EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm on my last week of the 3 week cardio kickstart.. I love it so far! I find myself actually looking forward to working out when I get home. I was on medium, but I'm upping the intensity to hard for this week. I'm then going to start the full 9 week program on hard. Can't wait to finish it!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    It's NOT all about the numbers. It's about feeling good because you completed a tough workout. It's about toning up-which doesn't necessarily show up on the scale but will show up in your jeans (or rather won't show up in your jeans). Needing to see the numbers is an excuse to put it off. Go get your tush moving! You'll be happy you did!

    Thanks :wink:

    I am not expecting the scale to move much as I don't have a lot more to lose. I agree needing to see numbers is a lame excuse but just incase I wasn't clear the numbers I was talking about were calories burned rather then scale numbers.

    I have to shovel some snow soon so that will help burn those calories, again would be nice to know how many I am burning but I can't avoid the shovelling!!

    I think I may go ahead and start the cardio kickstart.....see you all are motivating me!! YAY you :heart:
  • Enchantica
    Hi Everyone,

    Glad to see some others using Sports Active to help things along

    I've had my copy for a couple of weeks and I'm really enjoying it, 6lbs lost so far with the programme and calorie counting with the help of this site.

    If anyone is in the UK and thinking of getting Sports Active 2 . Play. com were selling it for all 3 consoles for 29.99 yesterday, though unfortunately today the PS3 version has now gone back up to £44.95, the 360 and Wii versions are still reduced though.

    Wishing you the best with your workouts.


    I ordered it for my xbox from Play.com yesterday - just checked the site and it's on it's way already! :) Mind you, previous experience tells me that it could be a week or more before it actually arrives!! I'm really looking forward to joining you all soon. I'm not too sure about the 9 week challenge though - 3 weeks sounds more manageable right now! I go on holiday in 24 days time so I'm not really sure I'll be starting it in any serious manner until I return - but after an 8 night all inclusive cruise I think I'm going to need some hard work at the end of it all!!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I find that when I'm not thinking nice thoughts about my wii trainer, he makes me a do a heck of a lot more lunges. I think he can hear me.
    ROFL!! I start Workout 13 (start of phase 2) tonight. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm sure there are higher reps.

    I just did the 4th workout in phase 2. The reps are the same but they add more exercises. Today there were 36 exercises and it was 38 minutes long. They did add a few new ones..the hip bridge with the leg raise today...NOT A FAN of that one. (well, my fanny is not a fan of it). The mountain biking returned too.
    Ooh! I actually like the sound of new exercises and I don't mind the workout getting longer! Do they add more ab exercises per session? I don't think the usual 2 per session is really doing much.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok well all this motivation had to get me up and moving!!

    YAY!! HUGE thank you *shakemybooty* please stick around and keep me motivated!!

    Started Cardio Kick Start
    Workout 1 - Medium

    Workout time 0:19:48
    Cals Burned - 77.8
    Avg. HR 108
    Max HR 164

    I do not like how the remote times out. This time I didn't select the board for this reason!

    I even managed reverse crunches with a 2 year old sitting on me.....that is dedication :laugh:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    OH and moving right in front of the TV and moving my arms harder helped it to detect my kickups....So once again thanks shakemybooty for the tip!
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    You know how you do the weekly fit test on Sports Active? Well my heart recovery rate went down from 2 minutes to 55 seconds which means....my fitness level is improving tremendously! Yay

    I needed this non-scale victory since I only lost .2 pounds this week. :happy:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    You know how you do the weekly fit test on Sports Active? Well my heart recovery rate went down from 2 minutes to 55 seconds which means....my fitness level is improving tremendously! Yay

    I needed this non-scale victory since I only lost .2 pounds this week. :happy:

    Yay, good job. 2 lbs is good, it's within the normal range of what you're supposed to lose. The first week of weight loss - you probably know this, but your body loses the most weight and it's all water. After that it's harder....but as long as you count cals and do exercise I think you're on the right path. :)
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks Janesmith1. I know slow and steady is how you win the race. But I like to lose whole numbers! lol I'm going to try to burn more calories this week by doing two workouts a day. Hopefully that will bring a whole number loss next week.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    You know how you do the weekly fit test on Sports Active? Well my heart recovery rate went down from 2 minutes to 55 seconds which means....my fitness level is improving tremendously! Yay

    I needed this non-scale victory since I only lost .2 pounds this week. :happy:

    What fit test? Maybe I haven't found it since I haven't made it a week :blushing: or is this an option you can choose?
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    At the beginning of every new week there is a weekly summary that it gives you. Right before it asks you if you want to take a fit test. You do a drill to get your heart rate up, then walk and see how long it takes you to get your heart rate back down. The less time it takes, the more fit you are. Supposedly you also burn more calories. Excitement!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    At the beginning of every new week there is a weekly summary that it gives you. Right before it asks you if you want to take a fit test. You do a drill to get your heart rate up, then walk and see how long it takes you to get your heart rate back down. The less time it takes, the more fit you are. Supposedly you also burn more calories. Excitement!

    Well that's cool! So it is only after you have completed the first week? I started the 9 week challenge but after missing 8 workouts I restarted and am now doing the cardio kick start. Looking back I did 5 workouts and never saw a fitness test :frown:
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member

    Well that's cool! So it is only after you have completed the first week? I started the 9 week challenge but after missing 8 workouts I restarted and am now doing the cardio kick start. Looking back I did 5 workouts and never saw a fitness test :frown:

    Hmm, that's weird. I started my workouts on a Monday, so every Monday after my workout it pops up. Maybe you have to go a full 7 days w/o changing your program??
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I've been doing the 3 week challenge and haven't seen a fitness test yet either. But will keep an eye out for it on the 9 week challenge :tongue:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    Well that's cool! So it is only after you have completed the first week? I started the 9 week challenge but after missing 8 workouts I restarted and am now doing the cardio kick start. Looking back I did 5 workouts and never saw a fitness test :frown:

    Hmm, that's weird. I started my workouts on a Monday, so every Monday after my workout it pops up. Maybe you have to go a full 7 days w/o changing your program??

    Did it pop up right away or only a week or so after you started? I will have a closer look tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up though it sounds like yet another neat feature!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    New person here!

    I'm currently doing the Cardio Kick Start on the PS3 and it's kicking my butt! I knew I was out of shape but this has really given me some perspective on how out of shape I am :P

    Anyway, I'm 9 sessions in and I've been doing extra sessions on 1-2 of the 3 rest days per week the program gives me. I'm doing the program on easy and I'm thinking I'll either do it on easy again or do the 9-week program on easy before trying medium. As long as the workouts are still pushing me to the limit I'm happy with the intensity.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Welcome Sarahthes:flowerforyou:

    I have all the EA's and love them all! I find that sometimes it is hard to get up and get to it but once I make it past the first few exercises I am all into it.

    Share you exercise stats if you want or just stop by and let us know how you are doing. We have a great group here and now that I got my butt back in gear I am here to stay!

    On a great note from me! I woke up and welcomed the 130's today :happy: 1 more pound and I will be back to my lowest so far on MFP before my big fall. If I can lose more then that (which I plan to) I will be the lowest I have been in almost 7 years!!

    Have a GREAT day all!:flowerforyou:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Yeah for you Kickrz!!!

    i was thinking of you this morning when I was working out. I'm on workout 17 of the 9 week. I thought "man, I HATE foot fires" and sure enough it spiked from 180 to 240. I told you he can hear me!! Turns out it alternates now between 240 and 180 a couple times through out. I tried not to think any more negative thoughts but one must have slipped through for stride jumps because next thing I knew they went from 55 to 110. It's possible he can hear me thinking that his one arm is deformed. It's like he has two right arms or something. LOL

    Learned something new about the batteries too. A message will pop up and annoy you through your entire workout that your batteries are low and should be changed before your next workout. Why they can't save that little gem for the END of the workout is now the 8th wonder of the world. Had I known it would reappear constantly, I would have just stopped and changed the batteries right then and there.

    I forgot who asked about more core exercises. Workout 17 starts sprinkling a couple more in the middle of the workout.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    My daughter laughs herself sick when I do footfires...lol. I don't mind them...yet...much better then moutain climbers and planks!

    I have a rest day today which I think I will need as I am feeling a bit off. If I am better during nap time I may do a quick custom just because I am so excited to have hit the 130's!!

    I am also interested in the fit test I have yet to see. I looked around a bit this morning but didn't see any other options or anything so I guess I will just have to keep working out to find it :wink:

    Back later to post my custom if I get there.....pretty sure my motivation has kicked back in but my stomach needs to get on board!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Yeah for you Kickrz!!!

    i was thinking of you this morning when I was working out. I'm on workout 17 of the 9 week. I thought "man, I HATE foot fires" and sure enough it spiked from 180 to 240. I told you he can hear me!! Turns out it alternates now between 240 and 180 a couple times through out. I tried not to think any more negative thoughts but one must have slipped through for stride jumps because next thing I knew they went from 55 to 110. It's possible he can hear me thinking that his one arm is deformed. It's like he has two right arms or something. LOL

    Learned something new about the batteries too. A message will pop up and annoy you through your entire workout that your batteries are low and should be changed before your next workout. Why they can't save that little gem for the END of the workout is now the 8th wonder of the world. Had I known it would reappear constantly, I would have just stopped and changed the batteries right then and there.

    I forgot who asked about more core exercises. Workout 17 starts sprinkling a couple more in the middle of the workout.
    SHUT UP! (I don't mean that literally LOL) Foot fires are the bane of my existence in that game (that and mountain climbers). I can get through 180 in about 45-50 seconds but by the time I hit 180 I want to DIE. And now you're telling me they upped them to 240??? Mannnnnnnnnn. LOL I don't mind the stride jumps. I can do them forever and they don't bother me a bit. It's really the foot fires, the sprints and the "pass the runner" sessions that really get me scowling. I'm not big on the running because of my chest and my feet give me issues (I'm flat-footed and so my "arch" starts to hurt after a little while).

    Good to know about the batteries. I need to stock up on more rechargable batteries anyway. And great to hear that they start to sprinkle ab exercises in the middle of the workout. I'm still working on the flutter kicks, leg raises and reverse crunches. I cannot do them on my elbows. I've tried putting my fist in the small of my back but that still doesn't help. I actually lie on my back and hold onto my bed's footboard to do those. It saves my lower back from hurting that's for sure.

    kickrz, the fitness test is in the 9-week challenge. You should be asked if you want to do one at the beginning of every new week (so before workouts 5, 9, 13, and so on). You can decline them if you want. Maybe that is what happened to you when you tried the 9-week - you might have accidentally told the game to skip it. The fitness test makes you do a high-intensity exercise (so far it's been foot fires and I believe sprinting once) for 40-45 second and then you do slow kick-ups until your heartrate normalizes or the 2 minute mark, whichever comes first.

    I have noticed that my recovery time has gone down too. It was a little over a minute this week. I love seeing the progress! This week I also put down the resistance band and am now using free weights. It's definitely more challenging!