Anyone interested in a "Those Last Pesky 20 Pounds" Group?



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Hi All,
    I was feeling pretty disgusted with myself this morning...I have been a member of MFP since Jan 09. I reached my goal and then got comfortable. Today I went back into my weight loss and gain records and was so shocked that
    1. I actually was that thin! WOW!
    2. I had let myself go and gained most of it back.

    Seeing that goal weight really made me motivated to do it again and not get lazy or comfortable but to seriously do "this life changing" thing.

    So, today at work, we celebrated my friends birthday with cake. I took a piece to be kind and put it in my food container and brought it home for my husband.

    One day at a time right?
    Fantastic willpower on the cake! :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like a lot of you are doing really well!

    Mary--Great job on the run! Are you training for a half or full marathon? I hope to run a half in early June, but I need to pick up with my running outside again period. I think I will when I'm done with this program or at least when it gets a bit warmer outside. The treadmill is tolerable at times, but I definitely don't prefer it.

    I was home sick with my son today, and I'm not feeling great either. I feel rundown, have a bit of a sore throat, and have had dizzy spells. Strep throat has been going around a lot lately, so I hope I don't have that. I haven't exercised since Monday. Grrrr! I hope to get back at it tomorrow, but I am going to have to adjust my schedule somehow since I have a calendar book filled up through the end of March with my workouts. I don't want to have to redo all of that work!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hope you and your little one are feeling better, Amy.

    This morning i did TF 45EZ and CLX burn circuit 2. Feel good so far. We'll see how the legs feel tomorrow. :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • rferguson2010
    rferguson2010 Posts: 1 Member
    Is it oo late to join?
  • LosingTheInches
    can i join this?? :)

    Starting weight: 168
    Current weight: 135
    Goal weight: 110

    Other Info...
    Age: 20
    Occupation: nurse
    Family: live alone :)
    Location: ontario
    Date you started losing weight: 2 years ago sometime
    Weight Lost to Date:33 pounds
  • Toyya
    Toyya Posts: 25 Member
    As am I... I"ve been exercising hard and eating well for about 3 months, and haven't lost ANYTHING. I look better but I see nothing on the scale. Its REALLY frustrating, so getting some support would be great!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    As am I... I"ve been exercising hard and eating well for about 3 months, and haven't lost ANYTHING. I look better but I see nothing on the scale. Its REALLY frustrating, so getting some support would be great!
    If you're exercising hard, you could be building muscle. Especially if you say you look better. Judge by how your clothes are fitting. If they fit better/feel a little're probably losing the inches off your body first. Keep at it. Eventually, the numbers on the scale will move. Don't get discouraged. It happens.

    Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck!!
  • turned40
    turned40 Posts: 3 Member
    I am really frustrated also, I have been sick for the last 5 weeks out of work and could not work out, I watched what I ate but I am not getting results. I have put on weight. I got a friend into doing this site and she is doing great so I feel like a looser!!! ugggh:frown:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Weighing in on Monday so a couple more good days to finish off the week and hopefully.... Off to the elliptical I go!!
  • prekteacher2
    Found another yummy recipe that I made! I will call it pear yogurt crumble :)

    I took one pear and cut it up, added 1 tbsp of butter and sprinkle some cinnamon put in the micro for 3 mins
    added 1/2 cup of organic greek vanilla yogurt 1 tbsp of honey and then sprinkled 1/4 cup Ezekial almond cereal over top.


    Thanks for the recipe. I have a couple of pears to eat up. I'm gonna make it tonight!
  • prekteacher2
    As am I... I"ve been exercising hard and eating well for about 3 months, and haven't lost ANYTHING. I look better but I see nothing on the scale. Its REALLY frustrating, so getting some support would be great!

    It's frustrating but take your measurements. You'll be shocked to see the inches lost. Hang in there! Your doing a great job.
  • prekteacher2
    I am really frustrated also, I have been sick for the last 5 weeks out of work and could not work out, I watched what I ate but I am not getting results. I have put on weight. I got a friend into doing this site and she is doing great so I feel like a looser!!! ugggh:frown:

    Hang in there. Are you taking meds for your illness? Maybe that's why your not loosing. I hope you start to feel better and get the results your looking for.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    As am I... I"ve been exercising hard and eating well for about 3 months, and haven't lost ANYTHING. I look better but I see nothing on the scale. Its REALLY frustrating, so getting some support would be great!
    I completely understand! I plateaued for an entire year. It stinks! Have you tried changing up your exercise routine or maybe zigzagging your calories?
  • kaleohone
    I am really frustrated also, I have been sick for the last 5 weeks out of work and could not work out, I watched what I ate but I am not getting results. I have put on weight. I got a friend into doing this site and she is doing great so I feel like a looser!!! ugggh:frown:

    Don't give up! I know it's hard and can be discouraging when everyone around you is losing pounds or inches and you're not. But...hang in there and take it one day at a time. You'll get there!
  • prekteacher2
    I hope everyone is having a great Sunday, I got up and got in my exercise in. I feel wonderful. Daughter and I just ate Subway. I love the veggie delight with spicy mustard on wheat with no cheese. I'm watching Dr. Oz on Oprah. Very interesting. Bob Green is also on.

    Here's to a great day. Skinny vibes to all :O)!!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    bumping for later :)
  • kaleohone
    Found another yummy recipe that I made! I will call it pear yogurt crumble :)

    I took one pear and cut it up, added 1 tbsp of butter and sprinkle some cinnamon put in the micro for 3 mins
    added 1/2 cup of organic greek vanilla yogurt 1 tbsp of honey and then sprinkled 1/4 cup Ezekial almond cereal over top.


    After reading this post, I just had to try it. Yummy! Keep sharing.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Finally got in another workout. Yeah! I did Turbo Jam Punch/Kick/Jam...49 minutes and 418 calories. :smile: Ready for this week. I'm going to take some Emergence-C to hopefully kick this cold crap to the curb.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    12/20 starting weight: 157.4
    1/17 current weight: 152.2
    difference: -5.2 pounds :smile:
    goal weight: 135
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    As am I... I"ve been exercising hard and eating well for about 3 months, and haven't lost ANYTHING. I look better but I see nothing on the scale. Its REALLY frustrating, so getting some support would be great!

    I soooo know how this feels. I had given up so many times because I would not loose a lb and it was so discouraging. Stick with it and it will happen. One day you will step on that scale and the #'s will just get smaller and smaller!

    My weigh in today...147-down a pound from last week!!! My BMI is now in the "Healthy" range:) I remember being so very excited when I got out of "obese" and down to "overweight"...I had to call my mom and tell her, "hey mom guess what, I'm just fat!! I'm no longer OBESE!!!:)"
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Starting Weight (12/20): 144.4
    Today's Weight (1/10): 140.6
    Difference: 1.4
    Overall Pounds Lost: 3.8 pounds in challenge
    Goal Weight: 130