Does anyone else dislike exercise?



  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Yeah, I dislike exercise. Also, not sure why people who do enjoy exercise would come to this thread, probably an ego boost.

    Why do you assume that anyone's ego is boosted because they enjoy working out? Seems like a rather judgmental assumption.

    The OP didn't specify only those who agreed with her to respond...I assumed that she wanted all types of responses.

    As far as why some of us responded...IMO...we were all just trying to offer suggestions as to how maybe she could find ways to make exercise work for her.

    Personally, I blame the troll baiters for posting misconceptions about everyone hating exercise that people felt the need to correct
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I think the only reason people don't like it is probably because they haven't found something that they do like. There are so many ways to move, I find it hard to believe you've tried them all and hate them all.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Believe it or not, some people live their lives without exercising and live to be over a hundred.

    Amazing, isn't it?

    The destiny of human evolution is not for us to do push-ups and sit-ups and run around in pointless circles to burn calories and so be at a healthful weight.

    Fran Liebowitz (sp?) made a pithy comment.

    She said she doesn't exercise because the amount of extra life span she would gain would just about equal her time spent jogging.

    Learn to eat less. Read Dr. Hagan's :Breakfast:The Least Important Meal of the Day."

    Don't be taken in by food faddists, pseudo diet experts, breakfast food companies, or the weight loss and fitness multi-billion dollar industry.

    Wtf is this?

    You have some agenda you're always trolling?

    I enjoy exercise. What's wrong with that? Or are you telling me I'm mistaken?

    Do you REALLY enjoy exercising, or the adrenalin high afterward? Or the social aspect of it? I the fun of watching your muscles bulge? Or to watch yourself lose weight?

    I bet THAT'S what you enjoy.

    Be honest.

    If you REALLY enjoy the pain and discomfort and drudgery of exercise, then, as I stated, you are either delusional or crazy.

    How do you explain how people can love one move within one exercise format and loathe another move in the same? If it's all trudgery, they should either be delusional across the board and love everything, or be "honest" and hate everything equally, shouldn't they?
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    If you like exercise you are either crazy or delusional.

    You don't LIKE exercise, you like the way you feel afterward, or you like how you look after spending several weeks on a program.

    No one LIKES exercise itself.

    Want to lose weight?

    Learn to control hunger.

    Skip breakfast and make your mornings useful without stuffing your stomach.

    :laugh: This is perhaps the most absurd thing I've read on MFP all week. (Previous Poster: If you don't share my views, you're insane or delusional.) That's a really dysfunctional worldview. :huh:

    I stand by the post.

    People aren't made to exercise. Exercise is a means to an end.

    People aren't made to eat food.

    It is a means to an end.

    The point of all humans are to reproduce.

    Everything else serves that purpose.

    Even if it takes delusions or insanity to serve that purpose.

    Of course, all people who say they love exercise aren't crazy- not even half of them. :)

    By far most are in a delusional state conditioned by culture, or have a secondary objective, i.e. get people to enroll in their work-out class.

    People who are rational know that exercise is not fun. But they need to to look good and be healthy.

    We are talking repetitive exercise here and not a competitive sport like tennis or golf.

    No. People are made to exercise. There are some physical functions that require full ranges of motion and/or regular activity to stay healthy. That's why we have "sedentary diseases."


    The only point of moving around ultimately is to find a mate and reproduce. The only point of food is to keep yourself alive and to have enough energy to move around and find a mate and reproduce.

    We aren't like the Martian Rover, whose only purpose IS to move around and take pictures and do tests.

    Biology rules, dude.

    Reproduction rules.

    Learn it, live it, love it.

    At 62 you seem obsessed with reproduction...strange I guess.

    Some would say...the act that causes reproduction is of itself...exercise. Others would say that if you will enjoy that act that causes reproduction far greater.

    I will be 62 next month...reproduction is the last thing on my mind. The act that causes reproduction...I think about that.

    You can count it as exercise you know.

    Exercise will make you less grumpy...consider trying it...the exercise that is...
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I used to be just like you, but I kept doing it and kept doing it. Now I love it! I lift and I run marathons and ultramarathons! Just keep at it!
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I hate exercises and I very rarely do exercise! I just watch what I eat.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Believe it or not, some people live their lives without exercising and live to be over a hundred.

    Amazing, isn't it?

    The destiny of human evolution is not for us to do push-ups and sit-ups and run around in pointless circles to burn calories and so be at a healthful weight.

    Fran Liebowitz (sp?) made a pithy comment.

    She said she doesn't exercise because the amount of extra life span she would gain would just about equal her time spent jogging.

    Learn to eat less. Read Dr. Hagan's :Breakfast:The Least Important Meal of the Day."

    Don't be taken in by food faddists, pseudo diet experts, breakfast food companies, or the weight loss and fitness multi-billion dollar industry.

    Wtf is this?

    You have some agenda you're always trolling?

    I enjoy exercise. What's wrong with that? Or are you telling me I'm mistaken?

    Do you REALLY enjoy exercising, or the adrenalin high afterward? Or the social aspect of it? I the fun of watching your muscles bulge? Or to watch yourself lose weight?

    I bet THAT'S what you enjoy.

    Be honest.

    If you REALLY enjoy the pain and discomfort and drudgery of exercise, then, as I stated, you are either delusional or crazy.

    I REALLY love to run. I don't find it drudgery, I find it fun. FUN!!! For a long time I ran without losing a single pound. It's a solitary sport, for the most part. I think its awesome to run down the street and go fast, not be winded. Sometimes it hurts, yes, but not always. Hell, I like they normal discomfort of sore muscles after. Especially after a long run covering several miles. I'm neither crazy nor delusional.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Our bodies were made to move, not be sedentary. That is why people feel better when they move. Moving does all kinds of good stuff to your body. I bet that if you tried the following, you might increase your chances of learning to enjoy exercising:

    Technically, you are correct -- however, so is the OP. I feel my body was intended to lie on a chaise and be fed bonbons by a staff of eunuchs. I am currently in a recliner feeding myself blueberries and will force myself to move later because both of you are correct. I hate exercising and it makes me feel better. Dammit.

    I knew that, someday, if I just kept looking, I would find my soul mate. No one in my household understands, to their very bones, that they should, in fact, keep me in the pampered state I'm meant to be in. And the dratted dog won't walk herself.
  • PtheronJr
    PtheronJr Posts: 108 Member
    Exercise is necessary, it is a biological need. You cannot be sedentary and be healthy, just as you cannot be obese and be healthy.
    We're trying to normalize all this crap and say "You'll be fine if your diet is alright." or "You can be healthy and obese as long as you eat some healthy things and maybe go to the gym once in awhile."

    Which is all obviously a load of nonsense, practically every other animal on the planet has behaviors dedicated to exercising, like social animals that tend to do this through play behavior (along with the other benefits that provides).

    So basically, yeah, you might not like exercising, but it is integral to your existence as a living creature, if you forgo it, your body will be suffering, it's simple as that.
    Some people are lucky and get to walk around a lot each day because of their job or such, but people that sit at a desk, come home, then sit on a couch, will, 9 times out of 10, become obese, or develop conditions or behaviors particular to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Viri91
    Viri91 Posts: 3 Member
    I think what's important is to find an exercise that you like. All my friends do running, but personally I dislike it a lot. I prefer walking or bicycle, so I do those when there's good weather. Since I can't rely all my exercise routine on the weather, I also do taiko (japanese drums). It's not conventional and not as effective as going to the gym, but I enjoy it a lot, and that helps me being constant with it. So just try to find what YOU like and enjoy, Even if it's not the "perfect" exercise for losing weight, it's better than doing none or doing something you dislike and will eventually quit.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    It appears to me that people with Type A body chemistry, having excess energy to burn, find exercise exhilarating and stress-relieving. I am a Type B, and exercise provokes me, antagonizes me, agitates me-- the result, people tell me, of "adrenaline." It isn't only the muscle pain, exhaustion, shortness of breath that I hate about exercise. It's also the hostility it inspires in me, which is a purely physiological response that has nothing to do with my resentment of exercise.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This thread just keeps delivering. Over and over and over again.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    It appears to me that people with Type A body chemistry, having excess energy to burn, find exercise exhilarating and stress-relieving. I am a Type B, and exercise provokes me, antagonizes me, agitates me-- the result, people tell me, of "adrenaline." It isn't only the muscle pain, exhaustion, shortness of breath that I hate about exercise. It's also the hostility it inspires in me, which is a purely physiological response that has nothing to do with my resentment of exercise.

    That sounds like exercise induced low blood sugar to me, not really "adrenaline". And after peeking at your food log I'd say that's probably the best guess there. You can't really expect your body to operate and exercise without feeling ill effects when you're only basically feeding it Pringles and diet coke. :flowerforyou:
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Steve, you have a lot of energy about this. Makes me wonder if we define 'exercise' differently.

    I think there is a difference between exercising and being active. 'Exercising' just-to-burn-calories-so-you-won't-look-fat does sound like painful drudgery. But doing something active because you enjoy it is quite different.

    And everyone enjoys different 'active-ities.' Free to be you and me -- that kind of thing

    No "delusional" people required -- just people who have different ideas of what is fun.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I have long held a belief that people with naturally more muscles are more likely to enjoy physical exercise, similarly people with not much don't. Do people agree or disagree with this idea?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have long held a belief that people with naturally more muscles are more likely to enjoy physical exercise, similarly people with not much don't. Do people agree or disagree with this idea?

    funny you should bring that up

    i have long had a belief that people with a positive outlook are more likely to enjoy more things, and people with a negative outlook will Never. Be. Happy.
  • Karla171341
    Karla171341 Posts: 1 Member
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I have long held a belief that people with naturally more muscles are more likely to enjoy physical exercise, similarly people with not much don't. Do people agree or disagree with this idea?

    I disagree. I didn't exercise for most of my life...I am sure that there is some muscle somewhere on my body...I just can't find it!

    Now that I exercise...I enjoy long as it is not some boring piece of equipment such as a treadmill. I love to walk and hike. I think as soon as it is not a hundred degrees outside...I might try doing some jogging...just to see if I can.
  • jjss5500
    jjss5500 Posts: 50
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have long held a belief that people with naturally more muscles are more likely to enjoy physical exercise, similarly people with not much don't. Do people agree or disagree with this idea?

    funny you should bring that up

    i have long had a belief that people with a positive outlook are more likely to enjoy more things, and people with a negative outlook will Never. Be. Happy.
