The Randoms - December 2010



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    nice! You will need to post a picture of the dress. I think this weekend is to make up for my lake of normal sleep. Been asleep more then I have been awake.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hey all! I'm Bryan, a poor and overworked college senior. I do happen to have an age, which will be 22 on January 3rd. As of my last weigh in, I'm about 179 and looking to get down to about 150. My goals for December would be to eat healthy throughout the holiday season and completely ween myself off of sofa. Long-term goal is to locate myself some nice abs so I can go shirtless with confidence (I currently refuse to do so in public unless I'm going swimming or something). So needless to say, motivation will be helpful!

    Feel free to add me, I'm very friendly. :)

    I understand the "soda" issue, it can be a hard one. There couldn't be too many people more addicted to soda than I was,believe me ( my son can attest to this as well). I used to go through 3 - 2Liter bottles/day as well as3-6 20 oz bottles from machine at work; now I have an occasional sip and it really doesn't do anything for me. ....You ask how did I do it? Well get rid of all soda from house, carry no money or spare change with you ( and buy no soda when doing regular groceries) tell family and friends not to buy you any no matter how hard you beg, and drink water each time you want a soda. After about 6 weeks I no longer craved the soda.. Take it a day at a time just like the rest of this journey .They say it takes 4-6 weeks to create a new habit. .......Oh if at a college cafeteria have a friend with you each time you go and ask them to keep you away from the soda machine. Good Luck!
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    awesome weight loss- keep it up :smile:
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm gonna kick my love of Taco Bell.... Okay maybe not this one but hey the rest are pretty cool. :laugh:

    move to Iowa... seems like all of our Taco Bell's are closing

    I live in Iowa. haha.. our Taco Bell just got remodeled actually!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I am a 55 y.o female , single with 1 grown son and 1 grandson....guess that makes me the "Nanna" of this group :laugh: . I have yo-yo dieted throughout my adult life but am looking to do a LIFESTYLE change this time vs dieting. Brother, have I noticed what they say about it being harder to lose weight once you are older!!! Currently 228# , LTG down to 145-150# hopefully in a year or less.:happy: I want to be healthy and be able to play with grandson without being out of breath.
    I am an RN and work different shifts. Currently doing 3 overnight 12 hr shifts/week then flip back to days to join the 'real' world for 4 days. Have not got it totally figured out yet, but will keep working on it.
    On days work overnight I get up between 5:30pm and 6:30 pm eat quick meal, shower, log on here, then out the door. I do pack food for work hrs as I do in home private duty nursing for high needs patients (vents/respirators, feeding tubes, nephro tubes etc.) depending on client needs whether I eat or not (usually do get bowl of hot oatmeal with fruit at minimum), get back home about 9:00 - 9:30 am log in and eat something then to bed repeat X3days.
    Days off I spend at least 1 day with grandson (2 1/2 y.o) and love it. Spend sometime doing crafts, sewing, embroidery, painting etc ( when old hands let me LOL), and dreary house work. :flowerforyou:
    Well enough for now, gotta go refill the water jug!

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    nice! You will need to post a picture of the dress. I think this weekend is to make up for my lake of normal sleep. Been asleep more then I have been awake.
    As soon as my momma gets down with the construction work I will! I'm having her take off one shoulder and shorten it a little too. I'm so grateful I have her!!
  • SarcasticManiac
    Hey all! I'm Bryan, a poor and overworked college senior. I do happen to have an age, which will be 22 on January 3rd. As of my last weigh in, I'm about 179 and looking to get down to about 150. My goals for December would be to eat healthy throughout the holiday season and completely ween myself off of sofa. Long-term goal is to locate myself some nice abs so I can go shirtless with confidence (I currently refuse to do so in public unless I'm going swimming or something). So needless to say, motivation will be helpful!

    Feel free to add me, I'm very friendly. :)

    I understand the "soda" issue, it can be a hard one. There couldn't be too many people more addicted to soda than I was,believe me ( my son can attest to this as well). I used to go through 3 - 2Liter bottles/day as well as3-6 20 oz bottles from machine at work; now I have an occasional sip and it really doesn't do anything for me. ....You ask how did I do it? Well get rid of all soda from house, carry no money or spare change with you ( and buy no soda when doing regular groceries) tell family and friends not to buy you any no matter how hard you beg, and drink water each time you want a soda. After about 6 weeks I no longer craved the soda.. Take it a day at a time just like the rest of this journey .They say it takes 4-6 weeks to create a new habit. .......Oh if at a college cafeteria have a friend with you each time you go and ask them to keep you away from the soda machine. Good Luck!

    Thanks for the advice! I already try to carry as little cash on me as possible and no loose change.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    OMG! I'm back! Amazing three day weekend that I will never forget! I missed MFP and my wonderful friends!

    Its the first time since I began running in November that I missed three days of working out. We just went non-stop and I didn't have a chance to do anything. We did a lot of walking so I hope that counts towards some calorie burning...after all of the amazing food I ate....geeeee whizzzz....

    How are you all doing as we get closer to Christmas with your goals? Drinking water? Making good choices? This was really my worst weekend so far. I am actually helping make the food for the majority of the holiday events next weekend so I will be making some good alternatives to the usual high calorie options! :o)

    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    OMG! I'm back! Amazing three day weekend that I will never forget! I missed MFP and my wonderful friends!

    Its the first time since I began running in November that I missed three days of working out. We just went non-stop and I didn't have a chance to do anything. We did a lot of walking so I hope that counts towards some calorie burning...after all of the amazing food I ate....geeeee whizzzz....

    How are you all doing as we get closer to Christmas with your goals? Drinking water? Making good choices? This was really my worst weekend so far. I am actually helping make the food for the majority of the holiday events next weekend so I will be making some good alternatives to the usual high calorie options! :o)

    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?
    cheese whiz?:noway: :laugh: I seem to have an unquenchable thirst lately so I am downing the water bottles like nobody's business..must have gotten more sodium in from a food than I realized? I wanna really down that water as I always always feel better when I do. My skin, wow, what a difference more fluid makes especially in the dry Winter months. Anyone else notice this? My hair is so much shinier too.

    Gosh Tara...wish we were closer I'd love you to do my hair, I'd let you whip it into anything you like. I usually let my hairdresser experiment on me every so often for fun. I trust her so it's all good.:wink:

    Gosh I'm having a hard time with the Holidays rolling around this year, well actually the last 5:brokenheart: .
    So I'm not really able to give a response to the question for right now.

    But in the past growing up, we used to go to Midnight Mass and have cookies and punch my Mom had made up for my 4 Sisters and I and my Dad for after. Then Christmas Morning we opened presents, of course shaking them and eying and sizing them up all week long guessing, like I think all kids do:blushing: :tongue: Was always a wonderful morning of family time and then later we had a family dinner with everyone ... very wonderful memories. So beautiful to look back and have them when I still had my parents etc.

    How about the rest of you...current wonderful traditions or past growing up ones??:flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    did 2,000 calorie burn, hour boot camp,20 minutes hard swimming and twenty minutes half jog walking dog :)
    Excellent Job Pal:wink:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Becca Boop - LOL! Not cheese whiz...but I did watch the movie Four Christmases and that was an appetizer at one of the Christmases, lol! That was a really funny movie!!! More like...Chicago style pizza. IN Chicago. A lot of it. Oh Gosh.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Becca Boop - LOL! Not cheese whiz...but I did watch the movie Four Christmases and that was an appetizer at one of the Christmases, lol! That was a really funny movie!!! More like...Chicago style pizza. IN Chicago. A lot of it. Oh Gosh.
    hahah I know, I just giggled when I read what you wrote and wanted to bust your chops... cheese whiz... settle down girl!:grumble: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Becca boop a doop - I know girlie! And that's why I love you! :o) Ha ha! I seriously thought though...was she watching me? Because I laughed the hardest at that part of the movie...hehehehe
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Becca boop a doop - I know girlie! And that's why I love you! :o) Ha ha! I seriously thought though...was she watching me? Because I laughed the hardest at that part of the movie...hehehehe
    Got the movie in my Q now. ;oP
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Your weekend sounds like it was a blast! I have pizza envy!
    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    (My mom's birthday is Christmas Day) Mom is the biggest procrastinator in the world and on Christmas Eve she always makes my sisters & me wrap all the gifts she bought. All of them. Its started when we were teenagers and we decided one night to bake cookies for her after we wrapped. Now we're all grown and the tradition involves a few bottles of wine as well. It's nice to have that time with my sisters, especially doing something for my mom.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    I like seeing both sides of the family on Christmas. I'll open presents at my parents' house Christmas morning, go to my mom's side of the family around lunchtime, and my dad's side of the family around late afternoon/dinner. It's awesome to see everyone in one day. The best tradition is the wrapping paper war we have at my aunt's house. All my cousins and I spend a good portion of the present opening time throwing wads of wrapping paper at each other's heads... haha. (and side note, we range from age 20 to age 38... haha). We usually get yelled at by my aunt or mom when someone who isn't supposed to get hit gets wrapping paper in their face (namely my grandma).

    I'm excited to give my boyfriend his gift. It's a 3 month delivery of the Beer of the Month club. He's really into brewing and good beer and stuff (he home brews) so I thought it would be a cool idea. I was gonna give it to him this weekend when we saw each other, but he didn't have my gift yet... haha. Typical guys waiting to the last minute. I did bring him Christmas cookies though :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    My family was never a Christmas Eve family it was always Christmas morning. I remember growing up I was shocked that my friends got to open gifts on Christmas Eve. I mean how could they open them before Santa arrived? My favorite Christmas tradition was and probably always will be playing games with the family after dinner while eating pie. It seems about the only time of year when we would all get together and talk instead of sitting around staring at a tv. Even my dad would play and he is not a game player. I will be missing it again this year as I am not going back to MN for Christmas.
    Oh and another favorite tradition was between my dad and I. We always take the empty wrapping papper rolls and battle with them until they fall apart. Usually this is Christmas Eve when my mom is trying to bake the pies for the next day so we tend to get yelled at as the battle ground is usually right outside the kitchen.

    The gifts I am looking forward to giving are the blankets I am making for my friends kids. I will be celebrating the Christmas with them this year so it will be the only presents I am actually there to see being openned.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    Hmmmm....when I was a kid we used to go to midnight mass then to my Grandma's house for breakfast at like 2am and open presents! I miss those days.

    Nowadays, we celebrate our Christmas usually the week before, however this year it will be Wednesday night. (My parents always leave for Texas for the winter on Christmas Day.:cry: ) Christmas Eve we attend mass together and then go to my brother & sister-inlaws house for dinner and then we usually watch a funny Christmas movie! On Christmas morning we all go back to my brother's house to watch the kids open what Santa has left for them and then enjoy a wonderful Christmas breakfast together before heading off to my Uncle & Aunt's house for lunch. After that, I say my goodbye's to my parents, they are off to Texas, and my sister & I head to the MOVIES! :bigsmile:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    Fave tradition: We spend the night at my parents' house on Christmas Eve and my son bakes with me. We usually make Santa a nice little tasty treat like muffins or cookies.

    Then he goes to bed in his Christmas PJs and wakes up to a fully lit tree. Been doing it since he was 9 months old. Sigh....he's now 4 1/2.

    I have a gag gift I'm giving to my brother and best friend that I can't wait to watch them open. It should be a real hoot!

    Had a pound loss for my weigh-in. Felt better than having a gain over these holidays. YEAH!!!