The Randoms - December 2010



  • kacyc1117
    Hi All. I'm Kacy- 23 years old as of Dec 7th!! I started off at 262 lbs, got down to 245- but have gained back to 259. :( I'm working on getting back on track- but this cold weather with ice storms is bringing me down.

    My weight goal is 180 lbs. Its been SO hard when you live with people who don't diet or exercise at all. Cold weather limits what I can do also. The reasoning behind my goal is for a healthy new lifestyle. And the fact that I have lost 2 children already- and i'm wishing to carry my own child to birth. :)

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    HI everyone!

    I'm Natalie, 31, just married in August. My current weight is 158 and I would like to loose another 20-25 by summer.

    My goals this month are 1. Not to gain over the next 2 weeks. 2. Go to the gym at least 4-5 times a week/ or run 30 minutes outside with the Pooper (a.k.a. Brady Dog). 3. Be able to run 3 miles as easily as I can now run 2. 4. Take more classes at the gym to change things up.

    A typical day for me is to wake up around 7:15am and pack my lunch. I try to stick to the same thing all week to take the guess work out and make it easy. I sit behind a desk until 5pm, so to the gym I go as soon as I am freed. My evenings consist of spending time with the hubby and the pooch.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    oh oh I would like to join! I love randomess.

    I am Ruth age 33
    I started last feb at 242 and now at 168
    Single, no kids, work atleast 48 hours a week so no life other then the gym

    My goal for this month is to just keep exercising even though I have so many other things I have to do.
  • kacyc1117
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    A typical day in my life starts whenever I wake up.. Sometimes its 7 a.m., sometimes its noon.. It depends on my work schedule when it ends, i can get off from 3 p.m., up until 11 p.m., obviously its a weird schedule. I don't do a lot of workouts, that's something i'm trying to get in a habit of. But when I do workout, I usually do it sometime after my boyfriend goes to his second job, around 5 p.m. I dont usually pack a lunch- but i'm going to have to start. I work in a grocery store and the things that they sell thats convenient aren't usually made by health conscience people.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    A typical day for me starts at 7:15am when I drag my butt out of bed to pack a lunch for Andrew! We drink a cup of coffee together & watch the news & then he leaves for work. I then start working on homework or household cleaning/laundry until I stop for lunch around noon. After lunch I finish my homework or try to get ahead on it to be completely free on the weekends [I am a Psychology student with only 1 semester left...I graduate in June 2011] and then I just pitter around online until Drew comes home @ 4pm. Then we hangout/have dinner/watch a show/play cribbage/random things/ and then head to the gym around 8pm! Not that exciting, but it suits me fine for now...I can't wait till I graduate and have a job to go to & NO homework...
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Love the thread Tara!

    Name: Katie
    Current Weight: 120-123 (not allowed to have a scale)
    Goal: To maybe lose 5 more pounds... but I'm happy where I am. Mostly I want to tone up a bit more.

    Random fact; I'm full of exercises and other random tips for targeting muscle groups- so feel free to hit me up!!! (TaraMaria can vouch for this tidbit of information!)
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm Kelly - 39 & never married & no kids, however I have been dating the most wonderful guy ever for the last 4 months. He's a cop and is always working nights, so it really hasn't interfered at all with my "ME TIME".

    I started my journey at 249 lbs & am currently at 202.8 lbs.

    My goals for this month are to just get me to ONEderland! That's all I ask! Come on Santa - I've been GOOD! REALLY I HAVE!!! :laugh: I bought myself an MP3 player for my 50 lbs goal and really want to use it, but I can't as I have my neice keeping it for me until I actually hit 50 lbs!
  • shastacrystal
    Hey all!!!

    I have been staring at the same number on the scale for like 2 months now, granted I am a fluctuater so I go up and down about 3-5 bs depending on time of day, etc.

    This is TMI for any males that may be on here but I have had a period that has been ongoing for a month now so I am hoping that I will lose some lbs once it is gone.

    Has this ever happened to anyone?
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey all!!!

    I have been staring at the same number on the scale for like 2 months now, granted I am a fluctuater so I go up and down about 3-5 bs depending on time of day, etc.

    This is TMI for any males that may be on here but I have had a period that has been ongoing for a month now so I am hoping that I will lose some lbs once it is gone.

    Has this ever happened to anyone?

    You poor dear! I've had all kinds of fun with female issues. My longest lasting period was 68 days until last year. It started in April 09 and didn't stop until my hysterectomy in November09. I completely understand your grief. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Is there any possibility that you have pcos? Its a fairly common thing that is diagnosed these days, doesn't necessarily mean you have it but it could mean there are some solutions to the discomfort you are in. I hated being bloated and just completely not able to move forward with my LIFE! :o)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Mandie - Your day sounds lovely! I especially love that you two work out together. My husband Floyd and I are just getting started with this. And congrats on only having on semester left! That is AMAZING!!!!!!

    Katie - EVERYONE! KATIE HAS AWESOME WORKOUT ADVICE! Ha ha! If you want to mix up your routine or want to to tone a certain muscle group, she is your go to gal. Since meeting her on this site I've already noticed a massive difference in my stomach! I'm thrilled to see you on here my dear!!!

    bynsky - I'm incredibly impressed that you get up so early to workout...that is amazing. How old are your little guys?

    kacyc1117 - One of the salons I worked at was inside of Walmart and that was always a challenge to find something healthy to eat. I ended up eating a lot of salads and was thrilled when they got a subway. Do you spend a lot of time on your feet? That has to be hard for working out too. Maybe with just starting out, make a goal for working out 2-3 times a week on set days so you can't wiggle your way out of it. Thats what I had to do. Even if its just for 20 minutes. Do you have any exercise dvd's? :o)
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    up between 5:30 and 6:00, a quick workout, yogurt, shower, off to work. @ work by 8:30, oatmeal, woork, work, work, lunch, mostly at local place and eat moslty the same thing, work, work, work, out by 5:30 most night (but some all nighter) back home, quick snack, three nights a week Kickboxing or grappleing for 1.5 hour, eat dinner, read, computer, asleep by midnight.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Grappling sounds like fun :devil: :blushing:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    I just wrote about this the other day. Was really down on myself about not getting time in to workout till I wrote out my daily life.

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I’m Tam. 29, living with my two favorite guys- my 7 year old son and bf of almost 3 years. Over the summer I started running and discovered I love it! I’ve stopped and started this journey so many times that it’s hard to pinpoint WHERE it actually got serious. For the sake of simplicity I’ll use August 2010 when I joined MFP I was at 178. I held steady right at 170 for way too long and just finally broke into the 160’s and a “healthy” BMI. My ultimate goal is 145 and a 9 minute mile.

    December goals are-
     Keep sodium in check!
     Work EXTRA hard at physical therapy so the ortho releases me to run next month
     Buy a new little black dress in a size 10 for NYE
     Keep NOT smoking, stress seems to be my biggest trigger

    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    I get up at 430am to spend some quality time with the Kinect and drink my coffee in peace. Bed time varies between 835 and sometimes 1130 or 12. And I almost always pack my lunch.
  • SarcasticManiac
    Hey all! I'm Bryan, a poor and overworked college senior. I do happen to have an age, which will be 22 on January 3rd. As of my last weigh in, I'm about 179 and looking to get down to about 150. My goals for December would be to eat healthy throughout the holiday season and completely ween myself off of sofa. Long-term goal is to locate myself some nice abs so I can go shirtless with confidence (I currently refuse to do so in public unless I'm going swimming or something). So needless to say, motivation will be helpful!

    Feel free to add me, I'm very friendly. :)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    neat thread Dave Minnesota 48 need to lose weight, I am 6. 4 have lost 70 + LBS so far. Used to be an athlete played football in college quit working out and the math didnt work anymore. But i am committed now to getting back to my college weight. Over half way their. I hired a personal trainer in late August and the results have been amazing. I work out six times a week, eat better and can now jog and play tennis again :-).

    Sadly my day usually starts at 4 Am, early riser always have been. I try to get my workout in by 6 Am. It is nice getting it done. Then i get my boys off to school and it is off to work, I am a group insurance broker. I set up healthcare plans for companies. I typically get home around 4 and then just hang out. I also have a daughter who is a senior in College. She actually comes home today for the holidays :-)))))))))))))))
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Welcome Tam, Bryan and Dave!!! :o)

    Dave - Congrats on your 70 pound loss! That is massively impressive! Also impressive the early morning workouts! I am just not an early riser. I have been trying hard lately to reverse my cycle but this is something I've been trying to attempt on and off again for years! So how many kids do you have total? :o)

    Bryan - Nice goal with the soda! I keep hoping my husband will do that. He gets close but then ends up switching to diet or just not being able to give it up completely. What have you been doing to quit? Any tips? And everyone? He is very friendly and very sweet!! :o)

    Tam - I LOVE RUNNING TOO! :o) I just started in November for the first time. I've hit a 9:30 minute but I'm done trying to go fast and now I'm just trying to run as long as I can along with HIIT training. I've got the rest of December to be able to run either 3 miles straight or 30 minutes straight. Last night I succeeded with running thirty minutes straight for the first time but I was literally dripping onto the floor! What are you in PT for if I may ask? :o)
  • SarcasticManiac
    With the soda I do drink, it's nothing but diet. As for motivation, I remind myself of the studies done that show how sugar, even splenda, does not so nice things to your body. Another good motivation is the downsides of caffeine consumption and how it affects your sleep which in turn affects your dieting. Scientific evidence is a big motivator for me. The biggest tip I can give is to drink progressively less and less until you stop altogether. Also, once you're off it, stop buying it when you grocery shop. The convenience of just popping open a can vs. actually pouring a drink is a bigger detriment than you might think.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    do not reverse the cycle, i wish i could sleep more :)