Help me not fall into the Coke Zero trap!!



  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?

    Isn't this argument kinda like a smoker saying that smoking hasn't hurt them after 40 years? It isn't that it ever will hurt you, but why do anything to your body that possibly maybe could?
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals

    I nominate this thread for the "Most Bad Science in One Thread" award. My favorite part is the apparently non-ironic "My boyfriend found it on the internet so it must be true" bit.
    It's highly amusing if it wasn't so disheartening about the level of basic science some people fail to acquire.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    It's not about the weight loss/caffeine/toxins/whatever with me. I gave it up 60 days ago for political reasons. Mostly the manufacturing pollution, the treatment of workers in developing nations, and how shady the executives act getting involved in politics in these countries. It's my own little protest. But I live in an awesome city that has a lot of tasty alternatives that are made locally. I don't know why I fixated on soda for this. I'm sure my clothes are made by slave children and my chicken is made by slave chickens.
    Good call. I'm sure those soda workers would be happy to go back to subsistence farming, begging, or whatever because their working conditions don't meet your standards.

    "as long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones."

    there's no need to be jerky to the girl. she is cognizant of what she can or cannot do, which is more than can be said about many of the people posting here.
    Well, presumably, those people she is trying to help are working that job because it is better than the alternatives. Trying to impose her first world standards into that situation is more likely to make the jobs go away than create the workers' paradise she envisions. So, yeah, a position that is more likely to end the jobs, if it has any effect at all beyond the smug feeling of "doing something," than to make a positive difference should be named for what it is.

    Lack of economic knowledge is not cognizance. There's a reason those jobs are being done where they are and they can almost certainly be moved elsewhere if the cost is made too great where they are. I'm sure those who lose those jobs will be thankful for the "support."
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?

    Isn't this argument kinda like a smoker saying that smoking hasn't hurt them after 40 years? It isn't that it ever will hurt you, but why do anything to your body that possibly maybe could?

    There are known consequences of smoking. By your logic, I shouldn't eat or drink anything.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?

    Isn't this argument kinda like a smoker saying that smoking hasn't hurt them after 40 years? It isn't that it ever will hurt you, but why do anything to your body that possibly maybe could?

    Difference being there is mountains of evidence showing the adverse long term effects of smoking - compared to no evidence of adverse effects from long term aspartame use.

    So there is no logic in avoiding diet soda because , despite there being no evidence to suggest this, there still may possibly be a long term problem.
    Or using that logic one would avoid everything.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    Or what maidenentl said :wink:
  • kimballard1966
    kimballard1966 Posts: 30 Member
    I love my caffeine free Coke Zero! Bring them on! There are worse things in life. Moderation is the key!!!!
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    This thread makes me giggle.

    I cut back on my diet coke intake, but that was because I had an NSAID induced ulcer from my wisdom teeth. Now that my stomach is healed, I've reintroduced it and I feel fine. It can cause tooth decay (nothing to do with aspartame, secondary to the acidity/phosphates) but if you brush your teeth regularly (please tell me you brush your teeth regularly) then it shouldn't be a problem. Everything in moderation.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    It's not about the weight loss/caffeine/toxins/whatever with me. I gave it up 60 days ago for political reasons. Mostly the manufacturing pollution, the treatment of workers in developing nations, and how shady the executives act getting involved in politics in these countries. It's my own little protest. But I live in an awesome city that has a lot of tasty alternatives that are made locally. I don't know why I fixated on soda for this. I'm sure my clothes are made by slave children and my chicken is made by slave chickens.
    Good call. I'm sure those soda workers would be happy to go back to subsistence farming, begging, or whatever because their working conditions don't meet your standards.

    "as long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones."

    there's no need to be jerky to the girl. she is cognizant of what she can or cannot do, which is more than can be said about many of the people posting here.
    Well, presumably, those people she is trying to help are working that job because it is better than the alternatives. Trying to impose her first world standards into that situation is more likely to make the jobs go away than create the workers' paradise she envisions. So, yeah, a position that is more likely to end the jobs, if it has any effect at all beyond the smug feeling of "doing something," than to make a positive difference should be named for what it is.

    Lack of economic knowledge is not cognizance. There's a reason those jobs are being done where they are and they can almost certainly be moved elsewhere if the cost is made too great where they are. I'm sure those who lose those jobs will be thankful for the "support."

    do whatchya want; ain' no skin off my nose. :) the original article where I was quoting was from a protest in India where a Coke plant had illegally stolen and polluted local water sources and left those people in very dire conditions, enough for them to strike against it until Coke left. Ask them about the "jobs." the link is in the 2nd post of the thread if you want to read it.

    I'm not tryin' to put a guilt trip on anybody. All our purchases are political whether we realize it or not. I was just saying that there's no need to bully a girl when she was admitting that she can't solve everything.

    edited again to add:

    I should say the reason I post things like this in the first place. I do it because it helps me understand my own contribution to a world in which I don't want to live. I post them because I'm sure there are others like me that use this as a tool to help move away from corporate "food" that has absolutely no interest in anything outside of our wallets.

    I read the books and listen to the lectures to remind me of how slimy these operations are and what great lengths they will do to not only tap all of our public resources but aim for my own space. If it helps one person get off the corporate train, even once in a day, then yes! And it does help at least one person: me.

    So it's really not about you, and I mean this in the most sincere form. It's about ALL of us.

    NO harm, no worries.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    I find that without soda, my stomach is much more balanced feeling and doesn't get as bloated or gassy.


    I guess I am going to try for moderation - but I don't think a junkie dips into the good stuff "sometimes" and stays "clean" - I feel like I'm falling off some kind of wagon!!!
    You may or may not have some baggage in your judgment, but the first sentence is enough reason to do what your body is telling you to do. With that you should have everyone's full support.

    The current media culture has us hating, attacking, and even drubbing up false information about those who do and think differently than we do, or what we don't understand. It's better to seek first to understand and then to be understood.
  • clcampbell1972
    clcampbell1972 Posts: 15 Member
    I feel the same way. Sugar is my downfall and since I quit it my sugar cravings have gone way down. I am like an alcoholic with it I just can't have one or two lol.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals

    I sure as hell wouldn't be happier with my dinner taking hours to prepare...
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member

    If you want to drink Coke Zero, go right ahead!
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I love coke zero. Not stopping it. But dont have it all the time anyway. If I could then I would hehe
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    Everything is bad in excess. For godssakes, drink the damn soda already.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    i drink that stuff like it's going out of style....and diet dr. pepper. hasn't hurt me any

    give it time!

    and I hope it never does.

    How much time? Is 30 years enough?

    Isn't this argument kinda like a smoker saying that smoking hasn't hurt them after 40 years? It isn't that it ever will hurt you, but why do anything to your body that possibly maybe could?

    How many people do you know of got cancer from diet soda?
    derp derp
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I'll take the Coke Zero and enjoy it, then move along with diet and exercise, thank you. Why would I place unnecessary restrictions on myself? MY goal is to lose weight and be healthy, and support that in every way possible. If that means drinking a Coke Zero, so be it.

  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I had taken the soda out of my diet about three years ago. EXCEPT when I was really sick, I allowed myself Sprite. I did really well, I just drank a lot of water.

    About a month ago, I started drinking soda again, for about a week... I felt so bloaty and puffy... I was EXTRA fluffy. I couldn't stand it... So I just started drinking water again.

    I know this may sound weird, but I really like Celestial Tea Bengal Spice. I don't add sugar in it, but I let it steep for a long time, it's strong, but sort of sweet naturally. It's cinnamon based. I drink it a lot in the winter. Maybe that is something you can try if you like cinnamon.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    I had taken the soda out of my diet about three years ago. EXCEPT when I was really sick, I allowed myself Sprite. I did really well, I just drank a lot of water.

    About a month ago, I started drinking soda again, for about a week... I felt so bloaty and puffy... I was EXTRA fluffy. I couldn't stand it... So I just started drinking water again.

    Yes, Carbonated bubbles could do this - nothing to do with diet soda or artificial sweeteners as such though..