200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm alive! Have a few minutes to check in.

    I can't believe how quickly today is going by. I have a to-do list a mile long for work, but didn't want to leave you hanging. Weekend was not the best for me, and I started TOM this morning, so didn't even bother stepping on the scale. I'm sure I'm over 180, which is uber depressing. Didn't eat well this weekend. Not terrible foods-- just too much of them. Grazed too much, so I'm sure I was way over my calories, and other than some intensive cleaning around the house, didn't get to the gym.

    Now that I'm officially in my new office, I'm hoping to get back into a steady routine. Brought my lunch today (instead of going out like I have been, because I've been all over the place the past couple of weeks), and brought gym clothes to go to the gym after work. Will definitely need it. Trivia tonight, which I'm looking forward to. Definitely need some de-stressing. Didn't log my foods over the weekend, but am back to it this week. Hoping I can just make it through the end of the year and not gain any more and then start back up more diligently at the new year. I am determined not to lose my footing and completely fall off the wagon. With this major job change, it would be entirely too easy to fall back into my old ways.

    Victoria- oooh snow! We got about 6 inches here. It's just windy and bloody freezing today. Half of my car doors were frozen shut-- luckily I yanked hard enough of the driver's side to open it. Not even going to attempt my trunk, where I had a crate of things to bring to the new office.

    Kendal- what a *kitten*. I hope everything goes well with the lawyer! And this is totally an appropriate venue to vent. All of this crap going on in our lives can be directly related to how we're doing health-wise, so totally on topic in my book ;)

    Lacey- what a craptastic week. Sounds like things can only improve!

    Debra- glad you found us... even if it was by stalking me. Totally appropriate in this case ;)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I had a bummer weekend. We didn't do much of anything. The snow melted, it was freezing cold and Gabe and Travis spent most of it playing the new Gran Tourismo on the PS3. This morning, I had to get up at the crack of dawn to take Trav to the airport and it was soooo icy that it took an hour and a half to drive/skate the 15 minutes to the airport. It sucked. I cleaned all day and I wrapped all the Christmas presents. That's it for me - nothing spectacular.

    Kristina: I'm right there with you - struggling not to fall off the wagon. You can do it!!!

    Kendal: I think seeing a lawyer is the best thing for you to do with your ex being a punk.

    Deb: good to see you - hope you are doing well!!!

    Lacey: Last week sounds like crap - this week will be better!

    Victoria: I've been steadily shoveling snow for weeks - it's a great workout!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Goals for this week
    1. trying not to lose it. lol
    2. eating well
    3. working out. Even if it is only 1/2 hour on the elliptical at a slow pace
    4. remembering that something is better than nothing
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Quick checkin - Monday sucked!!! I managed to get a cold and my car battery died. Went to bed early and don't want to get up today. I'll catch up when I feel better.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pretty much everyone on my team had car problems yesterday... I was one of the lucky ones (*knock on wood*) who didn't. But, my poor co-worker had her car jumpstarted (after waiting forever for them to come) and then it wouldn't start again later in the day, so I waited with her in my car (we were at a meeting and not at the office) and I lost all my gym time. I just had enough time to run and pick up a gift card for my boss from the team and get to trivia on time. Wasn't the best trivia ever. The music category, usually my fav, was all holiday music, and the last category was video games, which I know very little about the ones I did know were clearly ones others would know. Other than trivia, not a horrible eating day, except for some cookies I shouldn't have been eating.

    Today's agenda: try and plow through as much as possible at work. It's a short day, cause from 3-6 is our departmental party... usually has appetizers and desserts. I'll try and limit myself. Definitely need to get to the gym today. I also need to go christmas shopping at some point this week after work, so we'll see.

    It's still freezing here (felt like -7 this morning), so I'm ready for it to warm up just a little. Let's move towards that freezing mark!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I went to the gym last night and did an hour on the bike so I could read while I was there. I've decided to pick up on the 5th book of the Harry Potter series and take it to the end. I remember reading the 4th book a couple times, especially right when the 4th movie came out and I was incredibly disappointed in the movie, so I stopped reading the books before the movies came out. I've only read the 5th, 6th and 7th books once or twice. I know I've only read the 7th book once, but I'd need to pick up at least from the 5th to remember who everyone is and what is going on...

    We are having our holiday lunch at work tomorrow so I have to go home and make a banana pudding tonight. I'm also going to make a SMALL one for me and the boyfriend. He told me a couple weeks ago that he really loves banana pudding. I plan to make him eat most of it, which he probably will. The boy eats like a horse. Last night he had me stop at Chic Fil A and get him 2 chicken sandwiches and fries. He may have put on a lot of weight during his last project, but he's working a much more physical project now and he's outside all day so I'm sure he's burning a lot more cals than he was.

    Victoria- sorry about the cold and car trouble! I worry every time I turn the key in the ignition that my battery won't work. I think I still have the original battery that came with the car. I know I've had it 3 years and have never replaced the battery. (my car is an '04)

    Lacey- its ok if you "lose it" this week. It might do you some good to go crazy and release some of the stress you are carrying around.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I can't tell if I'm being b!tchy or if these people legitimately deserve to have something said to them.

    One girl is freaking out cause she hasn't lost anything in 10 days and someone said they are battling the same "plateau." I told her to stop weighing every day if this was going to discourage her....and then I said 10 days isn't a freaking plateau!! (although I didn't say it like that)

    And another person posted a topic that said "lose 20 pounds in 30 days" and listed an incredibly restricted diet that you are supposed to follow. His own profile said he lost 50 lbs doing it, but then gained half of it back when he quit so he's doing it again. OMG this is not a "quick fix" type of site!

    Is it just me or are you ladies annoyed by this stuff too?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's really not my week. I locked myself out of the house thus morning so took DH car again (picked his spare keys up instead of my ring which has house key). A patient cancelled, so I stopped at grocery store. Came out to a flat tire. At least my bro went over and unlocked my house.

    Kristina - too bad about not working out.

    Kendal - I really try only to read this thread and one or two others. Some people on here do drive me nuts.

    Lacey - sorry to hear about your bad weekend. I hope your DH gets his cr@p toghether soon.

    Amy - glad you had a nice weekend. Ice is horrible. Glad you made the trip safely. Have a glass of cocoa to warm up.

    Deb - nice to hear from you. Hopefully all of our lives tale a turn for the better ASAP!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Victoria {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and I thought I was having a bad week!
    Lacey {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}...fighting with hubby is always a drag!

    Amy...Ice freaks me out...I totally wiped out one year when I was younger and it scares me to this day!

    Kristina...hope your days goes well and you survive the party and shopping!!

    Mine has just been family issues...emotional stuff,,,which I am handling pretty good.
    My treadmill came damaged, but they have been great at getting replacements parts here...now just have to put them on. Trailblazer 4W drive light came on...still haven't had a chance to take it in...I have been driving the old farm truck.... and was suppose to sew today, but grandkids had to come stay today because my daughter's MIL went in the hospital....so I am trying to catch up laundry! 3 dinners next week...2 of them here....oh boy!!!

    Can't wait for January!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I found this recipe...I am going to make it for lunch next week...wrapped in a slightly blanched collard green leaf with some balsamic hummus a la wrap style. EXCITED!
    I was hungry before I found this recipe..now I am super starving. Subway day I think.

    Victoria - So sorry you aren't having a good week. I hate that.

    Kendal - I try not to get annoyed by those people even though it can be frustrating sometimes. I remember that I posted a few questions about how the site worked, even though they had been posted repeatedly before me. Well I didn't know how to search on here just yet, etc. And I got totally FLAMED by two people who at the time seemed to seek out people like me and chew them out for not doing it right. It is all a learning process and I just try to remember that...even though there will always be people oin mfp thinking its a quick fix to being fat.

    Deb- so nice to hear from you! You are a busy lady! My goodness..

    Right now the husband is not staying at the house. And ironically I have got two of the best nights of sleep in a long time. Its because I Am exhausted and for the past month plus I've not slept well so things are just catching up to me. I think back on how I've been off balance lately, falling, dropping stuff constantly, exhausted, etc. and it seems as though my body and subconscious knew something was coming like this you know?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Everybody sounds like they've been having a bit of a crap week. Lemme add my story: I was up all night last night with the most helacious bout of stomach flu I've ever had. I was running from both ends AND I had stomach cramps so painful that I was using Lamaze breathing to get through them! It sucked. A lot. I felt a lot better this morning but no where near 100%. I ended up eating bland things like toast and rice all day. I also made a ginger tea with honey & lemon that was quite soothing. I just chilled all day. Tonight, Gabe said his stomach hurt at bedtime - i can only pray he doesn't have what I had or I KNOW we're gonna be in for a helluva night.

    Lacey: I know you've had sleeping problems for a while - enjoy every minute of sleep you can get and I hope things turn out for you.

    Deb: the first time I ever encountered winter weather (I was 18), the driver of the car I was in slid off the road and into a ditch in the middle of nowhere-Kansas. It sucked and I have been afraid of ice ever since.

    Victoria: your day sounded terrible! I hope it's gotten better.

    Kendal: I used to read almost every little thing I came across on the boards but now I mostly just stick to the boards and people that are in line with my views of weight loss. Some people want a quick fix for everything, I know that it's harder than that. I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series too. My son started reading them (he's on the 5th one now) but in talking about them with him (he's 7 - it's how I make sure he's understanding what he's reading) I realized that I've forgotten a lot as it's been a long time since I've read them.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    i didnt know if there was suppose to be another thread.. or are we using this one for the 4 wk challenge ??

    Things have been ok here in Illinois.. not diggin the snow though its to cold for me... oh and i just took my final tonight.. so im officaly on Christmas break!! i have been trying to figure out what my body is needing to jump start the weight loss again.. im trying to stay with in calorie but not sure if ive gone into starvation mode ... eh well.. i have to get up early tomorrow ..policy counsil meeting for head start and its gonna be cold.. burr.. happy tuesday everyone
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Bethany: We'll use this same thread for the entire challenge then we'll switch to a new thread.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for the positive thoughts. I need them. Today has to be better.

    Amy - hope you and Gabe feel better soon. The flu sucks!!

    Lacey - get some more sleep. Still hoping things work out for the best between you and your man. I hope he comes around.

    Deb - to bad about the treadmill. Enjoy those grandbabies!!!

    Kristina - did you make it to workout?

    Kendal - I second what Lacey said about innocent questions. As my mother used to say - if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.

    Bethany - good luck breaking your plateau. Have you thought about cleaner eating or varying intensity of ex to shake things up?

    Guess I should get out of bed and get moving. My sleep hasn't been the best lately either. Due to runny nose and coughing, I have to sleep sitting up. On the bright side, this cold will be gone by Christmas!!! I need to stop looking at the empty part of my glass and celebrate the 1/2 full side. Catch you Super Pals later. Happy Hump Day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've lost 17.69% of my body weight since I started. How much have you guys lost??

    To get this percentage, weight lost divided by starting weight then mulitply that by 100 (mine was (46/260)x100)
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    mine is 15.56% !!

    my finals are done... and im pretty happy with the grade on it too!!

    victoria~ i am trying to clean up my diet, its difficult at times i dont like to fix food very often though lol

    KendaL~ GREAT job on the body weight.. thats a great profile pic btw!! looking good

    im not getting a lot of exersise this week :( but i have turbo kick tomorrow.. i missed zumba today cuz i took a nap.. but i was soo tired and felt better after i got up .. have a great night
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    I would love to join this group. I'm not sure how though. :smile:
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Count me in, too!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I'm at 21.9% if I take last Fri weight of 185. You are doing awesome!!!

    Welcome new ladies!!! We are an open group and anyone can join. Feel free to ask questions and post away.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: What a cool idea! I'm at 11.43% body weight lost!

    Hiya new people! We have some great people here. Feel free to start posting away. We share our successes, ask questions and vent about frustrations with each other and everyone here is great!!!

    I've been doing my own thing. I ran 3 miles yesterday (on my treadmill as it was snowing) but I made sure I kept up a 12 minute mile (it's easy for me to zone out on the treadmill for some reason). I totally undid all that work by making chicken fettuccine alfredo for Travis' "welcome back from Berlin" dinner. It was soooo bad but sooo good too! Glad to have Trav back and also glad that Christmas is right around the corner - I've kind of been in a holding pattern with all the holiday upheaval and really don't feel like I can get back to my workout routine until the holidays are over. I'm glad that will happen soon!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day!