The Randoms - December 2010



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Snowing like crazy here today! (I work in Davenport, Iowa) The weather guy said only 1/2 inch of snow this morning, but now it has been updated to FIVE and tonight it is supposed to be freezing rain on top of it! I just went a mile drive (round trip) with my coworker to Chick-Fil-A to pick up lunch at the drive thru & it took us 20 minutes! We saw 3 accidents as well! :noway:
  • stampede55
    I never really had any Christmas traditions growing up. I guess the closest thing we had was going over to my grandmother's house on Christmas eve for dinner and presents. After my son was born things changed a little bit. This year my boy gets to wake up in his room on Christmas morning and open his presents in our new house, so that's going to be a pretty cool event. As far as presents go....there will be an unbelievable amount of nerf firearms, transformers, and hotwheels to be opened by my will be glorious!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    The one Christmas traditon in our family when we were growing up was we had to wait until at least 6 to wake up my parents and we had to make coffee and hot chocolate for everyone (We were around 10 when this started so we wouldn't burn the house down) and my oldest sister had to start a fire in the fireplace (even when it was 80 degrees outside, we live in Texas). Anyway all that had to be done before we could wake up mom and dad. My sister was always a jokester and one year she changed all the clocks in the house from 1 A.M to 6. A.M and woke my brother and I up. We did all the necessary requirements and then went to wake up mom and day. Lo and behold, it was only 1:30!!! My parents were so mad, but they got up anyway and let us open our gifts. That is a story we still share now even though we are all in our 30's. I hope to have the same tradition with my family when my daughter is old enough.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Wow! I can tell I haven't been on here in a few days! Welcome to all the ones that have joined. I'm excited to start this thread.

    QOTD- Daily routines

    I wake up around 6:45 to get my kids ready for school and head to work. I'm a teacher so it works out nicely that we all have the same schedules. I'm not a morning or evening person really, and have noticed that I will not workout unless forced. I got a gym membership and go to my gym 3-4 days a week, take a zumba class 2x a week, and then my husband and I play some pretty intense kinect sports on days when I don't get anything else in. I just got the Biggest Loser Kinect game and I'm so excited to try it! Bed usually comes immediately after the weather, unless I'm alert enough to catch the beginning of Leno. :) Otherwise, it's off to bed we go!

    QOTD- Favorite traditions

    Christmas is by far the most favorite time of year at my house. It's an entire month filled with traditions starting the day after Thanksgiving until the day of Christmas! My favorite ones would have to be cutting down the tree and decorating it, baking goodies with my kiddos (especially frosting sugar cookies), gingerbread houses, Christmas movies and sleigh rides. On Christmas Eve we go to my mom's house and watch my younger brothers' Christmas program. The youngest will be done this year. Sad :( We eat supper, open gifts, play some games and then head to my dads where we stay the night, not before reading the Twas the Night Before Christmas and cozying up in our fuzzy socks and hot chocolate. For our family Christmas, we always read the Christmas story from the Bible, sing Christmas songs, open gifts, make Baby Jesus a happy birthday popcorn cake, play games and watch a Christmas favorite while drinking our hot chocolate and snuggling on the couch. This year we got to "adopt an elf". A friend made me a little stuffed elf. We had to fill out an application to host our elf for two weeks until Christmas Eve when Santa would pick him up while he made his deliveries. The catch is that he is a very mischevious little elf. Anytime we come home, we find he's been making trouble and is never where we left him. :) My kids think it's the coolest thing ever! Gets them out of bed lickity split in the mornings too as they want to see where he's been hiding! Oh how I love Christmas! Sorry for the unbelievably long post. I just really really love it!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Christmas traditions....Hmmmm. Christmas Eve afternoon we always delivered gifts and homemade goodies to extended family and neighbors, would visit a short while then on to next house. We would go to EVE service and lighting of the lights then head home( now a days to Mom's/Nanna's) for Oyster stew, homemade pickles, crackers and pntbutter or homemade jelly and a slice of pie. As kids we always opened one gift Christmas Eve, and it always was PJ's , slippers, or robe.( had to have new ones for those pictures. One of my sisters played Carols and we would sing before bed, then read the Christmas Story and off upstairs to bed.
    Christmas morning we opened our stockings when we came down stairs and there was always an orange and nuts in the toe. We had to eat 'breakfast ' before could open tree ( usually the orange, a banana, coffee cake, or home made doughnuts). As the older kids grew-up/ married and had families my other sister and I had to wait til they arrived then open tree. Mom had cooked a large Holiday meal and we all sat down and ate. Packed up leftovers and pies and went to my Grandmothers were all the cousins/aunts/uncles came for another tree and supper. Supper being the leftovers and pie. The 'guys' watched ballgame and kids played with new games while the women cleaned up the kitchen. Telling my age here...LOL
    Since I have been grown and had my son ( I am the youngest in family) and Gram has passed, my immediate family gets together Christmas day for a tree and then we eat buffet style ( everybody brings things) and many times play card games.
    I still deliver 'goodies' Christmas Eve then go to Candle light Service with my Mom ( the 92 y.o matriarch ), return to her house for Oyster stew supper and pie. My son will join me for this Christmas eve tradition if he is not working or his father has not taken him. Now my son has a 2 1/2 y.o. son and starting the traditions with him....
    I still try to make homemade gifts as they seem to be appreciated and talked about long after store bought 'things' are long forgotten.
    I also take a name from the Angel tree and buy& make something for the child ....sometimes will do an adult as well.

    For many years I would go to a specific sisters after oyster stew with mom and help her finish wrapping and Santafy the tree ( (she was ill and always very tired but made Christmas for her son) and I would have a few surprises from 'Santa' for her as well and stuff her stocking. Then go back and 'Santafy my tree for my son and my Mother.
    Since my sister has now passed ( and so to has her son) Christmas eve is just with my mom then come home and go to bed in an empty house, wake to that same empty house then go to the family Christmas. I miss my Christmas of past but things change as we grow older. I do enjoy all the younger generation at the family gathering.

    Rambled long enough, sorry. Happy Holidays to all.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Becca - Oh how much fun would we have?? I love doing hair!!! Chit chatting and styling...its a blast!! :o) I just finished making dinner and realized the marinade we got wasn't the sodium free one I normally get...BLECH. Now my mouth feels all...salty. FYI, I love your profile picture so much! :o) And enjoy the movie!!! :o)

    just_peachy - I love your tradition! Last night I stayed up late and wrapped all of our presents! My poor husband tried to stay up as late as he could but he only made it until 1:30ish am! Do you get your mom a giant gift for Christmas to celebrate both occasions? :o)

    bynsky - Its a wonderful life is a part of our yearly tradition too! :o) We usually watch it with my whole family on Christmas Eve. That is SO incredibly awesome about your hubby's t-shirt! My hubbo has a T-shirt that I am desperately trying to find to replace so I understand your excitement! I keep looking and every website is always sold out! So congrats on your awesome find!

    Sara - GIRL! You are rocking that dress...I know I already told you that but MAN oh MAN! :o) I'm so excited about your man too btw!! :o) So exciting! Your gift is very thoughtful and I know my dad would be jealous. He used to brew his own beer. My husband doesn't drink beer but he loves making other hard cider. LOL! He is always making something over here!

    Ruth - In my family you were allowed to open ONE present on Christmas Eve and said gift HAD to be picked by mom. It was usually pajamas or a book, sometimes both. My sister's and I later on started the tradition of giving each other our gifts on Christmas Eve too, because one gift just didn't seem like enough and the anticipation was killing us!!! I think I was about 8 or 9 when it started and we still do that! I never knew that some people opened ALL of their gifts on Christmas Eve until a couple of days ago, someone mentioned it on the site. CRAZY! :o) Love your paper roll fights! I need to use up my wrapping paper so I can beat my husband...hehehe

    Kelly - Your holidays sound really nice!!! BUT, I have to say, I really want to hop the plane with your parents! We got another 4-5 inches of snow today and I can just feel the cold in every part of my body!!! :o) THREE accidents? UGH! We got that snow today and my husband went to work. Around 4 oclock his boss came in and said, Everyone go home now! The freezing rain had started! UGH! I better at least be able to make the trip to my mom's!!! THAT is for sure!!! :o)

    Katie - I love your tradition!! They grow up wayyy too fast don't they. :o( Before my little guy was in the picture (He's 3) we would spend the night at my mom's. My sisters and I ALWAYS slept in the same room on Christmas Eve and we would giggle until the wee hours of the morning. We did that for the last time 3 years ago and I can't wait for my little guy to understand more of what's going on so we can go back to spending the night at my mom's! :o)

    stampede55 - Sounds like the ultimate boy Christmas!!! Have fun celebrating in your new home!!

    kerridodson - LOLOLOL! That is awesome!!! I remember one year, I was VERY young, maybe 5, I went into my parent's bedroom, carefully unplugged the clock, hid it, and the announced: ITS CHRISTMAS!!! It was around 4am and my parents were wise to my! :o)

    Mandi - OMG! I love your Christmas! :o) The elf is adorable!!! I want to do that! I hope I can remember this for when Grady is a tad older. It is so cute!


    QOTD: I LOVE this time of year too. Here is my list: 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Order of awesomeness. I know, I'm goofy. But I freaking love the 4th of July. ANYWAYS. Traditions...tons of baking. Afternoons, evenings....FILLED with baking! :o) Family time. Weekend traveling to see said family and friends. Christmas Eve has turned into a party at my house. My family comes over, we get one gift from my parents and my sisters and I exchange gifts. Childhood memories consisted of sleeping in one of our bedroom, all three of us girls. Waking up at the crack of dawn and there they would be. Each one of us would have at least one main gift sitting there unwrapped under the tree. I'm so excited to reenact this with my baby boy. First year we have been able to afford Christmas presents. He is getting a play kitchen since he loves the one at his school and a GINORMOUS Mickey Mouse. We are going to set the kitchen up Christmas Eve and then put Mickey in the play kitchen, hehehe. Then Christmas morning we will come downstairs and I hope, he will freak out seeing the giant Mickey!!! :o)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    maeadair - The change of generations is a hard one. Making the transition from my mom's home to our home wasn't hard until the holidays. Then it was weird. Do I spend the night? How much time do we spend there or with the inlaws? It was like this floating time period where I still loved the time with my family but SOOO felt like I was in an inbetween stage. Grady helped with that! ESPECIALLY now...Its amazing. I love it. He still doesn't get it completely, but he does understand opening presents and gets excited when he gets new toys...that is all I need! :o)
  • SarcasticManiac
    OMG! I'm back! Amazing three day weekend that I will never forget! I missed MFP and my wonderful friends!

    Its the first time since I began running in November that I missed three days of working out. We just went non-stop and I didn't have a chance to do anything. We did a lot of walking so I hope that counts towards some calorie burning...after all of the amazing food I ate....geeeee whizzzz....

    How are you all doing as we get closer to Christmas with your goals? Drinking water? Making good choices? This was really my worst weekend so far. I am actually helping make the food for the majority of the holiday events next weekend so I will be making some good alternatives to the usual high calorie options! :o)

    OKAY! QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday tradition for Christmas or Christmas Eve? and what gift are you the most excited to give this weekend?

    QOTD: None, as it's a holiday I don't celebrate.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Just finished eating some green beans! Yum!

    Anyways...everyone please feel free to come up with a QOTD!

    QOTD: What is your go to workout, your absolutely favorite routine or activity that you know can count on for a good burn and to keep you occupied?
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Favorite workout is my hour long ab workout that I do at the gym... it's intense and if done fast enough is great cardio as well.
  • stampede55
    My main routine is a 4 day push/pull strength training cycle that goes for 12 weeks. 3 weeks of lighter weight high reps, 3 weeks of heavy weight light reps, 3 weeks light, 3 weeks heavy. I generally just repeat that over and over and over. I have a huge pool of exercises to choose from when I plan my lifting, so it's never stale and always keeps me unbalanced.

    Here recently I decided that I would devote the last couple months of the year to trying something new and focusing on cardio and cutting weight, so I started doing a bootcamp class at the gym. 1 hour of plyometrics, sprints, strength training, endurance, and other forms of torture. It's a nice switch from the norm and is generating about a 650-750 calorie burn for me.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What is your go to workout, your absolutely favorite routine or activity that you know can count on for a good burn and to keep you occupied?

    Does shopping at the mall count? A few hours of that is a good calorie burn!

    But for an ACTUAL workout, I'll go with Turbo Fire. It's tons of fun to spend 45 minutes or an hour punching and kicking around my living room. And I average 10 calories a minute for a burn when I do those. It's been a huge reason I've gotten as fit as I am (who woulda thought I'd ever call myself fit!?!) If I'm at the gym, I still go to the treadmill for a nice job, I did a 12 minute mile for the first time ever on the treadmill on Friday. I usually set the speed to 4.8 mph, but I set it to 5.0 and didn't look back til I hit 1 mile. Yay!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: What is your go to workout, your absolutely favorite routine or activity that you know can count on for a good burn and to keep you occupied?

    My go to workout is the cross trainer at the gym! I can set the incline at 9 or 10 & cruise along for about 30 minutes or I can set the resistence high & really get my heart pumping for about 15-18 minutes. I'm hoping to last longer & longer as time goes by, but it's definitely the fastest way that I burn calories!!! Otherwise, I really enjoy going for a long walk/jog with my husband because we can talk about anything & everything & before I know it we've been walking for an hour :happy:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    My absolute favorite go to work out is Zumba! I take a class 2x a week at the local dance studio, and it is so so so AMAZING! I'm not even coordinated, but I just absolutely love it!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Guess I am an old fart, only real exercise I go too is my stationary bike in cold weather and in good weather love to walk briskly around neighbor hood. As an Rn I get a bit of exercise carrying 30# child and medical equipment up and down stairs t/o 12 hr shifts.
  • stampede55
    I just finished my class for the day and got my behind thoroughly kicked. My trainer finds it necessary to completely fatigue my legs by doing numerous sets of wall sits and then making me run sprints. It's horrible as it's taking place, but feels phenomenal when it's over. The workout was over an hour ago, but my lungs are still burning when I breathe in....that's cardio baby!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    QOTD: Well in the summer I love doing anytype of yardwork, but also love running outside! So a good 3 mile run I miss....I am not a treadmill runner, nor a track runner....I like the road! I also love going for a nice bikeride on the bike paths. Hiking too! But since its winter, I'm all about my Zumba class and hitting the elliptical! :bigsmile:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What is your go to workout, your absolutely favorite routine or activity that you know can count on for a good burn and to keep you occupied?

    Well since it is winter I have fallen in to the elliptical rut just because I seem to get a better calorie burn on it then on the treadmill.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: I would say my favorite is running. Maybe not went I'm like half way through a long run...thinking, oh DEAR GOD I have two miles to go!!!!! BUT! I love running. I love what it does to my body, I love the challenges I can place for myself, I love being able to talk to other people about it. It doesn't provide the absolute BEST burn (Zumba and Elliptical do that) but it does so much more!

    I also have a love hate relationship with pilates. I LOVE my body being able to handle what it throws at me, how it looks when I stick with it. I hate doing it, HATE IT!!! Ha ha! But if I want my body to look toned, that is my go to work out! LOL!