The Randoms - December 2010



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    (We prefer no alien presence but if you are really excited about joining we will take it to a vote! :cry:
  • SarcasticManiac
    I move and vote in favor of allowing.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Tam - I LOVE RUNNING TOO! :o) I just started in November for the first time. I've hit a 9:30 minute but I'm done trying to go fast and now I'm just trying to run as long as I can along with HIIT training. I've got the rest of December to be able to run either 3 miles straight or 30 minutes straight. Last night I succeeded with running thirty minutes straight for the first time but I was literally dripping onto the floor! What are you in PT for if I may ask? :o)
    I tend to hold steady at a 12:00 minute, I can't wait to break that though! I'm also a (very) recent former smoker and I've been asthmatic (exercise & enviro induced) since I was a child, so there are lots of intervals in my running. I'm running my first half marathon May 1st and would LOVE to be able to finish under 2:45:00 but I'll be satisfied with just finishing at all. Congrats on the 30 minutes straight!
    I'm in PT for my hips, they're crooked. Mostly from a pretty nasty fall I took a few years ago but also partly from my son.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I move and vote in favor of allowing.

    I second!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    Well, 5/7 days of the week, I get up at 6:52am for work, and I have to be there by 8am for a daily meeting in the satellite manufacturing building (where they actually build the satellites that I work on). I never pack lunch, it's a bit of a bad habit but I have decent food at my disposal at work. I usually eat at the cafeteria, where I can check the nutrition info of everything on the Sodexo website. I often hit the salad bad and make amazing salads. I get out of work between 5 and 5:30 and I work out afterwards just about every day. I had been going home to do Turbo Fire or Chalean Extreme, but I joined a gym this week and I'm going to go 2 or 3 times during the week and work out at home the remainder. I try to be in bed around 11, sometimes it slips later. That's pretty much my routine without fail, the weekends are totally up in the air tho.
  • shastacrystal
    When does it start? I normally get up at 9 am and then workout since I have to be at work by 11am!

    End? I normally get a bit of a 2nd wind when I get off because I am so excited to go home. LOL. I typically go to bed between 11 and 12 but I always try for sooner and it doesn't normally work that way. Some days I am really bad and stay up till 1 or 1:30.

    When do you fit in your workouts? I workout before work at 9am ish. If I am sleepy and don't get up in enough time then I bring workout clothes to work and then workout on my lunch break. If I workout on lunch then I go to our back parking lot and walk one direction and then run back. I repeat this over and over for a minimum of 30min normally.

    Do you pack a lunch? Yes! I always pack food and 99% of the time I eat 4 or 5 sometimes 6 small meals a day. I am at a 1600cal goal a day not including workout calories.

    I am 30 years old and currently weigh 278. In May I weighed in at 303, the highest I have ever been and FREAKED OUT!!!. I have battled weight my whole life but in 2004 I got myself down to 175. I was on cloud 9 and the happiest I have ever been. One bad break up later compiled with the mounting frustration of having to have such a restricted diet caught up with me and I started to gain weight. The more weight I gained the more depressed and frustrated I felt. I kept saying tomorrow is a new day and then tomorrow would come and I got into a viscious cycle. Then I found myself in 2010 kissing 300lbs. Although I am 5'11'', 300 is way toooo much. I am miserable trapped in a body of this size. I need to get back down to a healthy weight so that my body size/image does not control all aspects of my life. I need to gain control again.

    So since May I have gone from 303 to 278 and I am hoping to get to 200 by my birthday in July. I am not sure if that is hoping for too much but I am going to try my hardest!!!
  • SarcasticManiac
    @ Shastacrystal:
    It sounds like you're on the right track, keep it up! And remember, while you're on the right track you ARE in control!

    However, in regards to your goal of 200 lbs. that's probably too much and I'd suggest a more realistic goal. The key to goals is to make them achievable. I did some math for you (I'm an accounting major) and here's how it breaks down:

    Assuming that your birthday is at the end of July, that gives you 7 months with 4 weeks each plus the 2 weeks left in December.

    7 x 4 = 28 +2 = 30 weeks maximum until your birthday.

    Given that the maximum safe rate of weight loss is 2 lbs. per week from this site, and the weight you give of 278, the lowest weight you could possibly safely achieve:

    30 weeks x 2 lbs. per week = 60 lbs. lost

    278 - 60 = 218 lbs.

    In order to achieve your goal of hitting 200 lbs. by that point:

    78 lbs. divided by 30 weeks = 2.6 pounds per week at least

    If your birthday is at the beginning of July, you'd have up to 4 less weeks to work with, equating to:

    78 lbs. divided by 26 weeks = 3 lbs. per week even.

    Based on what I know, and I'm no expert, that's probably too fast of a rate to be truly healthy.

    I really hope this helps, and keep up the good work! We're all here rooting for ya! :)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    ShastaCrystal - We are TOTALLY rooting for you Crystal!!! SumDumBum is right with his kind calculations. You want to make sure to not set your goal too high because otherwise you'll get discouraged when you don't hit the goals you wants and before you know it, you are back in the vicious cycle of gaining again... :o(

    Why not work at it ten pounds at a time? Or a small goal like that? I'm sure you are going to surprise yourself and US at the rate you are going to loose weight. New Years Eve is two weeks from tomorrow: How much do you think realistically with the holidays you think you could loose by then? If you think you could loose 1-3 pounds with it being the holidays that is HUGE!!!

    Then on January 1st, attack attack attack! We are right behind you! Work on that first ten pounds. Try to mix up your workouts with at home dvds or weights for toning. Maybe cut out late night snacking or refined sugars. Remember, it doesn't have to be FOREVER. Its baby steps. Tiny goals. Make it for a month at a time. That's what this thread is for. We're all here to talk but to set the monthly goals to work at and reevaluate at the end! :o)

    Sara - That is awesome that there is a cafeteria to make salads at!! I wish there was one in my kitchen!! :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    Well I wake up at 4:50am get ready and catch the bus at 5:50 am from where I live to uptown Charlotte. Get to work around 6:45 and work until 5pm. I then hop back on the bus usually end up napping and get back to Rock Hill around 6:20. I then head to the gym and work out usually until about 8:30 then home dinner and relaxing until about 10 then bed. (Ohhhh I have an exciting life) I usually don't pack my lunch.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD - My day begins at a different time every day. I try to be up before 9 everyday but it really depends on what time I'm able to fall asleep the night before. Goofy body. ANYWAYS! First thing up outta bed, I go to Grady's room and get my three year old up. We get dressed and ready for the day and then head downstairs to make lunch. We work on puzzles, coloring, baking or something of that nature until the bus comes. At which point I either head to the gym, doctor appointment, volunteer at the school, clean the house, hair client (I'm a cosmetologist) or something else until that little yellow bus arrives back. Sometimes Grady and I will head straight to the Gym after he gets home so we can meet the hubbo there. Floyd and I will work out and then jump in the pool. That is Grady's absolute favorite! :o) Most nights we spend on the couch after dinner, playing, snuggling, watching tv, doing projects and enjoying each other's company. My husband is pretty busy working on our house, its really old and very creaky so there is always a project going on!
  • shastacrystal
    SUMDUMBUM- Thank you so much for making those calculations for me!! YOU ROCK! I appreciate it so much and am definitely going to adjust my goals and time frames! Thank you again sooo much!!!

    TaraMaria: Thank you too. You are very sweet and have awesome advice!

    Yippee for great MFP friends! You all ROCK!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I move and vote in favor of allowing.

    I second!!
    hee hee Thank you:tongue:
  • SarcasticManiac
    @HealthyChanges: You're welcome! :)

    @Shastacrstal: You're welcome, I'm really glad it helped. :D
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Not entirely sure where I came up with 6:52am, but I was getting up at 6:55 and I was getting to my 8am meeting 2 or 3 minutes late every day. So my solution was to move my alarm back a few minutes. I've been on time as long as I get up with that alarm and only stay in bed for one snooze. I'm kind of OCD, so things like this work for me.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Sara - That's a rocket scientist for you!!! lol!!! 3 minutes back and she is on time! I would need like 10 minutes...or 30! lol! And dude, ever since I added you I've been totally jealous of you. Yes. At least I'm being upfront about it. I feel like if we are going to be in this group together I should be. How FREAKING awesome is it that you are a Rocket Scientist? Its God's gift to man kind that I'm not because I would use that phrase all of the time...

    ShastaCrystal - Yay! I'm happy you are happy! And yes, YAY MFP!

    bynsky - :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We should write Mike immediately! I've been eating my three year old up and never even THOUGHT to include it in my daily allotment!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    QOTD: My day is similar to Sara's! I get up at 6:52am! Of course that is after 2 snoozes that start at 6:34am! :laugh: I get to work by 8am where I'm confined to my desk all day long. If its not cold out I take a walk on my 15 minute breaks. Once they let me loose at 5pm I head to the gym. I take several classes there, so depending on the day I could be doing water aerobics or Zumba. I normally always do the elliptical, and I run the track. I get home around 7:30 or 8pm, make dinner, do some housework or get on the computer, then my night normally ends on the phone talking to my guy, CJ (he's a cop so is always working). I head to bed at 11:30pm and catch a chapter or two in a book before its lights out. I try to take my lunch to work at least a few times a week, but normally I just pick up something at Subway, Panera, or a salad from the grocery store.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I move and vote in favor of allowing.

    I second!!
    hee hee Thank you:tongue:

    You know you have my vote, Becca! :laugh:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Tara - LOL! It is fun being a rocket scientist, although I work on the satellites that we eventually stick on top of rockets. Randy (boyfriend) actually does satellites propulsion, so we argue that he has a better claim to being a rocket scientist than me.

    Kelly - That's too funny how similar our days are!!! I talk on the phone just about every night too with Randy, he called me last night after having napped all evening *grumble*. I wish I could nap... haha. Mmmm Subway and Panera, two of my fave places for lunch. I'm gonna avoid eating lunch at the Holiday party today and get lunch here or on the way. I really can't afford the greasy food and stuff! I'm gonna make an appearance, check out Burlington Coat Factory, and then hit the gym!
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?

    Up around 5:30 or 6, get ready for work, drive about an hour to work to get there at 8. Work until 4:30, Mon and Wed night I go to class right after work then I'm there until about 10. On the other week days I go to my boyfriends apartment to hang out then head to the gym around 8. On Fridays I get on the elliptical at my boyfriends for alittle bit then we usually go out to the movies, over to another friends house, or whatever. On Saturdays I spend most of the day with my boyfriend or friends just hanging out doing whatever. On Sundays I sleep in a little bit and get up and head to the gym, come home and do stuff around the house and study.

    I usually try to pack my lunch and some snacks for work unless I am really tired or running late in the mornings.

    It is so nice to meet everyone!!!