of an important conversation are you going to drop your call while at a cash register? Or are you going to multi-task and take care of both at the same time? Lot's of people would drop the call, yes. Other's are going to continue that call because the cash register clerk is there to take my money and not carry on a conversation with me. Point being: if you are on a call while at a cash register; the persons time is more valuable to you than socializing with the clerk.

    Is it rude that I didn't end my call so you could look at me and say $52.98 please? Hell no. It's rude to expect someone must drop everything to hear "cash or credit"?

    It's a fast world and people live fast lives. There is not enough time in the day to accomplish everything so we are forced into multi-tasking while being anti-social in the real world so we can be social on the internet where it is convenient.
  • JulieTX86
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?

    I'm sure that ^ is a gross exaggeration. However, you just aren't that important. The person on the other end held more value thus your time was disregarded.

    Is it rude that I didn't end my call so you could look at me and say $52.98 please? Hell no. It's rude to expect someone must drop everything to hear "cash or credit"?

    Whoa! Harsh dude.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?

    I'm sure that ^ is a gross exaggeration. However, you just aren't that important. The person on the other end held more value thus your time was disregarded.

    Is it rude that I didn't end my call so you could look at me and say $52.98 please? Hell no. It's rude to expect someone must drop everything to hear "cash or credit"?

    Whoa! Harsh dude.

    Maybe if I knew her personally it would be harsh but I don't. I only speak logic and truth with some assumptions I between. No I'll will intended.
  • JulieTX86
    I've gotta say... one of my biggest pet peeves is when you're on a lunch date with a friend and they spend practically the entire time on their cell phone either texting or talking to someone else. Come on, really?

    I'm sure that ^ is a gross exaggeration. However, you just aren't that important. The person on the other end held more value thus your time was disregarded.

    Is it rude that I didn't end my call so you could look at me and say $52.98 please? Hell no. It's rude to expect someone must drop everything to hear "cash or credit"?

    Whoa! Harsh dude.

    Maybe if I knew her personally it would be harsh but I don't. I only speak logic and truth with some assumptions I between. No I'll will intended.

    I have actually really enjoyed many of your posts so I don't intend to push your buttons. With that said, do you have to personally know somebody in order to be harsh? Specifically the statement "you just aren't that important", do you truly think that may not come across as harsh?

    Now this is extreme of course compared to this situation, however, recently people urged somebody to comit suicide on the internet and he actually did it, do you think their statements were not harsh, just because they did not personally know the person? Truly I am asking with respect, just wanting clarification, I'm not trying to "pick a fight with you" or anything of that nature. Just wondering. :)
  • khymmie
    khymmie Posts: 68 Member
    People that allow their dogs to come up and sniff all over you. Just because you are a dog lover, don't assume everyone else is.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    I have actually really enjoyed many of your posts so I don't intend to push your buttons. With that said, do you have to personally know somebody in order to be harsh? Specifically the statement "you just aren't that important", do you truly think that may not come across as harsh?

    Now this is extreme of course compared to this situation, however, recently people urged somebody to comit suicide on the internet and he actually did it, do you think their statements were not harsh, just because they did not personally know the person? Truly I am asking with respect, just wanting clarification, I'm not trying to "pick a fight with you" or anything of that nature. Just wondering. :)

    In the context of my post, absolutely, you do need to truly know someone for my reply to be harsh. It was a logical assumption based on the facts available. "I" am not telling her she is not important because I have nothing to gauge her value to me. Logically, to me, if someone is going to disregard your limited lunch time by talking on the phone; the person on the other end held more value. Thus, she just isn't that important to the person she was having lunch with.

    Hopefully it is an eye opener rather than taken as my disrespect.

    I am always open to constructive conversation:) and I respect that you were able to keep your reply constructive <3
  • lefrance12
    when people talk as loud as they can on a cell phone, then look at you as if you are listening in on their conversation,:noway:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member

    I have actually really enjoyed many of your posts so I don't intend to push your buttons. With that said, do you have to personally know somebody in order to be harsh? Specifically the statement "you just aren't that important", do you truly think that may not come across as harsh?

    Now this is extreme of course compared to this situation, however, recently people urged somebody to comit suicide on the internet and he actually did it, do you think their statements were not harsh, just because they did not personally know the person? Truly I am asking with respect, just wanting clarification, I'm not trying to "pick a fight with you" or anything of that nature. Just wondering. :)

    In the context of my post, absolutely, you do need to truly know someone for my reply to be harsh. It was a logical assumption based on the facts available. "I" am not telling her she is not important because I have nothing to gauge her value to me. Logically, to me, if someone is going to disregard your limited lunch time by talking on the phone; the person on the other end held more value. Thus, she just isn't that important to the person she was having lunch with.

    Hopefully it is an eye opener rather than taken as my disrespect.

    I am always open to constructive conversation:) and I respect that you were able to keep your reply constructive <3

    I am sorry, but i have to interject, not to pick a fight either, but some people really have no couth. It probably has nothing to do with her value of that person, just her Mama didn't raise her right which seems to be the reason we are on here complaining about irritating people in the first place. That being said, it is very rude. There are days when i feel like people just merely go through life on their cell phones without any interaction at all with the outside world like cellular zombies or something close to a seed pod people takeover. Whatever happened to people that used to speak to one another or show a kindness to a stranger or even give a kind word? People have become so wrapped up in themselves and technology, they wouldn't know what to do without it. We used to navigate by the stars, have meaningful conversations, cordial invites and romantic letters via well written note, sweet gestures and respect to the passerby, regardless whether you knew them or not. There is a serious feeling of disconnect today with people in general. I agree life is busy, but look around you people. There is a great big beautiful world full of diverse and interesting people that you miss as you are chatting on your bluetooth about nothing important such as what color underwear to purchase. It's a cryin' shame that so many are so self absorbed to enjoy it and perhaps enhance their lives or the lives of other as God intended. God forbid we ever lose that technology due to some disaster or people will be talking to themselves just to stave off the withdrawal symptoms. That is my pet peeve, i suppose. I am not anti technology either but Geez!!!!!
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    I am sorry, but i have to interject, not to pick a fight either, but some people really have no couth. It probably has nothing to do with her value of that person, just her Mama didn't raise her right which seems to be the reason we are on here complaining about irritating people in the first place. That being said, it is very rude. There are days when i feel like people just merely go through life on their cell phones without any interaction at all with the outside world like cellular zombies or something close to a seed pod people takeover. Whatever happened to people that used to speak to one another or show a kindness to a stranger or even give a kind word? People have become so wrapped up in themselves and technology, they wouldn't know what to do without it. We used to navigate by the stars, have meaningful conversations, cordial invites and romantic letters via well written note, sweet gestures and respect to the passerby, regardless whether you knew them or not. There is a serious feeling of disconnect today with people in general. I agree life is busy, but look around you people. There is a great big beautiful world full of diverse and interesting people that you miss as you are chatting on your bluetooth about nothing important such as what color underwear to purchase. It's a cryin' shame that so many are so self absorbed to enjoy it and perhaps enhance their lives or the lives of other as God intended. God forbid we ever lose that technology due to some disaster or people will be talking to themselves just to stave off the withdrawal symptoms. That is my pet peeve, i suppose. I am not anti technology either but Geez!!!!!

    The world continues to change with every generation. What you so deeply hate is the future and this is just merely a minute sample of what is to come. Get with the times brah. Or be that old man telling the little whipper snappers to get off his lawn.

    "Back in my day..." You hear that a lot from the old timers lost in the new world. Your day was fine but today is now. Live with it or get trampled by it. I for one will never be "that guy". I will continue to evolve with the times; until I am forced out of this world.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member

    I am sorry, but i have to interject, not to pick a fight either, but some people really have no couth. It probably has nothing to do with her value of that person, just her Mama didn't raise her right which seems to be the reason we are on here complaining about irritating people in the first place. That being said, it is very rude. There are days when i feel like people just merely go through life on their cell phones without any interaction at all with the outside world like cellular zombies or something close to a seed pod people takeover. Whatever happened to people that used to speak to one another or show a kindness to a stranger or even give a kind word? People have become so wrapped up in themselves and technology, they wouldn't know what to do without it. We used to navigate by the stars, have meaningful conversations, cordial invites and romantic letters via well written note, sweet gestures and respect to the passerby, regardless whether you knew them or not. There is a serious feeling of disconnect today with people in general. I agree life is busy, but look around you people. There is a great big beautiful world full of diverse and interesting people that you miss as you are chatting on your bluetooth about nothing important such as what color underwear to purchase. It's a cryin' shame that so many are so self absorbed to enjoy it and perhaps enhance their lives or the lives of other as God intended. God forbid we ever lose that technology due to some disaster or people will be talking to themselves just to stave off the withdrawal symptoms. That is my pet peeve, i suppose. I am not anti technology either but Geez!!!!!

    The world continues to change with every generation. What you so deeply hate is the future and this is just merely a minute sample of what is to come. Get with the times brah. Or be that old man telling the little whipper snappers to get off his lawn.

    "Back in my day..." You hear that a lot from the old timers lost in the new world. Your day was fine but today is now. Live with it or get trampled by it. I for one will never be "that guy". I will continue to evolve with the times; until I am forced out of this world.

    I don't hate the future and i am only 34 and female. I hate the present situation of how people are so self absorbed and only seem to care for themselves. People don't talk anymore. Do you not see it? I think it is sad. Can I not, have an opinion and share my pet peeve? The whole post was not to you personally, only the part about the girl on the phone. As i said also, I am not anti technology, I am just anti rudeness. I suppose if everyone starts farting in restraunts to pass the time I should fart right along, to move with the times, bowels in unison? There are times when people are rude about cell phone use, such as not turning it off during church or for a public speaker and you ruin everyone else's chances of hearing what is being said. I am not saying people shouldn't talk on cell phones but that there is a time and place. I am not ignorant and do realize their value and that many people use them for other things other than meaningless chit chat 24-7 but when you have two people at a dinner party texting side by side to each other , I find that rude or when you have to ask the guy on the phone for something 5 times like a preschooler, I find that rude. Or you have to wait at the store because the guy in front of you has to be asked 5 times debit or credit, I find that rude. I have moved with the times, but do hold onto my values of treating people as i would like to be treated. And if that's the future should i just crap all over everyone else just because there are more jerks in this day and age than not? Boy, we may as well throw in the towel right now. Not trying to argue but to clarify. I am not attacking you by any means, just saying what gets under my skin.
  • alvchicky1290
    People who chew with their mouth open haha people who drive suppppppperrrr slow :)
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member

    People don't talk anymore. Do you not see it?

    Nope, don't see it. I have more communication with current/past friends, random people, and family than I ever have because of technology.
  • Sheepdoglady
    It's an ego thing.
    People who have sad little lives and can't see the real picture need these mobile phones surgically implanted to their earholes to say to the world "look at me, I must be very important because someone wants to speak to me on the phone and I can't possibly converse with you in the real world because of my social inadequecies."
    This particularly applies to men with TINY reproductive organs . . .
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    It's an ego thing.
    People who have sad little lives and can't see the real picture need these mobile phones surgically implanted to their earholes to say to the world "look at me, I must be very important because someone wants to speak to me on the phone and I can't possibly converse with you in the real world because of my social inadequecies."
    This particularly applies to men with TINY reproductive organs . . .

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • michele0101
    Women who wear "click-clackity" shoes at work and walk HEAVY down the hall. I don't know why sound bothers me so much. Errors with grammar used to bother me a lot but not anymore.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    People who hear the word "diet" and think, "going on diet".. :angry:
  • ElianeSweety
    Ohh my gudness! How main peaple annuyd with bady engrish! I tink I m gona gety my serf out ov here.

  • jammyone
    Low fat yoghurt.

    Really, what is the point in the stuff?
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I get a lot of calls at work from cell phones and there is spotty coverage out here in the wastelands.

    We have folks that call and keep getting dropped as they drive or move around,after about the third time I have to tell them "don`t move".
  • qtwells82
    People who chew with their mouth open or talk with food in their mouth....and im talking adults here.