

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would also like to join!

    Screen Name: Blondie925
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011:
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs):
    What is your exercise plan?: Starting Jan. 3, a hybrid of Insanity and Turbo Fire... plus strength training, running, and walking.
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: No - but I'm going to majorly decrease the amount of junk I'm eating! (More home cooked meals, less fast food)
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I've lost enough to feel good, now I just want to look good. I graduate from college May 7, and I'm wanting to go on a cruise then.. plus summer will be right around the corner (triple motivation)! I want to finally feel good in a swimsuit.
  • kaitlinrosex3
    Screen Name: Kaitlinrosex3
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: hopefully 130
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs):115-120
    What is your exercise plan?: 500 calories burned walking more leg lifts and arms and some cardio dance dvds
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: Less junk food like ice cream and cookies and only going out to eat once a week.
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I' want to feel thin again and have more confidence.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    OK, I'm in! I started a challenge on Thanksgiving to lose 10 lbs for 12/24 and I did it. Now this is perfect! Another 10 pounds by 1/31/11!

    Screen Name: mfkfoster
    * Starting Weight on January 1, 2011:don't know hoping about 263
    * Goal weight by January 31, 2011: maybe 253
    * What is your exercise plan? definately need to excerise more! walk 1 mile everyday!
    * What is your biggest motivation? Showing my daughter that if we put our minds to it we can achieve anything!

    HW: 310 had a baby 10/10
    CW: 264.2
  • KieraKittie
    I wanna try!! My First ever weight loss Challenge!

    Screen Name: KieraKittie
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: (Ill edit this, 235 Dec 1st last time I had a scale, parents dont own one it seems?)
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: Hope to hit 200
    What is your exercise plan?: Speed walking 30 mins, 7 days a week, some times I walk 60 mins. Crunches 50 x2, arm lifts and stretches 5 - 7 times a week.
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: I stay within 1300 calories a day
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: Me, I miss being a firefighter, I miss loving who I am, Im tired of hating myself, Im tired of being shy, embarrassed, ashamed and hiding.
  • slketterman
    Im in. I have a bet with a co worker that I will be 170lbs by January 30 when we meet for our annual sales conference. I hope to lose the weight with cardio, hundred pushups and calorie counting.
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    Im in...
    Ill give my stats on Jan01

    So excited for a challenge like this. Just the motivation I need.
  • Katrinamorgan9
    Screen Name: Katrinamorgan9
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 156 (I'll have to edit this)
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 146 Holy cow! nice!
    What is your exercise plan?: P90X baby!
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: No. I need to be though. I plan to cut out fried foods and refined sugar (and all desserts) completely + focus on getting enough water for sure.
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I want to look good in order to feel good. I notice I am pissed all the time when I eat crappy food. I am not as loving and with a servant attitude when I am busy berating myself for having that 2nd piece of pie. Plus! no energy and all that jazz. These are my motivations. Fuel the machine with the proper fuel! Don't put junk in my trunk because the only one who's hauling it is ME!
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Count me in, I'll be back on the first with my stats, have to get to bed now before Santa finds out I'm still up:wink:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I'm in just the pick me up I need!!
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    I want to join! I'll post my stats by 01/01/2011.
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Please count me in
    I'm a newbie to the site (not to diets)

    Screen Name: Pretty1one
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 205 (will update Sat)
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 195
    What is your exercise plan?: 3 x week - 30min to start - Xbox 360 kinect- Dance Central & Your Shape
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: Low Carbs & low cals
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: Being able to fit on tons of clothes I already have
  • SweatinSammie
    Ooooh this sounds good to me :)

    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: Don't know yet, but I'm guessing 203
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 193
    Exercise Plan: Some form of exercise EVERY DAY. Get to the gym 4 days a week.
    Diet Plan: 1500 calories a day. Limiting my "cheat" calories or I like to call them my chocolate calories to less than 200 a day (as recommended by my nutritionist, I'm a frickin' sweets *kitten*!)
    My Motivation: To start this year off right!!! I have chronic kidney disease and the only thing I can do at this point is lose weight, limit high meat protein dishes, and take some of the strain on my kidneys (from this excess weight!).

    I've been dieting since July and have lost 18 pounds. While I'm proud of this because I know I will never gain those pounds back, this has been a very LONG and sometimes discouraging journey.

    Good Luck ALL and here is to a healthy and happy new year!!
  • whitneyrenae
    whitneyrenae Posts: 56 Member
    I am in the December weight loss challenge and am definetally doing this one next!! It helps so much to have someone (or a bunch of someone's lol) to be accountable to. Can't wait to post my stats on the 1st. See you all then!!!
  • Hebaasmar
    Im in because i just said today this my goal...

    Screen Name: hebaasmar
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011:
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 115
    What is your exercise plan?: the usual 7 days a week
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: 1200 to 1300 calories
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I want up get back to what I was most happiest and where all my cloths in the closet fit!

    By the way how do we check in? I'm new this site. Check in the forum or just update our profile?
  • jesses_wifey
    Screen Name: Jesses_Wifey
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011:
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 185
    What is your exercise plan?: 30 minutes of exercising 2x/day, 6 days/week
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: 1200 to 1300 calories
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: my husband and i are moving back home soon to texas after being away from everyone for a year and a half and i don't want everyone to see me again and think "wow, she got fat!" I recently had a baby but I don't want to use that as an excuse.
  • Im in!!
  • dpulum
    dpulum Posts: 10 Member
    I've never done one of these before, but I'd like to join.

    Screen Name: dpulum
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: roughly 160, will fill in on 1/1
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 150
    What is your exercise plan?: I'm limited physically on what I can do, but am going to try 3 30 minute sessions a week
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: I track all of my food on MFP, I'm on 1200 calories
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I want to feel better about myself

    By the way, I'm Tina
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    bump - i'm in!
  • mindyk0822
    Screen Name: mindyk0822
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: currently 212, will update if that changes
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 199
    What is your exercise plan?: 45 min of exercise 4 days a week
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: 1200 calorie balanced diet
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: My 25th birthday is in August and I want to be to my goal weight by then. I don't want to have the same doubts in myself the next 25 years that I have had the first and I figure the biggest one to conquer is the belief I cant be thin.

    I am really excited to start the new year off with a challenge to keep my motivation up!
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I'm in for this. I could use the challenge to keep me accountable!!! Will post up stats on the 1st!!