The Randoms - December 2010



  • stampede55
    I also have a love hate relationship with pilates. I LOVE my body being able to handle what it throws at me, how it looks when I stick with it. I hate doing it, HATE IT!!! Ha ha! But if I want my body to look toned, that is my go to work out! LOL!

    I did pilates a couple of years ago as a "throw yourself into uncomfortable waters" test and to my surprise really enjoyed it. Those workouts actually sparked my big push to lose weight. The ab stuff is horrendous and I hated every second that I was doing the work, but I always felt really good after the workouts. I actually contemplated buying a reformer at one point just for the leg strap workouts. The first time I ever did them in a class I remember laying on my back and strapping my feet in and as the reformer took over and my legs straightened over my head I let out a very audible and embarrassing "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" because it felt so good! A++ for pilates!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Is it too late to jump in? Where do I start?
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Is it too late to jump in? Where do I start?

    *What's the secret password*

    *bologna sausages*

    *Okay...let'um in!*

    Name and a goal for the rest of the month! We will be starting a new thread for the month of January! :o)
    The QOTD is what is your go to workout? Your favorite one? :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I'm dying to run. I'm like a junkie, I need a fix. Just a couple of miles. Just this once. Think anyone will notice if I sneak out at 4am?
    Please Mr Ortho, release me NOW!! ... Until then, I'm taking walks on my lunch and playing a lot of Kinect. The next 3 weeks are going to be torture :sad:
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Is it too late to jump in? Where do I start?

    *What's the secret password*

    *bologna sausages*

    *Okay...let'um in!*

    Name and a goal for the rest of the month! We will be starting a new thread for the month of January! :o)
    The QOTD is what is your go to workout? Your favorite one? :o)

    I'm Frankie and my primary goal is to have a net zero weight gain through the end of the holidays. Maintaining 180# even right now.

    My go to workout is my back, bicep and abs workout because I get so pumped. My favorite workout is a 20 mile trail ride at Umstead State Park. Hills, baby...Hills!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD - What is your favorite Christmas song and why?

    The music from the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas. That's my favorite Christmas story/movie and I love all the songs in it. I have the Glee cast versions that they sang on the Christmas episode on my iPod... hahaha. And the soundtrack from the Jim Carey version of the movie. Not sure why I love the story so much, it's a good one tho.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD - What is your favorite Christmas song and why?

    That is a very hard question, because I adore Christmas I'm going to give you my top 3 :happy:
    1. When Love Came Down - It's a Christmas Song by Point of Grace & it's just a reminder of why we celebrate the season & the music is so gorgeous. I love it year after year. I could listen to it on repeat for quite a while!
    2. I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas - I love this song because it's so childish & cute & my favorite animal when I was little was a hippo, so I remember dancing around when I was little with my dad & singing this at Christmas!
    3. (There's No Place Like) Home For the Holidays - Because Perry Como is so snappy & fun & I just like his voice...and how doesn't want to go home to spend Christmas with family?
  • Kelleighanne
    Oh, I SO want to join this group (if it's ok).

    My name is Kelly. I'm 29. I have 3 little girls (5, 3, and 5 months). I've never been 'skinny' but 2 years ago I did lose about 80 pounds thanks in part to this site and I'd love to do it again.... well, maybe not 80, but I'd love to lose 50.

    SW: 188
    Goal 1: 180
    Ending weight: 140

    My short term goal is to not exceed my calories.... I'll give myself Christmas Day because, well, it's Christmas, but other than that, I want to stay within my 1450 calories. I had no idea how much I was eating until I plugged it in here. Having 3 kids (especially a baby) you eat whatever (and whenever) you can and it's not healthy most of the time. I'm ready for a change.

    Glad to meet you all :)
  • Kelleighanne
    My favorite Christmas song is 'Oh Holy Night'. I love hitting that high note at the end :) It's fun to sing and has a great message :)

    My favorite non-religious Christmas song is "Rudolph"
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey everyone!!

    I just had to vent really quick! I am having a really hard time with my workouts the past couple of weeks! The fun I've been having with family and friends is totally irreplaceable and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm just nervous because my whole routine is out of whack and I feel so, well, out of whack! I'm not burning as many calories as I was, I'm still running every day but I don't have time to do everything else I was doing and its make me feel off of my game! Can't stand it! I just hope I'm able to jump right back into the routine as soon as all of this fun and merriment is gone... :o(

    QOTD: Oh dear...hmmm...I don't have a clue! I love Christmas music SO much! I'm not sure if I have a favorite. I love "Mary did you know?" I used to sing it at church for special music quite a bit. I also love Feliz Navidad because my little sister Molly was convinced they were singing Feliz Molly Dot and its stuck to this day!

    Bynsky, your song is soo cool! I love the history behind that story as well. And I LOVE the song When Love Came Down and I just heard I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas for the first time yesterday! I was VERY bemused!!! LOL!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I'm a Scrooge. I HATE almost all Christmas music. My exhusband listened to it year round & I associate it with him... Obviously something else that got on my nerves :explode:

    I can handle a couple of songs better than others. All I want For Christmas (Mariah Carey), Where Are You Christmas (Faith Hill) and some random ones that my little one sings.

    TaraMaria- Try not to worry about it too much, soon enough it'll all be back to normal.
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: "Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra because it has no sappy lyrics and it's just plain awesome.

    Any other TSO fans in here?
  • stampede55
    QOTD: .......bah humbug!

    Not a big fan of christmas music. If I had to choose it would probably be anything without words. Instrumentals I can tolerate.

    Now if I have been sipping a little bit of my special sauce (bourbon) I love all Christmas music, little puppies, pretty flowers, and man purses.....maybe I should wait until later tonight to answer the QOTD. :drinker:
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    Well I am jumping on board with the random wagon.

    I do happen to have an age # it's 36.

    I have been trying to lose weight off and on now for about 9.5 years. I struggle w/ depression (not severe enough where I would do anything to myself, but enough to make me not motivated or passionate about anything). I also am an emotional eater, so being in the dumps and wanting to eat tend to sabotage me tremendously. I was doing well until I got some terrible news this July! I am now trying to just get through each day, but it's hard. I am trying to work out to help w/ the down in the dumps feeling.

    I have since tried to recommit myself to being healthier, which in turn will help me drop the weight. I have done fairly well the last 3 weeks with working out more (which I have never really done before). I am trying to log everything I eat, but once I leave work; I totally forget even though I have the app on my IPhone.. I can't get my water in at work because we can't have drinks at our stations, so my goal on lunch is to drink 20 oz or so and 20oz or more at dinner or when I get home and 20 in the morning before work while I am working out.

    I can use all the help and support I can get. in my last 3 weeks to recommitment to being healthy I am showing a weight loss. YEAH! Feel free to add me.
  • SarcasticManiac
    Welcome to MFP! Sounds like you're on the right track, keep it up!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oooo. I LOVE Christmas music. I'd have to say my top 3 are

    1. The Merry Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)
    2. Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas
    3. O Holy Night
  • stampede55
    Now if I have been sipping a little bit of my special sauce (bourbon) I love all Christmas music, little puppies, pretty flowers, and man purses.....maybe I should wait until later tonight to answer the QOTD. :drinker:

    what about the fluffy bunnies? :laugh: :laugh:

    *sip* *sip* *gulp* em!!!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    Randomly decided to go to a happy hour today in about an hour ;-). Swam for forty five minutes so a couple beers wont kill me as long as I keep it too a couple :-)