At what point did you finally decide "this is it..."



  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I was about 5 pounds away from hitting 200. There was no way I was going to let that happen. I started back up with MFP after a pretty long absence. Been here for 70 days now and have lost 16 pounds. I will never let myself get that big again.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    When my size 18W/20W pants started to get tight. It was either buy new pants in the next size up or get off my azz and do something about it.
  • m1a9t8t1
    m1a9t8t1 Posts: 5 Member
    for me it's a yoyo situation...according to the internet I should weight 156 (male, 5'7.5''). Well I rarely dip that low! by the end of summer, right after I work out, but before I drink any water, I may see that weight...but by Feb, I'm 20lbs higher. I find it extremely easy to lose weight and be in shape in the summer, but as soon as the cold air whips in the northeast, it's over for me...I want to sit on my couch and watch tv after work....I want wine by the bottle and steak and potatoes...maybe I should move to a warmer climate!
  • thegirlwiththesox
    thegirlwiththesox Posts: 1 Member
    For me it was a 3 day period where things just kept popping up to prove that I needed to change.
    It started with the morning I hit 300lbs on the scale and was like Nope! Not happening. Later that day I went to the beach with my girlfriend in a dress that slimmed me down. When I saw those photos I realized that no matter what I wore I was much bigger than I was allowing myself to see in the mirror, it was like despite looking at my body before I was seeing it as smaller than it actually was.
    The following day I decided to go out on my quad skates that I'd left in the closet for who knows how long since starting college....I couldn't skate for more than 10 minutes before I had to stop, this was a slap in the face considering the fact that just over a year ago I was playing full on roller derby with no problems what so ever.
    Then to top it all off on the 3rd day I found out that someone teaches Stand Up Paddle Boarding near where I live, a sport I've wanted to learn since I found out it existed a while back, the downside; their boards only carried up to 250lbs so I'm far to heavy to even attempt it.
  • m1a9t8t1
    m1a9t8t1 Posts: 5 Member
    oh, and this was a particularly tough winter..I've got 20 pairs of dress pants in my closet....five fit by March...then I split a pair and bleached another...I was left with rotating 3 because I refused to buy a size up!
  • kwilcox1195
    when I realized that I'm not proud of the way I look. My tummy isn't 'sexy' or toned or tight or flat or anything. There is no reason it shouldn't be. :( .....and I'm the only reason it isn't.
  • giomyrosario
    Ever Since the Doctors told me that my health was getting worst and there was nothing they can do, so I decided to do something about my self and loose weight and eat healthier, at this point of my life I can't let another health issue kill me. Also my clothes don't fit me anymore I used to be a size 10 an now I'm a 16. It's been so hard and I've been really depress.
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    Pictures. I thought I was chubby in the mirror, but then I saw myself in pics and was just disgusted. Even in outfits I thought I looked shapely/smaller in, I was still a wide load from every angle. Not cute.
  • Pathend2
    Pathend2 Posts: 142
    I'm turning 30 in two months and am starting a new career. With all the changes going in my life, I think I finally decided to do something about my weight issue. I would always tell myself that if I had just stuck to the diet and exercise I would do for a few weeks at a time in January to last through the whole year that after that year is up, I would emerge being 100 pounds lighter. I guess with all that cumulating at once, I decided to stick with this plan once and for all.

    7 months later, I'm down 80 pounds. I've still got 40 to go before I'm in the "normal" range for BMI, but I've come this far. I'm not about to quit now.
  • SaltyElephants
    I looked down and I couldn't see my feet.
  • dustsettles
    dustsettles Posts: 27 Member
    I was sick. I went to the doctor and had to step on the scale for the first time in probably 3-5 years. I was shocked and horrified. I was 37 lbs over my normal body weight. At the appointment I was diagnosed with chronic panic attacks, 3-5 a day. At that time I could barely hold food down, walk, drive, or do anything. I decided to make some radical changes in my life.

    I quit my stressful job, ended a toxic relationship, and went back to school. That was about a year ago and so far I've lost 25 lbs and I feel so much better, almost like my full self again. It was the wake up call I needed. Now everyday I focus on how I can become stronger, healthier, and more confident.
  • starbean
    starbean Posts: 30 Member
    It had been a long, slow progression of weight gain, with accompanying realizations. Not wanting to wear skirts and dresses because my thighs were uncomfortably rubbing together was a real tipping point, but seeing a new number on the scale--one that approached 190--was the final wake-up call.

    The worst of my weight gain happened through a series of stressful times, particularly in the last two or three years. This summer I'm trying to adopt enough healthy habits to keep me in control when my workload increases in the fall.
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    I've been playing around with losing weight for over a year now. I lost thirty pounds last year, and this year I have slowly gained them all back. It has been a rough year, and I have let things slide in a way that I shouldn't have.

    I didn't notice how much I had gained until last week, when I went to put on my interview pants that fit beautifully in December, and I couldn't pull them past my thighs. In that moment I realized that at the rate I was going, I was going to be obese by Christmas if I didn't change what I was doing. Now, my goal is at least 12,000 steps/day and no more than 2,000 calories a day, even on "cheat' days. I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle (student), so there is no excuse for me eating whatever I want, whenever I want it.
  • kittygrrl15
    My muffin top was turning into the whole bakery shelf and I couldn't take it any more. I'm a belly dancer on the side and when I feel gross in my costumes in spite of my general over abundance of self confidence, it's not cool. I've been slowly and steadily gaining year after year. Two pregnancies isn't accounting for all the weight gained, so it's time to get serious about actually paying attention to portions, about getting some more serious movement in my life, and eventually about getting strong to carry me long into my late years in a healthy body.
  • ninamarietheresa
    ninamarietheresa Posts: 2 Member
    When I needed "wide calf" boots, didn't like family photos, started to feel fatigue, when I am usually a high energy, productive person.
  • erinden
    erinden Posts: 12 Member
    When I was embarrased for my husband to see me naked. During the Academy Awards I commented that Amy Adams looked hot in her dress and he said, "You had that exact figure until a couple of years ago." OK, then.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Mine are very simlar to the ones you all described. My husband took a picture of my daughter and I at Christmas and I was huge. I wanted to delete it. I then started thinking about all the things I avoided because I was fat. I didn't feel like I was that fat but, the pictures don't lie. It took until March of this year to make the change for good. I had a physical for work and found out I have insulin issues and thyroid problems.

    I'm down almost 40lbs and I feel wonderful. I will not go back to that fat person who avoids pictures and life because she hates the way she looks and feels.

    Now it's more about fitness! I started running and I've fallen in love with it. This past week I ran for a solid 4 miles! Best feeling in the world!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm 17 years old, 5'11" tall, and I'm going to be graduating this year. I ballooned up to... gosh 236 right before my vacation.
    I looked at myself in the mirror and felt soooo ashamed of myself. So the week after vacation I stopped eating the nasty food. I started working out amost daily. Aaand I stepped on the scale 7 days after getting back home and I was 229! From then on I have had the mindset of "I can do this."
    Now I'm setting mini goals. My mini goal at the moment is to be under 215 when school starts back up.
    My bigger goal is to be down to 170 at graduation. When I graduate and am about 70 pounds less then I was the year before, I don't think there will be a girl happier than me.
    :) Hope I can do this... The road ahead of me is long.

    You can do this! I love the mini goals. That is what keeps me going! Good luck sweetie!
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    That's wonderful! Definitely not easy, especially to make many changes at once. Very inspiring :)
  • candb247
    candb247 Posts: 1 Member
    Father was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. I said "No Way" to me following those footsteps.