The Real Danger of Smoothies and Juicing



  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Isn't the point of juicing to get nutrients directly to the blood stream? I do have one green juice in the morning with my protein. It's mostly veggies, but I do add one apple. I think this comes down to common sense. Fruit equals sugar, obviously juicing fruits will increase someone's blood sugar.

    The point of juicing is to avoid solid foods, which contain calories. Juice does not really contain calories, unless it is a color other than green.

    I disagree, I don't use juice as free calories. I don't understand how consuming juice wouldn't have calories. Mine is around 200 calories and they are included in my daily intake. I make the green juice for the nutrients, not as a meal replacement.

    Couldn't you just have a salad? Less sugar, more fiber.

    It's important to listen to smarter people.

    I like oranges in my salad, so it's basically the same. Orange with my kale juice or orange in my salad.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    in for later
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Been saving this.

  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    haha really? this study is BS...the sugars that you get from blending or juicing are NOT the same and do not have the same effect on your body as processed sugar in cookies, sweets etc. ive been juicing and blending for 5 years...Ive lost 100 lbs, Im more fit and active than I have ever been and my blood tests are excellent....


    I'm juxt wondering what company pays you to say this stuff.

    I wish a company DID pay me for this...

    Fruit doesnt have any sugar in it...sugar is something that can only exist if you refine something...a banana doesnt have sugar it has a holistic nature to it...if you refine the banana you can get sugar from it...but when its a BANANA it doesnt behave like refined sugar because its a banana...they are totally unrelated...

    the food industry has trained people to think about 1 nutrient in an item...cant have fruit its got too much sugar...cant have avacado its got too much fat...really? God put these fruits and vegetables on the planet to eat and give us a healthy eat them and be healthy!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    its very healthy...just knock out the dairy...and use coconut milk or almond milk instead of milk/ son also loves if i could only get him to drink a green smoothie!


    Nothing wrong with Dairy!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    haha really? this study is BS...the sugars that you get from blending or juicing are NOT the same and do not have the same effect on your body as processed sugar in cookies, sweets etc. ive been juicing and blending for 5 years...Ive lost 100 lbs, Im more fit and active than I have ever been and my blood tests are excellent....


    I'm juxt wondering what company pays you to say this stuff.

    I wish a company DID pay me for this...

    Fruit doesnt have any sugar in it...sugar is something that can only exist if you refine something...a banana doesnt have sugar it has a holistic nature to it...if you refine the banana you can get sugar from it...but when its a BANANA it doesnt behave like refined sugar because its a banana...they are totally unrelated...

    the food industry has trained people to think about 1 nutrient in an item...cant have fruit its got too much sugar...cant have avacado its got too much fat...really? God put these fruits and vegetables on the planet to eat and give us a healthy eat them and be healthy!

    Sense? This post has none!
  • rossraskolnikov
    rossraskolnikov Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry, but that's nonsense. There's millions upon millions of worse things you can eat than fresh fruit and veg; in any form. Do they sate your appetite less than eating them whole? Yes. Should you be conscious of how many calories any smoothies/juices you make contain? Yes. Just like anything else you ingest.

    No, it isn't nonsense. Recent research is determining that fruit juices are more likely to cause an insulin spike than eating whole fruits. Another problem with fruit juices is that they are relatively calorie dense and therefore it is easy to drink too many calories without noticing it. I haven't seen any research yet saying the same thing about smoothies but it may be the case. I'd watch the research.

    No, 80 calories of apple juice is not "bad," but 80 calories of a whole apple would be better for you. Those who "juice" while eliminating much other, healthier foods, are not doing themselves any favors and may indeed suffer nutritional deficiencies.

    I meant the thrust of the article was nonsense. Yes, I can see why the sugar may hit the bloodstream quicker than eating whole. Perfectly sensible. But all-natural fruit juices/smoothies are not the Diabetes-causing evil of our age. Refined sugars stuffed in mass-consumed processed foods are. A whole apple may be slightly better for you; now can we list the million things which would be worse for you? Generally, people aren't having juices in lieu of 'healthy' foods, they're having them in lieu of not having said 'healthy' foods.
  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    If they want to juice, let them. If they don't, cool. Don't worry about anyone but yourself :flowerforyou:
    I just see so many people here juicing and taking smoothies thinking it will help them out. I hate seeing so many people that are uninformed. They'll be the ones asking why they can't lose weight later and we won't know that the calories were from juices instead of whole foods and won't be able to help them.

    what makes you think people are uninformed because they juice or have smoothies? keep eating your waffles and butter buddy
  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    its very healthy...just knock out the dairy...and use coconut milk or almond milk instead of milk/ son also loves if i could only get him to drink a green smoothie!


    Nothing wrong with Dairy!

    keep telling yourself're headed to an early grave...better get some life insurance

    educate this will see what science and medical research shows about dairy...dont keep following the sheep
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    This is plain silly. I mean, yes; juices, smoothies and fruits all are high in sugar but sugar does not cause weight gain. Extra calories do. If you are not diabetic or insulin resistant the body is an amazing machine and can deal with that pretty nicely.
  • Cheeseburger85
    Cheeseburger85 Posts: 63 Member
    its very healthy...just knock out the dairy...and use coconut milk or almond milk instead of milk/ son also loves if i could only get him to drink a green smoothie!


    Nothing wrong with Dairy!

    keep telling yourself're headed to an early grave...better get some life insurance

    This is just too much. You sir are an excellent troll.
  • workshardplaysharder
    Based on this:
    I wish a company DID pay me for this...

    Fruit doesnt have any sugar in it...sugar is something that can only exist if you refine something...a banana doesnt have sugar it has a holistic nature to it...if you refine the banana you can get sugar from it...but when its a BANANA it doesnt behave like refined sugar because its a banana...they are totally unrelated...

    the food industry has trained people to think about 1 nutrient in an item...cant have fruit its got too much sugar...cant have avacado its got too much fat...really? God put these fruits and vegetables on the planet to eat and give us a healthy eat them and be healthy!

    And then this:


    Nothing wrong with Dairy!

    keep telling yourself're headed to an early grave...better get some life insurance

    I really hope you're being sarcastic because fruit does have sugar, avocados do have fat and there isn't anything wrong with dairy. I drink milk, eat yogurt, fruit and avocados. Ain't nothing wrong with me nor will I be "heading for an early grave"
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    A recent paper published by a emeritus professor of biochemistry shows that juicing and smoothies are much worse for you than simply eating the fruit when it comes to weight loss.
    Anything like this that you do to a food, such as grinding, pressing and even chewing, accelerates the rate at which the sugar is released into the blood. It increases the surface area of the food - making it easier to absorb and increasing the rate of digestion in the intestine.

    Similarly, eating an apple whole releases less sugar into the blood than apple puree, which in turn releases less sugar than drinking apple juice, according to a study

    It appears that every turn in the blender or juicer is simply akin to predigestion and it's allowing your body to absorb the sugars much faster since there's little for the stomach to do after you process it before eating it. Smoothies look to be even worse. The professor warns that the overuse of them can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
    Our bodies have only a limited capacity to deal with high levels of fructose - the fruit sugar found in fruit juices and smoothies, and in high-fructose corn syrup, used as a sweetener in store-bought biscuits, cakes, ice creams and drinks.
    That's because it sneaks past the insulin system.

    High intake of fructose bypasses the body's normal processes of controlling the amount of sugar in the bloodstream - the body produces the hormone insulin to use or store the glucose it gets from food. But high levels of fructose don't stimulate the body to produce insulin and hormones that suppress appetite.

    As a result, fatty substances can build up in the liver, causing them to become enlarged and inefficient, leading ultimately to obesity and type 2 diabetes.

    Be careful the next time someone tries to get you on their smoothie plan or tells you that juicing is better for you. You're really just sabotaging your own weight loss progress and you're putting yourself at risk of gaining weight even while you think you're doing something good for yourself.

    Read more:

    I was with you until I read the bold. That happens a lot when reading something written with an agenda, which I'm not sure if this is or not, so I look for clues. And the biggest clue for BS is unsubstantiated claims or giant leaps in reasoning.

    Making a smoothie increases the absorption rate of fructose found in fruit...

    Okay, Important questions before we go on.. In the study, how much fruit is the experiment blending and testing? If it's an obscene amount, then we have problems..

    But to then out of the blue say "as a result, fatty substances can build up in the liver.."

    WTF?? as a result of WHAT? eating fruit smoothies? Not likely. Eating fruit smoothies along with your big mac and large fries, maybe.. I can't quite rule that out.

    Fatty substances can build up in the liver when you overeat ANY food, and I'm willing to bet this pencil neck didn't differentiate between calorically similar subjects, while one had a greater ratio of smoothies, and then showed the results.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    MFP cracks me up sometimes...
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Fruit doesnt have any sugar in it...sugar is something that can only exist if you refine something...a banana doesnt have sugar it has a holistic nature to it...if you refine the banana you can get sugar from it...but when its a BANANA it doesnt behave like refined sugar because its a banana...they are totally unrelated...

    No, no, no, no, NO!!!!! Fruit does contain sugar. That sugar is fructose. Fructose is almost wholly processed by the liver and thus there are some scientists who suspect a link between over consumption of fructose, even from whole fruits, and non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome. They did some research that suggested this might be the case. A recent study, however, has indicated that is is not fructose consumption that is linked with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease but instead excess calories of any type. It is likely that we will see a good deal of conflicting information as each new study works toward building a full understanding of the dietary effects of fruit sugars, etc.

    That being said, to suggest that fruits do not contain sugar is just plain WRONG.
  • gogoboobzilla
    gogoboobzilla Posts: 91 Member
  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    Based on this:
    I wish a company DID pay me for this...

    Fruit doesnt have any sugar in it...sugar is something that can only exist if you refine something...a banana doesnt have sugar it has a holistic nature to it...if you refine the banana you can get sugar from it...but when its a BANANA it doesnt behave like refined sugar because its a banana...they are totally unrelated...

    the food industry has trained people to think about 1 nutrient in an item...cant have fruit its got too much sugar...cant have avacado its got too much fat...really? God put these fruits and vegetables on the planet to eat and give us a healthy eat them and be healthy!

    And then this:


    Nothing wrong with Dairy!

    keep telling yourself're headed to an early grave...better get some life insurance

    I really hope you're being sarcastic because fruit does have sugar, avocados do have fat and there isn't anything wrong with dairy. I drink milk, eat yogurt, fruit and avocados. Ain't nothing wrong with me nor will I be "heading for an early grave"

    or so you think....

    this will show you medical and scientific research that backs up my anti dairy claims...but you probably wont want to educate yourself...