Help me not fall into the Coke Zero trap!!



  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    Why hasn't anyone mentioned Vanilla Coke Zero yet? I'm sad.

    Because that's just gross. :sick:

    agreed, that was not an impressive combo for me either.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Silly people with your Coke Zero and Pepsi Max... everyone knows that true pop aficionados* drink Sodastream Cola Free.

    *as judged by me and my dog
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    It gives you NOTHING other than bad things.

    so it's up to you. is it worth it? all the negatives? for .. what? is it really that tasty ?

    Carcinogen? Bullsh*t.

    People need to jump OFF that bandwagon...
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Silly people with your Coke Zero and Pepsi Max... everyone knows that true pop aficionados* drink Sodastream Cola Free.

    *as judged by me and my dog
    Sure, but I don't drink pop, I drink cokes. :angry:

    And I love Sodastream, but sadly they don't have a decent Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper, so brand name for me it is. Wish I couldn't taste the difference, but I can. Their Diet Mt. Dew approximation really works though!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Silly people with your Coke Zero and Pepsi Max... everyone knows that true pop aficionados* drink Sodastream Cola Free.

    *as judged by me and my dog
    Sure, but I don't drink pop, I drink cokes. :angry:

    And I love Sodastream, but sadly they don't have a decent Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper, so brand name for me it is. Wish I couldn't taste the difference, but I can. Their Diet Mt. Dew approximation really works though!

    Agreed. I tried their diet cola and it was not tasty at all. I do like their diet orange and the diet pink grapefruit.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Agreed. I tried their diet cola and it was not tasty at all. I do like their diet orange and the diet pink grapefruit.
    Oh yeah, the pink grapefruit is great too! Orange is not bad, but I'm not a huge fan anyway.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Why hasn't anyone mentioned Vanilla Coke Zero yet? I'm sad.

    Um, because there is Cherry Coke Zero.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Don't drink it!!! Drink diet cherry Dr pepper instead!
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals

    I nominate this thread for the "Most Bad Science in One Thread" award. My favorite part is the apparently non-ironic "My boyfriend found it on the internet so it must be true" bit.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    It's not about the weight loss/caffeine/toxins/whatever with me. I gave it up 60 days ago for political reasons. Mostly the manufacturing pollution, the treatment of workers in developing nations, and how shady the executives act getting involved in politics in these countries. It's my own little protest. But I live in an awesome city that has a lot of tasty alternatives that are made locally. I don't know why I fixated on soda for this. I'm sure my clothes are made by slave children and my chicken is made by slave chickens.
    Good call. I'm sure those soda workers would be happy to go back to subsistence farming, begging, or whatever because their working conditions don't meet your standards.

    "as long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones."

    there's no need to be jerky to the girl. she is cognizant of what she can or cannot do, which is more than can be said about many of the people posting here.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Yes, this is a very interesting thread.

    Let's not make too much fun of the "truthiness" (look it up) that diet drinks and artificial sweeteners are dangerous. It is a common perception and the world is full of information and misinformation on the subject.
    when I drink my Coke Zero (I usually have one can per day), I noticed that I crave sweets more afterwards. When I gave up my diet soda for a few months, it seemed that my sugar cravings were non-existent.

    This resonates with many comments that I've read in other threads, but it cuts both ways: If you have a sweets craving, artificial sweeteners are alternatives to ingredients like sugar, fat, or corn syrup.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    It's not about the weight loss/caffeine/toxins/whatever with me. I gave it up 60 days ago for political reasons. Mostly the manufacturing pollution, the treatment of workers in developing nations, and how shady the executives act getting involved in politics in these countries. It's my own little protest. But I live in an awesome city that has a lot of tasty alternatives that are made locally. I don't know why I fixated on soda for this. I'm sure my clothes are made by slave children and my chicken is made by slave chickens.

    I can respect this call.
    I havent looked into the situations you describe but I accept that concientious objection is a reasonable reason.

    Even though I drink diet sodas myself - but, similar to respecting people who are vegans for ethical reasons, although I am not vegan myself.

    Likewise I accept and respect the view of peopel who dont drink diet soda becasue it gives them cravings or migraines - no need to drink it if it casues you adverse effects.

    The only posts I think are ridiculous are those which say, with no evidence, that it is poisonous, carcinogenic or some other vague toxic effect :noway:
  • BuckwheatsMomma
    BuckwheatsMomma Posts: 32 Member
    I agree. Diet sodas in moderation is not bad as long as you don't drink them every day all day long! I dring Sunkist 10 with a splash of MM peach 15 cals or OJ with a squeeze of lime and it tasts great .

    I continue to lose the weight.

    Again, moderation is the key Good luck!
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone, here is the OP checking in on this thread again. :-)

    I just want to say that I fell for the temptation tonight and went to the gas station to buy a 20 oz Coke Zero to drink with dinner tonight. I find that it helps fill my stomach when I am trying to eat smaller portions of delicious meals that are not so healthy...

    Soda causes many side effects for me such as addictive cravings for more, withdrawal symptoms / headaches when quitting it, lots of belching, and nausea at times.

    I find that without soda, my stomach is much more balanced feeling and doesn't get as bloated or gassy.

    But caffeine is a wonderful thing and I hate coffee...

    I guess I am going to try for moderation - but I don't think a junkie dips into the good stuff "sometimes" and stays "clean" - I feel like I'm falling off some kind of wagon!!!
  • 555_FILK
    555_FILK Posts: 86 Member
    The bottom line is that there are ZERO studies that show aspartamine to be dangerous to humans when consumed in MODERATION. Sure you can post a study showing harm in rats but if the dose given is the human equivalent of drinking gallons of soda a day, what about that is even the least bit relevant?

    Why do scientists administer such high doses to the rats then, if the results will be irrelevant? Are those the dumb scientists?
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    No. And No.

    I'll throw another No in there for good measure..... :drinker:

    I had a yes, but I lost it.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?

    maybe. maybe not. i'm not here to tell you what to do or what not to do. you should do whatever you want to do. i hope that your body continues to process and metabolize all that you feed it. Bests!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    It gives you NOTHING other than bad things.

    so it's up to you. is it worth it? all the negatives? for .. what? is it really that tasty ?

    Uh, no... Just no.
