200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - Can't blame you for chilling the rest of the month. Get those nasty self comments out of your head girl!!

    Kendal - Glad you are getting your debit card back tonight! If there was some sort of after party with the band at the bar, they very well could have jacked up the pricing of the drinks..hope not though!

    Sexy - infections in your mouth are super super close to your brain..I'd be getting it checked out ASAP! I hope you feel better.

    Victoria and Kendal - long days at work blow.

    Still struggling...but keeping on keeping on.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I apologize for not checking in yesterday, and wanted to do so this morning before I'm off to work, because I think it'll be a pretty hectic day. I THINK things will calm down, somewhat next week. Today is the outgoing project manager's last day, so that's a bit stressful. Meeting heavy day today. Between individual therapy with a client and meetings, I'll be at it from 10-5 today, nonstop. Then, it's the holiday party for the clinic, so that might wipe the gym off of possibilities for the day. So yeah, not a good exercise week for me. Yesterday I got home at a decent time, but then worked at home for another couple of hours. Eating was okay... just not as okay because I didn't have the extra calories.

    Today might be a not great eating day with the party (though if there's not a lot of veggie stuff, I might actually be okay- might not eat much there and control what I eat at home more), and lunch at work (panera, but I'm getting black bean soup/salad, which are one of the less caloric options on the menu-- sodium like whoa though).

    sexygenius- sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well :( having no energy sucks

    victoria- i hope exercise went well with mom last night!

    amy- sounds gross weather wise there. blech. it would be hard to motivate myself to get outside. Wasn't inception a fab movie? It was on my xmas list-- hope I get it. Otherwise I'm buying, and it's rare that I actually buy movies these days. And I think taking a rest is okay... as long as you completely don't fall off the wagon. Maintain at least and stay connected with us, as it'll keep you engaged through the rest of the year before you pick it up again!

    kendal- hope you got to the gym last night! it is certainly amazing how much has changes over the last year!

    lacey- keep hanging on, lady!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I did an hour on the elliptical last night and that was it. Burned 650-700 cals and I really wasn't pushing myself hard, but it was better than nothing. This morning I'm 213.6. :bigsmile: I'm not sure I can beat that tomorrow, but I'll still try.

    Taylor and I got me a little Christmas tree last night. Its maybe 3-4 feet tall and was only $15 :bigsmile: I love it! It's so little but it makes me happy. It's standing in a little plastic tray thing and since it had been outside, it was frozen in a little block of ice. This morning I made a HUGE mess trying to move the tree but thankfully it was only in the kitchen. I will decorate it tonight.

    Joey was being a douche last night via text. It didn't bother me though cause I knew it really hurt him when I said "doesn't matter what you say. Taylor is here and he makes me smile no matter how horrible you are." I didn't say anything else after that.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The sweets got to me! The sweets got to me! Gaaaaa! They are ebil, ebil I tell you! I ate...I hate to admit this...six maple leaf maple cookies last night...I had a stomach ache from the sugar when I went to bed. Someone brought in a tray of cookies today. I've grazed all day. No working out tonight either as I have a 4:30 meeting, Jeff is talking pizza. Next week WILL be better. I WILL try not to eat the whole office out of sugar in the next hour before I leave.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: The holidays are terrible for the extra sweets! Hope your tummy has recovered today.

    Kendal: I saw your Christmas tree on facebook - totally cute!

    Kristina: I finally got to see Inception last night and it was really good! Quite a mind bender!

    DH took the day off as he's gonna be in Berlin next week so he thought he'd add a day to the weekend. Dunno what we're gonna do but I'm hoping we try out the snow shoes or go ice skating. Hope everyone has a lovely Friday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- thanks. I sent a pic of it to my bff with the comment "your tree ain't gonna have *kitten* on mine" (obviously joking) and you know what she said? "well except size" and then about a minute later she said "lol thats cute!" .....:grumble: you really have to rain on my parade like that? I know you are effing rich and can sit on your *kitten* all day and still get twice as much money in a month as I make working my *kitten* off everyday. I know you have a bigger house, newer car, more clothes and have been happily married for 5 years (and you love to brag about the size of his equipment to anyone who'll listen) but dammit! Filter yourself once in a while! Think of how you come across to other people. That really hurt my feelings! Lets see what your life would be like if you didn't have a husband, didn't have someone to do everything for you, didn't have a second income to depend on, or God forbid, you didn't have that monthly annuity check.

    sorry.....had to rant about it. the sad part is that she's on this site and I believe she reads all my posts. Guess the cat is out of the bag now, huh? I didn't respond to her text cause I knew it would be a snarky reply, but I slept on it and I still feel like it was incredibly rude and condescending of her.

    I also sent the same picture and message to her husband at the exact same time and you know what his reply was? "true dat" He's such a good friend. His response was several hours later though so the damage had already been done. :frown:

    Lacey- NO SWEETS TODAY! just make it through the end of the day without giving in and you will be so proud of yourself.

    Kristina- hope the party at the clinic went well for you.

    sexygenius- hope you feel better! Don't joke when it comes to your health. If it doesn't get better within a few days, go to the doctor.

    I'm sticking to yesterday's weight of 213.6. I was way up this morning so I'm counting that as a fluke. I did make it to the gym last night but was tired and really wasn't in the mood. I didn't even burn 600 cals on the elliptical in an hour. That has never happened to me before. I normally burn at least 730 cals. I plan to go tonight and work my butt off. I like seeing the scale go down.

    ETA: and no, I haven't talked to my bff about all the times she's done this kind of thing. (she yelled at her husband in front of me cause he offered to give me their push mower- they have a riding mower and he never uses his push mower....she didn't want to give it to me in the off chance she might ever want to mow their yard, which hasn't happened since they moved here over a year ago)

    When stuff like this happens to me, I walk away and try to rationally work through my feelings and figure out if I'm justified in feeling this way. I try to see it from their point of view and figure out if there is just a misunderstanding or if its even worth an argument. There's less emotions involved if I do bring it up later cause if I just went off on her when it happens, then things tend to blow up quickly and I don't say everything I want to say. I'm bad at expressing my emotions at the drop of a hat.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I thought your tree was adorable. Loved the whole scene. Please post picture with Lexi in her outfit. We're here for you to rant and then feel better. At least your best friend has a computer - mine doesn't and she lives 5 hours away so I only see her a couple of times a year.

    Lacey - STOP!!! Be good today. Hope the party was fun.

    Amy - enjoy the snow and DH on your long weekend.

    Kristina - Hopefully some stress will decrease as you make the new job yours. It's always so hard to manage exactly like the last person.

    Debra - says hi to everyone. She has been busy but hopefully will find time to check-in soon.

    I'm mailing the Christmas Cards this weekend with a special surprise... Thanks for giving me your addresses. I've got to run and get ready for work. The ice and snow makes driving around to see clients twice as long... But I did manage to finish my Christmas shopping on-line today!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's going to be a great Friday!!! The flu must be going around because 2 people have canceled this morning. I only have 3 total for the day (*super big grin*)... The house cleaner is here and I'm feeling guilty playing on the iphone and computer. I should do something with these 2 hours of free time. Oh yeah and check-in for the week - 185 which is the same as last week. I'll take it with my lack of exercise and poor eating. I had ribs at my bookclub Christmas party last night... I should at least go wrap some gifts. Catch you super pals later...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    just thought yall would like to know I sent her an email. I hate having to do this kind of stuff but as my work friend said, nothing will change if I don't talk to her about it.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ah sorry I forgot to reply to you guys about my address...I am seriously horrible about sending Christmas cards out.

    Kendal - I saw your tree on fb too, super cute. Made me think of getting a smaller one this year and putting it up on something instead of having a huge one..but i have a 4 year old and that just wouldn't be right.

    Victoria - enjoy your nice day!

    Amy - enjoy your husband!

    Kristina - as you get more used to your new responsibilities your job will get easier in the sense that the stress will go away a bit more every day.

    Today I have Gracie with me at work. Her babysitter is sick. I don't think we will last all day today like last time. She has some major energy to burn off and being couped up in this office is going to be the death of us both.

    I however had a renewed energy to work out and eat right...Vegas is coming and I am so ready to get to sit by the pool and do the zip line tour and all. So Sunday I am going to start back up with it all and hit it hard until we go. I got a great email with deals for rooms at Hard Rock Hotel which is exciting because I've never stayed there.
    So for today I plan to eat less and more right and keep on keepin on.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh also on the food front:

    I mixed one tbsp of pumpkin cream cheese with 1/2 cup of fat free whipped cream, put it between two graham cracker sheets and froze them....let it sit out for a few minutes before I ate them and they are fantastic!! A nice little treat and I imagine some greek honey yogurt would be good wmixed with the whipped cream too.

    And I put frozen peas in my smoothie today...I was out of spinach. Not bad, not bad. can't taste them at all but I should have blended it longer.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Thanks to my naughty daughter I just fell AGAIN. I am taking her rude little bottom home for the rest of the day. GOod lord. Glad I only have one!

    You girls have a great Friday and Saturday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oh no Lacey!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies. Need to catch up on everyone' s posts this weekend. So happy the work week is over, though I'll probably have to do some work stuff over the weekend.

    Didn't weigh myself this morning, as I ate like whoa at the christmas party last night (SO much good food). Will weigh in after the weekend, but I'm sure there's not much of a loss. Not enough movement. I am hoping now that I'm officially into the new position and not just running around here and there trying to learn everything, I'll get back into a routine.
  • velvetechos
    Hey, I'm just browsing through the boards looking for somewhere to join in - can anyone give me the lowdown on this group?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey, I'm just browsing through the boards looking for somewhere to join in - can anyone give me the lowdown on this group?

    we are a group that has been around for over a year. People come and go and come again. New people are always welcome. Many of us have lost over 50 pounds and some have gotten below 200. We call ourselves "Super Pals". Feel free to ask questions and post away. We look forward to getting to know you.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So where is everyone? My exercise for the day - snow shoveling. We have gotten at least 10". My kitties needed a potty path so I had to do the front and back decks. Yep - it's cardio if you dont stop. I have to go back out to clean the cars off and move them to the plowed area - that's life in a snow belt... Keep warm and happy this weekend. Eating has been so so..
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I am going to take the two falls this week and my husband freaking out enough that I had to leave the party and ended up dumping him on the side of the road as three bad things. I should be in for a slew of good things now. I refuse to have more bad. Period.
    Jeff is not staying at the house for at least this coming week and I have Gracie so I am going to concentrate on heavy, hard and quick card work outs this week, hiit training as it were, and healthy eating. Tuesday night is gracies Christmas recital, which I am very much looking forward to and won't be able to work out, but other than that I am going.

    Victoria I would love some snow. It's so fresh and beautifula, but I am sure shoveling is a whole other story!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey everyone...I lost you all there for a while..and for some reason I haven't even seen any of you post on my main page?? I had to stalk Kristina to find you...:laugh: :laugh:

    Hope you are all doing well...I have been swamped...and it doesn't look like a let up for a couple more weeks...I imagine you all are having the same issues. I love the romantic ideas of the holidays, but reality...not so much....

    Have you been weighing in weekly? I guess I shoudl just go back and read threads and catch up!!

    Have a great week....You Santa Super Sexy Pals !!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I got served divorce papers Saturday but I refuse to sign them. Joey says they are the basic, standard kind of divorce papers, but they say that if I sign them, I lose any right to go after him for the money he owes me. So yeah, I've already set up an appointment with an attorney for next week. Joey was trying to bully/intimidate me into signing them. He texted "I talked to a lawyer and I have a big smile on my face. do you want to talk while I'm still willing to?" So I called his bluff and told him to give me the name and number of his attorney and I will have my attorney contact him. I'm so done with him pushing me around. There's no way that he can have a big smile on his face if he really told the attorney the truth. Plain and simple facts are that he cheated on me (confessed directly to my bff's husband and he will testify to it) and now he's trying to dump all the financial debt on me and walk away. I don't care if I have to spend $1500 on an attorney just to get $1500 from him. It will be justified to have the court and the state of NC on my side.

    gah, this place has really become more of a place for me to vent than anything....sorry ladies. I'll try to focus more on my weight loss issues....

    saying that....my weight is way up today. The boyfriend brought Burger King over for dinner last night. I would really love to be down to 210 by New Years. That's a 3lb drop from my last weigh in (but 6lb loss from today's weight). I think it's possible.

    Lacey- sorry that you had such a bad week last week. :frown: hope things turn around for you.

    Victoria- I would love to come help you play in the snow....erm....I mean, come help you shovel the snow. Lexi FREAKS OUT in the snow and its hilarious! I love watching her go crazy.