EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • MrMeefee
    Here's my info for today:

    Workout 18

    Time: 0:45:09

    Calories Burned: 314.1
    Avg. HR - 151
    Max. HR 149
    Workout 100%

    I think the reason that I burn so many calories is because I am using the Hard intensity, and the fact that I am into week 5 of the 9 week challenge. I don't use my own heart rate monitor but it seems as though the EA Sports calorie estimate is usually lower anyway!

    I don't find planks to be that difficult myself, although I seriously hate "Mountain Climbers". They hurt!!!!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well I will be back later to get to Day 2 but my HRM is all messed up so I am going to have to use the EA Sports one to record.
    For those that DON'T use HRM's do you just go with what the game says or do you plug it in here under a certain category? I like to be as accurate as possible and had a bad over day yesterday so today is very important!!
  • letsgetit
    I know im a little late but i want to join this as well. I just got this game for Christmas and im starting a 9 week challenge
    I did a hard cardio session on the first try and it was brutal...or im just way out of shape! I think the game said it doesnt count the warm ups and cool downs so maybe that is why your HRM is showing longer times and more calories. I know with my cardio even though the exercises were over ,i was def still burning calories at a higher rate than i would have been just doing the cooldown by itself. I wear a bodybugg to count my calories also but I think during the exercises their HRM is pretty good.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Well I soaked my HRM chest strap and it seemed to hang in there. I am sure it isn't super accurate but I feel funny without it...lol.
    I again jogged my butt off in between exercises and even lightly jogged instead of doing EA's cooldown's.

    Workout 2/36

    Workout time: 0:29:49 ( jogged through the training videos too)
    Cals. Burned: 148.7
    Avg. HR - 122 BPM
    Max HR 166 bpm
    Workouts Completed 100%

    HRM says 41 mins and 161 calories burned...again not that far off and I even boogied my butt while exercises were loading AND during training videos...whew.
  • zumba66girl
    hi should have active 2 in a few days...ordered it off amazon 1/2 price...also ordered 3 other resistance bands....would like support and motivation from your group...would like to lose around 20 lbs and definitely tone up. can't wait for it to arrive.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello all! I would love to do this too. I completed workout 1 of the 9 week challenge last night. I think I'm going to purchase a separate HRM to wear as the EA HRM doesn't count your beats between workouts.

    Is anyone interested in starting a group on EA? I think that would be fun and we can see everyone's progress that way too!
  • DawniesLife
    Okay, received my EA Sports Active 2 in the mail yesterday.

    Started Day 1 of the 9 week Challenge today.

    Here were my stats:
    Time: 27 minutes
    Calories: 206 burned
    Distance Ran: .34 miles
    Avg Heart Rate (bpm): 130
    Max Heart Rate (bpm): 178

    It was a great work out! I had been using The Biggest Loser Challenge before I got this in the mail and this blows the biggest loser workout away. This is so much better! Hope everyone is doing great with their challenge! :)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok the more people post the more confused I get. How can my time/calories burned be so far off?

    Here they all are together:

    1st Day

    Time: 0:16:50
    Calories Burned: 71.2
    Avg. HR - 111
    Workout 100%

    Polar HRM says
    Time: 27 mins
    Calories Burned: 74 burned (here i KNOW my HRM messed up)

    Day 2

    Time- 0:25:48
    Cal. Burned 144.1
    Avg HR - 126
    Max HR - 170
    Completed 100%

    HRM says 40 mintues and 160 calories burned.


    Day 3

    Workout time: 0:29:49 ( jogged through the training videos too)
    Cals. Burned: 148.7
    Avg. HR - 122 BPM
    Max HR 166 bpm
    Workouts Completed 100%

    HRM says 41 mins and 161 calories burned

    No matter how many mintues I cannot get past 200 calories where you guys are doing the same time/workouts and lower (times) and still blowing my calories out of the water. WTF!!
  • letsgetit
    I didnt set up the internet part with it yet, but i probably will sometime this weekend so I would be able to join a EA group.
  • ErinB
    ErinB Posts: 25 Member
    yeah no problem!! I did another exercise after this one and found that there was a huge difference between my polar HRM & the EA HRM so just a litttle advice, always wear your polar HRM just incase!!! I did a upper body workout the EA said time: 22 minutes @ 114 calories burned meanwhile my polar HRM said 31 minutes @ 310 calories burned.

    Sounds like what I got today! Which one have u been logging? I just done day 2 today.
  • DawniesLife
    I didnt set up the internet part with it yet, but i probably will sometime this weekend so I would be able to join a EA group.

    It is actually really cool to be able to be able to pull up your workouts online and track your progress. I really love this EA Active! :)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I don't even know what the heck to do anymore :sad: I am beyond frustrated.

    Today is Day 3 and of course my HRM was in and out again. I busted my butt between exercises and even jogged/ran through the cool down and I still have a low calorie total. I saw it go out a few times but stopped and waited for it to catch up :explode:

    I cannot afford a new one and I am lost without this one.

    I don't know what to trust. Most peoples HRM's over estimate and mine is lower then EA's.

    Anyway...Day 3

    Workout time: 0:26:05
    Cals. Burned : 121.1
    Avg. HR: 118
    Max HR:166
    Competed 100%

    HRM says 31 mins and 101 calories

    lol...it was 40 mins and 160 calories last time but then when I punch in the time into my exercise journal it isn't too far off the 101 so who know. I am left confused and angry.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm in. I started doing this December 28th. I do a trainer generated workout on the rest days of the 9 week challenge. Whenever I think "Man that was easy!" they kick my butt the next day with a million lunges/squats. I can see a difference in my shape but I haven't lost any weight yet because I am addicted to chocolate.
  • DawniesLife
    Day 2 of the EA Sports Active 2 9 week Challenge (Yesterday was my off day)

    Here were my stats (I did a trainer generated work out and then did a second work out I made up of cardio to burn some extra calories - so these are from 2 workouts):

    Time: 52 minutes
    Calories: 362 burned
    Avg Heart Rate (bpm): 137
    Max Heart Rate (bpm): 178
  • DawniesLife
    Also, if anyone is using EA Sports Active 2 on the Wii and they use Wifi to record their workouts online through it and want to join a group, send me a message, there are two groups set up all ready! :)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok well my HRM is officially busted :sad:

    I have no choice but to record EA's info so I pray and hope if anything in underestimates my calories. I am looking at getting a new HRM so hopefully I don't have to wait too long.

    Workout 4/36

    Time 0:28:44
    Calories burned: 137.9
    Avg. HR: 115
    Max HR: 180
    Completed 100%

    It was nice not having to jog/run my butt off between exercises and I actually did the proper warm up and cool downs :wink:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I did my workout today. I think it said day 10 of the workout but it should be 11. We corrected the date on the wii and I think it through if off. Oh well.

    31 Min
    159 Cal
    123 Avg BPM
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well today was a rest day but my calories hit 1200 right on so I wanted to have a little on the green side :wink: I think I am addicted to the green....hate the red!!

    So anyway

    Just did a quick cardio set

    Time: 0:14:16
    Cals Burned: 75.1
    Avg HR: 129bpm
    Max HR. - 177bpm
    Completed 100%
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Got it in early since I have a full day of laundry and cleaning :ohwell:

    Workout 5/36
    Day 8/62

    Time: 0:31:14
    Cals. Burned: 169.7
    Avg. HR: 136
    Max HR: 194

    Come on ladies!!! Let's keep moving! 1 week in don't lose steam yet!!
  • Qpeace
    Qpeace Posts: 18 Member
    Great to get the encouragement! I'm still going strong. I completed the 4th day of the 9 weeks. The hardest part for me are the core exercises. My ads are pathetic. I sure hope they improve.
    My Wii Sensor bar stopped working on New Years Day and I was determined to get my workout in. I discovered that 2 tea light candles do the job until my replacement sensor bar arrives. So I'm doing EA Sports by candlelight!