Like Minded Lushes - December



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    so here I go again

    Monday = 0 drinks.

    Robin, you and I are way too much alike....:bigsmile:
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    New to this thread and holy cow am I glad I found y'all! I thought I was the only lush on this site, lol. I've been trying very hard this last year to lose weight, and I've been fluctuating between 35 and 38 lbs lost lately, but that's only half way to my goal and its been coming off very slowly. I believe that's due to a couple things: I've got budgetary and physical issues that keep me out of the gym and not able to do any workouts from home either. I can walk some, but not a lot and not fast. The other reason is I drink quite a lot and when I do I SNACK like a bear emerging from hibernation! So, as I come around to my second year of attempting to lose weight, I've had to face the fact that I need to greatly reduce the amount I drink (not buying booze should help in the budget dept too).

    So far this week I had 4 glasses of Cab. on Sunday. That's it. I'd like to keep it to just that until I hit up on New Year's Eve. In general I'm hoping the goal of not drinking during the week can be an attainable and sustainable one for me. I live alone, have no kids, just a cat. I tend to put the TV in the bathroom and lounge in the tub watching my shows, drinking my wine in the evenings. I'm going to arm myself with ice water and hot tea in the tub tonight.

    I have a sis-in-law who is for the most part a teatotaler. For Xmas she gave me (amoung other things) a set of cocktail napkins that have a picture of a drunk old lady in a mink coat and a saying: drinks well with others and she cut out a cartoon of a gal at the bar with the first caption saying: before drinking; showing her all prim and proper and the second caption saying: after 4 beers; showing her monopolizing the karaoke stand......sigh....sis-in-laws, can't live with em, can't shoot em.

    I'm glad this thread is here. I hope to keep up with it.
    happy happy happy to you all
  • jschwarz3531
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday :)

    I was planning on starting Monday with zero drinks but then here in NY we got hit with a MASSIVE blizzard...didn't leave my house for 2 days and spent the better part of both of them curled up on the couch with a bottle of wine. But I did shovel for close to 4 hours and hit the elliptical so that makes it okay, right? ;)
  • jschwarz3531
    PS- Jojo- I'm not sure what your physical issues are, but I find when I cant work out due to injury, etc I like to do crunches, leg lifts and squats during the commercial breaks of my favorite shows. Its not a lot but if you are a TV head like me it adds up!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had a big marg last night, it was tasty! Maybe no drinking tonight, we'll see...
  • mrhelpless
    Hi All

    Hope your determination holds out, everyone. This is a really difficult time of year for us! You might remember me - had the early warning from my ticker and gave up my daily cider habit back in November. Well - I made it through Christmas and defeated the urge to open a few ciders or beers! Wow! I've been dry 5 weeks now. I didn't think I could do it! New Year to come...

    I wish you all luck in your various plans to balance booze and life. I miss mine so much (booze that is :smile: ).

    Good luck for 2011. I'll keep around and see how you are doing and keep you posted on my progress (hope you'll be interested!).

    Welcome along JoJo - I had the same amazed inspiration when I saw this thread!

    All the best, Clive
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Holy carp! I've not logged on since my Winter Break started. I've not exercised (with the exception of playing indoor soccer a couple days ago) I've not logged calories, and I've gotten my drink on...

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season and I'll be back in January! (Where I promise to be good...)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Clive, I remember you, glad it is going so well for you, your will power is impressive.

    Jojo, I find the best way is to not keep alcohol in the house when I am trying to avoid drinking. Personally I find the more regularly I drink the more I want to drink whereas if I take a break for a while it actually becomes easier not to drink. For example I gave up alcohol for November as a challenge to myself and the first few days were the hardest but after that I wasn't too bothered about not drinking and even kept alcohol in the house. Now since drinking for the last 5 nights in a row it's harder to break the habit again, the urge to pour a glass of something is very tempting.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Hi All

    Hope your determination holds out, everyone. This is a really difficult time of year for us! You might remember me - had the early warning from my ticker and gave up my daily cider habit back in November. Well - I made it through Christmas and defeated the urge to open a few ciders or beers! Wow! I've been dry 5 weeks now. I didn't think I could do it! New Year to come...

    I wish you all luck in your various plans to balance booze and life. I miss mine so much (booze that is :smile: ).

    Good luck for 2011. I'll keep around and see how you are doing and keep you posted on my progress (hope you'll be interested!).

    Welcome along JoJo - I had the same amazed inspiration when I saw this thread!

    All the best, Clive

    Wow! Congratulations on the 5 weeks Clive. I know even when it's necessary, giving it up ain't easy, so you should be extra proud. I went booze-free for about 3 weeks before my surgery and another 2 weeks after due to the pain pills, and it was a struggle on some days even though I needed to for my health.

    Anyway, last week was pretty much a lost cause. I started with a few glasses of wine at a "board meeting" on Tuesday and didn't stop until Christmas Day! I went back and tallied up the caloric damage and YIKES!!! I'm still trying to figure out why I didn't feel a whole lot worse than I did on a few of those mornings after -- or how I managed not to gain weight. I think I needed that, though, because I haven't even had the desire to have a drink since Saturday. Just haven't even thought of it. Guess I had my fill. At least until this weekend, I'm sure. It is, after all, New Year's Eve.

    Happy New Year my fellow lushes!

  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Good Morning all you lovely lushes,

    I have been embracing the "no drinking during the week" effort this week (this is week 1 in trying); 2 nights in and I've been successful.
    I wanted to address one of the mind games I've played on myself in the past and that has been that I've noticed that evenings I spend sipping (ok, gulping; I actually bring the box into the bathroom with me) wine in the tub usually result in more consistent weight-loss on the scale the next morning than evenings spent out of the tub drinking tea. I've been working to unscroll this conviction. I think it worked up to the point where I went straight to bed after getting out of the tub. If I stayed up for awhile I almost always ended up scrounging for food. Since I don't keep "junk snacks" in the house the food I ended up with could be very bizarre indeed.
    My challenge now is to give my self a rest from the added sugar and calories of alcohol and the resultant grazing, AT LEAST during the week. Gotta say, I'm looking forward to the weekend!

    NEW YEAR'S EVE: going to sister's house for fondue and games; the booze will probably be beer and an obligatory glass of champagne.

    How bout the rest of you? Fun plans?
    be safe but be happy!
  • jschwarz3531
    Hello everyone,

    I'm in a fabulous mood today-its my weigh in and I've lost another pound! yay :)

    Also Tuesday=0 drinks

    Hope everyone else is having a great week so far!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    last night I was totally prepared to go drink-free but I got home and the cat had barfed all over, including on our wedding album. After cleaning it up I was in such a mood I decided to mix up a couple of orange-vodka and sprite while I made an asian steak salad for dinner. Maybe tonight I will go drink-free...
    NYE is S-I-L's bday so there is 3-d Tron and dinner at a seafood place. I plan to drink at dinner.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good intentions until I fixed dinner of baked potato, broccoli and sirloin steak. Had to have red wine to go with. oh well I will try again tonight.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    We will probably go to the neighbor's for NYE, no driving YAY! We have been drinking every night this week but have big hopes for the New Year, also trying to drink only on the weekends.

    Welcome Jojo and congrats on your loss to date.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well I was alcohol free last night but I'm not making any promises until after new year I'm still in enjoying myself mode.
  • Kristy1214
    I'm loving these posts! I'm usually just a weekend warrior, but I am a fan of the hot apple cider with run and buttershots.. yum. can't help that the cold weather makes you want to cozy up with a cute puppy and a nice drink!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So DH and I are out and about picking up odds and ends and he says, "how bout a quick drink" and we go into the mexican restuarant and I two marg with extra shots and a whole thing of really fresh chile con queso. I have no will power at all. aaaaaahhhhhhh!
  • HerbieSue
    So DH and I are out and about picking up odds and ends and he says, "how bout a quick drink" and we go into the mexican restuarant and I two marg with extra shots and a whole thing of really fresh chile con queso. I have no will power at all. aaaaaahhhhhhh!

    I agree...........aaaaahhhhhh! Sounds amazing! You are not alone, while visiting my kids we seemed to always end up at a brewery or pub (you know my drink of choice is champagne) and they had some amazing seasonal beers, my personal favorite being "Nutcracker"! Needless to say, a great time was had by ALL!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay, I give up this week. I just can't do it when DH is home all day. started this morning with a bit of Kaluha in the coffee.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks, everyone for the welcome! I've been good so far this week with my new "no drinks during the week" policy. I'm thinking I'll be treating tonight as a Friday night though since I don't have to work tomorrow. I'm thinking some red wine may be in order. I've been encouraged at my weight loss this week, so its good motivation to stick to my new policy (it'll be in full force NEXT week! :wink: ).
    have a great celebration y'all and here's to a fantastic new year!!! :bigsmile: