Like Minded Lushes - December



  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Congrats Jojo!!

    Well my lushes ... I couldn't make it this week ... had gin and pineapple last night and it was great ... now the co-workers are going for mexican and margaritas since we're off early!

    Happy New Year everyone and lets toast with a drink!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    New Year Eve lushes! This is "our" holiday but PLEASE don't drive if you've been drinking. Tonight I am doing a mulled wine at my friends house and will be spending the night. I am also going to be bringing plenty of water with me so that I can mix that into my drinking tonight but I DO plan on drinking tonight.

    My friends have a new Wii so we are going to be playing that ... and I got them Epic Mickey as a "thanks for hosting" gift ... yeah, we are Disneyland geeks.

    Have a Happy and SAFE New Years!
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Happy New Year Lushes!

    I've discovered one of the secrets to not drinking during the week - have your husband quit drinking entirely! My hubby was put on a new medication and absolutely cannot drink while on it. Since we both love our wine, and I know that I'd hate to be in his shoes and sit there watching him indulge, I gave up wine during the weekend and only drink on weekends if we are out with friends.

    I made it 3 whole weeks - before we went away to visit my family for Christmas, something that even he understood clearly requires wine consumption to survive.

    Tonight we're off to his best friend's house for NYE to hang out. I've been given the all clear to enjoy some wine tonight - and certainly will do so - but then it's back on the wagon on Monday!

    Sadly, in my 3 weeks of no booze, I didn't lose any weight. Oh well.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve to all my lushy friends. I hope you enjoy your celebrations this evening. I just wanted to remind you that I will start a new thread tomorrow. [smiley-eatdrink060.gif

  • mrhelpless
    Hi Lushes

    Happy New Year! After nearly 6 weeks dry - Argh - I caved in... OK a couple of tins of cider with the family as we see in the New Year here in the UK. I was glad to get some good walking in today so have some space in my calorie intake to enjoy a drink. I won't see that disappointing red total on the food chart! (MFP is really good at making me feel very guilty :blushing: .) I'm not really supposed to drink on my meds but heck, got to have one break. (How I miss the 'old days'.)

    Hope you are all enjoying yourselves - not a time to feel guilty or worry, I say. See you in the new thread!

    Have a good time everyone and here's to next year!

  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Happy New Year's Eve to all my lushy friends. I hope you enjoy your celebrations this evening. I just wanted to remind you that I will start a new thread tomorrow. [smiley-eatdrink060.gif


    Looking forward to it ... Happy New Year!
  • elizabeth9474
    Soooo happy to find this thread! Finally some people like me - that know we're not alcoholics just bc we ENJOY a few drinks (every week ^_^ haha) I agree w/the post before mine. My hubby has quit drinking through the week w/me. So now we both indulge only on weekend - but have started working out together to burn those drinking calories off :)