Sugar Addiction Help



  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    I found that when I lowered my carbs drastically, basically bread and pasta is gone for me (DIABETES! DOWN ANTI LOW CARB PEOPLE!) my urge for sugar just seemed to balance itself.

    For me white bread was like a gateway drug :) I literally would butter a piece of wonder bread and coat it in white sugar. Ok, I know that sounds repulsive, and it probably was, but I loved it.

    To me that isn't gross. All you did was create a yummy pastry. Flour butter sugar yummy.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    sugar ran over my cat and slept with my wife.

    i hate sugar! :angry:

  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    High sugar and sugar sensitivity is already causing dementia in this thread. It seems obvious.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Cold turkey baby. You can do it! Once you kick it, when you try to jump back on, you hurt yourself. Try a little agave or honey to get you over the hump but only as reward system.
    Your admiring Liv ox

    Maybe I'm talking to a brick wall in this thread, but do you not understand that honey contains sugar?

    The important point missing in your statement is people gorge on white sugar. The only person who gorges on straight honey, like sits down and eats a pound at a time is Poo Bear.

    Fruit, a little honey, those are carbs that people don't go nuts on. I am like the other abusers on the board that would eat a lot of oreos, not the whole pack, but a whole lot of the pack. I would heat a lot of ice cream the same day as the oreos. I gave up sugar, and I don't even miss it as of the 2nd week.

    I really don't necessarily want it. But I will treat myself here and there if I want it
  • DanceswithWow
    Options disciplines worst night mare! For most people, there is great deal of misunderstanding on how sugar actually works.

    First off learning to modulate emotion is one sugars biggest real symptom.of over use and exposure. Its not that having sugar is an awful should have sugar..honey maple agave molasses and sugar cane..

    The issue at hand is bliss point, all the advice given so far to beat sugar neglects to see that each one of us is unique in the amount of sugar any kind of sugar our bodies can become over saturated by. This over saturation is called your bliss point..

    Food formulators and Scientist know this and has always been a huge reason why sugar in its wide array of forms can wreak havoc on loosing unwanted body fat. its not having sugar thats bad its having double digit sugar and upwards not knowing your threshold for its whether you wnat to or not seductive taste.

    . Just like knowing how much alcohol/liquor you can drink before you catch a buzz and its time to stop.. sugar aromatizes in the blood stream making you a sitting duck to your own bliss point . I know i once could eat most if not all my daughters Halloween candy in just 2 or three days, and entire platter of boston market brownies in one sitting, and an entire carton ice cream.. in every episode of Scandal ..

    I didnt get fat.... I got soft, muscles shrank, loss concentration though, but here are the 4 four techniques I used to get get the sugar monkey off my back

    I first learned learned which kind or kinds of sugars I was eating triggered my gateway..into wanting an obscene seemingly unstoppable amount of it..Mine was high fructose corn syrup, and refined white.. yours could be rice syrup, beet sugar, galactose, sucrose, or fructose

    Once I learned I didnt just stop cold turkey. I went through pantry frig and cuboards and determined how just many items had those two types of sugar that was in my immediate reach.

    It was a lot. sauces, packets of seasonings, condiments. I chucked these. Then there were the prepackaged dry goods , I seperated these into what i liked and what I could do with out or was partially opened. As you can imagine my storage spaces starting to look barren.

    What i soon recognized is that for every thing I was throwing away, if didnt replace with a better choice without my sugar trigger, another sugar ladden item could easily take its place.

    Replacing whatever I through away with an item that didnt have such a high amount made the difference... So basically I went from double digit sugars down to foods that had single digit choices..

    Thats what I discovered because you cant completely get away from all foods your bliss point can be triggered by. I went from foods with 27gram 19grams or 16 grams of sugar down to 11grams 9grams and 4grams of sugar per serving.

    Before i knew it, more than 60% of the sugars I brought in were no where to be found in close proximity or in my meals

    weeded them out
    paired them down to more than half
    replaced high levels of sugar laden foods with significantly lower per serving levels contained in them

    the final one-two punch for me was creating a shake I now called the G-spot Breakfast combined frozen fruit with a frozen vegetable from the grocers freezer which mixed with a powder called MeTrx.

    In essence, I found a sugar surrogate. This one happened to produce killer side that, it stopped sugar cravings like for realz. The flavor was so good and I could make a huge variety of different states - like peach, apple cherry, blue berry -( all frozen fruit combined 45/55% with frozen carrot or frozen squash) with out eating or increasing the amount of sugar I had manage d get down to single digit amounts.

    That was nine years ago and have not had a significant uptick in the amount of sugar I take in. My muscles are harder, its easy for me to turn away items I know will trigger my bliss point. This process just made me more intelligent about what sugars are coming from where.

    This 4 degrees of separation from sugar process may not work for you but..its definitely made a difference in my ongoing contact with the stuff.

    Finding a healthy sugar surrogate will definitely be the key for most people trying to kick the sugar drug habit.

    Dances w Wow

    Does the double digit to single digit sugar shake down

    When this happens ..demand for more of it becomes just like that..almost instantly. One taste on the tongue leads to the next without even realizing it...
  • fruity2
    fruity2 Posts: 66 Member
    This is my fav. Thanks for sharing BostonLulu for your well thought out post. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is always nice to hear the personal stories instead of spouting off research, which by the looks of it, can become a sticky topic. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal with alcohol. Bet you anything its the sugar in it! I can have spirits in the house, for years and not be bothered with it. But wine? Nope. Oh sure I can live without it, but in the house? Nope. One glass? Nope. Tis equivalent to chocolate for chocoholics :) Thanks for your candour.
    Hi Laura,

    Good on you!! Beating sugar is tough.. There are many people who replied to you and are familiar with the large body of research about the addictive properties of sugar. No point in repeating what's been said other than brains scans of food addicts look exactly like the brain scans of drug addicts.

    For the many folks who have no problem with sugar --- you are blessed with good genes. My family doesn't have the genes for alcoholism but we got slammed with the food addiction genes. It has killed off my mom and many aunts and uncles. The addiction got them to diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks.

    I am an all-or-nothing person and eating sugar sets me up for crazy cravings that sound like a screaming maniac in my head commanding me to find and eat sugar. I’ve gone so low as to steal candy from a kid while he was sleeping.

    I've gotten off sugar many, many times in my life. Each time, thinking I was cured (DUH), I ate sugar and was off and running. Amazingly, when I’ve been off for a few months, the first few bites made me physically ill, shaky like I'm in shock. I plow through that and I'm off and running.

    At 66 YO, it’s movd me into the path of chronic illness and pain, When I’m on sugar, my arthritis makes my inflamed joints so painful. Off sugar, I can walk stairs like a regular person. I am trying to beat this beast so that I can live with the quality of life I want.

    I’ve been off sugar for 5 weeks and the carbs that metabolize as sugar. The first few days, I white knuckled it. I can tell you, that now cravings are weak or non-existent. For me, it requires constant vigilance so that I can set myself up for success. Some of these suggestions have already been mentioned. Please pardon me for the repeats. This is what has worked for me:

    • I read labels carefully. Sugar has more than 100 different names and it’s in places you’d never expect to see it – e.g. croutons, marinara sauce, whole grain cereals, canned soup. If sugar is in the first 5 ingredients, I don’t eat it.

    • For the first few weeks, I didn’t take chances and avoided my trigger places like Starbuck’s, the bakery section of my favorite supermarket, and my friend’s mother who likes to see me eat her delicious baked goods.

    • At 5 weeks, I generally feel stronger but when I’m tired or stressed, I stay out of the places that call to me.

    • No sugar comes into my home. In the past, I’ve told myself it was for company but the stuff never lived till morning.

    • If I feel vulnerable when I go to shop, I call a friend who gets it and she stays on the phone with me until I leave the place.

    • I have a plastic basket in the fridge filled with healthy things I like, cut up and ready to eat. When I want “something,” I pull out the bin and stuff is ready to instantly gratify me.

    • If I’m going to be out for more than 2 hours, I take food with me in my insulated bag. I don’t let myself get to the excuse “ I forgot lunch or my snack, I’m starving, I’ll just go into Whole Foods and get a healthy salad with protein.” Nahhh – I lie. Once I’m in there, I’m a goner because I’m hungry.

    • Unless it’s someone who gets it, I don’t tell people I’m off sugar. I was recently at a catered birthday party and the hostess kept urging me to try the goodies. “One won’t hurt.” My reply was that I’m allergic – very few folks argue with that. It’s true, I break out in fat and lose my good judgement.

    • I stay away from artificial sweeteners. The research is conclusive on that also – they set you up for sugar cravings. I finally found a Stevia I like (Best Stevia by Now because it is stevia glycinate) and that’s what I use. I carry it with me so I can have an iced tea that I sweeten when I’m out.

    • I learned a great lesson in OA, failing to plan is planning to fail. It’s true for me.

    I can’t believe how long this reply is. It’s good for me to see it in black and white.

    You can do this. It’s not easy at first and there are many of us in this community who would like to support you, including me.

    Light and blessings,
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    At the time when I was eating waaaaaay too much sugar and refined carbohydrates I was not able to simply "cut back" I just couldn't will myself into doing it. What I had to do was go completely cold turkey Atkins style eating for a while and then start slowly introducing the sugar back into my diet in a controlled way until I was able to learn to consume it in moderation. It was NOT easy and it took a LONG LONG time and many failures. Every time I felt I was losing control with sugar (including grains) I would go back to very low carb and start again. For me, it was easier to cut out the food entirely but obviously that was not a permanent solution so I also had to learn how to exercise moderation , I just found that it was easier to teach myself moderation with these foods when I wasn't having mad-crazy cravings for them.

    Good luck OP
  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    It's all or nothing for me too. Once you stop, the cravings go away. Once you start, you can't seem to get enough.
    I also avoid sugar substitutes.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    What did you do to beat sugar?

    Hi OP

    First off there is nothing wrong with simple sugar in moderation (of course).

    That being said there's nothing great about it either. For the calorie's it costs the only thing it gives back is quick energy, which you can get from other sources if you have a healthy balanced diet.

    Most people looking to lose weight will cut back on sugar, not because they hate it, but because its the easiest and most efficient way to reduce your calorie intake (so you are eating in a deficit) without compromising any of your macro or micro nutrients.

    Sadly on this MFP site people think that if you want to cut back on something you must hate it (a strange opinion but its true).

    Protein in your diet should be your main focus (that's not to say it should be your largest calorie intake). fat is also essential in your diet. Sugar in your diet is not essential - but is in limited quantity optimal.

    If you really want to cut back on the sugar you should give it a try.

    I personally found cutting out my trigger foods for about a month and then would reintroduce them in moderation - that's if I wanted to. For most of the things I actually found I didn't want them anymore.

    I just focused on getting my carbs from Veg and fruit.

    This approach may or may not work. Give it a try!

    Good luck.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I love cookies,chocolate bars and cake but when I committed to changing the way I looked, ate, felt and lived, I started looking at WHAT I ate and how it will affect my hunger, my energy etc. For instance, when I open my fridge, Im looking at what will keep me going, keep me happy and full the longest. At the end of the day, if Ive done a good job, and I have room for it in my calories, I have my treat, log it and move on :happy:

    Balance is the key for me. I, personally, don't think you should have to deny yourself anything, just work it in properly.
  • jess17587
    jess17587 Posts: 153
    the first tip i gave was very good but no one seemed to listen so what im thinking now is the reason you have a addiction to sugar is because a lot of the foods you like are full of it so i think that you need to work on finding a handful of new faveorite foods that aren't full of sugar
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Recovering sugar addict lol

    I know.

    A lot of people with binge eating or compulsive overeating disorder think they have "food addiction," when really they have an eating disorder.

    Hey everybody! If you have issues with eating, particularly where you feel out of control eating certain things and binge on them: therapy, mental conditioning, online resources. I had binge eating disorder for most of my life. Develop a healthy relationship with food. Don't blame your binge triggers, especially when you are still eating them (meaning "i don't eat sugar!" but still eat fruit, honey, any carbohydrates) take some personal accountability.
    I'm a live and let live type of person but if I can change my satiety and eating patterns in a couple of weeks by cutting way back on the sugar and carbs how is that not physical? How is that not being personally accountable?

    Your issues are your issues -- and diagnosis -- don't project them onto everyone else. Just because you have food "relationship" issues doesn't mean everyone else does. For some of us it actually is the types of food we're eating that's causing the problem not a "relationship" issue that takes years and years of counseling and conditioning to work through.

    Cutting out sugar and carbs is not a long term solution to so-called "sugar addiction," neither is eating "certain types of sugar" and demonizing others. I'm not advocating eating 14 cookies a day, I'm saying that eating what you want within reason is attainable for everyone, it just takes work, rather than eliminating things that are "bad." It's the same mentality that leads the obese to rearrange their insides to lose weight rather than just find the strength and willpower to fuel themselves properly. I wish you success in your efforts, but I won't be surprised if you quit because going lowcarb/low sugar in the long term is very hard to sustain.
    I've been eating this way for two years now. I've maintained my 65lb weightloss for over a year -- not only is it sustainable it's almost effortless.

    Way back when I started eating low carb for health reasons (family history of diabetes, cancer and heart disease) I described the unexpected effect on my appetite as miraculous. Do you know how freeing it is to have a normal appetite again? How wonderous it feels to eat because you're hungry and to stop eating when you're full? Not to have that compulsion to eat and keep eating even if you're not really hungry but you have this overwhelming need and feel like you can't stop? And then to be "cured" in a matter of weeks and have a normal appetite again simply by eating a low carb, high fat whole foods diet?

    You REALLY don't know what you're talking about. I'll happily eat my ribeye and vegetables sauteed in onions, garlic, butter and bacon for the rest of my life -- or the dozens of other dishes I think are equally delicious and satisfying. And enjoy the carby/sugary goodness on holidays and special occassions. Happily. Effortlessly. Good food and a normal appetite are not a hardship.

    Your experience is not my experience, is not someone elses experience. By all means share what you know and works for you but stop speaking in absolutes because you don't know what the bleep you're talking about.
    you probably should take your own advice. Note that you are advocating that cutting out sugar is good as a blanket stTement because you feel differently on your diet. Pm me if you want to discuss further, this thread is a lost cause. Not because I don't legitimately believe that some people have aproblem binging on junk food, but because a lot of them seem to thin k sugar is to blame and that their bodies can tell the difference between sugar from candy and sugar from corn (it cant).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A craving for chocolate can be cured by eating a sweet apple. The apple provides much more sustainability.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I wish I lived in your world.

    I quit cold turkey for a couple months personally, and it's made it easier... sort of. After a while I was just using 'better for you' alternatives like Quest bars, but now I'm back to eating sugar and loving it. But that's why I'll keep logging forever... because I know it needs to be controlled. But I'm happier and more importantly, I don't feel like I'm depriving myself.

    It's true though that when I went cold turkey, it was easier after a while to just say no. The question is, how long would I have been able to just say no? I had much more willpower at first, and I don't think it had anything to do with cravings. Sweets still appealed to me. I'm thinking the whole 'stop eating sweets' thing just last as long as your willpower, in the end. And I know that people say that when you get off sweets for a while, when you try them again they are typically too sweet, or you can't finish a serving... I didn't experience that at all. It was still delicious to me. So I just try to eat them in moderation now, which means I've reduced my consumption of bread, rice or pasta a lot so I can fit them in.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Cold turkey baby. You can do it! Once you kick it, when you try to jump back on, you hurt yourself. Try a little agave or honey to get you over the hump but only as reward system.
    Your admiring Liv ox

    Maybe I'm talking to a brick wall in this thread, but do you not understand that honey contains sugar?

    The important point missing in your statement is people gorge on white sugar. The only person who gorges on straight honey, like sits down and eats a pound at a time is Poo Bear.

    Fruit, a little honey, those are carbs that people don't go nuts on. I am like the other abusers on the board that would eat a lot of oreos, not the whole pack, but a whole lot of the pack. I would heat a lot of ice cream the same day as the oreos. I gave up sugar, and I don't even miss it as of the 2nd week.

    I really don't necessarily want it. But I will treat myself here and there if I want it

    People gorge on white sugar? Really? Like - open a bag and break out a spoon?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    you probably should take your own advice. Note that you are advocating that cutting out sugar is good as a blanket stTement because you feel differently on your diet.
    Again, you don't know what you're talking about. My advice before you started diagnosing people with eating disorders and telling them there's only one true way...

    'It's not for everyone -- as you can clearly see from this thread -- but I thought I'd share because the everything in moderation, everyday approach was not sustainable for me. There's no one size fits all approach to something like this. Just keep at it until you find a balance that works for you and is as close to effortless to maintain as possible. Best wishes."
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Little changes, agave nectar,,.increased protein..eventually the cravings subsided,,Greek yogurt as dessert
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    People gorge on white sugar? Really? Like - open a bag and break out a spoon?

    Yep, if that was all I could get my hands on when I was a kid. But I preferred it with some salt, fat, and caffeine. Or with milk.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm tired of being diagnosed by amateur psychologists as having mental problems because bready sugary stuff makes me hungry.

    But I swear, if even one person pushes it too far, I'm going to start describing all the nasty insects and insect excretions found in most processed treats

    Arguing with sugar junkies in early-onset dementia, is waste of time. It's too late for them - ditch 'em. I find it helpful to ignore-filter the most rabid high-posters, quote-monsters and parrots that use phases like fear-mongering and FTFY. Sugar threads then are much shorter and more substantial.

    Do you think any retailed food is so clean as to still appeal after close inspection of its production? I love beef and chicken but that production is grim. Even water is a dirty business.

    Cutting sugar is an excellent experiment for anybody to try. I think it gives most people more control over their health.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm tired of being diagnosed by amateur psychologists as having mental problems because bready sugary stuff makes me hungry.

    But I swear, if even one person pushes it too far, I'm going to start describing all the nasty insects and insect excretions found in most processed treats

    Arguing with sugar junkies in early-onset dementia, is waste of time. It's too late for them - ditch 'em. I find it helpful to ignore-filter the most rabid high-posters, quote-monsters and parrots that use phases like fear-mongering and FTFY. Sugar threads then are much shorter and more substantial.

    Do you think any retailed food is so clean as to still appeal after close inspection of its production? I love beef and chicken but that production is grim. Even water is a dirty business.

    Cutting sugar is an excellent experiment for anybody to try. I think it gives most people more control over their health.

    I fear I love to argue too much to completely ignore them. A few of them are capable of constructing something resembling logical debate. The ones who just drive by post a few mocking words are ridiculous, though.

    Meat packing is grim business all around. I've gone vegan for ethical reasons, even though I did very well and lost a lot of weight on low carb, because my conscience got the better of me. I'm also aware that meat gets contaminated. So does processed food. Including, sadly, some of my staples, like dried spices. Insects and insect excretions are common contaminants in our grocery store shelf foods. I'm now so grossed out that I'm dedicated to learning to cook everything from scratch, or as close as possible. Including dehydrating at least some of my own spices. And it keeps me out of the cookie aisle. Where I don't need to be anyway.