The Randoms - December 2010



  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    2011 goals 1) to be able to play with my 2 1/2 yr old grand son without being out of breath
    2) continue losing weight healthfully
    3) look good in new clothes
    4) feel comfortable in my own body

    As to how I did over Christmas.....well, tried to keep track but knew I was going to enjoy some of the treats and will continue til New Years moderation! I had planned on doing extra time on the Bike but have come down with a head cold/allergies and am feeling a bit miserable :sick: ....tending to just drink plenty of fluids :drinker: and nap a lot hoping this does not kick my asthma too bad.
    I just weighed myself and have held steady/no gain YES!!!! :happy:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well my 2011 goals:
    1) cook more, it is just me and I hate cooking for just myself and don't like left overs.
    2) keep up with the strength training once I don't have my personal trainer looking over my shoulder any more
    3) do a 5k every 4-6 weeks.

    I don't think I did to bad over Christmas even though I didn't log and we snacked quite a bit I was good at the dinner table and only had 2nds of the ham and we didn't do dessert so I didn't have to worry about that. The only issue is I did not exercise Friday - Sunday. I have a weigh in tonight so we will see how bad it really was.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    OKAY! SO!

    QOTD: How bad did you do? I'm not saying in a "You miserable failure" sort of way. I'm saying we all enjoyed ourselves, had a good time, opened presents, ate, laughed all of those calories off (I wish!) and now how do you feel about the whole thing?

    Can't say I did too bad. I am up about 3 pounds but that's without working out and without water for the past 3-4 days. So I'm back on today, trying to reset things.

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I haven't weighed in yet either - tried to drink water, but not as much as normal. Ate whatever I felt like having but didn't over indulge. Had a few beers & swedish egg nogs as well so the alcohol went down pretty good! :laugh: A few Christmas cookies here & there, but no PIE! YAY me for that one! :bigsmile:

    I will see what Mr Scale has to say tomorrow. I'm sure there will be damages! :ohwell:

    As for my 2011 goals: To keep running! I haven't ran since the beginning of November because I'm an outside runner. I need to just suck it up & try doing it on the darn treadmill again! Also I got a wii & wii fit for Christmas, so I'm gonna start changing up my workouts & intertwine some play! :happy:
  • SarcasticManiac
    It's a 3-ish mile race with 14 obstacles.

    My only has heavens!!! Cluck cluck! He he he he! :o) Bum!!!!! You should SOSOSOSOSO come and do mine with me!!!

    I'd love to! Where/when is it?
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I didn't do as bad as I could have. I can pass by the sweets quite easily, but if there are dips....I get weak at the knees. So I did some damage there, but really it could have been worse. We will see on friday when I log. I'm trying to get back on track and exercise well this week. I'm a teacher, so I'm home all week with the kiddos. You'd think that would mean I have more time, but I have a gajillion projects to do plus my gym is in the town I work, so I have to find the time to do exercise at home. I've managed to do it the last 2 days, but not the calorie burn I'd be getting if I was at the gym. I keep telling myself that last year, I wouldn't even do the exercise if I didn't get to the gym so I'm progressing!

    SumDumBum- check out There are a bunch of different sites for warrior dash. Hopefully there is one close to you. The closest to me is in Minnesota which is about 3.5 hours away!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: What was your favorite Christmas present/moment & why?

    My parents bought me a really great food scale ( and my mom bought me a "US Army" bead for the Pandora bracelet my bf got me for my birthday.
    Honestly though, the best part of Christmas was spending almost the entire day with my parents & siblings. The only way it could have been better would have been if my son were home, he's with his dad for 10 days :sad:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    QOTD: What was your favorite Christmas present/moment & why?

    I GOT A WII & WII FIT!!!!! :bigsmile: That was all I asked for from everyone in my family and for once they got it right. I didn't want anything else at all. They did AWESOME! All I could say was Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :laugh: I was ecstatic as can be! I figured I would get money towards it, but not actually the Wii AND Wii Fit itself! So YAY ME! LOVE MY FAMILY! :heart:

    OH...and CJ got me a JOKE gift - a 3 pound bag of peanuts! I keep telling him how much I love nuts all the time - mainly when we discuss M&Ms. So it was a huge funny from him! :laugh:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: What was your favorite Christmas present/moment & why?

    My favorite gifts were my Hungry Girl Cookbooks and my Kinect games- Just dance and Biggest Loser

    My favorite moments were spending quality time with my immediate family. I love passing down and starting new traditions with my family. We baked baby Jesus a birthday cake, watched Christmas movies and played a bunch of games. Perfect.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: This whole Christmas meant SO much to me! My son was finally able to open presents! He politely waited for us to hand him each on and then let me rip him a corner. Then he tore into them! Getting every tiny scrap of paper off! It was amazing! We spent the night at my parent's house on Christmas Eve and I don't know when the last time is that I had that much fun! We were up until 2am playing games, watching movies and eating good food! You can't beat family! :o)

    Favorite gifts...HMMM! The first gift I got for Christmas was from a friend and it was a running journal! It is so amazing! It goes right in my gym bag with me and I seriously love it! My second favorite gift is boots from my husband, so proud of him! Ha ha! And then third, I love all of the new shirts I got! 4-5 new tops all in my size? BOO YAH! :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: This whole Christmas meant SO much to me! My son was finally able to open presents! He politely waited for us to hand him each on and then let me rip him a corner. Then he tore into them! Getting every tiny scrap of paper off! It was amazing! We spent the night at my parent's house on Christmas Eve and I don't know when the last time is that I had that much fun! We were up until 2am playing games, watching movies and eating good food! You can't beat family! :o)

    Favorite gifts...HMMM! The first gift I got for Christmas was from a friend and it was a running journal! It is so amazing! It goes right in my gym bag with me and I seriously love it! My second favorite gift is boots from my husband, so proud of him! Ha ha! And then third, I love all of the new shirts I got! 4-5 new tops all in my size? BOO YAH! :o)
    That's SO exciting! :bigsmile: I hope you got some great pictures of your son tearing into his gifts!
    Your husband bought you boots? And they fit? Holy moly the man deserves a medal!! Good for him (and you!).
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: This whole Christmas meant SO much to me! My son was finally able to open presents! He politely waited for us to hand him each on and then let me rip him a corner. Then he tore into them! Getting every tiny scrap of paper off! It was amazing! We spent the night at my parent's house on Christmas Eve and I don't know when the last time is that I had that much fun! We were up until 2am playing games, watching movies and eating good food! You can't beat family! :o)

    Favorite gifts...HMMM! The first gift I got for Christmas was from a friend and it was a running journal! It is so amazing! It goes right in my gym bag with me and I seriously love it! My second favorite gift is boots from my husband, so proud of him! Ha ha! And then third, I love all of the new shirts I got! 4-5 new tops all in my size? BOO YAH! :o)

    That's great! Glad you had a good one! :D
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    QOTD: What was your favorite Christmas present/moment & why?

    Made and had a big Christmas Breakfast with my brother and his kids. bittersweet becase that was the last day the will live across the street from me. they moved two hours away, which is not that far, but it is not across the street.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Everyone had to think I was paparazzi! I took about 100 pictures and a couple of videos! LOL! :o)

    QOTD: What are you doing for NYE? :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Good for you!! I'm crazy paparazzi mom too :laugh:

    QOTD: What are you doing for NYE?
    I have conned my bf & two of his dearest friends into taking myself & their wives to a black tie NYE bash. Little black dresses, the guys in suits & ties, all of it! I'm SO excited I can't stand that it's not Friday yet!!! :bigsmile:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member

    QOTD: What are you doing for NYE? :o)

    Was going to go to Tybee Island, GA but my friend's beach house ended up being rented out so will head to another friends house to bring in the New Year followed by some shopping at the outlet stores on Saturday.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    QOTD: What are you doing for NYE? :o)

    I got invited to go out with friends for dinner & dancing, but I decided to just Stay HOME and watch movies! I don't want to be out with all the idiots on the roads. CJ will be working anyway (I'm sure arresting all those idiots). I hope all of you that do venture out stay safe! :happy:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: What are you doing for NYE? :o)

    I will be going out for dinner at Chilis & spending the evening hanging out with my handsome hubby!!! NYE is his birthday, so we do whatever he wants to do the WHOLE day. It will be wonderful to spend the day together/just the two of us because we haven't been alone since December 23rd due to Christmas with all the families :happy: & won't be home until the 30th, so it will be our first day back at home!!!