200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Howdy ladies!
    I'm here, just lurking...trying not to eat too much crap but also not trakcing or going to the gym. I'd like to say that I will be able to do better, but until Christmas is over, yeah right!
    Things are getitng better on the home front though there is a long way to go. If we can make it through this our marriage will be that much better, its just the getting there that blows.

    I've about got all my christmas shopping done..just a few more things. Yeay!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    23.9% here... well, that's from my lowest-- 175. I'm still hovering in the high 170s. *grumbles*

    I just wanted to say I'm alive... this week has been completely overwhelming with the job--- it's like I know I'm working all the time, but I feel like I have little to show for it. I'm hoping next week will be better cause have the team will be gone (including the boss), so I'm hoping I"ll get some more work done.

    Eating hasn't been great this week. Not horrible, but I haven't been logging, and have been floundering when I've gotten home in general. Bad habits I know better about. Struggling with the stress, and I need to make working out a priority. I know I always feel better afterwards. Did get to the gym yesterday, but that's a whopping once this week. PATHETIC.

    I'm completely petrified I'm going to fall off the wagon.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina......{{{{Hugs}}}}}, ......no need to worry about falling off the wagon, hun, you have all ready acknowledged it! You have been through a lot of changes...you'll get back into your routine soon....remember...YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT!!!!....besides....don't even think for one minutes that one of us Super Heros....won't show up and *****crack the whip behind ya*****:bigsmile: Your doing fine...these holidays are about behind us...a new year fast approaching...and girl, we are doing it...one day at a time!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Lacey, I cannot even tell you how many times I have said to my husband over the last 23 years..."I knew we were going to be together forever when......._____________... It has hard when 2 people join in partnership Forever, but working it through is so rewarding and a very natural process and a great opprotunity for both of you to grow and learn about yourselves and each other....but your right...working through all that....blows......, sending you out good thoughts :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Amy...fantastic run...you super hero you!!!! I ran for a little on my treadmill yesterday too....we still have not gotten the last part for it...so I am having to take it easy...mostly doing fast walks....but I know what you mean about beong able to zone out. I put ours in the living room and am able to watch tv...and before I know it...an hour is up! My daughter has been using it too and has lost 3 pounds...very excited for her...she seems very focus this time....and we all know how important..."wrapping your head around everything" Is! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome everyone New....great group here......

    Hello to everyone, hope our all doing well!!!!

    Victoria...hope your week ended better than it started!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I stayed out of work yesterday cause of ice. Not in the mood to be here today. I'm a little stressed. I am showing my house today at noon- its the first showing I've had in like, the past 2 months. I NEED my house to sell but I don't want it to. I don't want to have to move in with my mom and dad (but I'm thankful I have them). Lexi's life will drastically change....she'd probably have to stay in her crate in my room most of the day (not a big difference cause she stays in her crate while I'm at work anyway). I'm not sure they'll let her have roam of the house once I get home though cause she sheds a lot. Plus they have their dog who is a TINY lasa ahpsa and she's terrifed of Lexi. (10lb dog vs 65lb dog Lexi means no harm but Brindle is terrified at how big Lexi is). Plus Taylor and I will lose all our private time together (I'm not talking just about the sex....). It would be an indefinite situation unless something changes at work....or I'm there long enough to pay off my credit card debt...or my car (got 3 more years on that).

    I have an appointment to see the attorney on Monday. I started going through all the screen shots I have of Joey talking to one of his *kitten* to see which ones to print out for the attorney. It just brought back bad feelings. I don't think I'm going to print anything out. I'm not here to prove he cheated or justify why I left him. I don't really want alimony, I just don't want to be the one to walk away with all the debt. I looked at a document we created in January where we looked at our debt. I walked away with 80% of our credit card debt even though HE made 60% of the household income. And he's offered MANY times to just sign the house right over to me.....yeah, cause I can't even afford half the house payment.....he just wants to walk away from everything.

    When I decorated my Christmas tree, I found the ornaments people gave us as a gift (2007 Joey and Kendal engagement, and 2008 Joey and Kendal First Christmas). Its weird to think that was our one and ONLY Christmas together as a married couple. I've thought of sending them to him, but that would probably only make him call me. I thought of throwing them away, but I want to destroy them first. I don't want to see them exist anymore. I told Taylor this last night and he told me we could use them for target practice (he's getting me used to handling his guns). Unfortunately I live in city limits (and have neighbors all around) so we will have to find a good place to shoot them. It's a little funny now that I think about it that the first time I ever shoot a gun will be to destroy Christmas ornaments from my marriage.

    Normally I spot about a week before TOM shows up and that hasn't happened yet. Its nice not to have to deal with it, but I'm worried it means something is different this month. I'm really good at taking my birth control pills daily, but still....pregnancy is always a worry in the back of my mind.

    So yeah....I'm feeling incredibly stressed today and my weight is way up (only about 3 pounds from last week :noway: :frown: ) It doesn't help that Taylor left a bag of hershey candy at my house (kisses, krackles, reeses, dark chocolate....) and I've attacked it like I will never have chocolate again in my life. I think its time for a good hard cry.

    Kristina- don't give yourself a hard time. You are not falling off the wagon. It is the holidays and you've started a new job. I can't imagine how stressed you are having to deal with both. You are strong and will make it through. Maybe you should give yourself a few weeks to get adjusted before you start trying to lose again.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Jumping on there this morning to say thatni weighed myself this morning and I'm at 207.8. Up .8. Not bad and I will take it. Going to try nest week to eat a little better and looking forward to january so I can get back on track!

    You girlies have a good day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning ladies. I have this morning off to catch up on paperwork. YEAH!!! I am down another 1/2 pound to 184.5. My cold is better (but not gone)... Overall I'm looking to have a good weekend. This weekend, I'm starting the 1/2 marathon training!!! Yeah. A reason to run. I can't believe the race is 17 weeks away. I'm taking a week off in Feb so I'll have 16 weeks of training.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Bit the bullet and weighed in this morning. Still on my TOM, so it might be cause for a bit of gain, but I was prett petrified. Was 178.8, which was actually lower than I thought. I thought for sure I would be over 180. *wipes brow*. I just need to keep it together through the holidays-- won't overindulge, but will certainly eat goodies, and am completely back on the wagon after the new year. I brought my gym clothes with me today, so I'm planning on hitting that up after work.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - just try to take it one day at a time. I agree that making the divorce proceedings just about the money issues is the best if you can both keep it that way. I hope that your attorney has some good advice for you!

    Kristina - you take it one day at a time too. That is all you can do..don't put yourself down if you can't get to the gym right now.

    Victoria - enjoy your training!

    I am so glad that this week at work has been slow. Had all this drama happened two or three weeks ago, I would have been a complete nut job today. Its even been relaxing here, yeay! I am just trying to get some work done and enjoy myself. Tonight I am going to pick up G and go home, have a nice quiet evening, some soup and salad and call it good. I can see myself going to sleep when G does around 7:30.

    Tomorrow finishing up shopping and HP movie all by myself. Yay!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey, I did at least get to the gym today!

    And I got my new winter parka in the mail. I was swimming in the last one. Downsized from a 2X to a Medium! Oh happy days!

    Got to keep it together this weekend.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thank goodness for the weekend. It feels so good to be home and not working. I can cough and blow my nose to my hearts content. At least none of my clients have gotten sick. I was fastidious with using alcohol hand cleaner and washing my hands all through my work days... I actually slept pretty good last night. My agenda today - paperwork, a workout and watching fuzzy Christmas movies. FYI - I can actually smell some things today and breath through my nose - the little things in life rock!!!

    Kristina - great job getting the workout in. Enjoy your family this week and we'll all get on track for the New Year. That's awesome on the coat front!!!

    Kendal - driving on ice does suck... I'm glad your safe and didn't chance it. You've gotta get that man eating better - says the one whose husband ordered a delicious plate of loaded nachos for dinner last night - it had to have 4000 cal. (*rolls eyes*) I will admit to succumbing to 1 chip. But, if he had stayed on our normal plan, I would have eaten only 1/2 of my grilled chicken sandwich. Note to men - if you want a skinny wife be better examples to us!!! Good luck with the lawyer. Maybe ask the lawyer if you'd get a better settlement if you prove the douche bag cheated... That's quite a way to take out your aggression - shot the ornaments then pitch them. I hope your not preggers too. You don't need that complication. EPT tests work pretty early now. Maybe taking one would ease your mind or give you an answer. Super Hero Powers unite!!!!

    Lacey - have fun at the movies!!! Sneak a bite of popcorn for me..

    Amy - you welcome back dinner sounds delicious!!! At least you ran 3 miles. Do what you can for the holidays and we'll all get back on track for the New Year.

    Deb - I'm so happy for your daughter and her weight loss. Enjoy that treadmill. Think about training for the Toledo 1/2 marathon with me April 17th... You can soooo do it.

    Bethany - it's so nice to have you back!!! Congrats on getting through another semester of school.

    New ladies - where did you go???
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! It's pouring rain and lightening and thundering.

    Gracie and I are watching Frosty Returns....interesting. I guess ive never seen it, sure is full of negtive people in the beginning.
    Oh and did anynof you watch Tthe Flight Before Christmas? It must have been on tv last week. Anyways it's about a little reindeer whose dad flies santas sleigh and has never been around?? Well it hints of a one night stand and how these male reindeers get around with the females. I don't know if they are attempting to add some adult humor into the cartoon or what, but wow. Its funny now because G is only 4 but I am sure other older kids get it. Kind of odd. Lol...

    Victoria good to hea you are feeling better!!! Yeah!

    Kristin a how awesome is that about your coat? Way cool!!!

    And oddly enough ive never been A fan of popcorn, so I will maybe get some sour patch kids!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904

    LOL... Ditto...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh yeah - I'm in trouble!! The boys are watching Art Mann Kentucky Derby episode and want to go. I've been challenged to come up with hats. (*rolls eyes*). Note - Art Mann is not for kids. The boys have also discovered a show called "The League" - OMG funny but not for kids. So the boys took over TV so no more Xmas shows... Boooo!!!

    Oh help - they are trashing and merging my fav authors and movies. Don't let boys start drinking early / they'll drive you crazy. Sighs!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya pals! I've been enjoying my weekend before Christmas prep. We spent about a zillion dollars yesterday at the commissary! My friend is flying in on Thursday and we're planning on making a big batch of Vietnamese noodle soup (my FAVORITE food ever!) so I had to run out today and get a big stock pot. I also bought this fancy pewter wine stopper/ aerator thing while I was at it (it was gorgeous but $65). We also made & decorated sugar cookies and DH made fudge (not really my thing but he NEEDS fudge at Christmas).

    Victoria: I'm glad you're feeling better. Being sick at Christmas sucks. I know because I've spent the last 2 Christmases laid up with various infirmities (last year I was recovering from surgery so I was basically drugged the entire month of December and the year prior I was dying of pulmonary emboli but didn't know it yet - just thought I had a respiratory infection).

    Lacey: I have never seen the Christmas movies you mentioned. My favorite Christmas moves are: A Christmas Story, Elf and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. We've been watching them a lot the last couple of weeks.

    Kristina: YAY for the smaller coat! You rock!

    Kendal: I wanted to reply to your post about the Christmas ornaments but didn't get around to it until now. I think it would be cathartic to shoot/smash/destroy them. I was in the Air Force when I divorced my ex so he ended up being the one who had to dispose of "our" stuff (I lived in a dorm room so I had practically no stuff at all) but I DID have to dispose of my wedding & engagement rings. My ex thought I would keep them (he even sent me a wooden box to keep them in - weird!) so I went out and found the nearest pawn shop (not difficult in Texas, there are TONS of pawn shops) and I pawned both rings for something like $200 (they were worth WAY over that but I garnered much joy in pawning them for so much less than what they were really worth!) Anyway, I'm just saying that I'm totally with ya on wanting to destroy the ornaments - you should do it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've been eating for no reason lately. (emotional eating and stress eating) I'm legitimately up to 216 still. Its been about a week and it hasn't dropped at all. I'm thinking I should wait till the new year to start tracking food/exercise again. I will still try to exercise, as I realize I desperately need the endorphins, but I need a break.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies. I'm alive. Last few days before leaving for Christmas break. I didn't have a great weekend eating-wise. I did get some good sleep in, which I desperately needed and feel about as fresh and awake as I can for a Monday morning.

    I've fallen the past week or two into old eating habits. Not eating badly per say, just eating way too much of things. I need to nip it in the bud like whoa. I'm feeling uber huge, and can feel it in my pants that I'm not as tiny as I was just a few weeks ago, which is pretty crushing. I know Christmas won't be great, but I'm really going to try and be good about my eating on the non-holiday days (I know Christmas and Christmas Eve are washes-- that's fine), and to be good until I get home. Don't try and gain any more this week before leaving. I've slacked on the logging, which I know has been uber vital to my weight loss. So back to it this morning-- measuring everything out and staying on track. Also, my goal is to get to the gym or run over the next 4 days.

    I need to do some last minute shopping. Just a couple items left. The plan is for after work for me to hit the gym, then the mall briefly, then collapse for the evening. I've got leftovers from last night (sauteed veggies and brown rice with chickpeas), so as long as i JUST eat what I've set out, I should be good on calories today. I hate feeling as huge as I feel right now. I know I'm not up much, but man, can I feel it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Afternoon ladies - just a short break between clients to say hi and let you know I'm alive. Totally failed on exercise this weekend. Probably won't get much this week but starting next Sunday, I promise to get back on track!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    To copy Kendal...


    :yawn: Tired today.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in this morning. Yesterday my calories were on point... didn't exercise though (*grumbles*). After work, I headed to the mall and am now done with Christmas shopping minus a quick trip to Target to get a gift card which I'll do either today or tomorrow.

    Was 178.2 this morning-- still up from my lowest, but down from the 178.8 from Friday, so I'll take it. Hoping to be under 178 by the time i leave. If I stay awake from snacking and overeating today, I should be good with my calories again, and I'll try and get to the gym today-- but again, I'm not coming straight from the office, and it's so hard to go home and then leave again.

    Loving the fact that so may people are out this week. Work is MUCH more relaxing. *knocks on wood* Got lots of paperwork and organization to catch up on this morning, and a very engaging lecture on reporting Adverse Events and protocol deviations to the university's institutional review board. I know you all are insanely jealous right now of me.