Walking out on a fitness class/instructor???



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Her having an attitude doesn't excuse your rudeness in showing up late. You were the one in the wrong in this particular situation.

    I totally disagree with this and other responses in this thread. You were right to walk out. You are the customer/client or whatever. Her job depends on people coming to her classes and wanting to come back. She failed miserably giving you an attitude and back talk.

    Should you have been late? Of course not. But to call it rude or so horribly bad like some of these other holier than thou posters suggest is just ridiculous. It sounds to me like the instructor had the problem. And if her classes are empty, it is clear that her act is wearing thin.

    How do you know the instructor had the problem. All we have here is the OP's story to go by. And judging by her whiny posts, I have to disagree with your disagreement.
  • It was once a week.The first class had mostly teenagers and some adults. I loved it and was pumped to go again. The next class came and I admit it was my fault for being a tad bit late 15 minutes. However, the first class there were several people late who were greeted by the instructor and given instructions on what they should do.

    It was the first class. Perfectly ok to give people instructions the first time.

    So today, when I came in, she saw me, did not acknowledge my existence, I got undressed and stood there like an idiot and she continued teaching the class jab, cross hook etc. Walking around. She saw me for sure. Did not care. I know disrupting a class is rude, but there were partnered people waiting for her to come approach them one by one so it's not like she was teaching a lesson or a yoga class. People were waiting their turn.

    Maybe she just wanted to work with those people first? After all, they were the ones who showed up on time and were already waiting.

    I told her I had a bad posture after 3 kids. She said well everyone has kids.
    That is an excuse, and she called you on it. You can fix your posture if you want to.
    Waste of money but I'm not going to lower myself and ask for my $20 back.

    YOU were the one 15 minutes late. YOU were the one who walked out. Why should you get your money back?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I think you guys missed the part where I said there were several others late before me during the first class and it did not bother her at all. She was polite to them. It seems like an inferiority complex some women have. 3 kids and breastfeeding does affect posture. She gave off rude vibes in the beginning. a friend who knows her also said she thinks shes superior to others.

    This explains a lot.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    And. . . rage quit
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    OP has now deactivated account
  • cdl42
    cdl42 Posts: 41
    Wow I guess nobody here has ever been late! Wow nice attitude people real understanding. So every time you go some place you never hit a red light or have traffic problems. Nothing stops you guys from getting some place on time. Wow I thought everyone here was nice, but I guess I just found the group of jerks.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.

    Not a martial art nor a martial arts class. Its a boxing gym and is a sport.

    Muay Thai is a martial art. As is boxing at it's core.

    Instructor probably mentioned that at the beginning of the class
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Wow I guess nobody here has ever been late! Wow nice attitude people real understanding. So every time you go some place you never hit a red light or have traffic problems. Nothing stops you guys from getting some place on time. Wow I thought everyone here was nice, but I guess I just found the group of jerks.

    Why are you so upset? Who hurt you?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Sorry I thought my answer was quite balanced, but you arent doing yourself any favours by the way you present it. We have to get on with all sorts of people and some of them we wont like. Its probably a good idea you arent in the class anymore. You cna find someone whose class you like and you wont feel the need to diss them.

    You dont like her just move on and get on with your diet and exercising.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    It isnt a fitness class. Its a full contact muay thai training. Where the instructor goes one by one to each partner and teaches them to their level. So it is not like i interuppted her class. Please read the 1st post.

    It's a martial art class, please treat it as one.

    Not a martial art nor a martial arts class. Its a boxing gym and is a sport.

    Muay Thai is a martial art. As is boxing at it's core.

    Nope. http://www.blackbeltmag.com/category/muay-thai/

    I finally found the page you linked , darn iPad. I still consider it a martial art, as it has combat roots (martial). Judo, Brazilian Jujitsu , both practised as martial arts and played as sports. Aikido is a gentle evolution of jujitsu as well. Not practised as a sport, but has the same roots in Samurai Traditions. Muay Thai has strong roots as a martial practise in Thailand. I feel these traditions are important and should be remembered.

    I have had instructors I haven't liked and made the decision not to train with this person. I have met and liked a lot of people too, some I am working on traveling to train with on occasion. I am sure as I get further on in teaching I will come across students or parents that either don't like me, or love me, or who I have trouble teaching. Actually been there already .....

    Honestly, turn up on time. Respected the person in front of the class. If you don't like that person, don't waste your time and money. Find someone you like. Turn up on time. Respect the person in front of the class. ... You get my point?

    Also a lot of women breastfeed. I think I totalled three years myself. It didn't make anything worse then it already was.
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    I just hope she doesnt quit on her kids when things get tough with them!!!
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Wow I guess nobody here has ever been late! Wow nice attitude people real understanding. So every time you go some place you never hit a red light or have traffic problems. Nothing stops you guys from getting some place on time. Wow I thought everyone here was nice, but I guess I just found the group of jerks.

    I can't recall ever being 15 minutes late for a class at the gym, and I've taken plenty. Were I that late I'd probably skip it and occupy myself elsewhere in the gym so as not to disrupt those on time.

    Kinda like being late in college? Where the professor would shut the door at a certain point as a sign to gtfo because coming in would be a distraction?
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    OP rage quit.

  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I used to be an instructor for technical classes. Students who were late got little notice from me, quite deliberately, because it lets them know that being late is unacceptable.

    why are you so rude?

    Because I'm a son of a *****. :tongue:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Her having an attitude doesn't excuse your rudeness in showing up late. You were the one in the wrong in this particular situation.

    I totally disagree with this and other responses in this thread. You were right to walk out. You are the customer/client or whatever. Her job depends on people coming to her classes and wanting to come back. She failed miserably giving you an attitude and back talk.

    Should you have been late? Of course not. But to call it rude or so horribly bad like some of these other holier than thou posters suggest is just ridiculous. It sounds to me like the instructor had the problem. And if her classes are empty, it is clear that her act is wearing thin.

    I imagine the money from the other people who also paid for the class and showed up on time more than makes up for any money she might have lost from the OP. And it sounds like the OP was much more trouble to the instructor than she was financially worth, given the interactions described by the OP during the one class session she attended. Losing problem people from a class roster doesn't ruin a class, it enhances it, because the serious people come back knowing that they are going to spend the time working out and not standing around while the instructor handholds someone.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Oh man, it took me so long to reply she quit. How dare my 5 year old interrupt me. She is ruining my forum time :explode:

    Now blaming her sounds a little silly doesn't it?
  • sexybacktoi
    sexybacktoi Posts: 2 Member
    It is rude to be late, but the situation could have been handled a little better.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've done a lot of Martial Arts.

    If you show up late, as happens to all of us at one point or another, you show humility. You wait at the edge of the mats for Sensei/Sifu/Sabumnim/etc to acknowledge you. At which point you respectfully request permission to join the group. You will then probably be asked to warm up to the side, and possibly be disciplined with additional exercises. You may also be told to leave and come back next lesson. If you aren't acknowledged at all, well, you're SOL. It's sensei's prerogative to teach you a lesson and make you wait. It may seem a little corny, but some will test a student's commitment in this way. Especially if you are relatively new and already started turning up late. At that point, you need to make a decision about whether this is a lifestyle you wish to buy in to.

    Regardless of how you think Muay Thai is 'categorized' it is a martial art and discipline is a key component. It's not zumba.
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