What is the weirdest weight loss advice you've ever had?



  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    "Try the egg and orange diet. Eat 10 eggs and 10 oranges every day for a week - you can lose 5-7 pounds in a week." Stupid.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I was just told by someone that I should be eating several tablespoons of coconut oil per day if I want to lose weight.

    Apparently coconut oil has a thermogenic ? effect and will boost my metabolism significantly. When I asked if the added calories and fat should be counted I was told no because the calories where actually negative calories and could be deducted from my total eaten.

    Now I know enough to get that this is probably BS but where does this stuff come from????

    Also, just for interest sake, anyone else been given some weird advice?

    I was told the same thing by an old man at a pizza joint. He overheard me saying I had lost weight and I guess took that initiative to come talk to me.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    "You have to eat every 2 hours or your body will go into starvation mode and hold everything as fat"

    This from the person I am dating...
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    "Try the egg and orange diet. Eat 10 eggs and 10 oranges every day for a week - you can lose 5-7 pounds in a week."

    If you eat 10 eggs a day, and 10 oranges a day; you probably would.

    1 egg ~ 80 cal x 10 - 800
    1 orange ~ 80 cal x 10 - 800

    1600 cal a day? That is a deficit for me. :)
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    "just *kitten* the weight off"

    funny thing is i think they were being serious
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I think I'm going to write all of these down and combine them and see if I take all of this advice if it will help me!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Apparently in Mexico there is some notion of "warm" and "cool" foods that has nothing to do with temperature or spiciness. I got some diet advice along those lines from an immigrant, but I'm so unfamiliar with those cultural concepts I really couldn't make enough sense of what she said to remember it. :\
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    "just *kitten* the weight off"

    funny thing is i think they were being serious

    Sex (even alone) does count as exercise....

    However, the amount you'd have to get/do to make a significant weight loss dent....

    I can just imagine the diet book: "The Perv Diet: Sex Your Way to Sexypants!"
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    I was just told by someone that I should be eating several tablespoons of coconut oil per day if I want to lose weight.

    Apparently coconut oil has a thermogenic ? effect and will boost my metabolism significantly. When I asked if the added calories and fat should be counted I was told no because the calories where actually negative calories and could be deducted from my total eaten.

    Now I know enough to get that this is probably BS but where does this stuff come from????

    Also, just for interest sake, anyone else been given some weird advice?

    My Dad lives by Coconut Oil and has also mentioned this too me. He didn't say anything about it being negative calories but did say that it would help in weight loss. While I do enjoy coconut oil for cooking... I'm not about to eat the stuff straight. My dad on the other hand.... eats it by the spoonful :noway:

    (he also eats yucca roots and other weird concoctions for their healing properties ... I tend to just smile and nod :indifferent: )
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    A waiter the other night told me to not drink water for one hour before or after any meal. He said something about concentrating the digestive enzymes so your body digests the food more effectively. And, this advice was from a nutritionist he "knew while living in LA, where you know, nutrition is EVERYTHING". And also? this was Angelina Jolie's nutritionist, so you know it's good information.

    I smiled as I sipped my water with lemon.
    this is actually true you should not drink while eating or a hour before or after bc you water down the digestive enzymes that break down your food
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    My favorite was when my MIL was on the "Soup" diet. She could only eat soup for the first couple of weeks. Sorry, I like forks.
  • greeneyes972
    to only eat once every 18 hours, and that in the process your poop gets smaller because the body starts to re-absorb essential nutrients and vitamins from the poop. the longer you go, the smaller your poop will be until your body simply gets used to re-absorbing all the "lost" nutrients.

    and overheard in the store one day... "eat bread that's been coated in olive oil. the oil will make everything just slide right through and you'll lose weight."

    lmao this one had me DYING!!!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Apparently in Mexico there is some notion of "warm" and "cool" foods that has nothing to do with temperature or spiciness. I got some diet advice along those lines from an immigrant, but I'm so unfamiliar with those cultural concepts I really couldn't make enough sense of what she said to remember it. :\
    there is something similsr in peru it has to do with what types of foods you eat and the balance of chakras it also tells you foods that are too cool too moist or creating moisture in the body too dry too hot creating heat in the body usually every one is set in one type I think mine was kaffa. Which I should avoid sweet foods chocolate and carbs.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    A waiter the other night told me to not drink water for one hour before or after any meal. He said something about concentrating the digestive enzymes so your body digests the food more effectively. And, this advice was from a nutritionist he "knew while living in LA, where you know, nutrition is EVERYTHING". And also? this was Angelina Jolie's nutritionist, so you know it's good information.

    I smiled as I sipped my water with lemon.
    this is actually true you should not drink while eating or a hour before or after bc you water down the digestive enzymes that break down your food

    I'm just going to laugh right through my lunch with a tall glass of water.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    My mother suggested I try the Eat Half diet.
    In a nutshell, eat whatever you want - but only finish half of it.

    she underestimated how much I could put on the plate before I half it, though....
  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    A waiter the other night told me to not drink water for one hour before or after any meal. He said something about concentrating the digestive enzymes so your body digests the food more effectively. And, this advice was from a nutritionist he "knew while living in LA, where you know, nutrition is EVERYTHING". And also? this was Angelina Jolie's nutritionist, so you know it's good information.

    I smiled as I sipped my water with lemon.
    this is actually true you should not drink while eating or a hour before or after bc you water down the digestive enzymes that break down your food

    I'm just going to laugh right through my lunch with a tall glass of water.

    My enzymes are screwed then because I drink so much water with a meal I need my own carafe.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Eating all the gummie bears that I want, because they are fat free.
    No. Even. Kidding.

    This lady also did the cabbage soup and grafefruit diets.

    Maybe it would work if they were also sugar free. :sick:

    The sugar free ones are super high calorie still. It's crazy.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    this is actually true you should not drink while eating or a hour before or after bc you water down the digestive enzymes that break down your food

    The Mayo Clinic disagrees with you:

    Unless your stomach doesn't produce enough hydrochloric acid (the main component of gastric juices), there's no problem drinking water during or after a meal. Otherwise, how would we digest soup?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    *kitten* increases testosterone.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Courtesy of the "Gummy bear diet"

    "41,395 of 42,038 people found the following review helpful
    Just don't. Unless it's a gift for someone you hate.
    By Christine E. Torokon October 3, 2012
    Size Name: 5 lbVerified Purchase
    Oh man...words cannot express what happened to me after eating these. The Gummi Bear "Cleanse". If you are someone that can tolerate the sugar substitute, enjoy. If you are like the dozens of people that tried my order, RUN!

    First of all, for taste I would rate these a 5. So good. Soft, true-to-taste fruit flavors like the sugar variety...I was a happy camper.

    BUT (or should I say BUTT), not long after eating about 20 of these all hell broke loose. I had a gastrointestinal experience like nothing I've ever imagined. Cramps, sweating, bloating beyond my worst nightmare. I've had food poisoning from some bad shellfish and that was almost like a skip in the park compared to what was going on inside me.

    Then came the, uh, flatulence. Heavens to Murgatroyd, the sounds, like trumpets calling the demons back to Hell...the stench, like 1,000 rotten corpses vomited. I couldn't stand to stay in one room for fear of succumbing to my own odors.

    But wait; there's more. What came out of me felt like someone tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a coffee straw. I swear my sphincters were screaming. It felt like my delicate starfish was a gaping maw projectile vomiting a torrential flood of toxic waste. 100% liquid. Flammable liquid. NAPALM. It was actually a bit humorous (for a nanosecond)as it was just beyond anything I could imagine possible.


    I felt violated when it was over, which I think might have been sometime in the early morning of the next day. There was stuff coming out of me that I ate at my wedding in 2005.

    I had FIVE POUNDS of these innocent-looking delicious-tasting HELLBEARS so I told a friend about what happened to me, thinking it HAD to be some type of sensitivity I had to the sugar substitute, and in spite of my warnings and graphic descriptions, she decided to take her chances and take them off my hands.

    Silly woman. All of the same for her, and a phone call from her while on the toilet (because you kinda end up living in the bathroom for a spell) telling me she really wished she would have listened. I think she was crying.

    Her sister was skeptical and suspected that we were exaggerating. She took them to work, since there was still 99% of a 5 pound bag left. She works for a construction company, where there are builders, roofers, house painters, landscapers, etc. Lots of people who generally have limited access to toilets on a given day. I can't imagine where all of those poor men (and women) pooped that day. I keep envisioning men on roofs, crossing their legs and trying to decide if they can make it down the ladder, or if they should just jump.

    If you order these, best of luck to you. And please, don't post a video review during the aftershocks.

    PS: When I ordered these, the warnings and disclaimers and legalese were NOT posted. I'm not a moron. Also, not sure why so many people assume I'm a man. I am a woman. We poop too. Of course, our poop sparkles and smells like a walk in a meadow of wildflowers. Thanks for all the great comments. I've been enjoying reading them and so glad that the horror show I experienced from snacking on these has at least made some people smile."

    "204 of 231 people found the following review helpful
    Please tell me
    By Chuckon March 4, 2014
    Size Name: 5 lb
    when does the s***ting stop. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry for anything bad I've ever done in my life."

    "96 of 107 people found the following review helpful
    As a snack... no... as a cleanse... of course!
    By Kendalon January 17, 2014
    Size Name: 5 lb
    With several family members dealing with diabetes, I thought "sugar free? can't be bad for me". Oh, how wrong I was. Not wrong in the sense of 'its chillier than I thought, should have brought a jacket', but wrong in the sense of 'let's move to Pompei, there's a beautiful mountain right by the city!'

    Much like that famed volcano, there were rumblings. Signs of distress, a twisting, cramping, and I found that my intestines, in times of great upheaval, becomes fluent in what turned out to be Maori. Utterings of 'rere' and 'morearea' emanated from my lower torso. Danger, and flee. Would that I had paid attention....

    When the first twisting cramp struck, nearly driving me to my knees, I realized that if I could not get myself to the sanctuary of the bathroom, the incredible pressure that was rapidly building with my tracts would surely launch me towards the smallest room in short order. Through the walls. Face first.

    Still forced into a hunched position, I stumbled down the hallway, using the walls for support to keep myself as close to upright as possible. I did have to stop as the pressure was too much and was going to release. I tried to hold it, I tried my very best. Luckily, the first release, much like Vesuvius so long ago, was gas. Foul, reeking, lung collapsing gas, but gas all the same. I had time. Time enough to stagger the last few feet to safety. The gas, however, permeated EVERYTHING, and the miasma followed me into the bathroom. Indeed, the eye watering aroma sat down on the edge of the tub to chuckle and snicker at my predicament. I felt this to be very unfair as I had only released it into the world a short time before and already we had progressed to a 'teenager' mindset where the 'out of it' adult is to be mocked and laughed at.

    Upon settling my soon to be abused hind end upon the one throne accepts all members of society with equanimity, the second eruption came forth. Now, I'm sure that in your lifetime you have sat upon the toilet and ripped a good one. The acoustics of the porcelain thus amplify even a 'meh' flatus into something noteworthy. Thanks to these bear shaped nuggets of evil, that second blast was of such depth and volume that surely those Maori speaking individuals of New Zealand must have looked up and wondered where the thunder was coming from. My eyeballs shook so severely I could not see for minutes. Even after my eyeballs returned to their original position, I still couldn't see due to the odor. In a confined space, the smell was overpowering. My tear filled vision became so bad that my attempts to hit the switch for the fan were so far off that from the outside one might think there was a strobe light going off in the bathroom.

    Then, a gut twisting, scream inducing, spasm of pain flared, starting from my navel and traveling the route of my small and then large intestine. When my exit port could not hold any longer, the sphincter releasing with an imagined shrug as if to say 'hey, I know I'm going to get torn to shreds here, but what can you do?' With a final, loud, groan, my *kitten* became a portal to a realm where all the evil of this dimension assailed the inside of my porcelain throne with the force of a small bomb. Bent over, clutching my knees, to keep myself both conscious and sane, I marveled at the fact my shoes had not somehow been sucked into, and then violently shot out, of that most lethal of areas. It was if every food I have ever eaten, seen on tv, smelled, or even considered for a nanosecond, was mystically teleported into my colon to be shot out at speeds approaching Mach 6.

    As a cleanse, these bears are marvelous!"

    Thats just a few :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: