8 Drinks! Are You Kidding Me???



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    it's a serious topic and people should realize- drinking a lot =/= alcolism or alcoholic. Sure label this label that we can argue it back and forth allday- but people need to know- people with extreme drinking problems may not ACTUALLY be alcoholice- they are just *kitten* with no self control.

    Being an alcoholic has SERIOUS rammifacations outside just being miserable to be around or someone who drinks more than you are comfortable wiht- or someone who drinks an drives.

    I would strongly disagree! The not being able to control it is not self control. Drinking that much alcohol changes the way your brain works and alters the stop/ go mechanism. Not stopping is a serious sign. Time to pack it in and get some help

    Then you should visit my world in London and south of France! People spend their lives dabbling in and out of heavy drinking and function fine and live long lives. My grandparents lived til their late 80s, drank every day from midday and were fine upstanding citizens. There's so much fear around alcohol, rightly, but it's just human nature to enjoy it, it doesn't always mean there's a problem. When you meet a real alcoholic you can see/smell/sense a big difference.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    That to me is absolutely ridiculous. i enjoy a glass or two of wine almost every night. its common to have wine with every meal in other country's like italy. if 8 is heavy drinker!!! whoa look out lol

    A glass of wine every night is much, much different from consuming hard liquor every night.

    Beer and hard liquor cause serum uric acid levels to rise. Wine however, does not.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I think we are booze twins lol!

    The secret is to make alcohol your slave, not your master. And know when to get out when you're losing that battle.

    it's a serious topic and people should realize- drinking a lot =/= alcolism or alcoholic. Sure label this label that we can argue it back and forth allday- but people need to know- people with extreme drinking problems may not ACTUALLY be alcoholice- they are just *kitten* with no self control.

    Being an alcoholic has SERIOUS rammifacations outside just being miserable to be around or someone who drinks more than you are comfortable wiht- or someone who drinks an drives.

    I would strongly disagree! The not being able to control it is not self control. Drinking that much alcohol changes the way your brain works and alters the stop/ go mechanism. Not stopping is a serious sign. Time to pack it in and get some help

    you should go back and read my other posts explain (alibeit in heavy laymans terms) how being an alcoholic works.

    Being a heavy drinker- being an alcohol abuser - being someone who just gave up- doesn't necessarily mean you are TRULY an alcoholic. There is a physical - CELLULAR change to your body- it's metobolic.

    And it isn't about the lack of self control- they are way past the lack of self control- they literally cannot function without it- without their AM drink- it's like me with no coffee- nothing happens- they don't wake up- they don't process. It's very much the same thing. That's NOT a lack of self control- that's an I have to drink to get going- I have to drink to wake up. Their body processes the sugar from the alcohol and that's what gets them fired up- it's like keto- with booze.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    That to me is absolutely ridiculous. i enjoy a glass or two of wine almost every night. its common to have wine with every meal in other country's like italy. if 8 is heavy drinker!!! whoa look out lol

    A glass of wine every night is much, much different from consuming hard liquor every night.

    Beer and hard liquor cause serum uric acid levels to rise. Wine however, does not.

    there is absolutely no difference between a glass of wine and an OZ of hard liquor
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Thats funny because they recommend having a glass of red wine for your heart and say one a day is okay, so that would be 7 drinks a week... so if you have one extra one you are no a heavy drinker? I think it all depends on how you use alcohol if you are using it as an escape and its effecting your life/relationships then its a bad thing, but if you are enjoying a good beer or glass of wine with dinner every night I don't think its anything to worry about.

    ^^This. Also the recommendations for amounts in different countries is all over the place. If they want to call 8/wk heavy then so what. That is a glass of wine each night and maybe one extra on one night a week.

    If the article is right, then in the UK the recommendation is no more than 3/day and in Spain no more than 7/day.

    It is almost arbitrary these guidelines. Also, weight is a powerful factor and that isn't accounted for. A 98lb woman cannot consume the same as someone who is 165lbs. It is proportional.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Then you should visit my world in London and south of France! People spend their lives dabbling in and out of heavy drinking and function fine and live long lives. My grandparents lived til their late 80s, drank every day from midday and were fine upstanding citizens. There's so much fear around alcohol, rightly, but it's just human nature to enjoy it, it doesn't always mean there's a problem. When you meet a real alcoholic you can see/smell/sense a big difference.

    Fascinating :huh:

    May you please volunteer one single Saturday evening in any regular hospital in the emergency room.
    Or may I personally introduce you to two people, one brain damaged and another one dead. Both victims independently to the so called "enjoyment" of somebody else to alcohol.
    And may we please discuss this "there is so much fear around alcohol" statement again afterwards.

    And what is by your definition a "real" alcoholic? How many do you know?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It is almost arbitrary these guidelines. Also, weight is a powerful factor and that isn't accounted for. A 98lb woman cannot consume the same as someone who is 165lbs. It is proportional.
    I wish
    tell that to my 125 best friend- at 165- I obviously am bigger than she is... damn bish has a hollow leg- she easily used to drink me under the table.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    And what is by your definition a "real" alcoholic? How many do you know?

    we already discussed this.

    and clearly you don't read- she alreayd said she lost a parent to it.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    That to me is absolutely ridiculous. i enjoy a glass or two of wine almost every night. its common to have wine with every meal in other country's like italy. if 8 is heavy drinker!!! whoa look out lol

    A glass of wine every night is much, much different from consuming hard liquor every night.

    Beer and hard liquor cause serum uric acid levels to rise. Wine however, does not.

    there is absolutely no difference between a glass of wine and an OZ of hard liquor

    You clearly didn't read my post nor do you know anything about alcohol.

    Yes, one 12-ounce beer has the same amount of alcohol as one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. I said the difference is that wine does not cause serum uric acid levels to rise- but beer and hard liquor both do.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    That to me is absolutely ridiculous. i enjoy a glass or two of wine almost every night. its common to have wine with every meal in other country's like italy. if 8 is heavy drinker!!! whoa look out lol

    A glass of wine every night is much, much different from consuming hard liquor every night.

    Beer and hard liquor cause serum uric acid levels to rise. Wine however, does not.

    there is absolutely no difference between a glass of wine and an OZ of hard liquor

    Um... there are huge differences. The ingredients are different. The process is different.
  • Goslynmaxx
    I'll just get a bigger glass.

    I like your moxie!! :wink:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    That to me is absolutely ridiculous. i enjoy a glass or two of wine almost every night. its common to have wine with every meal in other country's like italy. if 8 is heavy drinker!!! whoa look out lol

    A glass of wine every night is much, much different from consuming hard liquor every night.

    Beer and hard liquor cause serum uric acid levels to rise. Wine however, does not.

    there is absolutely no difference between a glass of wine and an OZ of hard liquor

    You clearly didn't read my post. One 12-ounce beer has the same amount of alcohol as one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. I said the difference is that wine does not cause serum uric acid levels to rise- but beer and hard liquor both do.

    Better avoid the peas too
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Don't confuse heavy drinker with alcoholic. Heavy drinker just means You drink frequently. I don't think there is really anything wrong with one drink a night and 2 on Sunday and I am sure you doctor will tell you the same thing.

    But then again, I am from Green Bay. The land of beer and cheese.
  • munky_do
    munky_do Posts: 40 Member
    What constitutes a "drink"? A cocktail, a bottle of lager, a glass of wine? My parents drink one glass of red wine with dinner every night, two on Saturday nights and they are some of the healthiest people I know. Apparently my mother is also an alcoholic though... yeah okay -_-
  • pamelas9
    pamelas9 Posts: 29
    I have no idea about the # of drinks/week. But in this article they classify "heavy" as 2-3 ounces per day. This article and the studies behind it are in relation to lack of calcium absorption in the presence of alcohol potentially leading to higher rates of osteoporosis.


    When these studies came out it was supposedly "better" to drink a few times a week, rather than everyday so that your body would have enough time to absorb calcium.

    That said, I was never much of a drinker...
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    What constitutes a "drink"? A cocktail, a bottle of lager, a glass of wine? My parents drink one glass of red wine with dinner every night, two on Saturday nights and they are some of the healthiest people I know. Apparently my mother is also an alcoholic though... yeah okay -_-

    One 12-ounce beer
    One 5-ounce glass of wine
    1.5-ounce of liquor
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    Don't confuse heavy drinker with alcoholic. Heavy drinker just means You drink frequently. I don't think there is really anything wrong with one drink a night and 2 on Sunday and I am sure you doctor will tell you the same thing.

    But then again, I am from Green Bay. The land of beer and cheese.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Its a definition. Its not a diagnosis. If that glass of whine or two is not effecting you negatively then enjoy and enjoy as often as you please. Heavy drinker is not necessarily a problem :)
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member

    And what is by your definition a "real" alcoholic? How many do you know?

    we already discussed this.

    and clearly you don't read- she alreayd said she lost a parent to it.

    I did not read the other eight pages.
    But I read it now.

    Doesn't make her comment any better.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Don't confuse heavy drinker with alcoholic. Heavy drinker just means You drink frequently. I don't think there is really anything wrong with one drink a night and 2 on Sunday and I am sure you doctor will tell you the same thing.

    But then again, I am from Green Bay. The land of beer and cheese.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Its a definition. Its not a diagnosis. If that glass of whine or two is not effecting you negatively then enjoy and enjoy as often as you please. Heavy drinker is not necessarily a problem :)

    You clearly don't know how the semantic game is played
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Don't confuse heavy drinker with alcoholic. Heavy drinker just means You drink frequently. I don't think there is really anything wrong with one drink a night and 2 on Sunday and I am sure you doctor will tell you the same thing.

    But then again, I am from Green Bay. The land of beer and cheese.

    I'm sorry but no doctor would advocate a patient drinking beer or hard liquor every night. Wine is a different story because it doesn't raise uric acid levels and is made of entirely different ingredients. You don't have to like it but it's as simple as that.