Why Can't I Skip Breakfast?



  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    Skipping breakfast has so many disadvantages, but if your body is all right without doing breakfast then you can skip breakfast. You can also do some light and healthy breakfast that was good for health. I find that many people are not taking breakfast and they are feet but may be some problem occurs in future, so its my suggestion for to take breakfast or if you are all right then don't do the breakfast.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You can. No one is stopping you. There are no rules like that.

    I can't. It doesn't work with my metabolism. Breakfast is the only meal a day that I'm hungry for. ;-)
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    man look at the fun I missed so far
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Skipping breakfast has so many disadvantages, but if your body is all right without doing breakfast then you can skip breakfast. You can also do some light and healthy breakfast that was good for health. I find that many people are not taking breakfast and they are feet but may be some problem occurs in future, so its my suggestion for to take breakfast or if you are all right then don't do the breakfast.
    Err so what problems in the future? Alien invasion tax problems or any specific health problems?. If that's just your opinion fine but if your going to make vague statements like that you do need to try and back it up with something
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Skipping breakfast makes you more tired throughout the day and slows down your metabolism.

    No, it does not...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Your body goes into starvation mode because it has no idea when it's getting food next and then when you do eat it stores as much fat and sugar as possible because it's (again) not sure when it's going to get food next.

    OMG please just stop with this nonsense!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Studies show that more often than not, people are who overweight or obese are more apt to skip breakfast. I don't know if that is reason enough to HAVE it, but OTHER studies show that people who eat larger less frequent meals tend to add MORE body fat on them than those who don't: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/most-important-meal

    Then to muddy the waters there is this: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130304-skip-breakfast-pile-on-weight

    I say do what works for you. Throwing a log on the fire of your metabolism within about an hour of waking up may rev it up a little bit for a slightly higher net burn through the day, but is there concrete evidence of this association? Elisabetta Politi, RD, MPH, nutrition manager for the Duke Diet & Fitness Center at Duke University Medical School says YES.


    All in all, the WORST thing you can do is save all your calories for dinner. You go to bed and your bod has no reason to use that energy you just ate...and will simply store it as fat.

    Wake up at 3:30 am, eat my first meal around 1 or 2 pm, followed by my largest meal is almost always my dinner followed by dessert eaten in bed and well I've lost a little weight and fat.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Eating breakfast may be a good idea when you are just starting out and trying to develop a foundation of better eating habits in general. That said, once you get to know your own preferences skipping breakfast (or any meal for that matter) is of no consequence.
  • klinger6395
    klinger6395 Posts: 44 Member
    You can ...
  • sara17sb
    sara17sb Posts: 18 Member
    Skipping breakfast makes you more tired throughout the day and slows down your metabolism. Your body goes into starvation mode because it has no idea when it's getting food next and then when you do eat it stores as much fat and sugar as possible because it's (again) not sure when it's going to get food next. If you want extra calories for dinner, try a simple workout. I walk each day for 45 minutes with my dog. That gives me 241 extra calories to use :) Cleaning your house, gardening, ect all add up.
    I've had 2 different personal trainers, fitness consultant, doctor, dietitian, and diabetes specialist tell me this exact thing. I agree with this post completely. I do feel better, have better weight loss results and more energy when I have breakfast in tje morning.. Doesn't have to be a big breakfast, but has to be something. Even if you still lose weight skipping breakfast..is it healthy too? My advice would be to ask a professional, someone who actually knows the accurate medical answer. Everyone does their weight loss journeys differently and everyone has their own answer for things and at the end of the day it's your own decision. Nobody needs to be put down for trying to help though, or for having a difference of opinion... Geez
  • ConnorS879
    ConnorS879 Posts: 47 Member
    you can have breakfast anytime you want, 6pm if you wanted, all your doing is breaking the fast you had while you were asleep
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I haven't read through the whole post but I'm going to say if your eating breakfast because you think you should eat breakfast but your not hungry then dont eat it. I get up at 5am and I can't face eating then, my throat doesn't want food going down it's like it gets tighter, all I want is coffee but when I have my break I'm straight in Costa for my ham and cheese panini, but my job is active and I'm ready to eat then, this then is more brunch but I have a snack after work for lunch.
    Everyone's bodyclock is different and I personally think the best thing is getting to know your own routine and don't worry about what is meant to be the norm.
    I'm definately with you though OP, I'd rather use the cals elswhere and have a nicer meal later in the day, if it suits you then your listening to your own body.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Because the people who want to feel like they know something will judge you.

    Honestly, there's no other reason. Some people binge out if they don't eat little and often, but if that's not you, eat whenever. It doesn't matter.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    To comply with the rules of eating breakfast you can always postpone eating it till 1pm and then just skip lunch!:smile:
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Yes, even in a calorie deficit. Your body doesn't operate on a "24-hour diet clock" that magically resets at midnight. Enzymes and hormones are produced throughout the day in response to what you are eating or not eating, it doesn't just total everything up at midnight and reset for the next day. If you put your body in a constant "famine-then-feast" situation, it will adapt and begin to simply store the calories you ate for dinner as fat if you don't need them right away. Your body doesn't just let all those absorbed calories float around in your blood all night, insulin is produced and what you don't utilize is converted to fat and stored. She asked if it mattered, and research says it does.

    But if you don't agree with me that is fine too. I look at research, I have a degree in Human Nutrition and am obtaining my Masters in Obesity Prevention and Management, but what the heck do I know? Quoting Fargo "I'm not gonna debate you Jerry...."

    Apparently that nice degree you're getting ain't worth jack squat. :laugh:
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    My God....I can see how people on MFP get frustrated trying to dispell these dieting myths. HOW MANY WAYS CAN IT BE SAID??

    *SMH* I'm so, sorry...I can't even...
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member