At what point did you finally decide "this is it..."



  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I was uncomfortable at my heaviest but never really put much effort into loosing or even thinking of it....then i got the cutest, sweetest, most active little furbaby from the a a spca. I wanted to be a better mom to him and give him all the exercise he needed. so i took off a few lbs before mfp then googled calories in food and mfp poped up. I wanted to loose 20lbs before i went to hawaii and i did and it was really a lot easier then i ever thought. So i am now 103 lbs lighter and i walk my furbabys 2-3 times a day and i run 5-6 days a week. =D I'm, now taking off vanity weight as i reached a healthy bmi on sat.
  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    I've been saying for years I should do something. I even tried a few times. I usually gave up so quickly though. If I worked out (I would be a total baby about it too) I would take that to mean I could eat whatever and justify sitting and watching TV the rest of the day. If I ate good (which I rarely did) I didn't have to work out.

    Then my sister started talking about a beach vacation for next year while we did a mini stay cation here at home while we were lounging by the pool. It sounded wonderful, but I just didn't feel comfortable (especially not next to my cute sister and our tiny uber healthy looking friend). I came home and spent a week just feeling off and unhappy. Then I walked by the mirror in my bedroom and really saw myself. I realized I'm going to hit 300 in a couple years at the rate I'm going. I don't want to go to a beach resort and not feel comfortable in my own skin. I didn't want to not do fun things because I was worried I'd be too heavy for the activity, or it wouldn't be able to accommodate my weight. I want to wear cute swimsuits and sleeveless summer dresses. So I sat down with my husband and said help me do this. Hold me accountable, don't let me make excuses. He wanted to lose some weight too, so he said he'd do it with me. He's not at the place where I am, just done with being fat and ready to be normal, but he's doing the workout stuff with me. It keeps me motivated more. My kids are proud and I'm already feeling better after only 2 weeks. I really want to go to the beach and feel comfortable.
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    I had started gaining weight in my late 20s and had spent my 30s overweight and miserable. I honestly thought that was just how it was... I was just meant to be fat. But then a friend of mine - who had spent a lifetime being overweight - joined weight watchers and lost a lot of weight. Woop-de-doo. I had seen a lot of people do that. But then she kept it off. One year. Two years. Three years.

    I had my last baby 4 days after I turned 40, and for the first time in my life I thought it was possible. Maybe I wasn't destined to be fat?!! Maybe I, too could lose weight!

    It took me 8 months... but I went from a size 16 to a size 10. I made sure I immediately got rid of any article of clothing when it got the least bit loose. I was not going to make any provisions for ever going back!

    I've managed to keep it off for 7 years - all the while bouncing between an 8 and 10 (I'm 5"8") My ultimate goal is to be a size 6, and I'm using MFP to get there.
  • scrounger888
    scrounger888 Posts: 17 Member
    i just turned 34. I haven't been happy about my size in several years, and it's uncomfortable, hot, and sometimes just embarrassing. I cannot shop for clothes without them either being hideous, or very expensive. I've been opting for expensive so I can at least feel better about my outlook for today.

    So, as my birthday present to myself I am giving myself the gift of better health, strength and fitness. It's been about a week, had a birthday celebration in there but other than that I've been doing well. Several workouts in, trying to make walking a habit, and logging everything, good, bad or otherwise. I don't want to live as the fat friend forever and I'd like to be able to walk into any store and select some nice clothing, not have to drive 45 minutes to shop at the one store available. I can do this. It helps that my work partner also started his program a few months ago, and he's lost 70 pounds, so I have a good, supportive friend to help me get started. The time just seems right!
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    I had some personal stuff happen last fll that really turned me upside down. I simply decided I needed to take some time for me or I was going to go crazy (not literally) I contacted a friend who is ISS certified and said show me a few things I can do to help me workout. I've been going by to her ever since. I found it is a great way to destress, work out aggression, and simply feel better about me. It has been seven months and I'm down 32.5 pounds. I'm stronger, I'm happier, and I'm never going back to where I was!
  • scthomas100
    scthomas100 Posts: 31 Member
    I've always been the big girl, but I never really had any health issues. I actually lost weight in college from walking everywhere. I stayed in the low 200s until my thyroid went overactive. I lost 50 pounds in 3 months. I had to completely kill my thyroid with radioactive iodine in 2010 and gained around 80 pounds over the next two years trying to find an optimal dose of synthroid for me. I knew that I should have taken better care of myself during the "find the right medication" phase of my hypothyroidism, but I was having fun going out with friends every night and partying.

    I've been trying to lose weight since December, but the big moment hit me this weekend when I was looking for new work pants and had to buy the size 20 ones. That sucked, and they're still a little tight.
  • agman90
    agman90 Posts: 15 Member
    I am the youngest of 5 in my family. My mom had bad health and weight issues since before I was born, having taking medication that she was allergic to. She was diabetic (pancreas didn't work at all), she developed heart issues with some of the medications she was on. I really don't know if there were many days that she actually felt well. Her kidneys stopped functioning and she was on dialysis. My sister developed diabetes, but was able to control it with diet. One of my brothers is diabetic and has almost lost his eyesight. Another one is afraid to go to the doctor because they will probably tell him he's pre-diabetic.

    We were all in the hospital room with my mom when she passed. All I could think was, "I don't want my (5) children to ever have to sit here and watch me die like this". I lost quite a bit a couple of years ago, but I did gain some of it back. I want to lose again, I want to be able to be there for my kids when they need me.
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    The Christmas party rolled around and I had no 'going out' clothes in the wardrobe that fit me. And then I went shopping....and realised how many sizes I had increased by.....and that I couldn't wear the style of clothes I wanted to because I didn't feel good in them, at that size.

    That was enough to do it for me!
  • lissdawn
    lissdawn Posts: 70 Member
    When I realized a few months ago I was in a year-long relationship with a guy who treated me like garbage, and I was only remaining in it because:

    a) it was less messy then having to deal with untangling our lives and breaking up and

    b) I figured I couldn't be in a healthy relationship with someone until I had a healthy relationship with myself.

    So I decided to make my life messy and get my **** together. I am now single and 100% focused on myself and my personal health goals and haven't been so determined to do something for myself in...well...ever.
  • MarcieColley
    MarcieColley Posts: 4 Member
    When 39 years old I gave birth to my son and weighed almost 300 lbs. I was borderline diabetic with sever hypertension and a family history of heart disorder. I don't want my children losing their mother when they are still young and need me.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    When I went clothes shopping, and I kept thinking to myself, "WHY does everything look so terrible?? Why can't I find anything cute, what's wrong with all these clothes??" And then I realized it wasn't the was me. I was just fat. It had happened so slowly, I never realized it until I stepped back and saw just how porky I'd gotten.
  • mjmartin77
    When I saw a picture of myself and didn't recognize myself. I'm 5'4" and weight around 178 to 181 depending on the day. My ideal weight is around 150.....
  • TonyPillz
    TonyPillz Posts: 248 Member
    Fat people disgust me , and i ironically got fat and then lost it all again in a year.

    People who are fat due to issues with body chemistry is a totally separate issue , people who get fat like i did just eating constantly without worrying about the consequences irritate the crap out of me , so i irritated the crap out myself i took some responsibility.
  • jmzimba
    jmzimba Posts: 1
    For me it was when I noticed my clothes are not fighting quite right and I just feel awful all the time. I did not want to have to go and buy more new clothes.

    At one point I had lost nearly 50 pounds and felt wonderful I was the smallest that I could ever remember and I had done it with WW going to meetings and it was working. I had lost the weight to look good while on vacation. Once I got back I stuck with the program for a little bit but our WW leader was not giving the group the attention that she should have and decided that I knew enough to do it myself. In hind sight I did know enough but I didn't have the will power needed for the holidays and put on 10 pounds. I have gone up and down for the past several years with the same 30 pounds. Before I met my boyfriend I lost most of the weight again. But since moving in with him I/we have gotten way too comfortable and my clothes that once fit are getting way too snug and uncomfortable again. I know what I need to do its just hard to get myself motivated....

    I know this time is different. I'm tired of being so over weight. Granted I do have a lot to lose but just need to take baby steps. I have already given up diet soda as I seemed to be addicted to the stuff. Drinking more water. Just need to fine tune my eating and start working out again and keep with it....
  • stevee290
    stevee290 Posts: 85 Member
    One day I had to rock back and forth to get a little momentum to get out of a chair.
    JJSABA Posts: 4
    When the company I work for decided to take a picture of each employee and post it on the website. When I saw that picture posted online for everyone to see, my heart dropped, and what I knew for years, finally triggered action. I am a firm believer that you can't force someone into being healthy, when the time is right, they will do it themselves, everyone needs their own trigger.
  • sammharley1
    sammharley1 Posts: 39 Member
    Same with me - a photo of a weekend away. I was distraught!
    Well done for taking the initiative! x
  • BlazeJay83
    BlazeJay83 Posts: 23 Member
    At what point in your life did you tell yourself "It's time to lose weight" and ACTUALLY meant it??

    - I'm 41 and gained over the past ten years... so basically I spent my 30's fat and miserable. I don't want to spend my 40's fat and miserable so this is my main reason for being here. I've decided to make a lifestyle change of counting calories and becoming more active. I didnt get fat overnight and won't lose it overnight. I'm only 4 days in but I feel better already (mentally)..

    What about you??
    Same as you but just entered my 30s at the time, wasted half of my 20s a few stones overweight.
  • theapphaniaa
    I realized it was time to change about a month ago, when I thought I was having a heart attack.
    Thankfully, it wasn't that serious. I had popped my ribs out of place in my sleep (very bad chest pain).
    But the doctor told me one thing that could definitely help is if I lose weight, and I knew it was time to get serious.
    I am turning 43 soon and I feel the same, I spent my thirties being miserable and its time to wake up. I was a body builder for 12 years before I became a mom and so i knew how to live and eat right, but just didn't. My four kids are older now and I have a little more freedom to think of myself again as Me and not just Mommy. I am horribly 100 lbs over my goal weight, but I know I can do anything I set my mind to doing.