"NO FAT CHICKS" Bumper Stickers



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.

    "While incomes for black households increased an average 169 percent over 10 years, their annual earnings are 60,613 rand ($6,987), or a sixth of that for whites, Statistics South Africa said in a report released in Cape Town today. About 80 percent of South Africa’s 51.8 million population is black."



    The boers are farmers, 9% of the population. They make decent money. But you do realize the difference between income and "controlling of land, wealth and power". The ANC controls it.

    Just like all whites are the same in Africa, all blacks are the same, am I right? No differences there. At all.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    The ANC cracks down on these attacks in tourist towns, obviously, but I definitely wouldn't venture out into the "local" areas.
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    So you're keen to all the happenings that she's referring to? I have no idea what's going on in her country right now, yet.....what she's now claiming is so far fetched it sounds straight from and even more right wing version if fox news. Perhaps you could share a link to the news site that you've been keeping abreast of the South African crime situation on?

    I'm not sure how it proves that white privilege doesn't exist though, I mean, she has in essence said that it's a known fact that the majority enjoys great and tremendous privilege over the group not in power, up to and including the commission of heinous crimes against them without fear of retribution.

    So, I'm glad we agree on that.

    I just have to talk to friends who have warned me repeatedly not to visit. I'll trust that. You're welcome to think that US news is complete and accurate, but it ignores pretty much most everything that goes on in Africa, whether it involves whites, blacks, or anyone else.

    Besides, I never said white privilege doesn't exist (hell I wouldn't say that at all), but I did say that privilege is a multidimensional, and I find it amusing that these discussions always end up between one extreme and the other.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    That's not from the site, they publish letters and articles as well as independent studies. Good lord, did you even read the site? Are you really trying to say that genocide watch.org isn't a reliable site? Lmao..... I can see you are willing to learn.
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.
  • lizzybathory
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.
    And all of the "read more" links just go to word documents and PDFs, not to other news stories. I'm open-minded, I'm trying to track down other sources and see original material that's not on this site, and I'm having a hard time. It's an incredibly hard site to verify - there's a lot of material here, that supports what she says, but I just can't find it elsewhere without just reading about how controversial it is.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Srs answer: I'm not saying that minorities/women/-sexuals aren't treated substandard on a social level. But rather this "privilege" that is thrown around isn't a privilege. It is how all people should expect to be treated as a standard.

    Umm...... But...... Nvm

    If you think I'm wrong then by all means throw it out there. This isn't a topic I think very deeply on.

    If being treated properly is something all individuals are entitled to, but only a select group of individuals enjoys, that group would be the privileged class.

    You seem to be thinking in terms of who gets a higher level of service from the standard. But if there are large swaths of people that are getting a lower level....
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.

    "While incomes for black households increased an average 169 percent over 10 years, their annual earnings are 60,613 rand ($6,987), or a sixth of that for whites, Statistics South Africa said in a report released in Cape Town today. About 80 percent of South Africa’s 51.8 million population is black."



    The boers are farmers, 9% of the population. They make decent money. But you do realize the difference between income and "controlling of land, wealth and power". The ANC controls it.

    I think you need yo understand that white privilege isn't something that is impacted by some white people being poor or not having power. You also need to understand you can't go 'its majority privilege' when it is in fact a minority group that has the wealth and power (even if you seem to think these aren't linked) because some members of that minority group aren't as well off.

    You want to make a macro-concept apply on a micro level and that's not how it works.

    There is white privilege in South Africa. To state otherwise is illogical.
  • douglasedward
    douglasedward Posts: 20 Member

    And all of the "read more" links just go to word documents and PDFs, not to other news stories. I'm open-minded, I'm trying to track down other sources and see original material that's not on this site, and I'm having a hard time. It's an incredibly hard site to verify - there's a lot of material here, that supports what she says, but I just can't find it elsewhere without just reading about how controversial it is.

    Here's some support for what she's saying: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/30/15571149-killings-of-white-farmers-highlight-toxic-apartheid-legacy-in-south-africa

    "For while South Africa's overall annual murder rate has more than halved since the end of apartheid to around 32 people per 100,000, figures for commercial farmers show a near 50 percent rise to an average rate of some 290 per 100,000 a year in the five years to 2011."
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    This is directly from genocide.org. No a republish of articles. If you don't think genocide.org is legit, then I don't know what else to say. It's like saying the mayo clinic is full of chit.

    Why are Afrikaner farmers being murdered in South Africa?

    by Leon Parkin & Gregory H. Stanton, President – Genocide Watch
    14 August 2012
    The following report is the result of an intensive personal inquiry in South Africa conducted July 23 -27, 2012.

    Deliberate inaction of the South African Government has weakened rural security structures, facilitating Afrikaner farm murders, in order to terrorize white farmers into vacating their farms, advancing the ANC/S. A. Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NDR.)

    The South African Government for the last 18 years has adopted a policy of deliberate government abolition and disarmament of rural Commandos run by farmers themselves for their own self-defense. The policy has resulted in a four-fold increase in the murder rate of Afrikaner commercial farmers. This policy is aimed at forced displacement through terror. It advances the goals of the South African Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NPR), which aims at nationalization of all private farmland, mines, and industry in South Africa. Disarmament, coupled with Government removal of security structures to protect the White victim group, follows public dehumanization of the victims, and facilitates their forced displacement and gradual genocide.

    Afrikaner farm owners are being murdered at a rate four times the murder rate of other South Africans, including Black farm owners. Their families are also subjected to extremely high crime rates, including murder, rape, mutilation and torture of the victims. South African police fail to investigate or solve many of these murders, which are carried out by organized gangs, often armed with weapons that police have previously confiscated. The racial character of the killing is covered up by a SA government order prohibiting police from reporting murders by race. Instead the crisis is denied and the murders are dismissed as ordinary crime, ignoring the frequent mutilation of the victims’ bodies, a sure sign that these are hate crimes.

    However, independent researchers have compiled accurate statistics demonstrating convincingly that murders among White farm owners occur at a rate of 97 per 100,000 per year, compared to 31 per 100,000 per year in the entire South African population, making the murder rate of White SA farmers one of the highest murder rates in the world.

    Incitement to genocide is a crime under the International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to which South Africa is a state-party.

    The ANC government has promoted hate speech that constitutes “incitement to genocide.” The President of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, revived the "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" hate song at ANC rallies, until it was declared to be hate speech by a South African judge, and Malema was enjoined from singing it. For other reasons, Malema was later removed as ANCYL President. His followers continue to sing the hate song, and the Deputy President of the ANCYL has called for “war,” against “white settlers.”

    After the judge’s injunction to halt singing of the hate song, even the President of South Africa, ANC leader Jacob Zuma, himself, began to sing the “Shoot the Boer” song. Since Zuma began to sing the hate song on 12 January 2012, murders of White farmers increased every month through April 2012, the last month for which there are confirmed figures.

    There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against White farmers and their families. There is direct evidence of SA government incitement to genocide.

    Forced displacement from their farms has inflicted on the Afrikaner ethnic group conditions of life calculated to bring about its complete or partial physical destruction, an act of genocide also prohibited by the Genocide Convention.

    High-ranking ANC government officials who continuously refer to Whites as “settlers” and “colonialists of a special type” are using racial epithets in a campaign of state-sponsored dehumanization of the White population as a whole. They sanction gang-organized hate crimes against Whites, with the goal of terrorizing Whites through fear of genocidal annihilation.

    What is dehumanization?

    The process of dehumanization has the effect of numbing and decommissioning the moral sentiments of the perpetrator group. Polarization creates the “us vs. them” mentality, in SA the “Indigenous Black People” group versus the “White Settler Colonialist” group.

    ANC leaders publicly incite followers using racial epithets. By dehumanizing the White victim group, members of the perpetrator group exclude the victim group from their circle of moral obligation not to kill its members. Dehumanization is the systematic, organized strategy of leaders to remove the inherent natural human restraints of people not to murder, rape, or torture other human beings. Taking the life of a dehumanized person becomes of no greater consequence than crushing an insect, slaughtering an animal, or killing a pest.

    The ANC denies its genocidal intentions. But the South African Communist Party is more open about its plan to drive Whites out of South Africa. Gugile Nkwinti, South Africa’s Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform has declared that all “colonial struggles are about two things: ‘repossession of the land and the centrality of the indigenous population.’” Mister Nkwinti is confirming the goals of the South African Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NDR) and stating that the colonial struggle is not yet over in post-1994 South Africa. He is saying that Whites are unwelcome “settler colonialists” with no role to play in South Africa’s future.

    The Transvaal Agricultural Union, Freedom Front, Democratic Alliance, IFP, Afriforum and numerous other organizations have on a regular basis called for the South African Government to declare farm murders and rural policing a South African government priority. The President, who should be the guardian of the constitutional rights of all the people, has deliberately ignored these calls for action.

    Former President F. W. De Klerk, on 25 July 2012 during the De Klerk Foundation's Crossroads conference correctly accused the current generation of ANC leaders of cynically manipulating racial sensitivities for political ends. In our analysis, the current ANC leadership also publicly uses incitement to genocide with the long-term goal of forcibly driving out or annihilating the White population from South Africa.

    This report has explained the rationale for the deliberate inaction of South African government functionaries to prevent, prosecute, or stop the murders of Afrikaner farmers. As a group, Afrikaner farmers stand in the way of the South African Communist Party’s goal to implement their Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist New Democratic Revolution and specifically the confiscation of all rural land belonging to White Afrikaner farmers.

    Genocide Watch is moving South Africa back to Stage 6, the Preparation stage in the genocidal process.

    Copyright 2012 Leon Parkin & Dr. Gregory H. Stanton

    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.
    And all of the "read more" links just go to word documents and PDFs, not to other news stories. I'm open-minded, I'm trying to track down other sources and see original material that's not on this site, and I'm having a hard time. It's an incredibly hard site to verify - there's a lot of material here, that supports what she says, but I just can't find it elsewhere without just reading about how controversial it is.
  • douglasedward
    douglasedward Posts: 20 Member

    Here's some support for what she's saying: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/30/15571149-killings-of-white-farmers-highlight-toxic-apartheid-legacy-in-south-africa

    "For while South Africa's overall annual murder rate has more than halved since the end of apartheid to around 32 people per 100,000, figures for commercial farmers show a near 50 percent rise to an average rate of some 290 per 100,000 a year in the five years to 2011."

    But, of course, from the same source: "Land ownership ratios are little changed from 1913, when the Natives' Land Act set aside 87 percent of land for whites."
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    Or. She doesn't understand what white privilege is.

    But yes. Let's pretend that white people don't hold the vast majority of wealth and power in South Africa and try to hide that under a separate issue (genocide or anger on the part of the poor black majority). That...that makes sense.

    Better yet, let's pretend that we can evaluate a racial dynamic in one country on a one to one basis with another country that has a completely different demographic breakdown and pretend it makes sense
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I have never seen a "no fat chicks" bumper sticker, but I would consider that an "a**hole on board" warning.

    Also, I tend to not care for overly-tinted windows on vehicles. Especially in Africa.

    WTF has happened in this thread?!?!???!!!

    Edited because autocorrect sux.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    That's not from the site, they publish letters and articles as well as independent studies. Good lord, did you even read the site? Are you really trying to say that genocide watch.org isn't a reliable site? Lmao..... I can see you are willing to learn.
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.

    I'm always willing to learn. But what you're talking about is very controversial and the sit you provided is kind if a mess.

    And just so we're clear it has nothing to do with white privilege.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member

    And all of the "read more" links just go to word documents and PDFs, not to other news stories. I'm open-minded, I'm trying to track down other sources and see original material that's not on this site, and I'm having a hard time. It's an incredibly hard site to verify - there's a lot of material here, that supports what she says, but I just can't find it elsewhere without just reading about how controversial it is.

    Here's some support for what she's saying: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/30/15571149-killings-of-white-farmers-highlight-toxic-apartheid-legacy-in-south-africa

    "For while South Africa's overall annual murder rate has more than halved since the end of apartheid to around 32 people per 100,000, figures for commercial farmers show a near 50 percent rise to an average rate of some 290 per 100,000 a year in the five years to 2011."

    Not only are the murder rates higher, but the brutality is as well. It's not a stabbing and robbing. It's long, sometime day long systematic torture. And most of the time nothing is stolen. Babies burned in the living, thrown into boiling pots of water, limbs hacked off, sodomy, it's grotesque.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    It has nothing to do with white privilege in this country. But everything to do with majority privilege in others. Whites don't enjoy privilege all over the world, only where they are a majority. So you are better off calling it majority privilege. But that sounds less nefarious and racially incendiary.
    That's not from the site, they publish letters and articles as well as independent studies. Good lord, did you even read the site? Are you really trying to say that genocide watch.org isn't a reliable site? Lmao..... I can see you are willing to learn.
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.

    I'm always willing to learn. But what you're talking about is very controversial and the sit you provided is kind if a mess.

    And just so we're clear it has nothing to do with white privilege.
  • lizzybathory

    Here's some support for what she's saying: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/30/15571149-killings-of-white-farmers-highlight-toxic-apartheid-legacy-in-south-africa

    "For while South Africa's overall annual murder rate has more than halved since the end of apartheid to around 32 people per 100,000, figures for commercial farmers show a near 50 percent rise to an average rate of some 290 per 100,000 a year in the five years to 2011."

    But, of course, from the same source: "Land ownership ratios are little changed from 1913, when the Natives' Land Act set aside 87 percent of land for whites."
    So are the farmers disproportionately white, then, do you know?
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    It has nothing to do with white privilege in this country. But everything to do with majority privilege in others. Whites don't enjoy privilege all over the world, only where they are a majority. So you are better off calling it majority privilege. But that sounds less nefarious and racially incendiary.
    That's not from the site, they publish letters and articles as well as independent studies. Good lord, did you even read the site? Are you really trying to say that genocide watch.org isn't a reliable site? Lmao..... I can see you are willing to learn.
    They DO NOT! What an ignorant statement. Do some research. Those who do own small to moderate farms are being seized by the government. Just like in Zimbabwe. You are horribly misinformed.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    In spite of being the minority they control the vast majority of industry, land, and wealth.

    That is white privilege. The notion that hard times, even overwhelming gross and disgusting circumstances, invalidates this is..laughable and shows a lack if understanding of the concept.
    It's humbling, but I can sometimes be wrong. I did try to do a little research on your claims of white people being worse off than others in SA, and found this is highly controversial? This fact-checking site tends to disagree with what you're saying: http://africacheck.org/reports/are-white-afrikaners-really-being-killed-like-flies/

    But if you have something else you think explains the other side well, I'd love to give it a look.


    I'm skeptical of a site that starts out with 'so-called apartheid' in the first paragraph.

    I'm always willing to learn. But what you're talking about is very controversial and the sit you provided is kind if a mess.

    And just so we're clear it has nothing to do with white privilege.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sure, if you are rich and can afford your own security and mercenaries.

    Everyday farmers are being slaughtered. And who could have seen this coming when Zuma (the president) sings "kill the boers (whites) at televised events and celebrations? If white privilege exists in South Africa right now, why have none of you heard about what's going on? Why hasn't the UN stepped in when South African whites were placed on the genocide watch list? Nobody cares, that's why. That's some good white privilege right there.
    Wait, aren't white people in South Africa pretty well off?

    You're arguing with people who for the most part have never left their own country and see privilege as a one dimensional and binary concept. You either have it or you don't, and if you're white you have it and if you're not you don't. Concepts such socioeconomic status, childhood trauma, and educational level are not compatible with this concept, nor is a multi-racial identity.

    Okay, off to find a cat gif, because meh.

    So you're keen to all the happenings that she's referring to? I have no idea what's going on in her country right now, yet.....what she's now claiming is so far fetched it sounds straight from and even more right wing version if fox news. Perhaps you could share a link to the news site that you've been keeping abreast of the South African crime situation on?

    I'm not sure how it proves that white privilege doesn't exist though, I mean, she has in essence said that it's a known fact that the majority enjoys great and tremendous privilege over the group not in power, up to and including the commission of heinous crimes against them without fear of retribution.

    So, I'm glad we agree on that.

    I just have to talk to friends who have warned me repeatedly not to visit. I'll trust that. You're welcome to think that US news is complete and accurate, but it ignores pretty much most everything that goes on in Africa, whether it involves whites, blacks, or anyone else.

    Besides, I never said white privilege doesn't exist (hell I wouldn't say that at all), but I did say that privilege is a multidimensional, and I find it amusing that these discussions always end up between one extreme and the other.

    But...there's a zillion countries that it's probably not a good idea to visit. Please note that Africans look down upon black Americans because we're "impure" so I'm just as likely to be the centerpiece of a tire fire as you are.... Although I am familiar with a white American that seemed to have a good time in South Africa very recently.

    But I'm still not sure what the problems of SA have to do with the problems in America. Or China. Or Mars. Oh, and US news outlets barely report what's going on in America, so I can't expect them to enlighten me on other countries. It took most if America a week to realize that an armed invasion force had taken over a small Midwest suburb.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member

    Here's some support for what she's saying: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/30/15571149-killings-of-white-farmers-highlight-toxic-apartheid-legacy-in-south-africa

    "For while South Africa's overall annual murder rate has more than halved since the end of apartheid to around 32 people per 100,000, figures for commercial farmers show a near 50 percent rise to an average rate of some 290 per 100,000 a year in the five years to 2011."

    But, of course, from the same source: "Land ownership ratios are little changed from 1913, when the Natives' Land Act set aside 87 percent of land for whites."
    So are the farmers disproportionately white, then, do you know?

    This is not city land. This far outside this city. I guess in the "country". Most farmers are white.
This discussion has been closed.