dumb questions people that don't workout ask you



  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    I really give up trying to explain anything. I had a coworker say I don't look like I lift because she can't see my definition through my uniform. Ummm...it isn't made of spandex.

    OMG people are ridiculous. Your response is hilarious -- please tell me you actually said that!
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    "So when are you going to be done working out and going to the gym?"



    "When are you going to start eating 'normal' again?"

    as soon as I want to look like you, I'll eat like you. :laugh:

    Lol.. I get the: "When are you going to start eating 'normal' again?", and I don't even work out yet. I usually say:"This is my normal", but I like your response better. :)

    At work when the boss buys cheese cake/donuts/popsicles I get the "Take a day off from your diet." I didn't like that crap even when I was fat. And if I did eat it back then, it was just to be "polite".
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    after a workou with my gym bag, wearing workout leggings and a tee that's all sweaty and i'm all sweaty even in the winter. i jog home the few blocks from the gym and sometimes i stop in the corner store for a cold coke zero.

    the guy behind the counter asks "did you just come from the gym?" :laugh:
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Humph.If a person tries to talk to me but doesn't look like they work out I just hold out my open hand, turn up my nose, and walk away.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    Humph.If a person tries to talk to me but doesn't look like they work out I just hold out my open hand, turn up my nose, and walk away.

    "Why are people who get strung out by people who DON'T EVEN LIFT always thinking of what they really should have said two days later and then posting it in a forum?"
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I guess I'm lucky. Mostly I just get compliments on the progress I've made. Though I've had a few "I wish I could have the discipline you do", to which I answer something along the lines of "It's easier than you imagine. You just have to decide to start, and then decide to not stop."

    I try not to criticize people that don't workout or that over eat, or that know less than I do now. Because let's face it, a little over two years ago, I was one of them. That I made the decision to change before they did doesn't make me better than them. And I could still fail tomorrow, or in two years, or five or ten.

    And any 'dumb question' they ask me is probably relatively no dumber than the lifting questions I might ask Mark Rippetoe or Dave Tate given the opportunity.
  • R1ss4n1
    R1ss4n1 Posts: 35 Member
    My favorite.. "How do you run?!"

    My answer.. "Well, i put one foot in front of the other, kind of like walkng..but a lot faster"

    Hey, running ain't easy. Before I learned how I genuinely asked that question!

    I haven't really been asked any dumb questions other than the general "How do you find the time."

    Time machine - i totally have a time machine.

    My time machine is an alarm clock. ;)