Jealous of the Super Obese?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm not jealous, i'm jealous that they're getting the skin removal surgery free though lol. I chickened out of gastric bypass twice and i think it was for the best. I've seen what it can do to people mentally and physically. I'd rather just do it the old fashioned way and save my pennies for skin surgery if needed, besides i heard that surgery hurts like hell.

    Good for you!! (yeah, I think its the free skin removal that gets me, cuz if I lose all my weight my tummy is going to look like a deflated beach ball haha)

    You're what? 31? maybe 32? You'd be amazed what your skin will do if you lose the weight and keep it off.
    That all comes down to genetics. I have a friend who lost 110 pounds in her 20s and had terribly loose skin all over her body. It never bounced back and she lost that weight pretty slowly and with diet and exercise.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think you are seriously misguided and need to revisit the process you used to form these opinions.

    I think you are taking my question far too seriously. You've never had a moment where the illusion of an easier way was appealing?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Easy way? Let's all say MORON

    i don't think resorting to name calling serves any useful purpose on this thread. :huh:
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Easy way? Let's all say MORON

    Took longer than I thought, but here goes the name calling! awesome.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    gastric bypass is surgery.

    1 in 7 people experience complications from the surgery, and 1 in 200 people die within 6 months due to complications.

    1 in 200 is a scary statistic....
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Easy way? Let's all say MORON

    i don't think resorting to name calling serves any useful purpose on this thread. :huh:

    Agreed! (on any thread)
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    I know someone who did the surgery and one of the side effects they don't talk about much - the bathroom.

    Stinky poop and stinky farts.

    You can't digest everything and you are the stinky person in the bathroom.

    No one wants to be the stinky person in the bathroom.

    You can save up for the skin shrinking surgery. Heck, in my town they have groupons for that. But getting rid of perpetually stinky poop? That's probably more difficult.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    gastric bypass is surgery.

    1 in 7 people experience complications from the surgery, and 1 in 200 people die within 6 months due to complications.

    1 in 200 is a scary statistic....

    It really really is. Since I've never thought about it seriously and it seems to be all the rage these days I wouldn't have thought the risks were that high (there will always be risks, but that seems really really high)
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    At my current weight, I still qualify. But I don't have the time for recovery from surgery and I want to set a better example than that for my girls. The risk of complications is also a bit high for my taste. Besides for the surgery to be successful, I'd have to learn what I'm learning to do now anyway. So I'm trudging along doing this the non surgical, healthier way. (40 lbs down! Woohoo!)

    The only thing tempting about it would be the skin removal. But in the worst case scenario, I can save up and pay for it out of pocket, if it bothers me that bad.
  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    Why be jealous of anyone? Just be your best self, because at the end of the day that's all you can do.

    Real talk here: In December I went to a doctor who specializes in non-surgical weight loss (the only one in the southeast, actually) and I had a heart-to-heart with him and told him that if he felt like I needed surgery (which sounds like pure hell to me and I pretty much only would do if they literally said "do this or die" and then I would STILL think about it because it seriously sounds like the worst thing ever) that I would go across the hall and schedule the surgery.

    And he told me that it wouldn't be easy and it would take a long time, but I could lose the weight without surgery.

    And he's right. I've only lost 20 pounds in the last seven months. However, I am building muscle mass and I have all the tools I need to be successful (proper eating, cardio and strength training routines, access to a dietitian and exercise physiologist whenever I need them). I feel like a completely different person. This must have been the missing link.

    If there were any "easy" way to be thin, no one would be fat. We're only in this race against ourselves, not anyone else, no matter how much society tries to trick you into believing otherwise.

    You can do it, or you wouldn't be here.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I know someone who did the surgery and one of the side effects they don't talk about much - the bathroom.

    Stinky poop and stinky farts.

    You can't digest everything and you are the stinky person in the bathroom.

    No one wants to be the stinky person in the bathroom.

    You can save up for the skin shrinking surgery. Heck, in my town they have groupons for that. But getting rid of perpetually stinky poop? That's probably more difficult.

    hahaha I heart you right now
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    No, never. First of all, it's not gonna be free. Second, it's lazy.

    The only time I ever wanted to do something like that was go on the biggest loser and do all those exercises because I love to exercise and I would love to have someone training me properly.

    Or the makeover show where they cut your hair and dress you nice and show you how to put on makeup.

    That's it.

    Cut my gut and restrict me from eating because I choose not to exhibit self-control? No thanks.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    At my current weight, I still qualify. But I don't have the time for recovery from surgery and I want to set a better example than that for my girls. The risk of complications is also a bit high for my taste. Besides for the surgery to be successful, I'd have to learn what I'm learning to do now anyway. So I'm trudging along doing this the non surgical, healthier way. (40 lbs down! Woohoo!)

    The only thing tempting about it would be the skin removal. But in the worst case scenario, I can save up and pay for it out of pocket, if it bothers me that bad.

    Good for you!! You're an inspiration :)
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    Not at all. because when I started this.. I was 310 lbs and the last thing that I wanted was to undergo a surgery so I can "take the easy way out" there is alot of preparation that goes into those surgeries and of course there are risks... That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life. Just :




    There is no excuse to not do any of the above... I just wish I figured it out sooner in life....

    (and before my post gets blown up.. i have family members and close friends who have had it done, i understand in come circumstances it is in fact necessary, I'm not knocking those who have had it done.. and understand that it still comes with alot of work and worry.)

    The only thing i could be jealous of is where I am at at the end... If i need the surgery, that is when I will wish I did it in front of the country would be the benefit of skin removal but i do feel like hard work pays off just the same.
  • kait_marie24
    kait_marie24 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, give me a break.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Why be jealous of anyone? Just be your best self, because at the end of the day that's all you can do.

    Real talk here: In December I went to a doctor who specializes in non-surgical weight loss (the only one in the southeast, actually) and I had a heart-to-heart with him and told him that if he felt like I needed surgery (which sounds like pure hell to me and I pretty much only would do if they literally said "do this or die" and then I would STILL think about it because it seriously sounds like the worst thing ever) that I would go across the hall and schedule the surgery.

    And he told me that it wouldn't be easy and it would take a long time, but I could lose the weight without surgery.

    And he's right. I've only lost 20 pounds in the last seven months. However, I am building muscle mass and I have all the tools I need to be successful (proper eating, cardio and strength training routines, access to a dietitian and exercise physiologist whenever I need them). I feel like a completely different person. This must have been the missing link.

    If there were any "easy" way to be thin, no one would be fat. We're only in this race against ourselves, not anyone else, no matter how much society tries to trick you into believing otherwise.

    You can do it, or you wouldn't be here.

    You're awesome! Keep up the good work :)
  • noelboquet
    noelboquet Posts: 34 Member
    The easy way?? what way is the easy way? U mean gastric bypass? LOL sister there is nothing easy about gastric bypass...there is nothing easy about a major surgery and risking your life to lose weight.....u still have to be on a diet...if u eat the wrong thing u are sitting on the toilet for hours in pain or vomiting your guts up...that's called dumping. You can never take ibuprofen or anything like it again so if u are in pain or have chronic pain u are **** out of have to take handfuls of vitamins for the rest of your sacrifice a lot with gastric bypass....its definitely not the easy way out its a tool for people who cannot manage to lose the weight on their own and keep it off...these are people who have admitted defeat and have admitted they need help.
    That girl you saw on the show...she worked hard to get to that place...believe it.

    People don't get fat by being happy...they don't get fat by being lazy as a rule...they get fat because they are not taking care of themselves as their body needs them to. Many people suffer from food addiction its not a laughing matter people kill themselves with obesity. Super Morbid Obesity isn't a joke. Its a mental illness.

    I think that your mindset is skewed and perhaps u could benefit from some therapy. I don't say that in a mean or condemning way...but maybe its your mindset that is keeping you from your goals...I have been working with the super morbidly obese for well over 6 years and I have also been one....I talk from experience and I walk this walk every day. :(
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I'm a paramedic and have encountered multiple patients who were obese and had elected to have bariatric surgery years earlier. The weight loss is not always permanent and often these patients complain of suffering from multiple complications requiring multiple follow-up surgeries.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I was watching one of those medical weightloss shows the other day. You know the type, where they're really really big and they get gastric bypass and lose a ton of weight with what the episode shows as little to no effort and then they get skin removal surgery and look amazing... and there was this girl who'd been 310lbs, got bypass and lost a ton of weight, got down to like 120/140. She had skin removal surgery and the dr was even able to get most of her stretch marks. She can now wear bikinis for the first time in her life, and as long as she gets one that hides the tummy scar you'd have no idea she was ever fat.

    I found myself thinking, if I just gained some weight (ok, 50-100lbs) I could just get surgery and lose it all the easy way. I was actually jealous.

    Have you ever had that thought?

    Obviously I won't do that but it sounds pretty amazing to me.
    I think your Avatar sums you up pretty well IMO.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    yah no.

    I am currently watching a co-worker go through this.

    Surgery at Christmas...down 100lbs in 8's not pretty.

    She says so herself....she would be lower if the skin was gone...she is very self conscious about the after effects...and in our province the skin removal is only covered if it causes skin issues...and we aren't even getting into the VLCD diet she had to follow for months that left her eating every 60-90 mins....imagine going to a resturant and knowing you can only eat maybe a bite or two if you are lucky.

    And she hasn't learned to eat properly as said before....instead of eating a lower calorie item for a snack she goes for the chocolate covered peanuts....2 handfuls not one...

    Do I envy that...heck I jealous...double heck no.

    Is she happier? at the moment yes....but her life is not perfect, far from she gets to deal with her issues without the comfort food she was used to...(yes I have known her most of my life).

    I do hope however that she is one of those that succeeds and maintains her weight and gets the province to pay for the skin removal because that in itself would be hard to deal with.