Walking With Pedometers

Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
All you need to join this thread is a pedometer and a pair of walking shoes. Try to reach 10,000 steps daily or roughly the equivalent of 5 miles (the recommended number of steps for good daily fitness). Can't reach 10,000 yet? No problem! You can use this thread for motivation. Just do your best and check in with us each evening. Whether you walk outside, use walking DVDs, a track, your local mall or you simply walk your dog a few times a day, it all adds up! Whether you can walk 12 miles or a block, we all have to start somewhere. Why not start now?!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

Tonight I started walking after a long lull. I walked 11,606 steps according to my pedometer. What about you?


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'll join this thread and get serious with my pedometer.........in the winter I don't get outside as much so I have to find creative ways to walk in the house.....I have Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" thanks to a fabulous friend:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: I hope lots of people will join us and let us know how they are walking.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for getting us started again, I've missed you
    :heart: :heart:
  • I started wearing a pedometer on Saturday and did over 7000 steps! Sunday, over 6000 steps - without even trying very hard. Just on the move all day. Today, the pedometer fell in the toilet (at work) before I could see how many steps! Urghhh! Guess I'll be buying a new one. :grumble:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I will join this thread starting next week when TOM is gone & I am wearing pants that I can clip my pedometer to. It won't clip on my sweatpants, which is what I wear all week while TOM is here. :wink:
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    this is a great idea. i just bought a pedometer. i will try this!

    one question. i also go on the treadmill at least every other day. should i take it off during them or count that..its not the same as walking but i would assume i should kep it on. let me know!

    definitely a good idea even if it just keeps you on the move :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    count me in. I dont think I am up to 10,000 steps a day yet but it will give me a good goal to shoot for.......Lets get moving
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member

    one question. i also go on the treadmill at least every other day. should i take it off during them or count that..its not the same as walking but i would assume i should kep it on. let me know!

    Walking is walking whether it is on the ground or on the treadmill......for those of us in cold climates, treadmills, "Walk at Home" videos and walking around in circles in the house all count as steps.......I go to dance classes three days a week and count all those steps :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    A big hello to my old walking friend, Barbie! So wonderful to "see" you! I am excited to see people respond so quickly. Let me briefly share this with you . . . All steps count which is why my pedometer is the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I take off at night. It measures your movement and all movement is good in that it helps keep us fit and manages weight. What could be more natural than walking? For a minimal investment of a pedometer and sneakers/walking shoes, potentially great results lie ahead. I want to be slim this spring and summer and the time to start working on that is now! So looking forward to this. Please feel free to post goals, ask questions, voice concerns, etc. We are here to support each other's efforts. Here's to your success!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I've been wearing my pedometer this week. 10,000 steps is a lot, but it is a great goal. (By the way, did the math and that's about 5 miles.) I heard Dr. Oz say 10,000 steps should be our goal too. My feet are tired and it is just Tuesday! But, again... I think this is a great goal to keep me active.

    I've noticed, with the goal... I'm looking for opportunities to take more steps. Like taking the stairs or walking around the office building during slow times in the day.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Once again, I am very happy to see everyone. I'm curious as to what pedometers people are using?
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    at 2890 so far, this is harder than i thought. cant figure out what else to do around the house to keep walking. ill have this house so clean ill have no walking to do all week lol :p
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Tonight I actually walked over 7 miles, 2 miles at work, a 3-mile Lesile Sansone DVD and a 2-mile jogging video mix on her web site. The problem, as I've discussed on past threads, is that pedometers aren't designed to measure steps taken backwards, in place or sideways. So while my pedometer is telling me I walked 13,097 steps today, I know it was actually more. To be honest, I'm just glad I'm back in the groove and motivated to exercise. And how was your day today? :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    at 2890 so far, this is harder than i thought. cant figure out what else to do around the house to keep walking. ill have this house so clean ill have no walking to do all week lol :p


    Too funny. I got a kick out of this post.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: My old pedometer counted everything----forward, backward, sideways, and riding the exercise bike.......when I got the new pedometer I was really disappointed because I had to struggle to get 10,000 steps after averaging about 14,000 steps a day for months....now I'm used to it.

    :flowerforyou: tweber, I agree with you about the pedometer spurring you on to walk more.....I park far from the door wherever I go, take the stairs, and wander around while I'm waiting for something.......on Saturday I had to meet someone to carpool and instead of bringing a book to read or knitting, i walked up and down in the parking lot until my friend arrived.

    :flowerforyou: Now I'd better get up and get moving because it's after 5 PM and I only have 7000 steps. :laugh:
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Just bought a pedometer last week, but I keep forgetting to wear it:( Maybe this will make me remember.
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    My pedometer has been the greatest motivator. I record the steps in the Wii Fit Activity Log and it gives you a graph of your steps over the week/month/year. Today's total is 13318 steps.
  • :flowerforyou: My old pedometer counted everything----forward, backward, sideways, and riding the exercise bike.......when I got the new pedometer I was really disappointed because I had to struggle to get 10,000 steps after averaging about 14,000 steps a day for months....now I'm used to it.

    Do you remember the name of your old pedometer, or make or anything?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: my old pedometer was a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone :bigsmile:

    My current on is the Omron model HJ-720ITC
    It has software that allows you to keep track of your steps on your computer so you can see your progress over time.
  • Damn liked the sound of the first one but not buying a phone to get that. I'll have to look around. I can totally understand what people are saying about the pedometer spurring you to take more steps where you usually wouldn't.
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    I'm in!! I love walking with LESLIE!!! Have lost 13 lbs in the last month, just walking and using MFP!! I have a cheap Wal-Mart brand, but looking to buy a better one. (Christgmas list:) I know when I'm wearing my pedometer I'll park farther away from the door. make more trips up the stairs, take the long way around the store, and walk in place just to get my 10,000 steps in. Looking forward to a healthier life with walking.
  • Emmie and everyone else the gold standard for accuracy among pedometers is the Omron HJ-112. It was consumer report's best pick and it is easily the best reviewed pedometer out there. Its accuracy is unmatched from what I've read and it's relatively cheap too. $30 for me in BC. $19.78 on Amazon.
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