Judging people and their weight



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    There is no such thing as a medical condition that prevents people from losing weight.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I never knew there were do many people and medications that could defy the laws of physics.

    I've never understood why people say this. Its nonsensical. The People on MFP are not a representative sample of the overall population. Furthermore some medical issues are just mind boggling.
    Go to the doctor, get treated, continue eating in a caloric deficit.

    Not sure what medical condition is going to prevent you from losing weight.

    Anyone with half a brain would be going to the doctor to be treated going through what I have been in the past 18 months :laugh:
    You do realize there are plenty of people here that have Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism that have lost weight.

    Your ticker says you've lost 11 pounds so you can obviously still lose weight.

    I don't have just Hashimotos I have a plethora of other issues going on that would take forever to type out. I've been hovering within a 10 pound weight range for about a year. I'm just glad I haven't really started gaining again. The ticker doesn't tell the whole story, I lost 11 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Since my last entry I've regained 5.
    Feel free to share with others what conditions have prevented you from losing weight. Maybe it will help someone.

    Why so you can dispute what I'm saying because it doesn't fit into how things typically work? No thanks.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    In my view the concept of valid choice implies the ability to choose freely.

    It seems clear to me that some people face such significant barriers that they practically have very little to no ability to choose in this way. It must be incredibly frustrating to be told they are making "excuses" when the practical reality of their situation makes it anything but an excuse.

    Theory and practical application can be two very different things and rather than bland platitudes "eat less and move more bro!" people are better served with a bit more compassion and understanding of their situation and realistic strategies that can help them achieve their goals.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Honestly of you are eating 1500 calories, running 7 miles daily and gaining weight, you need to be in a secure facility so doctors can discover how to harness energy out of nothing. Your are defying the rules of physics.

    I just looked at your diary and honestly, if that's how you eat it's no wonder you're struggling. You're consistently over your calories and (1700 calories not 1500)

    I'm not saying this to be harsh, because I know how hard it is. I've gone onto a meal plan (where I'm given all my food) and from months of 'I'm eating the right amount of calories and not losing' after five days I've lost 2kg (and on my period!) and I will keep losing as I'm eating the right amount.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I never knew there were do many people and medications that could defy the laws of physics.

    I've never understood why people say this. Its nonsensical. The People on MFP are not a representative sample of the overall population. Furthermore some medical issues are just mind boggling.
    Go to the doctor, get treated, continue eating in a caloric deficit.

    Not sure what medical condition is going to prevent you from losing weight.

    Anyone with half a brain would be going to the doctor to be treated going through what I have been in the past 18 months :laugh:
    You do realize there are plenty of people here that have Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism that have lost weight.

    Your ticker says you've lost 11 pounds so you can obviously still lose weight.

    I don't have just Hashimotos I have a plethora of other issues going on that would take forever to type out. I've been hovering within a 10 pound weight range for about a year. I'm just glad I haven't really started gaining again. The ticker doesn't tell the whole story, I lost 11 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Since my last entry I've regained 5.

    Then these mysterious diseases clearly don't prevent you from losing weight. You're having the same struggle many people have with weight. The solution is a combination of getting honest with yourself about what you're eating, setting a reasonable and sustainable calorie goal, finding a combination of foods that is appealing to you and yet fits your calories and nutrition needs, and committing to it. The reason you're being challenged is that many of us have been through, and seen friends go through, the process of excuse making. It's a human reaction to challenges that we don't like. There are tools here that can help as well as a number of people willing to look at your diary and offer help.

    ETA: To be abundantly clear, this is a very difficult process and I'm in no way minimizing the struggle. The mental game is every bit as important as, and often far more difficult than, the physical.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    you can dispute what I'm saying because it doesn't fit into how things typically work? No thanks.
    Yea, that's the type of response I expected. Sounds like someone's knows it excuses.

    And that's the type of response I expected which is why I have no need to justify myself to you.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    It's impossible to judge anyone when you don't know their story. It's stupid to try.

    Why worry about the opinion of stupid people? Just don't. :)

  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    you can dispute what I'm saying because it doesn't fit into how things typically work? No thanks.
    Yea, that's the type of response I expected. Sounds like someone's knows it excuses.

    And that's the type of response I expected which is why I have no need to justify myself to you.

    .... and I expect bacon - I WANT BACON!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    ETA: To be abundantly clear, this is a very difficult process and I'm in no way minimizing the struggle. The mental game is every bit as important as, and often far more difficult than, the physical.

    Yes, exactly.

    I think it is easy (and I am just as guilty of this as anyone) to focus so much on the physiology of weight loss that we forget the psychology part. Long term success in my opinion generally requires catering to both.

    The problem with words like "excuse" it it denotes blame and fault. Neither of those are particularly useful concepts for the majority of people who struggle with weight loss and again in my opinion outside of an initial "kick in the pants" for a minority of folks.

    It seems to be more likely that people will be helped where they find a place where they enjoy what they are doing and are happy in doing it rather than to suffer and endure which seem to be the basis of most weight loss approaches (which generally prove to be utter failures in weight regulation.)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I don't think it's fair to say people "want" to be fat. No one really "wants" to be fat. People do however "choose" to be fat. I agree with all the issue you stated that can lead to becoming overweight but it is the individual's choice to allow those issues to dictate what they eat. All of those issues can be handled in ways other than eating. It is in our choices that we define ourselves.

    Yes, yep and yeah!
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I never knew there were do many people and medications that could defy the laws of physics.

    I've never understood why people say this. Its nonsensical. The People on MFP are not a representative sample of the overall population. Furthermore some medical issues are just mind boggling.
    Go to the doctor, get treated, continue eating in a caloric deficit.

    Not sure what medical condition is going to prevent you from losing weight.

    Anyone with half a brain would be going to the doctor to be treated going through what I have been in the past 18 months :laugh:
    You do realize there are plenty of people here that have Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism that have lost weight.

    Your ticker says you've lost 11 pounds so you can obviously still lose weight.

    I don't have just Hashimotos I have a plethora of other issues going on that would take forever to type out. I've been hovering within a 10 pound weight range for about a year. I'm just glad I haven't really started gaining again. The ticker doesn't tell the whole story, I lost 11 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Since my last entry I've regained 5.

    Then these mysterious diseases clearly don't prevent you from losing weight. You're having the same struggle many people have with weight. The solution is a combination of getting honest with yourself about what you're eating, setting a reasonable and sustainable calorie goal, finding a combination of foods that is appealing to you and yet fits your calories and nutrition needs, and committing to it. The reason you're being challenged is that many of us have been through, and seen friends go through, the process of excuse making. It's a human reaction to challenges that we don't like. There are tools here that can help as well as a number of people willing to look at your diary and offer help.

    ETA: To be abundantly clear, this is a very difficult process and I'm in no way minimizing the struggle. The mental game is every bit as important as, and often far more difficult than, the physical.

    I'm 100% honest with myself. My food diary literally saved my life because my doctor said the same thing you are. Until I showed him what I ate, showed him what I was going through he wouldn't help me. Reiterated that gaining 60lbs in 3 months wasn't normal. It's very frustrating which was my original point. These things don't happen overnight it's a process that started years ago that has now had a huge domino effect. It's not easy to explain in a paragraph or two my entire complicated medical history and, frankly, it's none of anyone else's business. If you can't take what I'm saying at face value and immediately dispute (which is what has happened here) it you're not going to understand anyway.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Honestly of you are eating 1500 calories, running 7 miles daily and gaining weight, you need to be in a secure facility so doctors can discover how to harness energy out of nothing. Your are defying the rules of physics.

    I just looked at your diary and honestly, if that's how you eat it's no wonder you're struggling. You're consistently over your calories and (1700 calories not 1500)

    I'm not saying this to be harsh, because I know how hard it is. I've gone onto a meal plan (where I'm given all my food) and from months of 'I'm eating the right amount of calories and not losing' after five days I've lost 2kg (and on my period!) and I will keep losing as I'm eating the right amount.

    First of all, I'm not doing 1500 calories right now. I used to do that about 2 years ago. And I was very constant about it.

    Even and so, at my weight I've gone over my goals 3 times in the past 20 days. And of those times I still haven't eaten more than 2000 calories except for yesterday. For someone my size, I shouldn't be gaining weight back on that.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Which does bring me back to my point. You're not accurately recording what you eat. I get it. I've been there. But if you're not losing weight at 1700 then you are eating too much. It's that simple.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    you can dispute what I'm saying because it doesn't fit into how things typically work? No thanks.
    Yea, that's the type of response I expected. Sounds like someone's knows it excuses.

    And that's the type of response I expected which is why I have no need to justify myself to you.
    You shouldn't be surprised. You're playing the role of a snowflake and you know very well that any "disease" you're claiming at the end of the day can be handled and the weight can be lost. Sometimes it's just easier to use a crutch.

    Of course it can be handled, but that takes time. I haven't gotten there yet. I'm still being treated, hormones still being balanced, surgeries still have to take place. This has been a two year process of doctor after specialist after surgeon. When things get stable I'm sure I'll be fine.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I never knew there were do many people and medications that could defy the laws of physics.

    I've never understood why people say this. Its nonsensical. The People on MFP are not a representative sample of the overall population. Furthermore some medical issues are just mind boggling.
    Go to the doctor, get treated, continue eating in a caloric deficit.

    Not sure what medical condition is going to prevent you from losing weight.

    Anyone with half a brain would be going to the doctor to be treated going through what I have been in the past 18 months :laugh:
    You do realize there are plenty of people here that have Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism that have lost weight.

    Your ticker says you've lost 11 pounds so you can obviously still lose weight.

    I don't have just Hashimotos I have a plethora of other issues going on that would take forever to type out. I've been hovering within a 10 pound weight range for about a year. I'm just glad I haven't really started gaining again. The ticker doesn't tell the whole story, I lost 11 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Since my last entry I've regained 5.

    Then these mysterious diseases clearly don't prevent you from losing weight. You're having the same struggle many people have with weight. The solution is a combination of getting honest with yourself about what you're eating, setting a reasonable and sustainable calorie goal, finding a combination of foods that is appealing to you and yet fits your calories and nutrition needs, and committing to it. The reason you're being challenged is that many of us have been through, and seen friends go through, the process of excuse making. It's a human reaction to challenges that we don't like. There are tools here that can help as well as a number of people willing to look at your diary and offer help.

    ETA: To be abundantly clear, this is a very difficult process and I'm in no way minimizing the struggle. The mental game is every bit as important as, and often far more difficult than, the physical.

    I'm 100% honest with myself. My food diary literally saved my life because my doctor said the same thing you are. Until I showed him what I ate, showed him what I was going through he wouldn't help me. Reiterated that gaining 60lbs in 3 months wasn't normal. It's very frustrating which was my original point. These things don't happen overnight it's a process that started years ago that has now had a huge domino effect. It's not easy to explain in a paragraph or two my entire complicated medical history and, frankly, it's none of anyone else's business. If you can't take what I'm saying at face value and immediately dispute (which is what has happened here) it you're not going to understand anyway.

    What are you doing now to lose weight? Presumably, your doctor is providing advice? As I said, people here are willing to help if you need it. I've seen this again and again, even with family members. There is always hidden and/or unrecorded food consumption. Always. This is also the internet. So, no I don't take what you say at face value. Experience, both my own and my friends', caution against that. If you want to dismiss that because I don't "understand" then that is your choice.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Which does bring me back to my point. You're not accurately recording what you eat. I get it. I've been there. But if you're not losing weight at 1700 then you are eating too much. It's that simple.

    I weigh everything, my diary is 100% accurate. If I'm not losing weight at 1700 something's WRONG. In anyone else they would be losing, not gaining, not maintaining. Which is what my point was to begin with :grumble:
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    What I find interesting is that this thread is quickly becoming a back-and-forth between people wanting to make excuses for themselves and others and those pushing for others to take control over their own lives. Like it or not, people will judge you, and they will judge you for a variety of reasons. I'm not saying that it's fair, but fair or not, you should look in the mirror and figure out why it bothers you. If you're being judged by others and it bothers you because it is something that you recognize as something you really do have control over, and you want to change, then why not change? Yes, people have different challenges to overcome but that's the point, make them challenges to overcome rather than excuses that make it easier not to change. In the end, the changes you make help you, and the excuses you make only hurt you. Not every individual can run ultra-marathons or squat 800 pounds, or even have that potential, but most individuals can make small changes that improve their own lives.

    ex excuse maker here, at the time i really didnt realise i was doing it. I actually thought i didnt eat too much and i believed i couldnt fit in time to do exercise even though i work from home. So I agree with the statement someone said that there are alot of excuse makers out there and its for us to make the small change.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    YOU WIN!
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member

    What are you doing now to lose weight? Presumably, your doctor is providing advice? As I said, people here are willing to help if you need it. I've seen this again and again, even with family members. There is always hidden and/or unrecorded food consumption. Always. This is also the internet. So, no I don't take what you say at face value. Experience, both my own and my friends', caution against that. If you want to dismiss that because I don't "understand" then that is your choice.

    My doctor is monitoring right now. He said to eat more protein. That's about the only "advice" he has given besides "wait and see, keep doing what you're doing when your hormones balance out you should see a change". Right now what I did was figure out my TDEE which is like 2500 something and decided to eat below that but still somewhere where I'm not ravenously hungry all the time. MFP set the calories at 1770 and I'm eating back some of my exercise calories. I started doing interval runs again 3x's/ week. I'm at least trying to get the running part back to where I was. I had to stop being active about a year ago after abdominal surgery knocked me on my butt and I'm at the point of "screw it I'm going to be in major pain anyway". This is a change from what I used to do which was eat 1500 calories and not eat back my exercise calories since that didn't work anyway and just made me frustrated and hungry. Trying to really be cognizant of protein and salt intake. there's no hidden or unrecorded food here, I understand why you might think that but there's not. If there were I wouldn't have recorded that piece of cake I ate last night. Ha.