I HATE when people on MFP say.....



  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    oh yes forgot to add:

    stop eating crap and you will lose weight
    eat good foods and stop eating bad foods
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Sugar is sugar. It doesn't matter if you eat a cupcake or a vegetable.

    in that case i vote for cupcake whose with me lol

    hell yes, washed down with my coke zero.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    can't eat my calories... will go to McDonalds to reach 1200...
    cardio is bad for you
    WTF would you eat 1200 cal?
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    oh and water weight :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    this is gonna turn into a *kitten* storm...why...

    because meds don't cause weight gain
    and people with 20lbs or less shouldn't aim for 2lbs a week
    and the sexypants link shoudl be required reading
    Sugar is sugar...cupcake or watermelon
    it is as simple as cico...we never said it was easy just simple
    special snowflakes is valid thing here just visit the threads where people just can't lose and are doing everything right.
    carbs are carbs

    it will fit honest

    what bugs me the most those is when people "claim" to weigh everything..."I swear I do with 100% accuracy" and you go to their diary and what is weighed is in ounces and most things are logged in cups or each etc...

    edited for type..."shouldn't" added..

    Haha you are so beyond ignorant saying meds don't cause weight gain.

    Says the faceless stranger on the internet that has yet to find one that does...I am willing to concede that point as soon as one is found that does not list "changes in appetite" as a side effect.
    what bugs me the most those is when people "claim" to weigh everything..."I swear I do with 100% accuracy" and you go to their diary and what is weighed is in ounces and most things are logged in cups or each etc...

    You would hate my diary. The other day weighted out my C&W Peas. The bag said 2/3 cup (91 g) and I weighted out every one of those 91 grams--I just didn't edit the entry--ain't nobody got time for that (unless that is all you are planning on doing that day...)--so when I put 2/3 cup down as my entry I meant the 91 g.

    My Wildtree Butter Grapeseed Oil that I put on my baked potato today was really 9 grams (I weighted it) but I put down .67 Tablespoon instead of editing because, again, ain't nobody got time for that.

    Now, what I HATE on MFP is when people judge someone else's diary without finding out if someone used the entries that were already in the database but accurate in the grams/ounces or if they were just using them measuring cups/spoons.

    This is why my diary will forever be closed except for my friends, they at least would ask me before calling me a liar...

    I have time to edit entries it takes 20 secs and for accuracy sake I will continue. And I don't call people liars I say "it appears by your entries you don't weigh your food"
    Honest question, why is this a problem that bugs you? If someone logs 1.25 ounces of something, for example, how is that different from logging 35 grams? They are equivalent.

    Also, some people will weigh out the serving size on packaged foods but log it in cups because that's how it is listed in the database - if the package says something like "serving size: 1 cup (68g)" and someone weighs out 68 grams, why is it a problem to log it as cups? The nutritional info will be exactly the same based on the label.

    If they log ounces it means they are not being accurate. Typically ounces are "guesses" based on what I have seen.

    as for the cup entries imho if you are really in this...the weight loss thing you take the time to ensure your diary is accurate to make sure trends can be seen. Edited an entry for the serving size takes 5 secs and if that is just too much time...well are you gonna take the couple mins to log that cake you had last night right before bed????

    Logging accurately means choosing correct entries and if you take the time to find the MFP entered item from the USDA database you know it's accuate and not entered by someone else. It's a pet peeve of mine could be the analytical aspect of my job poking through but I suspect it's more about my own personality...hence my analystical job...I prefer precise entries. I am not saying that it's wrong it just bugs me in this instance because chances are the rest of the entries have issues as well and they are asking about why they are in a plateau or can't lose weight.

    Again just bugs me if people choose to log that way whatever but if you are asking for help expect people to call it out.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    "Just sayin'"

    No *kitten*. You're just saying something. Wow. Because that is not totally obvious to anyone who can read. What a revelation! No, adding just sayin" to the end of your post doesn't make you look all cool and nonchalant and *kitten*. It makes you look like a gibbering twonk.

    Oh, and all the hilarious quips about clean eating like "I shower with my food" or "I wash it with Dettol!". Hur hur hur. I have never heard that one before. Those lines are just so fresh. Like that joke hasn't been made like a billion times before. It was funny in 1991. Now it is just plain sad ya muppets.

    Just sayin'

    (any resemblance to MFP members, either present or past is purely co-incidental. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved.)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    this is gonna turn into a *kitten* storm...why...

    because meds don't cause weight gain
    and people with 20lbs or less shouldn't aim for 2lbs a week
    and the sexypants link shoudl be required reading
    Sugar is sugar...cupcake or watermelon
    it is as simple as cico...we never said it was easy just simple
    special snowflakes is valid thing here just visit the threads where people just can't lose and are doing everything right.
    carbs are carbs

    it will fit honest

    what bugs me the most those is when people "claim" to weigh everything..."I swear I do with 100% accuracy" and you go to their diary and what is weighed is in ounces and most things are logged in cups or each etc...

    edited for type..."shouldn't" added..

    Haha you are so beyond ignorant saying meds don't cause weight gain.

    Says the faceless stranger on the internet that has yet to find one that does...I am willing to concede that point as soon as one is found that does not list "changes in appetite" as a side effect.

    Corticosteroids taken by people with lupus for example?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    We're all here for the same reason.

    We should all be supportive of each other.

    You people are so mean!

    Stoopid haterz.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    "You're just gaining muscle, and we all know....muscle weighs more than fat"
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    ...that weightlifting is the only exercise ever created that anyone should ever do.

    It's turning into some kind of bad religion now.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    this is gonna turn into a *kitten* storm...why...

    because meds don't cause weight gain
    and people with 20lbs or less shouldn't aim for 2lbs a week
    and the sexypants link shoudl be required reading
    Sugar is sugar...cupcake or watermelon
    it is as simple as cico...we never said it was easy just simple
    special snowflakes is valid thing here just visit the threads where people just can't lose and are doing everything right.
    carbs are carbs

    it will fit honest

    what bugs me the most those is when people "claim" to weigh everything..."I swear I do with 100% accuracy" and you go to their diary and what is weighed is in ounces and most things are logged in cups or each etc...

    edited for type..."shouldn't" added..

    Haha you are so beyond ignorant saying meds don't cause weight gain.

    Says the faceless stranger on the internet that has yet to find one that does...I am willing to concede that point as soon as one is found that does not list "changes in appetite" as a side effect.

    Corticosteroids taken by people with lupus for example?

    Again it causes an increase in appetite...which leads to weight gain.
    Weight gain
    Steroids affect your metabolism and how your body deposits fat. This can increase your appetite, leading to weight gain, and in particular lead to extra deposits of fat in your abdomen.

    Self-care tips:
    Watch your calories and exercise regularly to try to prevent excessive weight gain. But don't let weight gain damage your self-esteem. Know that the weight will come off - and your stomach return to its normal size - relatively easily in the six months to a year after you discontinue steroids.


  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    this is gonna turn into a *kitten* storm...why...

    because meds don't cause weight gain
    and people with 20lbs or less shouldn't aim for 2lbs a week
    and the sexypants link shoudl be required reading
    Sugar is sugar...cupcake or watermelon
    it is as simple as cico...we never said it was easy just simple
    special snowflakes is valid thing here just visit the threads where people just can't lose and are doing everything right.
    carbs are carbs

    it will fit honest

    what bugs me the most those is when people "claim" to weigh everything..."I swear I do with 100% accuracy" and you go to their diary and what is weighed is in ounces and most things are logged in cups or each etc...

    edited for type..."shouldn't" added..

    Haha you are so beyond ignorant saying meds don't cause weight gain.

    Says the faceless stranger on the internet that has yet to find one that does...I am willing to concede that point as soon as one is found that does not list "changes in appetite" as a side effect.

    Corticosteroids taken by people with lupus for example?

    Again it causes an increase in appetite...which leads to weight gain.
    Weight gain
    Steroids affect your metabolism and how your body deposits fat. This can increase your appetite, leading to weight gain, and in particular lead to extra deposits of fat in your abdomen.

    Self-care tips:
    Watch your calories and exercise regularly to try to prevent excessive weight gain. But don't let weight gain damage your self-esteem. Know that the weight will come off - and your stomach return to its normal size - relatively easily in the six months to a year after you discontinue steroids.



    Even though it does increase appetite, it also increases the rate at which fat is stored in the body (from the cortisol) and changes where it is stored.

    Beyond that, most patients are not given the information that it increases appetite, only that weight gain on them is normal. So, if you're not already counting calories, it's an easy thing to miss.

    Also, increased appetite isn't something to dismiss as a side effect. People who are trying to lose weight are most likely already struggling with hunger. If you increase that exponentially, it's highly problematic.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The people who don't understand what certain terms mean and then twist things around to make themselves the victim of an attack that never happened, usually while calling other people ignorant.

    "I don't practice IIFYM, you can keep killing yourself with your diet of twinkies and poptarts! I don't want to eat that stuff!"

    "Everything in moderation isn't the way to go! Some of us don't want to eat cookies in moderation! Some of us prefer healthy foods and don't want to eat that garbage at all!"
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    "Everybody is different".
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    "Law of thermodynamics" and "muscles weighs more than fat"
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    suck it up buttercup
    just saying
  • _SoundWave_
    _SoundWave_ Posts: 236 Member
    "I'm only doing this to jumpstart my weight loss journey". <
    this one makes me want to spine punch people.

    I've never heard of spine punching before , i usually want to throat punch someone but I agree with above - you aint jumpstarting anything fool, you are shocking your body and not in a good way!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member

    Today I hate everything.

    I hate it when people just type +1.

    But, +1