Does anyone else dislike exercise?



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I have absolutely no desire to reproduce.

    Does that make my life pointless :huh:

    Biologically, yes, but then again mine is too. :wink:

    Fair enough - we'll go sit in the corner and be pointless together :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This is why I love teaching biology to 9th graders, I get to have conversations about why, from a biological standpoint, their only goal is to produce as many babies as possible, and how cheating is a highly effective biological adaptation (if you don't get caught). :laugh: Corrupting youth is so much fun. :devil:

    *CYA statement: while I *do* have those conversations with my students it's as part of a larger conversation about biological drives vs. cultural expectations and immediate vs. long term reward. I'm trying to get them to use logic, something most 9th graders need as much practice with as they can get. *
    It's actually to get as many copies of your own genes into future generations, which does not necessitate having your own offspring. DYE Selfish Gene?:wink:

    I can just imagine the head explosions that lecture would cause! :laugh:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Do you REALLY enjoy exercising, or the adrenalin high afterward? Or the social aspect of it? I the fun of watching your muscles bulge? Or to watch yourself lose weight?

    I bet THAT'S what you enjoy.

    Be honest.

    If you REALLY enjoy the pain and discomfort and drudgery of exercise, then, as I stated, you are either delusional or crazy.

    Why do you think everyone has the exact same experience of things as you do?

    I REALLY enjoy exercising. I don't find it to be painful, or uncomfortable or drudgery. It makes me feel alive and free and I enjoy the feeling in my body while exercising. I don't typically feel much pain while exercising, even taking body checks in ice hockey, this doesn't really hurt. It's more like just a knock than actual pain and that also makes me feel alive rather than being uncomfortable. Same with other sports that I've done where you take hits or get thrown, like in Judo.

    I have a strong endorphin response; I know this because a couple of times I've sustained fractures while playing ice hockey and not known about it until later (incomplete fractures so the bone(s) stayed in one piece and I could move normally.) Frequently I don't know that I've sustained an injury until the next day. Also, I usually get quite a big endorphin buzz just from doing a couple of sets of deadlifts (I do 3 sets of 5 on deadlifts just for fun even though it's only supposed to be 1 set of 5).

    Endorphins probably do to some extent explain why some people like exercise and others don't. Maybe people who find all exercise to be painful drudgery don't have that strong an endorphin response. Maybe people who love exercise do. But I think it's more than just that because I like the feeling of doing exercise right from the start, I don't have to wait until any endorphins kick in... I don't even notice endorphins kicking in while exercising (although I do notice if it kicks in during the rest intervals between sets when lifting).

    One thing that this discussion has made clear, is that I really admire the dedication of people who hate exercise but do it anyway for the sake of their health. That shows determination. I avoid stuff that I don't like doing and stick to things I do like. I guess people who hate all exercise don't have that luxury.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Do you REALLY enjoy exercising, or the adrenalin high afterward? Or the social aspect of it? I the fun of watching your muscles bulge? Or to watch yourself lose weight?

    I bet THAT'S what you enjoy.

    Be honest.

    If you REALLY enjoy the pain and discomfort and drudgery of exercise, then, as I stated, you are either delusional or crazy.

    I actually enjoy the DOMS. So I must be crae crae! :love:

    I quite like DOMS too.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    Do you REALLY enjoy exercising, or the adrenalin high afterward? Or the social aspect of it? I the fun of watching your muscles bulge? Or to watch yourself lose weight?

    I bet THAT'S what you enjoy.

    Be honest.

    If you REALLY enjoy the pain and discomfort and drudgery of exercise, then, as I stated, you are either delusional or crazy.

    Right back at you.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I totally enjoy the actual exercising. I'm not lying or being delusional. There have been quite a few times where I have over reached myself by exercising too hard because i was feeling fuggin great! Then I get to go oh poo I can't complete my workout because my quads just turned to jello.

    I actually had to learn self restraint. That's how much I like it.

    I actually hate the time it takes to recover.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Yeah, I dislike exercise. Also, not sure why people who do enjoy exercise would come to this thread, probably an ego boost.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Yeah, I dislike exercise. Also, not sure why people who do enjoy exercise would come to this thread, probably an ego boost.

    Why do you assume that anyone's ego is boosted because they enjoy working out? Seems like a rather judgmental assumption.

    The OP didn't specify only those who agreed with her to respond...I assumed that she wanted all types of responses.

    As far as why some of us responded...IMO...we were all just trying to offer suggestions as to how maybe she could find ways to make exercise work for her.
  • madbrainDotCom
    madbrainDotCom Posts: 193 Member
    I hate exercise and always have. Fortunately, it's not required to lose weight. Weight loss is much more about diet than exercise, IMO.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    I love it. I go to a gym. It's the only place where I can listen to my music as loudly as I want. Where phones and e-mails and text messages can't reach me. Where I can go without having to get dressed up. Where I can sweat and stink and nobody gives a rip. Where I have miles and miles of mirrors wherein to look at myself. Change the mindset and the love will flow.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I used to like exercising but then I got burned out with it and took a break. Now I am trying to get back into exercising and am finding it harder to find something that I like doing because I don't have the same love for it anymore and don't zone out as much as I used to.

    The only reason I even exercise half the time around is so I don't get depressed and anxious and can kick my insomnia in the butt (it's because I am estrogen dominate and my progesterone levels are low).
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Yeah, I dislike exercise. Also, not sure why people who do enjoy exercise would come to this thread, probably an ego boost.

    Why do you assume that anyone's ego is boosted because they enjoy working out? Seems like a rather judgmental assumption.

    The OP didn't specify only those who agreed with her to respond...I assumed that she wanted all types of responses.

    As far as why some of us responded...IMO...we were all just trying to offer suggestions as to how maybe she could find ways to make exercise work for her.

    What she said!
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    I hate exercise and always have. Fortunately, it's not required to lose weight. Weight loss is much more about diet than exercise, IMO.

    That is correct. Exercise accounts for only 20% of progress. (Diet is 70% and rest is 10%.) But exercise (especially weights) can do wonders to sculpt that body and transform it from Lump of Clay to Venus de Milo.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yeah, I dislike exercise. Also, not sure why people who do enjoy exercise would come to this thread, probably an ego boost.

    What an odd response. Well, as long as it made you feel better I guess I can live with it
  • fitrobyn77
    fitrobyn77 Posts: 5 Member
    Super hate it but never regret it when I do it. I volunteer with a therapeutic horse riding group which involves hours of walking. Makes it feel less like " exercise" because I love doing it ( working with the horses and kids) I think the key is finding active things you like doing and build it into your life.
  • carriecoo
    carriecoo Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not a fan . My job is very physical luckily.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    No. It's one of the things I like to do most. Been working out for close to 30 years, keeps me sane.
  • mommysews67
    mommysews67 Posts: 60 Member
    yup, I hate it too. I have been many different weights and I know that when I exercise, I go down but I don't like to do it. I have tried different things ( walking, cycling, step classes, Curves, free weights/ treadmill skating and aerobics tapes) and I can honestly say that I have never found any thing that I enjoy doing, Now because of physical issues the only thing I can do (that I have) is an exercise bike. I ride it every day. It is set up right in front of the telly so I watch a movie while I ride and stretch
  • 25lbsbegone
    Yah, I'm not a huge fan. It's felt like more of a guilt-filled obligation more than anything, but I'm trying to change that by making working out fun somehow. I'm about to start body weight training, and I'm actually pretty excited for it!
  • mommysews67
    mommysews67 Posts: 60 Member
    and to some of the other posts - I never feel good when it is over. I just feel good that it is over (until tomorrow)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    *Raises hand*

    Always hated it, always will.

    With that said, I will admit I walk at least an hour a day and have been since I got my Fitbit July 4th, 2013. Do I like it? Not usually (especially in the Arizona heat)