Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    sharmonesq>> WOW We are in the same place : ) I also weighed in at 159.8 2 days ago but had a some drinks with my friend and today back to 160.0.. : ) How tall are you?

    Congratulations It looks like im posting this month with a 4 pound loss but i will take it. My fault the 159 did not stick lol.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Happy holiday everyone and congratulations on the weight loss. My stat for the month

    213.5 ( 4lbs gain from thanksgiving)
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    sharmonesq>> WOW We are in the same place : ) I also weighed in at 159.8 2 days ago but had a some drinks with my friend and today back to 160.0.. : ) How tall are you?

    I'm 5' 8.5" How about you? My starting weight was much higher, about 209. My goal weight is 135. What's yours?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    sharmonesq>> WOW We are in the same place : ) I also weighed in at 159.8 2 days ago but had a some drinks with my friend and today back to 160.0.. : ) How tall are you?

    I'm 5' 8.5" How about you? My starting weight was much higher, about 209. My goal weight is 135. What's yours?

    Ah I c : ) my start weight for myfitnesspal was 172.8 after losing five pounds on my own at 177 and my highest weight at 9 months pregnant was 191.... My goal weight is 120-125 and I am 5'2
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I went to yoga yesterday morning, AND went for a 45 minute walk yesterday afternoon. I'm slowly starting to make better eating choices as well. I made chili last night, with ground chicken instead of beef, and it tasted exactly the same (my indulgence was the multigrain tostito rounds to eat with it). My mom made a turkey / veg / barley soup that we're having for lunch today.

    Yay, feels good to be getting back on track. Lots more work to do, but I'm on the upswing again, instead of still free-falling into the pit. :tongue:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Yay 159.8 again today who knows it might be my lucky month if the 150's would stop teasing me.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am skipping the gym tonight, as CJ and I have date night! We are going out to dinner then to see Jeff Dunham! YAY! :bigsmile: I'm trying to push the water as much as possible today, but I know I'm gonna have a few beers and yummy crap food. Oh well...gotta end the year with a bang somehow I guess! (Tonight is our New Year's together since he has to work tomorrow night.)
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Yay!! i reached my goal!! I was 190 at the beginning of this challenge now i am 179.8!!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Not to put a downer on things but today is the 1 year anniversary of my fathers passing...miss him sooo.:sad: ...wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.....do some celebrating with loved ones...but be safe.....love you all MFP family...very greatful for you all!!:flowerforyou:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Dec 1st 201.6
    Dec 3rd 197.6
    Dec 10th 197.4
    Dec 17th 197.4
    Dec 24th 197.4
    Dec 31st 197.4
    4.2 for the month

    I never would have thought I'd lose 46lbs throughout this year. I started this year at 243.9lbs and I'm currently 197.4. This time last year, I was drinking 12pack of soda every 2 days, eating Taco Bell, Hardees, etc 4x a week, now it's about 2x amonth for both soda and fast food. I'm so thankful to have met you all and to have you on this journey. I can't wait to start 2011 with a bang and a 5k next weekend. I'll see you all for the next challenge.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Great job Bru!! : ) You did amazing!!!

    Im really hoping that this will be the final year of my weight loss journey. It has been a good one and I know 13 pounds is not much, But I actually feel confident walking around in my two new pairs of pants and 10 new (secondhand) shirts Its amazing to not feel like im wearing the same baggy clothes everyday. Now I just cant wait to get to single sizes lol : )

    Iv got 40 lbs left so thank you all for continuing on with this challenge thread, I know I really love having this motivation and support. Lets make 2011 really count! : )
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Well my last weigh in for 2010 and its........ 122 pounds but it could have been so very much worse! I am out tonight for a meal and again tomorrow for lunch and then I will start to really get back on track :happy: :happy: :happy: Wishing you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year X.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am way up this month. sodium and DH at home have absolutely wreaked havoc apon my weight loss. Here's to 2011 and getting my mojo back.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    I have had several ups and downs in my weight loss journey this year but in general I will say that it has been successful. I have succeeded in making a lot of lifetime changes. To top it all, I started this journey on the May the 28th at 244.4lbs and today I weighed 203.0lbs bringing it to a total of 41.4lb loss. I am sure from the way things are going that I will not make my goal to be below 200lbs tomorrow but am confident that I will achieve that in the first few weeks of January. I owe these to this site and to all of you. I am hoping 2011 will bring a bigger success.

    213.5 ( 4lbs gain from thanksgiving)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Dec 1: 142
    Dec 7: 142.25
    Dec 13: 138.6
    Dec 19: 141.75
    Dec 24: 142
    Dec 31: 146


    Haha! Weighing at the end of the day after eating fast food and restaurant food while sitting in the car all day stinks. I shall weigh again tomorrow morning for January's start weight and hope for the best. I know I have gained. But, I took measurements too just in case. According to the tape measure, I have lost half an inch off my waist at the navel, and from my bicep. But I've gained half an inch on my waist at the narrowest point. I'm not sure what this means, though it is -1/2 inch overall. If I wait a few days until all the fast-food salt is out of my system, I may get a more accurate reading.

    Anyway, big congratulations to everyone who lost this month! Or who was trying to maintain and maintained! As for those of you who were like me and didn't do so hot, WE'RE GONNA KILL IT IN JANUARY!

    Happy New Year!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not to put a downer on things but today is the 1 year anniversary of my fathers passing...miss him sooo.:sad: ...wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.....do some celebrating with loved ones...but be safe.....love you all MFP family...very greatful for you all!!:flowerforyou:

    So sorry for your loss! Hope your heart is healing! It takes time when we lose a loved one. The older I get the more I appreciate those around me and never leave my family without hugs from them all. Including my dad who is a staunch old German who I don't think ever got a hug from his parents.

    Happy New Year to you!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well final weigh in for the year and for the month I am down .2! Not much but the way this month has gone not gaining is a positive.

    Hope everyone has a happy new year!

    I will talk with you all tomorrow on the new thread!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Not to put a downer on things but today is the 1 year anniversary of my fathers passing...miss him sooo.:sad: ...wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.....do some celebrating with loved ones...but be safe.....love you all MFP family...very greatful for you all!!:flowerforyou:
    I feel for you. december 26th was the 4 year anniversary of my mom's passing and i still miss her sooooo much.
  • lisafrancis629
    Well, I'm glad the holidays are over. It was so wonderful being with family but the food temptations were crazy. I made the 5 lb challenge though which I am so proud of. :happy:

    Dec 1. 194.8
    Dec 31. 187

    Yipee - 7.8 loss. I love this challeng!!! It keeps me so motivated as well as all of you on here. I love to here what's going on with you and your journey.

    Good luck next month.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Dec 1st: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 6th: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 15th: 203.4 lbs
    Dec 20th: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 27th: 202.3 lbs
    Dec 31st: 204.0 lbs

    Well I guess I could say its awesome that I didn't gain an ounce the entire month of December! However I did see a 201 on my scale at one point last week :grumble: So I had to redo my ticker to reflect my gain :ohwell: I'm hoping its just sodium. I had several meals out the last week, and will be going out again tonight. However after this weekend is over I promise myself that I will be back at it.

    I have achieved a lot this year that I never thought I could do. I started out in May at 249 lbs. So going into 2011 45 lbs lighter is a great accomplishment, and I'm almost halfway to my goal. :bigsmile:

    See you all on the January thread! Happy New Year, Happy New YOU! :flowerforyou: