Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ December '10



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Merry day after Christmas. As of today, I have logged onto this site everyday for an entire year. I did not start out trying to achieve this goal but as I began accumulating more and more days I started pushing for it......challenges keep me motivated. My next challenge is to workout everyday for an entire year and I will have accomplished that on January 4, 2011, so the countdown has begun.

    Since Sunday's are my designated rest days I try to keep my workouts light so I completed 30 minutes of Yoga and 30 minutes of Stretching.

    Barbie: Great story. Just reminds us what we can do when we put our minds to it. You've been doing an excellent job w/maintaining your weight.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie - What a great story!

    I did not exercise yesterday, but started back today. I am going back to ButNGut and free weights and will alternate doing them daily. Speaking of last year's clothes, the ski bibs I bought when I was just out of college almost fit again. They are tight around the waist, but can be zipped up. They are a woman's small. Maybe they will fit next year. They made it obvious where I need to loose those last 10 pounds. lol

  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I know ours was great! I decided to splurge a little and treat myself. We had tacos at my in-laws on Christmas eve, I did pretty good I packed ground turkey to use instead of hamburger and loaded up on all the other stuff except for the cheese and sour cream. My mothers house on Christmas we had lasagna which I love!!! I did eat but kept my portions in check by eating a large salad before. I forgot my low fat salad dressing so I used her regular dressing but measured it out carefully. I couldn't pass up the peanutbutter balls though..:blushing: They were soooooo yummy, but I only ate two and made sure they were the small ones!! Last year I would have just kept eating them until I was so full I could have thrown up. I worked out very little as I decided this was going to be my little mini vacation. I have to say I have missed it and I am soo ready to get back to my routine. Things need to get back to normal. I am going to be starting my training for the mini marathon in the next couple of weeks so between that and my regular workouts I am sure to be super busy. I kinda like how that sounds though :happy: Time to focus on momma. I have neglected her long enough. hehe...Have a great day ladies!!
  • snowmom
    Hello fit and fun group. Mind if I join in? You gals sound like me kind of group! I am 5.3 (okay 5.2 and 3/4 ) :happy:47 year old from northern Canada. I have lost 60 plus lbs in the last 5 years or so but can't seem to lose the last 30. I think the motiviation and support of a group like this would reallly help me.

    I will be attending a wedding in Jamaica in late April and feel that that should inspire me to get moving to look and feel my best by then.

    I have had some health issues in the past and have all but stopped exercising in the last 6 months but now have the okay to slowly get moving again. I love to walk my dogs, do yoga and water areobics.

    I lost the first 60 lbs by finally making myself a priority and treating myself as good as I was treating everyone else. I know that sounds silly - but its the truth. I finally decided that I was worth the effort to eat properly and take the time to exercise and that simple reolization totally changed my life. it's time I stepped things up - and work on those those final 30 lbs before the other weight that I have lost starts to creep back on (I have gained about 10 back since I had to quite exercising yikes).

    Hope you all have a great day. Just reading your past posts has inspired me - thank you so much.

    Snowmom ( Actually should be snow granny as I have 5 wonderful grandkids)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I've decided to keep my workouts light until I receive my Turbo Fire program so I can complete a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid workout. Today I completed the Fat Blaster dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    Glad to see the board pretty active again and welcome to any and all newbies. I'm looking forward to what 2011 will bring.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: babygurl, it sounds like you have learned how to balance between sane and healthy eating and treating yourself to holiday goodies......that is the lifetime skill that we all want to acquire...the peanut butter balls would have been a huge magnet for me, too......I loooooooove peanut butter:bigsmile: :bigsmile: whenever I fantasize about going crazy with food, it's always about eating a whole jar of peanut butter with a spoon :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: snowmom, you have joined a very supportive and encouraging group.....I've learned a lot of staying focused by participating in this thread almost every day.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Choco, WTG, you are my role model in staying focused

    :flowerforyou: we slept super late today (it was almost 8:30 when I walked the dogs) so by the time I did my house cleaning chores and fielded a phone call from a friend with a giant problem, it was lunch time then we had a long list of errands so my exercise today has been almost an hour at the dog park, some dancing in front of the TV and 20 minutes on the exercise bike.....we're going out again in a few minutes so I won't exercise as much as i would like, but with a little creativity I may get to 10,000 steps on my pedometer.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Babygurl – Tacos are not really that fattening in the big world of things. At least they have lots of veggies. We have them a lot. Like you, I skip the sour cream, but I do put cheese on them. I use extra lean meat or chicken.

    Snowmom – Welcome. 60 pounds is quite an accomplishment. I bet you have a lot you can share about how you did it. The last few pounds always seem to be the hardest. I’m at that point too.

    Choco – I am glad you found the new exercise program you wanted and got a good price on it.

    I did 60 minutes on my bike and managed to stay under my calories, but it is not because I ate 3 well balance meals with lots of veggies. Let's just leave it at that!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I completed the Core Rhythms full workout dvd. Core Rhythms is a latin dance exercise program that uses the Salsa, Samba and Merengue styles to help you burn away those calories. I haven't completed this dvd in a very long time and it was a nice change.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning ladies. Completed my 300 last night and then my 3 blocks in the cold this morning. Turbo jam tonight and then 6 miles at a very bisk pace. Let the training begin!! I am so looking forward to this!!!:love: Can't wait until race day!!!!
  • snowmom
    Good morning ladies

    Wow - you gals are really inspiring me to get moving! Babygurl and Choco are really moving! Yeah!

    Well I went down to re-introduce myself to the Wii this morning and I am horrified with how far I have backslide. Apparently it has been several months since I have checked in - times flies when I'm bingeing. :sad: Oh well.....I am not going to beat myself up anymore - that will only cause me to do more damage. So......with the inspiration I have gotten from you weight loss Goddesses - I will drink my water - and go introduce myself to my gym area downstairs.

    We had friends over for supper last night and I made a totally "clean" healthy meal. It felt great to eat properly after consuming all that turkey and treats for the few weeks. I made plenty of extra clean food so I have healthy leftovers to last a couple of days. I also purged my frig of all the unhealthy treats and leftovers and restocked my pantry with healthy food. In our house - the holiday' eating is over!

    I am hoping it warms up enough to walk the dogs outdoors as well (It's -28Celcius right now) a nice long brisk walk in the snow would do me some good.

    Have a great healthy day
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all and happy hump day! I'm so excited because my Turbo Fire package arrived yesterday. I had a chance to review a few of the workouts and skim over the reading material and I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to complete the program and get good results too. I was going to begin on January 17, 2011 but decided to go for it beginning Monday. I ordered a hrm on Ebay and I'm hoping it arrives before then so I can start off in the right direction.

    My plan is to read over all the materials and make my shopping list based on the nutritional guide before Sunday and be ready to start strong on Monday.

    Since I'm starting the Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid next week I decided to keep this week's workout pretty low key. So, today I completed the Cardio-week 1 dvd from the Kettleworx series. I like this workout because it's total body and short.
  • ChshireKat
    Goodafternon all.:flowerforyou:

    I posted lasted thursday about being able to gym on friday (12/24) because I didn't have to work, but that didn't happen, I got drafted to be chauffer for various siblings. And on christ mas the gym was closed. Sundays are my deperatly try and clean my house day, so I did that all of sunday. I don't have kids but I have one 25 yr old room mate that makes as much of a mess as a few kids would.

    Then low and behold Monday came came around :cry: .... And I wake up sick. We think I got it from my sister who got it from her son. even though I am better now and back to work I can't do much of a work out because I have asthma with only one trigger ... a virus. So I can't go back to the gym until I can breath regularly without wheezing ro when I can breath deeper with out caughing. This sucks. :sick:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Snowmom, your dogs look like they have warm coats for walking in the snow….do you put extra coats on them in your cold weather? Your clean eating meal sounds like a great way to get yourself back on track. And even if the news from the Wii isn’t good, at least you have it for indoor workouts. One of my goals this month has been to find ways to exercise indoors….the coldest it has gotten here is -11Celsius but we have a lot of rain that keeps me from exercising outdoors, although I walk my dogs no matter what the weather and take them to the off leash dog park unless the roads are too icy to drive.

    :flowerforyou: Annita, you have had a huge run of bad luck….I know that I have exercised through a lot of aches and pains but I think not being able to breathe would keep me down…..I hope you feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: Babygurl, your training sounds awesome….I jog on the carpet while watching TV but not outdoors and only a few minutes at a time…..good luck to you on your training.

    :flowerforyou: Choco, you keep finding new workout routines that I’ve never heard of… continue to amaze me

    :flowerforyou: JAM, staying under your calories is a good thing even if it wasn’t the usual healthy DASH diet that you usually stick to… are still so consistent.

    :bigsmile: I have been doing more jogging and dancing while watching TV……of course, now that I’m doing that, I don’t have as much time for posting because I used to watch TV and do stuff on the laptop computer at the dining room table….now I keep getting up and jogging for a few minutes
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    6 miles in the rain was like 30 degrees and windy but it felt great to a get out and get it done!! The whirlpool tub was calling my name when I got home. I couldn't help but get it! So I soaked for a while to warm up then got out and did my 300. I decided to skip the turbo jam. My daughter was having trouble with her new computer so after dinner I worked on fixing that and it was getting to late. Maybe I will double it up tonight and do my 6 miles then 300 and 40 minutes of turbo.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie-Good for you to just keep moving girl!!
    :wink: Snowmom-I am glad we can inspire you. Keep with it, we all have times we struggle. Thats what the group is here for, to pick each other up and dust one another off when needed!! You got this!! Now dust that wii and gym off and get your booty kidding:wink::wink:
    :huh: Choco-Let me know how you like the Turbo Fire. I am trying to decide between that and possibly the Zumba. I sooooo love Turbo Jam so I am leaning toward Turbo Fire so I am interested to know what you think. Thanks
    I hope everyone has a awesome day!!:heart::heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just popping in to say hello. I will catch up on the posts later. I hope everyone is doing OK and getting ready for the next long weekend.

  • ChshireKat
    Hi all.

    It's not as cold here in Portland as it is for some of you'll farther north ... and east, but here was a lovely coat of frost on my car this morning, and I slipped and slid my way to the office doors ... but the freeway was clear . I like this weather, I'd rather be freezing and dry then cold and wet.

    Thanx Barbiecat, I am tring to think of ways to exercise without out really having to change my breathing, I'm leaning towards a light, looooong walk. Whats funky about my asthma is it didn't develope until I started losing weight, about 2 years ago this March. I am getting used to it.

    I am off work tomorrow so I WILL get out and do something physical (or die trying). Mew years day is my maternal families hangover run (we're no realy hungover, at least not all of us), and we'd be going off-roading near my uncle/cousins house. I told my carpoolers it depends on how my breathing is Friday. I'd hate to miss it, I rarily do something with my mom.

    :drinker: :drinker: Here's to the new year. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: May every one have a good one, and talk to you all next year.:happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Today is my Friday since our furlough day at work is scheduled for tomorrow and we have Monday off due to the holiday, so, WOO HOO, WOO HOO, long weekend. This will be a quick post because I have a headache and need to chill out for a bit. Today I completed the Burn It Off dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    I really love that this thread is hopping again and everyone is finding a way to stay active.

    Barbie: Any movement is better than no movement so keep jogging and dancing in front of the tv.

    Babygurl: Your workout is awesome and I give you a huge pat on the back for getting out there in 30 degree raining weather and getting 6 miles in. I heard great things about Turbo Fire so I'm really excited to see what kind of results I can get. I'll definitely keep you posted. Have you done any BeachBody programs?

    Jam: I hope you're still moving it and shaking it.

    Chshire: Hope your feeling better.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Choco- I have Turbo Jam the original one and it is wonderful!! I loved it since day one! I have looked at the Turbo Fire online and it looks the same but more intense so I think I would love that one too!!!

    I am struggling with my eating..I logged all my food and exercise for the day tonight and then realized that my net calories were negative 65!!! It said I needed to eat 1248 calories to meet my goal...what the heck???? There is no way I am ever going to be able to eat that much in one day!! I am struggling to even get 1200! I had logged all this before I had done my Turbo so I opted out of it tonight but I don't want to have to keep opting out. Any suggestions?
  • tatiana_13
    I'd like to join your group! I'm 4'11" (that's my story, I'm sticking to it!). And although I'm supposedly normal weight, being short seems to give me rolls and it's nice to be with folks who understand that no, I don't have unrealistic goals...I'm just short!

    I've been struggling with these same 15 or so pounds for about 8 months. So my new tactic is to be patient. Go slow. And try to maintain my losses, no matter how small.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: welcome, tantiana :bigsmile: this is a very supportive group.....we like to talk about exercise.....being as short as we are, we have to do more exercise to balance our eating.....getting rid of those last few pounds and firming up those jiggly parts is a constant challenge.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today was line dance day and I got to reteach the dance I've been was a beautiful sunny day to check on some things in the yard and take the dogs to the dog was cold enough that I was glad to have my exercise bike for some indoor fitness and, as usual, I've been jogging and dancing while watching TV :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: babygurl, I don't know what you're eating to keep your calories so low, but when I'm active my body demands more food.......peanut butter is always my treat on a good exercise day although lately I've been going overboard