200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The house is decorated and the presents are wrapped!!! Now I can't sleep. I failed on eating and exercise this weekend. Today's a new day.

    P90X and I are taking a break. Amy - wait until the New Year to restart P90X.

    My goals for the week - get back into an exercise routine and eat better.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I'm joining! Definitely count me in. :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Your goals for this week are my goals for this week. I've been messed up since Thanksgiving and I need to get my act in gear! Thanks for the vote of re-starting P90X after the New Year (isn't it weird that I needed someone's permission to put it off?? I'm a dork)

    Hiya new people! There are some awesomely inspiring ladies on this thread. Jump right on in and start posting.

    I wanted to try out my new snowshoes this weekend but I was sick and stayed inside most of the weekend and now it has started warming up and instead of snow, we're getting rain (and lots of it!) -- BOO!!! Supposedly, the rain will turn to snow by the weekend so hopefully I'll get my shot at the snowshoeing this weekend.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    (why would anyone have a chocolate festival, outdoors, in December, in Germany??).

    probably to save on refrigeration lol...there's no chance in hell their product will melt
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Today is a new day. I knowingly didn't do much of anything this weekend other than the 5K and ate whatever I wanted, didn't log, and felt like crap about it. Surprisingly, I thought I would be over 180 this morning, but was 179.2. I will so take it and I'm back on the wagon today. I can't let the stress from work get me down and off track. I've come way too far. So, eating under control today, and will probably get to the gym or dvd it today. Not positive though, as I want to hit up the mall after work briefly. I'm trying to get into the christmas spirit this year (i'm usually a grinch) and get a artificial christmas tree, but I've been striking out, as they are either completely wussy, way expensive or out of stock in both the stores and online. My friend mentioned she got hers and Sears and I saw they had several online, and I want to check out the store and see if there are any there. If that's the case, and I get one tonight, I might spend the evening decorating my place up. We'll see.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday. Today doesn't look bad for me, on paper. Just one client who my co-worker who's replacing me is going to observe our session. Thursday is the project manager's last day, so this is my last week to leech everything possible out of her before she goes. Seriously having moments of holy crap what the hell have I gotten myself into. I just hope I don't flounder terribly. Cross your fingers for me!

    I'm hoping to be down to 178 something by weigh in on Friday. We'll see...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! Today should be a fairly relaxed day at work. Well, I am going to make it a point to make it that way at least. LOL. No *kitten* is going to ruin my day. I am staying as "zen" as possible.

    Four weeks left in the month. I set my cal goals to lose 1.5 lbs per week, 1310 cals a day unless I work out. I will HAVE To work out period. I really want to be at 200 or super close by NYE.

    Goals for the week are to work out minimum 4 days per week, and to log everything I eat through Sunday. Still trying to eat as vegetarian as possible until Dinner. I have feta cheese and yogurt in bfast and lunch..so no vegan this week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh and I weighed myself this morning. Up to 211.4, I know that is booze from the party, swelling from the spa and high sodium food..so not logging it. Next monday I should be back to 207 or hopefully a bit under.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wow...I think I hear birds chirping and thats it in here!


    So I took a nose dive at work today on the asphalt. I went without hitting my head and scrapes but I am sore and that is with two advil. Tomorrow will be worse I am sure. I bought these new shoes and they are a bit lose in the heels. I think I will have some bruising on my hip, knee and elbows. And my lower back is hurting.
    I will go to the gym and do 30 minutes of elliptical slowly, cuz anything is better than nothing. BUt yeah. Good good times. Thank God no one saw me. Sheesh.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Wow! I hope you are feeling better today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm just lazy this month. No real exercise over the last week. Eating has been so-so. I guess I just needed a break from everything. I'm watching the scale and my measurements. If they slide the wrong way, I get back on track. My goal for Dec is to maintain...

    Lacey - I hope you're okay.

    Kendal - how was the concert?

    Kristina - great job on the run!!!

    Amy - are you tired of the snow yet? We're supposed to get 5 inches today. It snowed all day yesterday. It's so pretty but cold. Our high was 25 yesterday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I thought I was tired of the snow but then the temp came up a bit yesterday and it's been raining for 2 days and the ONLY thing worse than too much snow is a gross mixture of snow and rain (I had to walk across a parking lot on base and I SWEAR I slid across most of it!). So I'm ready for the temp to drop and it to start snowing again (I know, I'm sick). I bought some thermal underwear today so I'm feeling slightly more prepared for when it drops back into single-digits. I hear you on the being lazy. I just haven't been able to pick myself up and get going again. My eating is mostly fine but I am pretty much down to snow-shoveling and walking as my exercise (lame!). Whatever, I am tired of beating myself up for not getting moving though. I swear, the things I say to myself in my head are way meaner than I'd ever allow anyone else to get away with saying to me...I need to work on being nicer and more understanding of my inner-me.

    This morning I had to get a new military ID card (I hate ID card pictures, they are the worst!) and it was pretty amazing to see how different my face looks on the 2 cards. The old one was about 30 pounds more than i weigh now and I could really see the difference. My face was all puffy (I looked like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man) and mostly cheeks with teeny-tiny eyes. My face looks much better in the new card. So that was an ego booster today. Arguing with the ID card chick about whether or NOT I still have green eyes was not (weird.).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- you're right. the combo of snow and rain is certainly the worst! Snow itself isn't bad. It's been flurrying here for the past several days, but not much sticking, which I'm okay with. Finally did a bit last night, but only got about an inch. It's pretty at the moment. Yay for new IDs! I look at my work IDs and can completely tell the difference in mine as well.

    Lacey- how are you feeling today?? Poor thing! I've totally faceplanted at work before.

    Victoria- if you need to take a break, you need to take a break. Just don't let it go too long. I know for me, it's way harder to get back on the bandwagon if I go for more than a week not being on top of things.

    Things are okay on my end. Work is meeting heavy today and it'll continue to increase in stress as the week goes on. I need to hit the gym today, as it's trivia night... at Applebee's, which is horrible in terms of calories/salt with their appetizers, so I need to be as good as possible the rest of the day. Thinking about ellipticalling, as it's the most calories burnt for time. Totally need the stress reliever of trivia though, so that'll be fun. Lunch meeting today at work (I ordered a roasted red pepper hummus wrap, which should be not terribly caloric), then working over at the new building I'll be moving into and team meeting at 4. Then gym. The trivia at 9. Won't step on the scale tomorrow morning, as I'll be eating late and salty tonight. This morning I was 179.0, down a wee bit from yesterday, which is good.

    Didn't exercise yesterday, cause I was holiday-ing up my place. After my multi-week search for a christmas tree, I finally landed on one. At Sears-- hadn't thought about them. Actually it wasn't one on display, but I ordered online and picked up in-store later that night. Ornamented up at Target and decorated the tree. I think it looks pretty and now I'm feeling much more festive!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm feeling some soreness today, but I can't tell if its from the gym last night or falling. Probably both.

    I went to bed at 8 last night. Gracie read me stories and sung me a couple songs, put her favorite puppy in bed with me and told me "good night daughter, you go to sleep now." It was pretty cute. Then she came back right when I really fell asleep and wanted puppy so she could go to bed too. LOL.

    I ate the lemon bar I'd bought at Whole Foods the previous day and a cookie last night, so I went way over my cals. But at least I am back to logging and gyming. I find that I like to work out more in the winter than in the summer. Once the weather starts getting better I have no desire to work out. I want to be at home toodling around or outside. So I need to take advantages of the next four or five months and really hit it hard so I can maybe slow down a bit in the summer.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The concert was really fun last night. It was supposed to be 3 separate bands, but the one band I knew (JUSTIN MOORE) was snowed in in Michigan and couldn't make it. :frown: boo. But Christian Kane was hot. We didn't stay for the last band (Thompson Square....??? had never heard of them before) so we left around 11. We stood in the same spot while the band was playing so I took my shoes off and stood over them- they were KILLING my feet. Plus with the alcohol, I was having problems maintaining my balance lol.

    There was a guy there I recognized from another band (The Ross Copley Band....it was Ross Copley). So I went over to him and flirted and got my friend to take a picture of me and him. I will post it once I get my pictures loaded. The two bars we normally go to require cash for the cover charge, so I never take my debit card with me and only pay cash for my drinks. This was a concert/party that a radio station was throwing so there was no cover charge (just had to win the tickets) so I didn't take any cash (didn't have any cash to take anyways). I FORGOT TO CLOSE MY TAB!!! I realized it on the way home, and had to call several times to finally get someone to pick up the dang phone. I have to wait till tomorrow evening to go get my debit card back (I guess they are closed today). I have food and just filled up my gas tank on Sunday, so I should be good.

    I was down to 213.8 this morning. I don't know why but my weight goes down when I drink, possibly because I only drink when we go out to a bar so I spend hours on my feet dancing.

    Lacey- sorry that you got hurt! My legs and neck had been sore from dancing Friday night but I guess I finally loosened the muscles last night. Gracie is so cute to take care of you like that!

    Amy- I feel the same about my id card at work. My face looks so round in it. It doesn't expire till 2012 so I've got a lot more time to change my appearance.

    where are all our new people? they all said they'd join but I haven't seen anyone post anything else....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I know... where did the newbies go? That tends to happen though. I swear, we're a fun group! Some of them latch on though, and are embraced by the group!

    Meeting sucked today. First of all, really wish we'd had it at the main office and not on campus. There's NO parking. I literally got onto campus at 10:25 for an 11pm meeting, and then still got to the meeting at 11:10. ARGH! Felt like an a-- for being late, but luckily I wasn't the last one. Parking is just horrible around there, and just isn't conducive for peeps coming from outside the building. Plus, it was really hard to follow the meeting-- lots of ideas back and forth.. .just not a lot of concreteness, and now I've got to operationalize it all-- and I've just started. Sort of already feeling overwhelmed. *deep breaths* It'll be okay.

    Still plan to hit up the gym after work today. I would consider a run, but I know I won't get home until it's almost dark, so there's no point in even trying to kid myself that I'll run.. Have to say, I saw a lot of people while I was driving around town today braving the freezing weather in their tights. gloves, and hats. Impressive!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I've left my debit card a couple times at this bar in my hometown lol. It happens. Bars are used to it.

    Kristina - meetings suck. I feel ya pain girl! I feel ya pain!

    Amy - rain/snow blows. Blech.

    So I am major struggling this week with working out. I lowered my cal range and am not doing super hot with that...the sweets are getting to me. I ate two reeses peanut butter trees today (omg good) and barely have enough cals. Sigh. I am going to go home instead of work out to relieve my husband of his fatherly duties. Our girl has been on quite a roll lately of snarkyness, despite her putting me to bed last night, lol..I will make my curry egg omelets and then get my turkey sausage stuffed acorn squash ready to go too for tomorrow night so Jeff can put them in the oven while I hit the gym.
    I feel another 8:00 bed time coming on.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    yesterday was horrible..today is better calorie wise..
    im sickish..like i dont have cold but i have ZERO energy... i have slept most of the day yesterday and all of today... and i want to go right back to bed im so tired...and there is something wrong with the roof of my mouth... i think its infect- i have no idea how that happened.. i havent been able to really exercise (i have tried but i havent been getting pumped up like a usally do i just get tireder and tireder)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Super Pals - another long work day on the agenda. I so feel for you Kristina!!! Sexy - i don't have any energy either. (*sighs*). Must be this time of the year. Last night I made turkey pot pie and it's all gone (*blushes*). Yeah I ate too much. At least mom's coming over for 30 min of ex tonight.

    Have a happy hump day!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    The weather around here is conducive to hibernating until spring! I liked the snow (a bit freezing though) but now that's it's just slushy rain and ugly outside, I don't want to do anything! I made potato soup for dinner and was all set to watch Inception when I noticed that my Apple TV has somehow lost communication with my computer and so it didn't transfer the movie to the TV. Now, I've been trying to get the Apple TV to show up in my itunes but it won't so I'm bummed (and...yes, pissed off too). I love technology when it works the way it's supposed to but when it doesn't...it really makes me angry. :explode:

    I have no real exercise to report but I'm still hanging in there. I plan on maintaining through the holidays and then jumping back in with extra zeal afterwards. I just cannot stress myself out with all the negative self-talk so I'm backing off for the next 20-something days. This would normally be where I give up entirely but I'm not doing that this time. I'm giving myself permission to ease up for the month and then get right back on track.

    Victoria: I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and, thankfully, they are almost all gone today (Travis took most of them to work to give to co-workers- bless his sweet little heart!)

    Sexy: If you think the roof of your mouth is infected, you should go see a doctor just to make sure everything is ok. Feel better.

    Kendal: nothing stresses me out like not having my debit card! Over the summer, with the whole someone stealing my debit and credit card numbers - Damn the UK anyway! - I didn't have access to my debit card for about a month and it drove me absolutely insane!!!

    Kristina: Take deep breaths - new jobs are always stressful at first. You are super-amazing and will do great, you just have to get oriented first!!!

    Lacey: Your story about Gracie putting you to be was super sweet. Gabe used to be that sweet...he grew out of it though :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't exercise at all yesterday. I was so exhausted. I'll be going to the gym tonight though (after I stop by the bar and get my dang debit card). They've already posted charges to my account.....they charged it 3 separate times (I had 3 drinks) but there's no WAY those are the real prices!!! $14 for a blue motorocycle (I pay $7 for this at the other bars I go to) and $5 each for a smirnoff black ice (around $3 at the other bars)!!!! If those are correct charges, I will definitely NOT EVER go back to that bar! I'm hoping that they do that thing where they pend more funds than needed (say, DOUBLE the price) and once the charge goes through, it goes down to the real price.

    Joey is filing the divorce papers on Friday. Hard to believe its been a whole year.