Walking out on a fitness class/instructor???



  • mariahk89
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post

    I find it amusing Im being labelled for blaming my kids about my posture...it seems like too much hormones and testosterone flowing on this forum. I didnt blame my kids. I said after breastfeeding my posture got worse. Theres a difference.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Right but I apologized...What is her issue since the beginning? Ive been to several classes and never had an instructor so arrogant.

    Davpaul who the heck is blaming my kids?
    why are you assuming every thing revolves around you? You were very late you were in the wrong. It's that simple. If you don't like the instructor find another class, not everyone gets on with every instructor or their style. Move on lifes too short and the next class you go to whoever the instructor is be on time.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    Then you absolutely interrupted the class and were horribly rude by doing so.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I would have apologized and continued with the class.

    You sound like the arrogant one, OP.
  • mariahk89
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.

    Not a martial art nor a martial arts class. Its a boxing gym and is a sport.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I used to be an instructor for technical classes. Students who were late got little notice from me, quite deliberately, because it lets them know that being late is unacceptable.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.

    Not a martial art nor a martial arts class. Its a boxing gym and is a sport.

    Muay Thai is a martial art. As is boxing at it's core.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post

    I find it amusing Im being labelled for blaming my kids about my posture...it seems like too much hormones and testosterone flowing on this forum. I didnt blame my kids. I said after breastfeeding my posture got worse. Theres a difference.

    You did mention that after having kids and breastfeeding, your posture got worse. You're blaming the pregnancy and breastfeeding as the reasons your posture are poor. Instead of accepting that it's poor because you never did anything to fix it. Who cares why your posture is bad? It's fixable. Fix it.

    If it's a martial arts class, that actually makes it even ruder to march in late like that. It's disruptive to everyone in the class AND the instructor. You're obviously not serious about the class if you're coming in late more than once, so maybe switching to something else really is better for everyone involved.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I started reading and thought people were being a bit hard on you but then your repeated excuses are a bit grating if im honest.

    You were rude for being late. You dont really acknowledge this and being late for first class is different as only the basics are gone through.

    If its only her class and shes in charge then she is the instructor she is and you are probably better off apart. Many ways to skin a cat, but unfortunately you wlaking out looks petualnt and burns your bridges. You could have kept your cool and had a word with her apologising then asking her about her difficulties she seemed to have. Perhaps you could have both made up then or she would have explained properly. As it is bridges burned which will be hard to undo.

    Its all very much handbags at ten paces.
  • mariahk89
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.

    Not a martial art nor a martial arts class. Its a boxing gym and is a sport.

    Muay Thai is a martial art. As is boxing at it's core.

    Nope. http://www.blackbeltmag.com/category/muay-thai/
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    I feel so bad for you!!!! I cried for almost 12 minutes after I read about your plight. That instructor( and ALL the posters in here) are just jealous of you and your greatness from having a kid!!! I, for one, applaud you for having the strength to work out even though you have a deformed body.....God Bless You Sincerly,
    The Troll Bear
  • mariahk89
    Did you not read valateenarab? I did apologize and i did ask her for tips to fix my posture. Obviously i breastfed after kids so breastfeeding would mean i screwed up my posture. This forum is full of ridiculously rude and angry people. And i was never late except today. She cancelled her class. But yeah perhaps i wanted others take on her. I spoke to a few ppl she knows and they agreed shes miserable. Perhaps her negative energy is what affected me to be annoyed and post this here.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I only see one angry person in this thread.
  • mariahk89
    I feel so bad for you!!!! I cried for almost 12 minutes after I read about your plight. That instructor( and ALL the posters in here) are just jealous of you and your greatness from having a kid!!! I, for one, applaud you for having the strength to work out even though you have a deformed body.....God Bless You Sincerly,
    The Troll Bear

    Mama bear didnt give you enough love? Never understood why people would waste their own time trolling unless something was missing from their life.
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    Her having an attitude doesn't excuse your rudeness in showing up late. You were the one in the wrong in this particular situation.

    I totally disagree with this and other responses in this thread. You were right to walk out. You are the customer/client or whatever. Her job depends on people coming to her classes and wanting to come back. She failed miserably giving you an attitude and back talk.

    Should you have been late? Of course not. But to call it rude or so horribly bad like some of these other holier than thou posters suggest is just ridiculous. It sounds to me like the instructor had the problem. And if her classes are empty, it is clear that her act is wearing thin.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Did you not read valateenarab? I did apologize and i did ask her for tips to fix my posture. Obviously i breastfed after kids so breastfeeding would mean i screwed up my posture. This forum is full of ridiculously rude and angry people. And i was never late except today. She cancelled her class. But yeah perhaps i wanted others take on her. I spoke to a few ppl she knows and they agreed shes miserable. Perhaps her negative energy is what affected me to be annoyed and post this here.


    You were late (rude) and flounced out of a class in a huff (angry). You come to a internet forum to complain, and SHE is the miserable one.

    yeah, ok.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post

    oh, well this is brand new information. why didn't you share that with us before? based on this, i'd like to reconsider who was in the wrong in this situation.

    *steps away from keyboard to ponder*

    YOU. YOU WERE AT FAULT. DON"T BE 15 MINUTES LATE FOR CLASS. why is this such a difficult concept?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I used to be an instructor for technical classes. Students who were late got little notice from me, quite deliberately, because it lets them know that being late is unacceptable.

    why are you so rude?
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    You are in the wrong, OP.

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