Fruit = sugar ... arghh!!



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    My extreme limiting of carbohydrates and sugar is going REALLY well for me, actually - thanks for asking.

    My chronic acid reflux is gone. My insomnia is gone. My acne is gone. My hair and nails are stronger. My poor circulation is no longer a problem. I no longer want to take a nap halfway through the day.

    Dietary sugar and carbs are not necessary for health. Your body can create the necessary blood glucose for bodily functions from dietary protein.

    The human body would be a real piece of **** if it hadn't evolved a metabolic pathway for dealing with carbohydrate restriction. (Which, before agriculture, was about 85% of the year)
    So, this is what worked for YOU. Stop extrapolating your issues with sugar and applying them to everyone else and saying sugar is crap. There is nothing wrong with carbs or sugar.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    In with blueberries.

  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    ... all food is useless, because even if you eat it, you're going to die anyway!

    Shut up and eat your fruit. Or don't. and leave OP and her fruit alone.

    This is an excellent thread to add users to ignore.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.

    Guess what… protein increases insulin levels as well!!

    Oh, and I'd like to see the full study. Not just the abstract :smile:

    Same. I cannot comment based on an abstract written in 1985 without the full study. I want to see what they did to induce hyperinsulinemia and how they gaged the responses. I also want to know what controls were used etc.
    I also want a more recent peer reviewed study because 29 years ago was too long ago for newer studies not to have been done.

    It wasn't a study, it was a literature review. Conclusions were inconclusive.

    ETA: References ranged from 1940-1983, except for Pavlov from 1927. The author referenced four of her own works, and the paper was done for a presidential address on obesity.

    In the conclusion:
    My discussion of hyperinsulinemia is only intended as an example, rather than an explanation, of the fact that overeating is no longer the simple phenomenon we once thought it was. It seems to be caused by a complex feedback system of environmental, behavioral, and biological factors that we are just beginning to unravel.
    Rodin, J. (1985). Insulin levels, hunger, and food intake: An example of feedback loops in body weight regulation. Health Psychology, 4(1), 1-24. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.4.1.1
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    ... all food is useless, because even if you eat it, you're going to die anyway!

    Shut up and eat your fruit. Or don't. and leave OP and her fruit alone.

    This is an excellent thread to add users to ignore.

    Ooh ooh add me me me...
    Do you have anything to contribute besides whine off topic?
    That should do it. :happy:
  • JoeCampbell85
    My extreme limiting of carbohydrates and sugar is going REALLY well for me, actually - thanks for asking.

    My chronic acid reflux is gone. My insomnia is gone. My acne is gone. My hair and nails are stronger. My poor circulation is no longer a problem. I no longer want to take a nap halfway through the day.

    Dietary sugar and carbs are not necessary for health. Your body can create the necessary blood glucose for bodily functions from dietary protein.

    The human body would be a real piece of **** if it hadn't evolved a metabolic pathway for dealing with carbohydrate restriction. (Which, before agriculture, was about 85% of the year)
    So, this is what worked for YOU. Stop extrapolating your issues with sugar and applying them to everyone else and saying sugar is crap. There is nothing wrong with carbs or sugar.

    I literally saw all those things from just changing my diet from normal western fast food diet to eating mostly clean food. I eat 200-350 g of carbs and 4-5 fruits a day. I love it. I love when people confuse causation and correlation.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Fruits are amazing! Yes, they are high sugar, but they don't come with the other junk that candy bars have, and they have a lot of good for you antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. They are a bounty. Eat them, enjoy them, and use the calories in them to replace junk calories. I've significantly increased my fruit intake recently (I eat some veggies too, but I have trouble getting very many servings), and it's helping to keep me full, not crave sugary treats as much, and so far the weight is just falling off!

    On a side note, some people have a medical reason for avoiding sugar. If you have medical reasons, then yes, the sugar from a lot of fruit could be a problem. But if not, it's totally okay!

    I like to keep my sugar listed on my diary. I increased my sugar goal to 100 grams, but I don't force myself to stick to that as long as I'm eating healthy. I have it on my diary mostly just so I can see my sugar intake.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I agree with the title of your post! Augh! It drives me nuts how much people freak out over the sugar in fruit! Just like fat doesn't make you fat, neither does sugar! And with few exceptions fruit isn't even a big deal for those who need to watch their sugar! The naturally occurring sugar in fruit CANNOT even be compared to the refined sugars we find in cakes, cookies, or sodas. Eat your fruit and enjoy it and (mentally) tell that cashier to stuff it!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ... all food is useless, because even if you eat it, you're going to die anyway!

    Shut up and eat your fruit. Or don't. and leave OP and her fruit alone.

    This is an excellent thread to add users to ignore.

    Ooh ooh add me me me...
    Do you have anything to contribute besides whine off topic?
    That should do it. :happy:
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    Your avatar.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables.

    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    Oh hun, no.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    ... all food is useless, because even if you eat it, you're going to die anyway!

    Shut up and eat your fruit. Or don't. and leave OP and her fruit alone.

    This is an excellent thread to add users to ignore.

    Ooh ooh add me me me...
    Do you have anything to contribute besides whine off topic?
    That should do it. :happy:
    I like your heart on

    Your avatar.
    Oh my....:heart:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    was in a trader joe's yesterday, and couldn't resist a few of the deals on some cherries, some apricots, and some blueberries... at the counter I off had just noted, "wow, I got a lot of fruit"....the clerk, in response, said "a lot of sugar". This took me by surprise, but I just replied "oh, we're not going to start counting the sugar in fruit are we?" . She looked at me, and said dryly "YOU should" ( with an emphasis on the "You". Lol, she was a little overweight herself, and I am of course a bit over weight, but just WOW. I wanted to reply back that "it wasn't eating fruit that got you and me in this shape lady"

    and that is still my thoughts...I actively try to get a few servings of fruit in my diet to keep me sane (plus...fruit!!). google doesn't solve this. even myfitnesspal counts the sugar as too high. so what I should just eat broccoli and chicken and water right? I guess that's what it means.

    I would have went straight to her boss.
    ^ this.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    I'm pretty sure I would rather not reach my goals than not get to have fruit.