200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!

It's time for a new challenge for our group. Unlike our previous ones, this will just be a 4-weeker to power us through the holidays and we'll start up a brand new 6-week challenge in the new year. I know the last challenge wasn't the best for a lot of folks in the group, but let's make this one a new start and get crackin' BEFORE the new year.


  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Yay! New Challenge! (K, so I just wanna be able to find the thread later and was looking for something more eloquent than "Bump")
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    yup, my weight was up to 215.4 this morning so I am counting yesterday's 214.8 as my official weigh in.

    My bff went to the gym with me last night! She found out from a nutritionist that in order to lose weight with PCOS, she needs to focus on weight training more than cardio. So I got to the gym about 40 minutes before her and did an hour on the elliptical. When she showed up she did about 20 minutes on the treadmill and then we did a round of the lower body weight machines. We are planning on going back tonight to do the upper body machines. It was fun showing her the machines....a lot of them put you in a kinky position so we were giggling a lot. After the weights we did an easy little 10 minutes on the bike as a cool down. I'd say it was a great night!

    I also realized that I am using a smaller tortilla than what I had logged as a part of my tortilla pizza/quesadilla and my chicken wrap so that saves me 70 cals each! Here's how to make each of those....don't hold me to the exact calories though cause I'm doing this off the top of my head

    Pizza Quesadilla
    1 La Banderita Soft Taco Flour Tortilla (110 cals)
    1tbsp Great Value Pizza Sauce (1/4th cup is only 30 cals) (I used to use 2tbsp, but it made the quesadilla messy and runny)
    Great Value Mozzerella Cheese (1/4th cup is like, 80 cals)
    Hormel Turkey Pepperoni (I only use about 7-8 slices and 17 slices is 70 cals, but killer on sodium)

    Using nonstick spray, place the tortilla in the pan and spread pizza sauce and cheese all over it. Also place the pepperoni on the tortilla, but only on half. Heat on medium. Once the cheese has started to melt, fold tortilla in half and continue cooking (flipping it over a couple times) until it's crisp. I've put mushrooms on it at times and I'm sure you can put other vegetables on it as well. SO FREAKING GOOD!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Bump - I'm off to shop!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Powering thru work so I can leave early and rest before the Event tonight! And tomorrow!

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey everyone ... its been a few months... :flowerforyou:
    i am back .. well trying to get back in the habit of getting on daily again.... hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving... :drinker:
    I got down to 179..in Oct.. :bigsmile: but have been fluctuating in the 180s again.. so its time to buckle down and shape up my food choices... i tried to go solo with out using the site to see how i would do .. and i will say that i had a few cookies :blushing: to many or just overall not good choices... and saw that i was starting to eat more because i was hungry because i was not making good food choices to keep me full ... so im trying again :smile: ... plus my cardio has been cut short a bit.. i started taking a night class in August and thats one of my Zumba days... :grumble: so hopefully in Jan i can start my Tues night Zumba again!! :heart:

    im going to start my weigh in at 189. lbs
    my goals are still the same to lose 2lbs a week.. but it might take a few weeks to get back to that....
    catch ya later
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey Bethany! long time no see!

    I'm soooooo ready to be gone for the day. just 10 more minutes and I'm gone....Going shopping tomorrow for a new dress to wear to a concert on Monday. My friend's friend won tickets on the radio. Friend's friend gave the tickets to my friend and she invited me to go. Its called the Redneck Christmas Party but I think it'll be more like a concert than a party. Justin Moore, Christian Kane and Thompson Square will be there. I've only ever heard of Justin Moore. He's hot! Christian Kane is hot if you like guys with shoulder length hair. Thats not really my thing....but man if he cut his hair.....RAWR.

    haha anyways, this is me rambling.....
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    Would it be ok for me to join your challenge?
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    im joining! :)
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    is it ok if i join?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    we are always an open group!!! We've been together over a year working slowly on this weightloss/getting healthier journey. We love new members!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Bethany!!! Welcome to the new faces. Feel free to post away with questions and you daily triumphs/crashes. That's what we're here for.

    Final check-in 185. So up 1.5 pounds for the challenge but down 1 from the week before. Damn P90X and my bad eating. Shopping was great. 14 hour day - 6 hours of driving but we got tons of great deals. Old Navy Outlet is the best. On the food side - shared lunch with mom but dinner was bad as we stopped for fast food. My stomach was actually upset and I kept belching from it. I guess I'm not used to greasy foods. Then I shared the growler of beer from the Frankenmuth Brewery with DH at 11 pm. Mistake. I was way over on cal and no cardio. Not a good way to start this challenge. Today doesn't look to be much better as we're going for mom's birthday dinner, I have a few clients, and we're decorating for Christmas. I'll try to squeeze some cardio in. I guess I'd better run. I have a 10 appt.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies. Sorry I didn't check in yesterday after actually posting the thread. haha. It was a bad eating day for me, with going out for lunch and then dinner and drinks with the co-workers. No gym time. I think the stress from work is getting to me, and I'm out of my routine. I'm really going to have to fight that and get into a new one as I'm transitioning to the new position.

    I've got my holiday hustle 5k this afternoon, which I'm sort of looking forward to, but I haven't been running regularly, so that + the cold might not be all the great for me. My 2 co-workers training for the full are starting to do long runs together on Sundays. Asked me to join them tomorrow... 7 miles. I haven't done more than 4 in a long time, so this could be potentially really ugly. We'll see if I join them. Well, it's a new week!

    I didn't weigh myself yesterday, and I already at this morning, so I'm going with my weight on Thursday: 177.8. Higher than my lowest of 175-- so I've got some work to do. Completely unacceptable.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good luck on the run Kristina!!!

    We are now off to get the Christmas tree. I love the holidays. I recorded a bunch of Christmas movies from the family channel... I'll watch them as I decorate tomorrow.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    my new dress.....I feel amazing in it!!

    and one day I won't need the spanx underneath it lol

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You're smoking hot!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Fun dress Kendal! Rockin' the fishnets!!

    My 5K went well yesterday. The official results aren't up yet, but my nike+ had me a bit over 34 minutes (and I didn't start/stop it at the right moments exactly), so that's the area I imagine I did. I think Victoria's and my 5K race, we did around 39 min, so definitely faster. It was freakin' cold outside! But it was nice to do another race.

    I'm still undecided it I'll run with the friends today. I'm leaning towards no. Kind of just want to do nothing all day. Am about to head out and do some grocery shopping for the week, and I seriously need to clean my place. It's usually pretty spotless, but it's currently displaying the state of my mind-- chaos, at the moment. would like to start the week off on a clean front.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm the same about cleaning Kristina. I normally keep everything in its place or have one general area where things collect till I clean it all up.

    I was about to go grocery shopping but my 12yo brother wants me to take him to the Christmas parade :bigsmile: I'm so thankful to have an excuse to go. Mom took me out to lunch today and mentioned the parade- I kinda wanted to go, but not by myself. I was going to skip it but Logan just called so yay! Grocery shopping can wait.

    It snowed here yesterday!! We got about 2 inches and it was really pretty. I love snow- mainly because we don't get it every year. Its such a quiet and peaceful form of precipitation. Its mostly melted already, but someone told me they may be calling for more next weekend.

    anyways, the parade starts soon so I gotta get going.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    My time is is for the Holiday Hustle: 33:32- averaging 10:48/mile. *twirls* I certainly felt it too.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies! While I could use another day off I am feeling more relaxed than I have in a month. This weekend has been good for the soul. Friday night We went to the christmas party friday night and had a great time. Didn't get home until almost 2. Then I got up Saturday morning, picked up my girlfriend and we went to the factory stores and the resort. The massage was aaaaaaaah. And the mineral bath was ahhhhhh and i fell asleep during the wrap and woke up twice from snoring lol. I'm thinking that I might book jeff and I a room and some massages for a night soon. We could use some time together by ourselves.

    I got some Christmas shopping done too and that feels awesome. Now I need to make a list of what else I need to get. And I didn't even really buy anything for myself either, and that doesn't happen often.

    Kendal you look great in that dress!!! I wore spanx urn my dress Friday night too.

    Victoria ahhhhh shopping. I love it!

    Kristina way to go on the 5 k!

    Welcome new peoplez!

    Amy?....where are ya girl?

    Monday is the start of the challenge for me. I will weigh the ugly truth in the morning I guess...ugh. And track and work out. Goal for the week is to work out four times and to track through Sunday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm still around, I promise. I've been mostly living in a coma on the couch the last couple of days. Being sick is crappier on the weekends! No exercise, feeling crummy today. It stinks! We missed Germany's largest chocolate festival this past weekend as me & DH were feeling sick and it was 20 degrees outside (why would anyone have a chocolate festival, outdoors, in December, in Germany??).

    Lacey: I'm so glad you're relaxed and recharged.

    Kendal: Your dress is awesome and you look amazing!

    Kristina: Your 5K time is impressive! Way to go!!!!

    Victoria: I'm thinking that after this week off of P90X, I'll have to re-start it but then I have a friend coming to visit from the States for the week of Christmas and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to fit in P90X workouts that week, so I'm thinking maybe I should restart after he leaves. I dunno...I feel like a slacker...what do u think?

    Hope everyone has a great day.