"NO FAT CHICKS" Bumper Stickers



  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Anyone been lucky enough to see one of these on the back of some *kitten*'s car? Makes me want to take a sledgehammer to it.

    Imagine if there was a similar sticker referring to another group based on appearance. I can think of a few examples that would not be legal. These should be illegal too I reckon.

    This is the logic that got Obama elected. Twice.

    Its called freedom of speech. You can read about it in the US Constitution. While I personally think you are a turd if this is on your car, i also feel you shouldn't have your right to look like an idiot infringed upon...

    This. And this again.

    Please tell me your secrets
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.
    This 'privilege' isn't like when your mom says that birthday parties are a privilege that needs to be earned, and not a right... this is kind of a different concept from that?

    I fully agree, it'd be great if we could all be treated as well as straight white men are. But we aren't, and discussions of privilege are a way of acknowledging that. That's what we're talking about when we use the word privilege.

    But words mean things.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.

    Umm...... But...... Nvm
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.

    Umm...... But...... Nvm

    If you think I'm wrong then by all means throw it out there. This isn't a topic I think very deeply on.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.

    "While incomes for black households increased an average 169 percent over 10 years, their annual earnings are 60,613 rand ($6,987), or a sixth of that for whites, Statistics South Africa said in a report released in Cape Town today. About 80 percent of South Africa’s 51.8 million population is black."


  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Did someone just make a post about how "No Fat Chicks" bumper stickers should be illegal and it evolved into a discussion of the Boers genocide in South Africa? WTF?!

    I would also like to note that the banning of Fat Chicks is pretty much what Hitler would do....
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    Or. She doesn't understand what white privilege is.

    But yes. Let's pretend that white people don't hold the vast majority of wealth and power in South Africa and try to hide that under a separate issue (genocide or anger on the part of the poor black majority). That...that makes sense.
  • lizzybathory
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.
  • lizzybathory
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.
    This 'privilege' isn't like when your mom says that birthday parties are a privilege that needs to be earned, and not a right... this is kind of a different concept from that?

    I fully agree, it'd be great if we could all be treated as well as straight white men are. But we aren't, and discussions of privilege are a way of acknowledging that. That's what we're talking about when we use the word privilege.

    But words mean things.
    Words do mean things. I welcome you to look it up: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/privilege
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    So you're keen to all the happenings that she's referring to? I have no idea what's going on in her country right now, yet.....what she's now claiming is so far fetched it sounds straight from and even more right wing version if fox news. Perhaps you could share a link to the news site that you've been keeping abreast of the South African crime situation on?

    I'm not sure how it proves that white privilege doesn't exist though, I mean, she has in essence said that it's a known fact that the majority enjoys great and tremendous privilege over the group not in power, up to and including the commission of heinous crimes against them without fear of retribution.

    So, I'm glad we agree on that.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    Or. She doesn't understand what white privilege is.

    But yes. Let's pretend that white people don't hold the vast majority of wealth and power in South Africa and try to hide that under a separate issue (genocide or anger on the part of the poor black majority). That...that makes sense.

    Enjoy your anger. A part of me enjoys watching it.
  • shadowofyesterday
    Wait a second...

    I am a straight, white, middle class, male. I think this means I was born into priviledge

    I need to know my privileges ASAP plz

    Maybe trying to be funny ... but it's not working.

    Here's a quick summary of some of your privileges, based on just one of the items on your list:

    -If you have a bad day or are in a bad mood, people aren’t going to blame it on your sex
    They blame it on my cray
    -You can be careless with your money and not have people blame it on your sex
    Um...yes they do
    -You can be a careless driver and not have people blame it on your sex
    Aren't women considered better drivers?
    -You can be confident that your coworkers won’t assume you were hired because of your sex
    I was hired because of my sex. Women are rarely hired into construction related positions.
    -If you are never promoted, it isn’t because of your sex
    Women don't get promoted?
    -You can expect to be paid equitably for the work you do, and not paid less because of your sex
    My company has pay grades and most women in non-factory positions get paid more than me.
    -If you are unable to succeed in your career, that won’t be seen as evidence against your sex in the workplace
    If a woman doesn't succeed, she can blame it on sexism
    -A decision to hire you won’t be based on whether or not the employer assumes you will be having children in the near future
    That is a legitimate concern to a business owner.
    -Work comfortably (or walk down a public street) without the fear of sexual harassment
    As a highly desirable male I deal with sexual harassment daily.
    -Walk alone at night without the fear of being raped or otherwise harmed
    As a man I could be jumped by degenerates, while walking alone, to prove their manhood.
    -Go on a date with a stranger without the fear of being raped
    During my last first date I said no repeatedly and was forced.
    -Dress how you want and not worry it will be used as a defense if you are raped
    I'm fairly sure that is no longer a valid defense.
    -If you are straight, you are not likely to be abused by your partner, or to be told to continue living in an abusive household for your children
    I've been hit by women.
    -You can decide not to have children and not have your masculinity questioned
    Yes it is. Men are told all of the time that "they will want to have children in the future".
    -If you choose to have children, you will praised for caring for your children, instead of being expected to be the full-time caretaker
    Plenty of women give SAHMs grief for choosing to stay at home and not entering the workforce.
    -Balance a career and a family without being called selfish for not staying at home (or being constantly pressured to stay at home)
    See above.
    -If you are straight and decide to have children with your partner, you can assume this will not affect your career
    Of course it would.
    -If you rise to prominence in an organization/role, no one will assume it is because you slept your way to the top
    If I did it will likely be because I did just that.
    -You can seek political office without having your sex be a part of your platform
    No, just my sexual preferences and relationships with the opposite sex scrutinized.
    -You can seek political office without fear of your relationship with your children, or who you hire to take care of them, being scrutinized by the press
    I'm pretty sure that this is false.
    -Most political representatives share your sex, particularly the higher-ups
    -You can ask for the “person in charge” and will likely be greeted by a member of your sex
    -As a child, you were able to find plenty of non-limiting, gender role stereotyped media to view
    I don't understand this.
    -If you don’t spend much time on your appearance, you won’t have to worry about about being criticized at work or in social situations
    My appearance is scrutinized daily.
    -You can spend time on your appearance without having people criticizing you for upholding unhealthy gender norms
    -If you’re not conventionally attractive (or in shape), you don’t have to worry as much about that negatively affecting your potential
    This is 100% false. Studies have shown that attractive people are promoted more.
    -You are not pressured by peers and society to be thin as much as the opposite sex
    Yet that pressure is still there.
    -You’re not expected to spend excessive amounts of money on grooming, style, and appearance to fit in, while making less money than the opposite sex
    Women are not pressured to do so either. Most women look fine with basic grooming.
    -Have promiscuous sex and be viewed positively for it
    Who thinks a man *kitten* is a good thing?
    -You can go to a car dealership or mechanic and assume you’ll get a fair deal and not be taken advantage of
    Those types try to take advantage of everyone.
    -Expressions and conventional language reflects your sex (e.g., mailman, “all men are created equal”)
    -Every major religion in the world is led by individuals of your sex
    I'm atheist.
    -You can practice religion without subjugating yourself or thinking of yourself as less because of your sex
    See above.
    -You are less likely to be interrupted than members of the opposite sex
    I get interrupted by women all of the time.

    (h/t http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2012/11/30-examples-of-male-privilege/#sthash.mIRp814T.dpuf)

  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.

  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    Or. She doesn't understand what white privilege is.

    But yes. Let's pretend that white people don't hold the vast majority of wealth and power in South Africa and try to hide that under a separate issue (genocide or anger on the part of the poor black majority). That...that makes sense.

    Enjoy your anger. A part of me enjoys watching it.

    I like that you think this is anger and not just disgust.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    So you're keen to all the happenings that she's referring to? I have no idea what's going on in her country right now, yet.....what she's now claiming is so far fetched it sounds straight from and even more right wing version if fox news. Perhaps you could share a link to the news site that you've been keeping abreast of the South African crime situation on?

    I'm not sure how it proves that white privilege doesn't exist though, I mean, she has in essence said that it's a known fact that the majority enjoys great and tremendous privilege over the group not in power, up to and including the commission of heinous crimes against them without fear of retribution.

    So, I'm glad we agree on that.

    I just have to talk to friends who have warned me repeatedly not to visit. I'll trust that. You're welcome to think that US news is complete and accurate, but it ignores pretty much most everything that goes on in Africa, whether it involves whites, blacks, or anyone else.

    Besides, I never said white privilege doesn't exist (hell I wouldn't say that at all), but I did say that privilege is a multidimensional, and I find it amusing that these discussions always end up between one extreme and the other.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.
    This 'privilege' isn't like when your mom says that birthday parties are a privilege that needs to be earned, and not a right... this is kind of a different concept from that?

    I fully agree, it'd be great if we could all be treated as well as straight white men are. But we aren't, and discussions of privilege are a way of acknowledging that. That's what we're talking about when we use the word privilege.

    But words mean things.

    Your words just described privilege
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.

    "While incomes for black households increased an average 169 percent over 10 years, their annual earnings are 60,613 rand ($6,987), or a sixth of that for whites, Statistics South Africa said in a report released in Cape Town today. About 80 percent of South Africa’s 51.8 million population is black."



    The boers are farmers, 9% of the population. They make decent money. But you do realize the difference between income and "controlling of land, wealth and power". The ANC controls it.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.
This discussion has been closed.