How do you burn 1000 calories by exercise per day?



  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    No it doesn't work (zumba). Please watch this video and Steve Turano will explain why...

    Damn and yet somehow ive lost a ton of weight...
  • HeidiGrrrl
    HeidiGrrrl Posts: 81 Member
    I use my Fitbit to track my walking steps, and that links to MFP. 6 miles at 3mph burns about 500 calories, so you'd need to walk 12 miles per day to do that. That's about 3 hours of walking...IF you can keep up that pace for that long.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    No it doesn't work (zumba). Please watch this video and Steve Turano will explain why...

    Damn and yet somehow ive lost a ton of weight...

    Eh Zumba isn't for me but I don't really see what this guy has against it. I think hes right about most of what he says. But if walking is good cardio I'm pretty sure Zumba is too. And I think I can say that I have had very good results with doing a shedload of walking. I can't see why Zumba wouldn't work. I guess he may have seen a really bad class. I mean yeah I can imagine if all people where doing is shaking their hips a bit and twaddling around it wouldn't do much good. But the class I saw they where all over the place. It looked like a good workout.
  • lolilee
    lolilee Posts: 1
    For awhile I was burning 1000 calories a day. I know because I use a heart rate monitor whenever I work out. To do this I would workout twice a day. It was exhausting and in the end I was over- training and unable to eat the calorie deficit. I ended up grumpy, sore, stiff, and my sleep suffered. I settled for a more balanced approach and just try get one solid workout in a day and I feel much better. I do bikram yoga 3 days a week (which is 90 minutes and burns between 600- 800 calories) and the other 2 or 3 days I run 2 to 4 miles and do weights and calisthenics ( these workouts are also 90 minutes and burn between 500 and 800 calories). 1000 calories a day was too much for me, but if you want to do it, I suggest going back for a second workout.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Trying to lose 2 lbs per week, by exercising strictly, because dieting is not working for me.

    Bad bad idea.

    Crazy exercise is not the thing for weight loss. You just need to burn more than you consume. If you are failing .. you are doing something wrong .. ie overestimating exercise already or miscalculating calories consumed and are not really in a deficit. Or .. the one everyone misses .. stress. That is a huge issue .. and why many people fail to lose weight.

    No joke .. look it up.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I have trouble losing even with a caloric deficit but I have adrenal fatigue. I can do major burns like that but only for so long. I do Tae Bo and you will notice results, but you may want to see a nutritionist.
  • MsAquarius216
    MsAquarius216 Posts: 1 Member
    2 hours swimming/water aerobics, daily.:smile:
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    No it doesn't work (zumba). Please watch this video and Steve Turano will explain why...

    Damn and yet somehow ive lost a ton of weight...

    Eh Zumba isn't for me but I don't really see what this guy has against it. I think hes right about most of what he says. But if walking is good cardio I'm pretty sure Zumba is too. And I think I can say that I have had very good results with doing a shedload of walking. I can't see why Zumba wouldn't work. I guess he may have seen a really bad class. I mean yeah I can imagine if all people where doing is shaking their hips a bit and twaddling around it wouldn't do much good. But the class I saw they where all over the place. It looked like a good workout.

    Zumba is a.lot of leg movement,quicly going forwards and back,side to.side. an hour of.zumba gets me around 5,000 steps. Its absolutely cardio if for nothing more than that. Wlso his videos have an ad for in the corner so ill take his advice w a grain of salt.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    No it doesn't work (zumba). Please watch this video and Steve Turano will explain why...

    Damn and yet somehow ive lost a ton of weight...

    Eh Zumba isn't for me but I don't really see what this guy has against it. I think hes right about most of what he says. But if walking is good cardio I'm pretty sure Zumba is too. And I think I can say that I have had very good results with doing a shedload of walking. I can't see why Zumba wouldn't work. I guess he may have seen a really bad class. I mean yeah I can imagine if all people where doing is shaking their hips a bit and twaddling around it wouldn't do much good. But the class I saw they where all over the place. It looked like a good workout.

    Zumba is a.lot of leg movement,quicly going forwards and back,side to.side. an hour of.zumba gets me around 5,000 steps. Its absolutely cardio if for nothing more than that. Wlso his videos have an ad for in the corner so ill take his advice w a grain of salt.

    hahaha yea Steve always debunks myths and pills, and somewhere along the line came up with his own product called Great Fat Loss Pill lol

    Most f the vid he talked about p90x and insanity which arent like zumba at all. He even misunderstands how calorie burning works when he says you burn max 300/hr,as this is based on weight in reality. A 100lb,200 lb and 300lb person burn differently doing the same exercise. I weigh about 315;I burn a lot of calories when I exercise.

    Also his assumptions about the overweight are pretty rude. Not every obese person cant exercise. I can do pushups. I am halfway through 30day shred. I do pushups lol. Dont love em,but I do them.

    Idk has to do with gained weight though. I gained most of mine very quickly when my (fired lol)doctor took me off my thyroid meds suddenly and I ended up with a goiter and finding thyroid tumors in the end! Now that Im on high dose of meds I and lose weight like.a normal person.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you ride 60 miles, should you still eat at a 1000 less deficit?

    That's the best time to.

    Because a huge part of the calorie burn is probably fat, for me 60 miles is going to be in fact done at speed that is doing about 50% fat burn, 50% carb.

    I don't need to eat back the fat, but I better get the carbs back if I intend to do a good workout tomorrow.

    My last 60 mile was Sat, and the TDEE for the day was 5500 calories.
    20% deficit was a tad over 1000 calories, so eating 4500.
    The ride burned 3500 calories, so about 1750 was fat calories burned.
    But I still only took 1000 cal deficit and just ate extra carbs. Because I wanted the 9 mile run on Sun to be strong enough, which it was. And trying to recover from an injury I don't need to do a big 1750 deficit.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You can't out exercise a bad diet. You can eat well and exercise and see great results. It's not a diet. It's a healthier lifestyle. I watch what I eat, allow myself treats, but I'm not dieting. I'm eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I don't burn 1000 calories a day. I don't come close. I could if I had the time to run a half marathon every day, but I don't. I can easily burn 350-400 with a good 3 mile run depending on intensity and pace.

    Not only can you out exercise a bad diet, you can lose weight on a bad diet without exercise as long as it's low in calories. And yes you can out exercise any amount of calories within reason. Now if you're eating like Michael Phelps, that's a different story. But there have been people that have lost weight on a Mcdonalds diet. I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to lose weight, but it did work. And why don't those who are negative tell Michael Phelps that his diet made him fat.

    The reference to "bad diet" doesn't mean clean or bad foods, but rather bad in the sense of not actually eating less than you burn.

    Several studies have shown that in free eating non-controlled environments, exercise causes people to eat more and wipe out whatever exercise could create as a deficit.

    You have to log, and still eat less than you burn.

    So can't out exercise a bad diet simply means you adhere terribly to the diet part of the phrase.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Any suggestion on how to burn 1000 calories a day by exercise?

    Workout super hard, for a long time.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    No it doesn't work (zumba). Please watch this video and Steve Turano will explain why...

    Damn and yet somehow ive lost a ton of weight...

    He has some honest points in there, surrounded by a bunch of other stuff.

    Zumba is one of those workouts that first you get more efficient at the movements. So you burn less because of that eventually, depending on your skill of the movements. Dance well, probably faster. Me, it'll always be a workout if I even attempted it.

    Next problem is eventually you can only go so fast with the movements. How fast can you step around, or swing arms, ect. In other words you can't increase the intensity anymore.
    Walking you could add incline or weighted vest, running you go faster, lifting you add weight to the bar, ect.

    And why is the ability to keep increasing the intensity important?

    Because as you lose weight doing those types of workouts you burn less calories and it's easier, so you must increase the intensity to compensate.

    If you don't, it will become easier and easier, and actually you will lose fitness doing just that.

    It's like if you were doing squats at a certain weight on the bar, and lost say 50 lbs. If the weight on the bar didn't go up 50 lbs to compensate - you are doing an easier workout actually. And in a diet, you will lose muscle that is no longer needed.

    Same with Zumba, eventually it will no longer be a workout for the body and heart that requires more improvements and the same calorie burn, and you will lose fitness doing it.
    Of course if using HRM for calorie burn estimate, you will correctly keep eating less as you log it. So at least that is taken care of.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    Do you weigh and measure and log your intake?? Just curious why the diet part is not working as you say... I have always kept the exercise separate from the diet part... I lost weight with a deficit and exercised for fitness......
    I weigh 170 lbs which means I burn about 1700 to sustain, in order for me to have a deficit of 500 calories a day I would have to consume 1200 calories a day, which has been very difficult for me.

    I highly doubt these numbers are accurate. I am 5 feet and 125 lbs, am fairly sedentary and I burn roughly 1700 cals on an average day (no exercise). You may want to put your numbers into a calculator like for a more accurate reading. 1200 cals is too low for someone my size, it would be far too low for you.
  • strutdivastrut
    strutdivastrut Posts: 105 Member
    The treadmill, elliptical and bike as well as weight machines helps me burn 1000 in an hour according to my HRM.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Considering that you can burn 500 calories easily on the elliptical in around an hour you could just do that exercise twice a day or spend two hours at the gym at once. I can't see burning 1000 calories a day to be good for you at all though unless you've got a trainer or someone else helping you and making sure you stay healthy while doing so.